Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1879, p. 1 (2024)

i r hwmuw wctmco ownou usulv lahtniia i altut 1kx irkss iuutjig ro-ftiuiiv- ijt rome next misdisvcliutcl will eteccs acton out i i i tin tilt knot prkss will be tent to tslbeerbcrs ottafc rmi tor 1uw per an- jlim nt advaerc it paid daruig lttw i se ten- it linctst tie that iumrt n anil 2 cents per lint for wv tahso ujnurmrti f vrofeiaiiiiel cerde ml lie of us 4 oil per annum i square ihilc 300 tier liib payable to s i octl s frou dttew iaacrunik any uveal notice- the 6tijl of which tjlorwvte the- pecuniar- benefit o any ujdu dual or oqpaoy to be cwtidered an af lii sal- tc nutaumf liuu tca- i i the space occupied mcasurcd by a wale o kiid nonpareil jaevriscmcuto without ijxaal instruc 1nus inertl till totbid and charged ac cural f1 orrs focdfscefctiauiug sdutuicwtiu abet be n olhfrtthc rmuiehej itt nottmhcpoatble job fjtlatfrq ry uslrty for boekj piairr and fancy ifb tsiuting experienced workmen ncweit ctics of type pnsacs gcd cpirgvs uodcrtc r ii p moore editoc and prujinclor jvahitv i tfok 15waote acton ont october 9 1879 100 peb akktjm in advahob eat canada sttpg w t illownjy kibj ucps gra- dca of rrhnt- cuurfc member of covege of phytiais and surgeons orsee and residence at the head of fred erick st acton ttt itcgarvik if d h c y s graduate at victoria college resi dence tenner ofmid andlredenct itrocla consultation daily from s to 10 a m and from s to 6 p m i lister m clack bakrister i quebec st quelph- 2iscff office in ur atatthea buddnks luist acton ottke ore leev fciixc il 6aviuk8 ibank fvrflak llf jilles iso vlkc kts hamiltolsr biit perjoeot inkrmtptid on detlk of 1 tad opwuils safssr akdtesf ssquirr d a crasaoui btq pwjmeat wn kims kacfcfoeiiwaidwtoi borlinctoa s4ceprwidiiu i v roswcratr u d- hamilfejn htcu mrajltr etc hajailtae tjios blxkciiird esq keuon cou johx lisd barton rondckcaj kq llamilun r cituhoa esj oalvilia ivn fko3ukm 1 georgetown e s qklltik xt d i i c b svow esq manager coltou jtilij dnndas mntf la km ok ni eiuu i nuu 4 n srrocerf aid ak cuy urvu kr 0fs open eicry weekday 9 am to o pm d dextee minagar aug h 1st9 76m iv tu- heilsireet liiceiised auctioneer f ir the corntics of wvhngtoa aul halton clrdcrf ie at the fen pils osce actoo or at en- readence in rodcwcod wie ba p nptiy steadei to tcnns rtasonable tatekt6 imp hnvektioxs kpe- y imorlr and roperty aeenred in can- 2iathe cmted states and europe pa- tint gnarxetedor no charge said for pftited uutructims agency in operation 1a vein hexry grist ottawa canada heciantci eiguner solftrof patents id dracgasaan j d mathesok attorxeti j uw solicitor in chancery c office sert door to wapacea hotel m douixiox hotel actok robert agcew projnttor tut new hotel fitted cp in fimciaa style with new fonnr ttre conunctaal trar ilera will find good accommodation and commdions sample ftoonii speaalattenton paid to the- wants j the trxttlhng public bar repplied with tte bes liqairl andcipra good stabling a ad attentive hoatlera lffi sut- i krr 11 a dotal exchahoe hotel ac- tok- jis campbell proprietor jlr cnpill late cf the koeain hocae near ff t b taicn taira ipleaaare in an- ncineing to his mtty od ineoda and pa- feens that fie has recently of rchaaed and re fitted the royal erchinge la the neatest and iott comfortable style and is prepared to- seccmniodate all who may taronr him in he most comfotfahe maencr choice vjnca lqttors ggart and cool annuner dnnti ajwaya in ttock stabfc in charge of an sttenre hostler the patronage of the r1 lc is respectfully soticitccl and no effort will belparecl to pre the very best attention jas ctlceell ash for skiks fl an prepaed to pay the highest cash fnce for all cuaaes of lamb and sheep sknu delivered at my tannery loe leather constantly on hand fj james moore federal bake of canada gruelph branoli a gcveul bikkltl bfmkess doxt draftd ui bills of exceisos bmju mi sm depositors are allowed interest at the- rate of five 5 per ctntj per annum in the savings bank bepartment and t 6 per cent per annum will beralljiwed on depoait receipt provided the monjy remain m the rant notleas than rirf6 months and three 3hnoath notice be given of its withdrawal i thoitas y greet j manager te travellers life accident ins go or iltkttokd coxk wntes cvcrjlhin denrablo in the kay cf life and acidtnt imarince eats low security tnatiestioned ample deposit made with the dominion govemmeat for the seenntj of canadian policy holders paid up cash cipi til gross assets tottl iiihiuties surplus to policy holit james iiatthiu agent i acusn ont 50000000 s79srn7 35tl73tr 12s6937 the old story continued she riaa nhlft the wow a tee- did irsnhoe rftr snarrt 1ita dromef uu boo epoa ksr knee v ao4 mi btrlu oil dtwrt rweiltrteeaftituliiaatrwl l tbc tame dull round w cutr tmui m vmit rnjrtuitlailrti tti a hnuotidull o a sunday a ernimi dun oosum on rrijjdh hi noitm xr n wtiklj ruhxi woikjif aud ohthcrt1 ntntr t un of nec 1 andwrtrihlnfcrt jlort h sifted ud tauinc6 ttr prtttj do w iu cwiri lh kmo old nory p sha drwher t ial cniud har htr atvi ni to