Brazos County Hazard Mitigation Plan (2024)

Brazos County

Hazard Mitigation

Mitigating Risk: Protecting Brazos County from All Hazards


Department of Emergency Management 110 N. Main Street Suite 100 Bryan, Texas 77803 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

PURPOSE AND PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT This update document, “Mitigating Risk: Protecting Brazos County from All Hazards, 2012 – 2017,” was prepared by the jurisdictions within Brazos County with the support of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) and its contractor, the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). This plan is a five-year blueprint for the future, aimed at making communities in Brazos County disaster resistant by reducing or eliminating the long-term risk of loss of life and property from the full range of natural disasters. It meets the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-390); Section 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 201.6 and Part 206; and State of Texas Division of Emergency Management standards. An open public process was established to provide multiple opportunities for all sectors in Brazos County to become involved in the planning process and make input during its drafting stage.

HAZARDS FACING BRAZOS COUNTY The plan identifies and assesses the potential impact of ten natural hazards that threaten Brazos County. These include: dam failures; drought; excessive heat; fires; floods; hail; hurricanes; severe winter storms; thunderstorms; and tornadoes. Hazards were identified based on a review of historical records, national data sources, existing plans and reports, and discussions with local, regional, and national experts. Each hazard was profiled based on its severity of impact, frequency of occurrence, seasonal patterns, warning time, cascading potential and existing warning systems. An inventory of populations, buildings, critical and special facilities, and commercial facilities at potential risk was conducted. The probability of occurrence and potential dollar losses from each hazard were estimated using the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazards U.S. (“HAZUS”) multi-hazards model and other HAZUS-like modeling techniques. The hazards were then ranked based on potential damages in terms of lives lost, dollars lost, and other relevant community factors. In order of priority, they are:  Floods  Droughts  Hurricanes  Fires  Severe Winter Storms  Tornadoes  Hail  Thunderstorms

2  Dam failures  Excessive Heat

MITIGATION VISION A vision statement, 6 goals, and 21 objectives were developed to guide the jurisdictions in Brazos County in reducing or eliminating the long-term risk of loss of life and property from the full range of natural disasters. The mitigation vision for Brazos County incorporates:  An informed citizenry aware of the risks they face and the measures that can be taken to protect their families, homes, workplaces, communities and livelihoods from the impact of disasters.  Local governments and regional entities that are capable of high-level hazard-mitigation planning and project implementation, and of leveraging state, federal, and private resources for investments in mitigation.  Intergovernmental coordination and cooperation on mutual issues of concern related to floodplain management and hazard mitigation.  A commitment to locate buildings outside hazardous areas and to promote building methods that result in structures able to withstand the natural hazards that threaten them.  The integration of mitigation into routine budgetary decisions and planning for future growth and development by Brazos County communities, making disaster resistance an integral part of the livability and sustainability of the county.

GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS The overall goal of this plan is to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of loss of life and property damage in Brazos County from the full range of disasters. Individual goals are: GOAL 1. Develop new, and upgrade existing capabilities for identifying the need for and implementing hazard mitigation activities. GOAL 2. Generate support for and increase public awareness of the need for hazard mitigation. GOAL 3. Increase awareness of public officials, community and business leaders of the need for hazard mitigation, and support actions to protect public health and safety. GOAL 4. Promote resource-sharing and increase coordination and cooperation among governmental entities in conducting hazard-mitigation activities. GOAL 5. Mitigate damage to and losses of new and existing real property. GOAL 6. Promote sustainable growth.

3 Twenty-one objectives in support of these goals are presented in Section 3.

Mitigation Actions This plan sets forth mitigation actions and action plans to be carried out by the participating jurisdictions to reduce the risks to these hazards facing Brazos County. Each action statement includes a description of the action, estimated costs, benefits, the responsible organization for implementing the action, an implementation schedule, objective(s) to which it, priority, and potential funding sources. Some actions are directed at reducing the risk from a single hazard, such as flooding. Others pertain to multiple hazards or all 10 hazards. The hazards differ in important ways, such as in their predictability, length of warning time, speed of onset, magnitude, scope, duration of impact, and the possibilities of secondary impacts.