uie uofittuce meoutu fnol th trdfln tttj to ihe ttry lulr a i al lmtthanlkinam ntng- and ill ita pnm tnn uideal when otic rota tan doomj cronl imnf her bowrvtrd stan uod3 tbr ift t iactb um tuik tr ltd ifnac u fa nil qttr tit cro ihnngu c plain l vbmt aad dsa eucxunbc clortjr the moon toemcif thmlor ontboiii to fltxxl b lfc vlifc cterj- ttwrj rhifpored rr but hu tixtf tti oalj lh irae old rtoqr i j a touuff woman of culturo- lia p1u eadort ton ulurtj- tjic didnt knot ctucica from tuifcij fltfili siuhiiidgrfchecld flacuoyipt butberleoicdjt rf poaltry wiimiiik she cia4 tll tti crit ondc ot uoaec ani uie dtt o um win or iho rof xcd llie watu t uf ihiuci wbj- tie ludlias rure ruc la their mj il risnil roc kh fettkwpcilre r rat la uu rirumtj aud the tyctninj a emcrtoni uricm tcin4cf r aad the rust clinker rkt iui t uluc tlicl bai ll ptxjwi ani ttts 3rinavu acu of lh ciuoa and fca- usee sre uucvodth iiambcrt tha lucw of ibe sun in otcb uffb caiutcluuoo and iho wrote la c undrnuni dcrfcy aud ibc tjled rith tn ec4uc jcrfcy andete minldxn til la the nctt ot itylo bui iho didnt itujw cucfcca ron tlftcy claeissas choice lctioksale advertisem*nts inserted xl hi th act0r fax ezxbs iot the best local rfgr t halton co births marriages and deaths inserted free in the acro free peje the beat jocsl paper halton co ks tard5 boiheads and grcalars of erery j description eieeated neatly at the acroy fcfx pee office the best local paper ot halton co hcjilmuxic4tion8 on local queions ri ll interest wfll gladly be received by the acroe ferx pbdb the best local paper ot halton co envelopes printed in the neatest style d at theloweat prices st the actos eaafperwute beat local paperof hal- m tf yon have farms or farm stock for sale iitertjkthcaiatheacrosfuuets the best local paperofhaltcnco jii- el- xr j rechakts sod fanners acie should dreresend support fhe acroa- fexx egcs t bat local piper of halton co strayed or stolen advcrtisnlenti of this nature inserted very cheap in the ovfeix febfc the best locilpaperol kmco jn prtpuriips l pumps i w e a6a1b jtanuractarerf of superior well and cutern hav which tnttbe ppt n on short notice repairing fenay dene charge moderafe and set gl si ick rtreet opporite dr fe climax plow made at crowei erim worlf attftlpll is ahead of all eompctitor for e3rfpttr- p lrn bea stoet hiflnl sfaart made of ipecul hard iron cheap fk cash kewences stores metal let- ft n r a week in year own town 66 ftstssg vjjuu rrpenae the best opportunity ever offered fohthom willing to wort you should try nothing until yon see te yrurelf hat yoafian dottbe burunea we tjffer vorritejrpto6ere y devote all your tttne or ony your pare jime to thefmaine- ui every tar tofcweuajee bakery confectionery 5ie r t e kicklis would inti mate that they have opened 1 up their new bake shop 1 or ran corner of mttr and slalk sts aoxon and that they wffl always be supplied wtth a i bread besides buns cakes psstry i fcc se tc a ukce stock or choice confectionery wiltbe found on hand which is all new sad frefh oatmeal cjoehmeal i btokwheat ploue 1 j teaoked wheat c always iu stock this wiu be found to be the place where the best goods will be uept st the lowest prices blaxxs harness r harness ny person in wont of a good set of fi harness either- singxie ijr double should call st v creechs saddlery toere they can get better value for their mooej than any place in the count a good assortment of tedtiks ahu valises on hand all of which will be sold cheap for caah asneepairing promptly attended to c n rut7v actoo feb 26 1873 r creech ofwrdtimsa aetd hafr co portlbia maine a leottjee to young men i rhave recently published of dr ouxterwella oelebrawa wifliout medlane of kerrous de- b5- l toital physical ipoipaci esss3r ot cdeb gst mia6ett7tin l re dem0ilrtrll front thirty it is growing dsrk the fire in the library although tho time is early june is burning briskly a greyhound a very handiocao specimen of its kind lies slcccuig on the hearthrug there it a ecneral air of cutn- fort in as the surroundings yet mr dug- dale whoso admiration far the oountty is not unrestrained and who has come down to hit neglected eitato only bectuso a long- forgotten sense of duty aad a new steward hate called him ia sitting with lis hinds before him wondering in a mclancholv- fashicn what on earth he is going to do with himself far the ncrt month if ho soliloquires ho even inew any one in the country 1 of course they will all call the katkins especially but new scqusint- saccs tit such a bore aud dinner where french co*cks are unknown pah 1 he doesnt know a tenant on his estate in landlord nr the district except old mijor hyde who probably would bo consdered udurahle la town- he w nders v guely what thistletoa ia dijicg now and dunmore and all thai lot peratps a isdy wtthca to tee you sir saj t hick- aan speaking ttt arospectf ui uiuluituuc mat the doorway i i sincerely hopes- hicksoo respoeds his matter- urily without turning hia head i really couldnt you know i have come doan here against mr will partly to scape all that kind of thine and hirmg sacrttieed myself i insist on cniiet she says sir i kfiow sll about it with an impatient gesture just say i am il dying dead jiinf anything only seat her away i beg your pardon sir with aa apologetic cough but she seemed so urgent sad i could not possibly take it upon myself to dismiss the lady in quutioa i believe you would not wiaa it so if you have evidently made up your mind r shall receive her7 resignedly there is therefore nothing for it but to submit i am incapable of argument under my present depressing cirenmttaaces is she desper ately a woman oc a lady hicksoa v a lady sir fmtf the lady ah i old or young kot old sir add not foe j oung either keithcr old nor young that generally means forty it she forty t dear me no sir nothing ot thetiaa 1 beg pirdon cr i metely meant to imply the waa a good deal more than eighteen you are invaluable hickson j i have al ways said it with a fiaah of admiration ishow her in another of the personil begglngletter tort savs mr dugdale to himself with a meek shrug unloclmg a drawer that contains money better have it ready the only thing i know ot to get rid of them in a hurry sinking back m his chsir he puts on his most miserable air add prepares for 3 ignominious defeat cere is some slight deay then the faint tie of a womans skirts a word or two from the admirable hickson who then throws wide the doof and announces miss carew in his usual wellbred monotone dugdale using from hu seat with tome predpitsncy makes hr a deferential bow there is ertremo respect though a good deal of irrpresaible surprise in his manner as hii eyes meet hers she is young about threeandtweaity very slender very eicelleafly formed of middle height snd eitremcly ptetty her eyes sre a clear dark grey her light browa hau is covered by a urge hat trimmed hand somely with feathers a grey gown fifa her rounded figure to pcrf cctlon her hands aro messed ia irreproachable gloves dugdale is he looks at her repents him of the beg- ringletter idea snd st the bsre remem brance of it colours slightly so does hia visitor though from fsr different motives i must ask you to pardon this this intrusion she says in a low tone though perfectly distinct snd full of dignity and sweetness i would not have come myself but my brother is qatfe aa iaralid suffering from aa accident and it was necessary one of as should see you when we heard you were returning to town sgaia so soon it frightened us into action i do not return to london for a month viad1 with supprcsed chsgrmt we were told yea intended leaving tomorrow or next day had i known the truth pnyaitdownsaysdagdale courteously handing her a chair mdurt me know whalj i can do for yoa i i should have introduced myself the brother and or ajfe weekt i should not be in this hom*o now yea yoa want new lemia thatltt t that ii it with a glance of mrprite at hia evident indifference to or jesoraaoe of all that hu been going on of late m humon it shall we get it the new man you ipeak olgraham has i think ad cited you to the contrary he wfthet to take on urm and incorporate it with the fields that lie beyond it tnd let it all out at t higher value of eouite we can retain the hooae but without the land it ltuteleat tout at my brother it fond of arming we are will iug tou thonld raise our rent we would gladly take ell those fields i speak of that stretch to the south of us bat unfortunately jurt now we cannot 1 thought u i were to aafc- you you would perhaps reoonaiovir your stewards adioe and let us keep our the tweet voice tremblrt ever such a little the grey eyee fall the littto delicatelygloved hand lapi nervously npoa the table near her have you ipoken to qraham 1 assa dug dale who just at this moment cduld hare touhsly rated fait own tealous manager ko we thought it better to see you yourtolf will you think of it v 8he raises her eyea sgainj and regards him earnestly enttoataagty to me it would not seuiuch matter ahe adds gently but my brother his heart it ia the nlaoeu heju been delicate of late aud all this sniioty prays upon him and retards his recovery we have been good tenants i would atk you not to dispossess us i shall speak to qraham tomorrow pray do not disturb yourself about it i promise you says mr dugdale who is tingulirly plisilo where beauty pleads 5 on shall keep your home nobody shall dispossess you t how shall i thank you creisims she with grateful warmth rising tisrs of emotion shine in her datfc ej ce i hsrdly dared hope when i came aad now ehc pauses and sgan a snulo curves her lips i can go back to george and mate him happy it makes jounelf hajipy too i trust ajlitte shadow falls into miss carews eyes they droop t thank you yet she seswers but there is a faint wcanaess acuriout pain discern ible in her tone she bows sughtly snd turns to the door let me see you t07our carnage he ia going to say but hesitates she certainly looks hko a woman who should have carriages st her disposal but he remembers hearing from graham that weston is but a until place snd checks hinuetf ytst drove over she sajt quiilly and then he follows