ORGANIZATION OF THE PLAN The executive summary is at the beginning of the plan. Sections 1 and 2 outline the purpose of the plan and the process of development. Section 3 contains the vision statement and mitigation goals and objectives. Section 4 describes the geography, population, land use and development trends in Brazos County. The major natural hazards that Brazos County faces and the property at risk are identified in Section 5. Background on each hazard, including why the hazard is a threat, a hazard profile, the location of hazardous areas, history of hazardous events, people and property at risk, and potential damages and losses, is presented in Sections 6 through 15. Section 16 reports previously implemented mitigation actions, including those supported by federal and state agencies, and local programs relating to building and fire codes and floodplain management ordinances. Section 17 presents mitigation actions to be undertaken by each participating jurisdiction. Section 18 discusses plan maintenance procedures, including how the plan is to implemented, maintained and evaluated, and how the public will continue to be involved. Appendix A defines acronyms used in this plan. Appendix B reports the results of a web-based hazard survey to elicit information from the public on issues of concern about hazard mitigation. Appendix C identifies members of the local hazard mitigation team who updated this plan. Appendix D identifies the critical facilities in Brazos County. Appendix E contains the resolutions adopted by jurisdictional authorities to approve this plan.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 2 Purpose and Process of Development ...... 2 Hazards Facing Brazos County ...... 2 Mitigation Vision ...... 3 Goals, Objectives and Actions ...... 3 Organization of the Plan...... 4 SECTION 1: PURPOSE AND ORGANIZATION OF THE PLAN ...... 8 Purpose ...... 8 Organization ...... 9 SECTION 2: THE PLANNING PROCESS ...... 10 Preparation of the Plan ...... 10 Public Involvement ...... 14 Partners in Planning ...... 14 SECTION 3: MITIGATION VISION, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES ...... 18 Vision...... 18 Goals and Objectives ...... 18 SECTION 4: BRAZOS COUNTY AT A GLANCE ...... 21 Geography ...... 21 Population ...... 22 Higher Education ...... 23 Land Use ...... 23 Development Trends ...... 24 Communities Designated for Special Consideration ...... 25 SECTION 5: HAZARDS THE REGION FACES AND WHAT'S AT RISK ...... 27 Risk Assessment Methodologies ...... 27 People and Property at Risk ...... 29 Hazards of Concern ...... 31 Historical Disaster Declarations ...... 32 Economic and Social Losses ...... 32 Hazard Ranking ...... 33 Unique Hazards ...... 34 Conclusions ...... 34 SECTION 6: FLOOD...... 38 Why Floods Are a Threat ...... 38 Hazard Profile ...... 39 History of Flooding ...... 40 Location of Hazardous Areas ...... 41 NFIP Program Participation ...... 44 People and Property at Risk ...... 47 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 47 Repetitive Losses ...... 48 SECTION 7: DROUGHT ...... 49 Why Drought Is a Threat ...... 49 Hazard Profile ...... 50 History of Drought ...... 54 People and Property at Risk ...... 54 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 55 SECTION 8: HURRICANES ...... 56 Why Hurricanes Are a Threat ...... 56 Hazard Profile ...... 58 History of Hurricanes ...... 59 People and Property at Risk ...... 60