her to tho halldoor steps snd tecs there waiting for her a tiny phmon a tiny pony and t groom holding fa head all is welt appointed snd tloogh small perfect uias cares gives her hand to dugdale and steps into the phaeton the groom airings ui behind sid hands his mutreas the rcics the turns and bestows upon her landlord a smile shoit though ciiceodingly sweet and in another minute pony tiger lady and all have disappeared down the avenue he left standing upon the gravel watches her retreat until distance has indeed swallowed up sll traces of her and as he looks ho muses what a sad little see ahe had but how expressive 1 what sweetness in the eyei i yea beyond doabt it all lay in her eyea j there waant muchrwnpbaxtir in j5s3 thj lector ehooldbe to of wsfssia every man m the land flierroirot her feitures except her mouth which was charming but there was certainly a fascin ation iaherejes what did graham mean by creating enjb confusion all about apatry few pounds a year more or lest it was most officiona of him after all a fellow oucht to come down and see about his ten ants every now and then and coneut their wishes aadeee after their well dugdale my boy tnd how are you 1 says mellow vmcehsuind hta tad turning he beholds tie major afi hyde im uncommonly glad to see you exclaims he brightening and telling the honest truth even hyde oldfaahioaed is he is brings a welcome with him being at it were a breath from the world of awn f thank you heard of your arrival and just dropped down to get a look at you and ask you to dine tomorrow night know how slow you must find it vegetating in the wilderness i came through ihe park and justsawhitacarewdrivingaway monstrous prettygirl i take it came about the lease eh you must give her her own way there dugdale you must indeed you know says the kindly major i have given it ssys dugdsle glad of it glad of it the only right thing to do i aught have known that she would get uo refusal from you beauty in distress my boy is all powerful eh you have nothing that can touch on her thia season come now says the sneient hero with sn airy laugh that stih retains the freshness of nineteen i lay you anything you like you havent seen a prettier girl this year yes ihaie laughing but few so so kaolin ilika grey eyes come in tad dine with me hyde it will be a chanty snd may perhsps save me from suicide j i cant stand my own company i shall be delighted sajs the mijor who next to having tome one to dine with him likes best to dine with tomo one he is fond of society and young men and is especially fond of dugdale as they lounge through the gardens en joying a cigar before dinner the major grows communicative snd relates many things touching on the carewt he finds himself encouraged by his hott and forthwith en larges on the topic there is only she and george says he aad they aro quits devoted the thinks there is nobody uk george and k thinks the same about clarissa aad i quite agree with him 1 you seem rather epns there says dug- dais amuing george- as you call hnn is ui is he not knocked himself to bits last winter out huntiag ribs leg head sll went to smash and eren now he is only tlowly recovering no doabt he will pluck up ia a hurry aow that this lease worry is at an ead but at one time i ooafess i thought he was done for that poor child clarissa was very ill between grief aod narsiag ah i that is what makes her look so sad yelic no not altogether mystar- anythingniorel turning tharply i not disappointment in love surely it is an v yen ww8ir wilfred haughtoa well he wat tbe man they were engaged to be tnarritd about three yean ago j everything was arranged 1 neror vet there 1 fellow so tnuoh in love at sn thought when suddenly a oouain nf clarissa cam on the toena a pretty girl i am bound to uy bat bad sir bad to the heerpt oore thore was aomo- thlng fetching about her i tuppote because every man ia the neighbourhood eieeplmy tell dugdale lam proud to lay made in us of himself about her but ahe bid hpr plant cleverly aad never ceased till ahe had wiled baughton ran hit allegiance and i rcnly believe broke clarlseai bent she baa never idd up hu head afatoe fairly crashed the was ead ell for a most un worthy object u i cannot help thinking him youput it mildly a mail who could be guilty of tueh aa act mutt be termed an unmitigated blackguard aaya dugdale calmly knocking the ash of hit cigar so i think bat the cream of the joke is to follow madame violet having mado her little game and cajoled hioghtin to sho top of her bent ooolly threw aim over at the bit moment and married exity maa with no birth to mention bat animated ceia ii i serve um right vidoualyv 1 knew him slightly but cant say i fancied him weak it seemed to me and telf o pinions td he has been abroad for some time fit of tho tpoen they say he is ooming home at the end of the month to i dare say he has got over it tftw will miss oarew like his being in tho notglibturhood again she is very game sajt tho major proud you know and that she wont thow what tho really fecti perhaps his coming will cure her