5 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 60 SECTION 9: URBAN AND WILDLAND FIRES ...... 62 Why Urban and Wildland Fires Are a Threat ...... 62 Hazard Profile ...... 64 History of Fire ...... 64 Location of Hazardous Areas ...... 65 History of Fire ...... 71 People and Property at Risk ...... 71 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 71 SECTION 10: WINTER STORMS ...... 73 Why Winter Storms Are a Threat ...... 73 Hazard Profile ...... 73 History of Severe Winter Storms ...... 74 People and Property at Risk ...... 75 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 75 SECTION 11: TORNADOES ...... 76 Why Tornadoes Are a Threat ...... 76 Hazard Profile ...... 77 History of Tornadoes ...... 79 People and Property at Risk ...... 81 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 81 SECTION 12: HAIL ...... 82 Why Hailstorms Are a Threat ...... 82 Hazard Profile ...... 82 History of Hailstorms ...... 83 People and Property at Risk ...... 84 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 84 SECTION 13: THUNDERSTORMS ...... 86 Why Thunderstorms Are a Threat ...... 86 Hazard Profile ...... 86 History of Thunderstorms ...... 87 People and Property at Risk ...... 89 SECTION 14: DAM FAILURE ...... 90 Why Dam Failure Is a Threat ...... 90 Hazard Profile ...... 90 Location of Hazardous Areas ...... 91 People and Property at Risk ...... 92 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 101 SECTION 15: EXCESSIVE HEAT ...... 102 Why Excessive Heat Is a Threat ...... 102 Hazard Profile ...... 103 History of Excessive Heat in Brazos County...... 103 Location of Hazardous Areas ...... 104 People and Property at Risk ...... 104 Potential Damages and Losses ...... 104 SECTION 16: PREVIOUS MITIGATION ACTIONS ...... 105 Federal Emergency Management Agency Programs ...... 105 Previous Planning Efforts ...... 105 Building and Fire Codes ...... 107 Fire Codes ...... 108 Inspection and Permitting Processes ...... 109 Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedules and Fire Ratings ...... 110 Floodplain Management Ordinances ...... 110 FEMA Community Assistance Program Involvement ...... 111 Previous Action Items ...... 112



PURPOSE The Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) serves the seven-county Brazos Valley region that consists of Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington Counties, as well as incorporated cities and several unincorporated communities in those counties. Its boundaries are based on geographic features, economic market areas, labor markets, commuting patterns and media coverage areas. The COG was established in 1966 and is charged by the Texas legislature with addressing regional issues and opportunities. BVCOG’s goal is to create and enhance partnerships among local governments, private businesses and service organizations to collaboratively plan for and maintain the highest quality of life in the Brazos Valley. The organization provides, in consultation with and through the cooperation of the local elected officials, housing, health, workforce, and senior services programs throughout the Brazos Valley. The council also administers the regional 9-1-1 plan, community and economic development programs, criminal justice planning and grants, and solid waste planning and grants. BVCOG took the lead in sponsoring the development of this comprehensive Hazard Mitigation Plan for Brazos County. Jurisdictions participating in this Hazard Mitigation Action Plan include Brazos County, Texas A&M University, the BVCOG and the cities of Bryan, College Station, Wixon Valley, and Kurten.

Role of this Plan This Hazard Mitigation Action Plan was prepared by the Texas Engineering Extensions Service, on behalf of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments and the six participating jurisdictions. It is intended as a blueprint for future hazard mitigation, defined as “any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from all hazards.” The plan is designed to help build sustainable communities that, when confronted by natural disasters, will sustain fewer losses and recover more quickly. It is also intended to:  Minimize disruption to Brazos County communities following a disaster;  Streamline disaster recovery by articulating actions to be taken before a disaster strikes, to reduce or eliminate future damage;  Serve as a basis for future funding that may become available through grant and technical assistance programs offered by state or federal governments. The plan will enable Brazos County communities to take advantage of rapidly developing mitigation grant opportunities as they arise; and ensure that Brazos County and participating cities maintain their eligibility for the full range of future federal disaster relief. Certain forms of federal mitigation assistance for projects will be available only to cities and counties that have a FEMA-approved hazard mitigation plan in place.