effectually and teltle matters for eier you moan the will probably accept him a second time acapl him j kbntente sir she will re him sod that with scorn with leorn r says tho msjor lushing with indignation a month renders the carews very inttmste with their landlord which ir hardly to be wondered at as scarcely a day passes with out his coming to weston avowedly to tit with goorge but ia reality to see clarissa kow he does aot even care to conceal from himself the faci that his early admir ation for her has deepened into love yet his attachment causes him only unhappiness having in it all the elements of disappoint ment to come clarissa apparently being utterly inditterent to it she is very sweet very gentle aad treats him with all the kind familiarity of a sister but even he can not deceive himself into the belief that there ia anything sentimental in her regard one evcaing towards the close of this month dugdale happens to be dining at the lodge he has dined thete often of late young carew having taken an enormout fancy to him being indeed almost low- spirited when he is out of his sight all through dinner clarissa has been singularly distraite and meditative there is a faroff look in her clear grey eyes her lover is quick to mark strolling in the garden with her later on tirough the warm sweet wooing july sir he suddenly breaks the iongsilenee how quiet you are this evening has anything vexed you disturbed you have i betrayed myself even to you she says with a smile and a rare faint blqs ko y f enn it i flggtf ootbe- dtsfurwrw 1 aas in that hot my telf contempt it makea me angry with my self to know tbat i am annoyed out i cannot help it i heard today sir wilfred haugh- ton ia coming home tomorrow 1 her vcuoe has fallen slightly yes i know he has turnoo ha away from hers of course you have hoard all that old story she says quite calmly but with another blush so vivid aa to bring tears to her eyes it teems very old now every one knows it ant thought was very bitter to me just at first but now i scarcely seem to mind it and you are ia good a friend i can speak to you about it it is very dis heartening is it not with a little con strained laugh that after all ones inward lectures one should find oneself aa far from indifference as ever mljlrmg her meaning altogether he winces perceptibly doe his ooming distress you yes it distresses me and yet i cannot say- whether it makea me glad or sorrow after all he was an old friend before before anything fooliah occurred between us i do not forget that ko doubt he has long era this repented his crowning nay his maty ct of folly they have got down to the wicketgate by thia time that leads into the haggard aad ha leaning hia arms upon it continues tlwsys with his eyea turned from hers what if he is comiig home because the first sad best love is still strong within him it may ba that he ia coming to gaia for- giveaesa oh no m c shrinking i hops not that would be terrible i ap not i but with aa effort it is impossible next to thlsj perhaps it fsnulisrity with pobte literature the acuity of quoting from the beet tutbon st a very desirable one facta are valuable aod thoughts perhaps are quite tt valuable especially aa they are mor stimulating o the oonverufloa of a group the talker who dealt aloee in facta is quite likely to have the talk all to himself while he msn who is familiar with thoughts aod ideas as he has found them embodied in literature becomes a stimubtor of thought and conversation in those around mm familiarity with knowledge tnd with the product of literary- art caenot be toofmuebj insisted on u the furniture of good conversa tion j beyond thia tte good talker must be familiar with the current thought and events of his time there should bono mormtenj ia politics religion aod society that the good talker is not familiar with indeed the man who undertakes to talk at all must know what is uppermost in mens minds and be able to add to tbe general fund of thought aad knowledge and respond to th popular enquiry and the papular disposition jor dlf coition the msn who undertakes to do a good talker should never be eaught capping coaeonuag any carreat topic of immediate puhlie iatercai kov to carry aad convoy superiority of knowledge and calturo without appeanag to be pedautitf how to talk out of abuadaat storet ot information and famibarity with opinion without seeming to preach as cole ridge was censed of doinx belongs with the sbility to talk well to the art of con- versstion it has seemed to us that if young people could only see how shallow aad silly very much of their talk it aod must neceatanly be so longasthey lack the materials of conversation they would take more pains with their study would devote themselves more to the best books sad that at least they would acquire and maintain more familiarity with important current eventa to knew something is the best cure for neighbourhood gossip for talk about dress snd for iea thousand frivolities snd sillinesses of society besides a good talker needs an audience to understand and respond to him aad where is he to find one if there is not sbundaat culture around him foreigners la westminster abbey to re coxtlkuzd i grood talkers the first requisite ot genuine social sympathy food talker is maa may not there is plenty of precedent for making westnriaster abbeys place to commemorate aa well as to bury strangers in the tecond person of private rank recorded to have been buried in the older church was that geoffrey of mannevflle or mandevilje who was among the followers of william the norman and who gave to the abbey the great estate of hyde of which parts itiil remain to the dean and chapter one ot the oldest monuments in the whole church is that of william do valence earl of pembroke in st edmuads chapel he was stepbrother of henry hl and was born as his came signifies st valence and died also abroad namely at cayenne 1296 hia son made the tomb which is be loved of herads and remarkable in the his tory of srt for ita enamelled ornaments the effigy itself fs curious for it is of oak cover ed with bronze in pbtcs the earl is be lieved fto repose within the stone base of the monument vie register which com mences ia 1607 farnithet the names of something like a score of foreigners of all ranks interred here during the last three i rri ii 1 i i dorialaos whose tragioal death at the hague when representing the common wealth was mowed by hia funeral in henry yili chapel few months only after the execution of charfes l dorialaas wsa him self a dutchman by birth his body did not rest here long but st the restoration was removed tn st margarets churchyard in 1710 bpanheim the ambaaeador from prussia and ten years later one don hyacinth borgea pereira de castro- the portugese ambassador were likewise laid iu the abbey at was also st evremond foreign divine too are to be found ia plenty suoh was anthony horaeck who as preacher at the savoy attracted the crowds noticed by evelyn such too were the excapuchin de breval and isaac beaanbon nicholas oudart who was latin secretary to charles tx should per haps be menli ned ia thi conneccioo out the greatest of the foreigners were soldiers we have forgotten field wpilil de la rochefoncald who after spending a life time iu the english army was buned here in 1739 but an unpleasant savour seems to sttach itself to the name of louis de duras eirl of feversham the victor of sedgemoor he was originally buried in the french chapel at the savoy but his remains thirty years later with thoee of his nephew armand de bourbon ands niece charlotte were disinterred and reburied m the north cross of the abbey they were all pro testants even fevenhsm which may be one reason why he did not follow bis master to exile to st germains the next reign brought a large crop of foreigners to the ab bey there iu 1709 was borne the body of the faithful bentinck whose name was the last word william dx was heard to utter there are schombergs snd nissans and auverquerques in the tudor chapel and among them a young prince engene of savoy not the hero but his nephew who ildd of smalbpor while visiting england ia 1712 there are some hanoverian names too a little later the greatest of which is haadel jjittau tho roman cathobo church met orcaaixition theivipo tiaadt ha dogma ot july 181870 wai nnivoiaally adoptd as its sovereign infallible head hit colleague aod vicars ao uebitbope ihey carry oat what romo wills tbe people obey and hill rcoogmte at bishops thote whom the state by a judicial si ntence baa deprived of office the narae oath olio em braces three groups 1 hlcb in tlie rye of tbe state alt occupy the sine legal 1 talus the first the ultranurata nes or st riet homsn catholic wrap ehen thegreel mate of the cstholio populs ion end the ma ority of the nobility teeseireonquestioain followenof borne the second the did oa eolica who openly avow their allegiance to old u dit- tfoguihed from modem csthol oism are email number about 10000 in ii germany their importance consists in tbi that they form a protest against the alia id violence done by the papacy to the churcirj that they make an essential point ot feyeotrqg all abases that by thoirorgaaiatti m they had restored to the chnrch its right 1 and have brought the state to recognize 1 oligion and church- life as a thing which can lotbe over ruled by a mere peremptory dee sum the third group cmiuta of the jncub irest thoee who sre absolutely witbost any faith and the state catholics who thiak they cm unite their belief is an infallible pope with their duties to the state who attempt to obey at csoetbe lain oi the pi end those laws of the thate wtuoh ron e has de nounced as subvertivu it the i ivine right 91tramontaiiism can ai wo hi ve already shows ignore tbe utterly indif srenthsy can even regard them mi its bi it helpers it u accustomed to pay as little regard to the state catholics since it knows that these sre carried hitter and lull her by any wind that blowt btthhjajbicfl artfrsjeixt that they would soon alter ir oolite if the government sounded the 1 ammrsu ap retreat a oorman servant i have never known- a gen oan servant able to make the ordinary caculatioaa of daily life as well as most eugluh servants once sway from tchool an 0 rdiaary girl never opens any book bat her qaangwck nor does aaything in the way pf workex- cept knit her own stockings her school bfe over the is turned out iat the world to earn her own living and ka tting is the one thing she will ever use of all she hss been taught as to education n the proper sensevof the word she has ha none for eight yean she has beea gnnc lag away m ao impassive uncomprehendi g way aad knows ta little of practical life is a grrl with us who has never been out 1 f a district achool she is so uafitted for service that people are coming to tbe con lasioa rt is feat trouble to do the work the naelrea than to teach her and the propcei 1 sometimes made ni joke here of being or be own ser vant is fast becoming the sccei ted order of things in germaay the croitk s of serraats out of place ia frankfort alon spoken of not long ago in the newspapers is one proof of it of oourse hundreds do begin again forget all they have previously learned and fn the hands of mistresses who are never weary of telling tad who requite no brains in their tervauoj become hard working do- suestic machines i i says with a faint smile my i are your tenants mr dugdale and have a disappointment i i think tome alight claim on your forbear snee the place westou lodge you know it has been in the poi session of our family foryeas first my grandfather had it froaf jmir grandfather thea my after had it now ray brother haa it 1 bavoar lease hat expired she pauses i t you make me feel ashamed that i knot nothing otihe neighbourhood myu mnchftroadlsltf only excuie bi impertinence even to imagiae it 6 1 may u well tell you about it j old hyde who adores the sound of his owa voice aad i beginning to enjoy hmsell intensely all the world here knows the ttory so as you are sure to hear it from some quarter soouer or btcr i shaatbebreaking confidence by telling yot and yoa pay aa well hear a true versiea of it toy made a kood guest 1 it an unhappy love af 1 haliadbadtestewheevothewtviayi 5- outfit free aanatiar iifjhu 7 jgirie r i m offioo box 4586 dugdale with a faintly unpleasant ring his tone he has already begun to feet an jdeedi interest in nil lovely tenant and when a idyuvingid man feels sn interest in a woman however y butaali slight he take it padly when heu fold she m lu aseami torn h felt aamtert a aom the new man insisted oa my preseneo hare i foreign quarter society and have a genuine desire to serve and please we have all seea the talker who talks for his own purposes or talks to please i himself he is the well known chsiacter the talking bore tbetulkerwho gets himself up for thow who plans his con versations fpr theevening and crams for them becomes intolerable he lectures he does not converse j for there is no power of a talker so delightful as that of exciting others to talk and listening to what hit own inspiring aad suggestive utteances have called forth genuine social sympathy and a hearty desire to please others are necessary to produce sach a talkefaa this aad ao other is tolerable social sympathy is a natural gift and there ia a combiattion of other gifts which coastitbte what may be called etenv that are very essential to a good talker this combination includes individu- alitiy act and wit the talents aptitudea and peculiar oharacteristie charm which enable a man to use the materials of con versation in aa engaging way entirely his own 1 for every good talker has his own way of saying goodthings as well as of managing conversation based on hia ttpnt yet it is trne that there are no good talkers who depend upon their natural gifts aad such material as they get in the usualinterchanges of society for the materiau of conversa- tioa we must draw upon knowledge no man can be a thoroughly good talker who does not know a great deal social sym pathy and the gift of gab go but a short way towards producing good conversation though we hear a great deal of this kind of talk amopg the young sound and exact knowledge is the very basis of good con- venation to know a great many things well u to hate in hand the oest and mart reliable rnateriej of nod oonvenutipn there b nothing urn sdjnnattooitod irn ot knowledge with which to tarnish a talker francis baton and his warts francis bacon supplies a very effective piece of evidence ta to the influence of the imagination od external growths which seem iphave iheirnrigin in rtefinient yitahtynl cerlaia parts of tbe external surface of the body as warts weas snd the like bacon did not however treat the evidence afford ed ia his owa case with the acumen which might have beea expected from hie induc tive philoeopher i had from my child hood he says s wart upon one of my fingers afterwards when t was about six teen years old being then at pans there grew upon both my hands a nnmber of warts at least one hundred iu a months space the english ambassadors lady who was a woman far from superstitious a statement which must be taken trust stum totd me one day ahe would help me away with my warta whereupon ahe got a pieoo of hud with the skia on and rubbed the warta all over with the fat side and among the rest that wart which i had from my childhood then she nailed the piece of lard with the fat towardi the tun upon poet of her chamber window which was to the south the suooeas was that within five weeks apace all the warts were quite away and that wart which i had so long endured for company but at the rest i did little mar vel because they tame in a abort time and might go away in a short time again j but the going away of that which had stayed to long doth yet stick with me do not face the light then at work statistics kept by oculists imployed in infirmaries for e e diseases have shown that the halit of tome persons in facing a window from which the light falls directly m the eyea as well as on the work injures their eyes in the end the beet way u to work with a side light or if the work heeds strong illumination so that it is necessary to have the working table before ithe window the lower portion of the btter4hould be covered with a screen so aa ijoiiave artop bght alone which doeanot thine in the eyes when the head is slightly bent over aad downwards toward the work 1 in the schools of germany this matter haa already been attended to and tbe rule adoped to have all the seata and tables so w n 1 1 f 1 w dowa but only haratb aide ligats iwjfcs it left and at a bght nmnlttneonsi y thrown from two sides gives an lhterferenoe of ahadows it has been strictly forbidden to build school houses with windows on both sines such illu minations having always proved injurious to the eyes of the pupils j we may add to this the sdviee not to place the lamp m front of you when at work m the evening but a little on one side and never to neglect the use of a shade so as to prevent the strong light saining in the eyes this is especially tc be cons sored at the present time when their intensely luminous aamw become more and more common thonraldsen though his family ia said to have descend ed from the danish king harold stildetaad he was born in 1770 the an of one gott- schalk who half workman hilf artist wan employed in earring jignree fo the bows of vessels from his earliest childhood little bertel accompanied his father to the wharves snd assisted him ia ms work in which be showed such intelligence that p his eleventh year he was sllowed to enter te free school of art here he soon made wonderful pro reea in- sculpture but coula so little be persuaded to attend to otherjstudies that he reached the age of eight to read la his twentyt tained the great gold medal i veiling stipend is attached ax enabled to go to rome wbei at first by the patronage of r the english banker he se highest pitch of celebrity came proud of her ton so tl his native town in 1819 aad triumphal progresses all the c to meet him and lodging b the publio coet but his neart always elnng to the eternal city which continueti to be the scene of his labours of hit many works perhaps his nohle lion at lucerne is the best known 1 1 a thotogeaplffix snnounoes that be sides other acceesaries hehasia new front gate just the thing for a lovers picture the duke of argyll is about to marry the widow of the hon major aatyn mrs aa- aoaia adawgbtr nf tba riah and niece of lord dudley grace proposed and was v thkbi are strings in the tarp of every life which though oovered with dust give ont masfo when the wings of truth stir the air a womak was told to make oath in a new haven opurt bhtj- wuahingly add d niktmnct protested against the rigor os legal necessity ofsfcall it ia said bis pted by tele- thz first napoleon endowed all his family splendidly aocording to the cnttnaui taut the records of st helena show that a sum variously estimated atfrom 20 000000 to 100000000 otmorjey was at the command 01 the exiled emperor at amster dam frankfort and london babbxls made of pasteboard have been introduced for the packing away of woollens and furs these are seamless and regard ed aa moth proof the head which fits down snugly is the only avajlable entrance for the moth aod directions are given to paste abyjnrof browa paper over thia al most invisible lioe when the barrel v j rushi ggodcs said in a irayer meeting at little york ind that 1 e was wholly prepared to die goorge jones called him out of doors a fewmiautea 1 iterwards and killed him with a knife i b conjectured that joaea thought grimes professing read- iness might as well die at oppe tor no other motive hu been discovered wars a bee brings pollen into the hive he advanoea to the cell in w lioh it it to be deposited aad kicks it oft a tother bee one of tbe indoor bands comes along and rem it down withliie bead and packs it into the cell as the dairymaid paoki batter into firkin jo ancugu tie would prof ai nut to have any dsjrymaid lank our tatter sankkaatav r- headed dairy mala i tl j ill tvru jrtittdcbytba


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1879, p. 1 (2024)
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