8 ORGANIZATION Section 2 of this plan address how it was prepared and who was involved in planning. Section 3 articulates the vision, mitigation goals, and objectives that guided the development of the plan. The goals are general guidelines that articulate a desired end state. They are expressed as policy statements of global visions. Objectives are specific, measurable, and define the strategies or implementation steps to attain the identified goals. Section 4 profiles Brazos County’s geography, population, land use and development trends. Section 5 identifies the major natural hazards that have affected and may again affect Brazos County and describes the people and property at risk from these hazards. Sections 6 through 15 discuss each of the natural hazards that affect Brazos County. The plan addresses why each hazard is a threat and profiles each hazard in terms of its severity of impact, frequency of occurrence, hours of warning time, and existing warning systems. If the hazard has a geographic boundary, it is identified and mapped if possible. Data on the property and number of people at risk from each hazard are presented, along with the history of hazard events in Brazos County. Finally, potential dollar losses are presented. Section 16 discusses previously implemented mitigation actions. These include federal projects such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Public Assistance projects, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program projects, and other federal mitigation projects; and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) studies, plans, and projects. It also includes plans, studies and projects of the Texas Water Development Board, and local plans, ordinances, and inspection and permitting processes. Section 17 contains actions to be undertaken by each participating city and county to mitigate the hazards identified in Sections 6 to 15. Mitigation action plans describe each mitigation action, the hazard addressed, the estimated costs, benefits, organization responsible for overseeing implementation, implementation schedule, objectives the action is designed to achieve, priority, and potential funding sources. Section 18 discusses plan maintenance procedures, including how the plan is to implemented, maintained and evaluated, and how the public will continue to be involved. Appendix A defines acronyms used in this plan. Appendix B reports the results of a web-based hazard survey to elicit information from the public on issues of concern about hazard mitigation. Appendix C identifies members of the local hazard mitigation team who updated this plan. Appendix D identifies the critical facilities in Brazos County. Appendix E contains the resolutions adopted by jurisdictional authorities to approve this plan.


PREPARATION OF THE PLAN This document was prepared by the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG), in coordination with participating jurisdictions covered, with technical support of the Texas Engineering Extension Service. It was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390), the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program, Federal Regulations (44 CFR 206), and the planning standards adopted by the Texas Division of Emergency Management. The hazard mitigation planning process for Brazos County was started in April 2010 and a draft was completed for submission to the state in October 2011. Development of this plan was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under a mitigation grant awarded in November 2010, to the BVCOG.

Jurisdictional Participation This Hazard Mitigation Action Plan was created in 2005 and updated in 2010-2012. Whereas the 2005 version contained multiple counties within the BVCOG region, this updated plan only covers Brazos County. The jurisdictions within Brazos County participating in this update remain the same as in 2005. They include Brazos County, Texas A&M University, the BVCOG and the cities of Bryan, College Station, Wixon Valley, and Kurten. The jurisdictions all participated equally during the update process. Each jurisdiction contributed during the update process by:  Forming a new local Hazard Mitigation Team (HMT) with representatives from their jurisdiction, including numerous local Emergency Management Coordinators.  Attended kick-off meetings, mitigation workshops and public meetings.  Reviewed and analyzed the existing plan and updated each section, as necessary.  Provided an updated risk assessment for their jurisdiction.  Discussed the status of previous action items and provided new mitigation actions.  Devised a way to keep the plan maintained from 2012-2017.

Open Public Process An open public process was established to give Brazos County and the participating jurisdictions an opportunity to become involved in the planning process and make their views known. Neighboring jurisdictions, federal and state agencies, businesses, Texas A&M University, non- profit organizations and the public participated in the process.

10 Each participating jurisdiction, including Texas A&M University and the BVCOG, established a Hazard Mitigation Team composed of broad-based representatives of cities and the county. A list of team members is provided at Appendix C. The Hazard Mitigation Team members from each jurisdiction participated actively throughout the planning process. They attended a kick- off workshop in the county, attended additional mitigation workshops in the county, updated mitigation actions and devised a way to keep the plan current from 2012-2017. Non- participating jurisdictions were notified about the planning effort and invited to participate. They were given the opportunity to attend a kick-off meeting, public meetings and the mitigation workshops and to fill out the Hazard Mitigation Survey Form. A kick-off meeting was held in Brazos County on March 24, 2010. A mitigation workshop was held May 24, 2010 and the first public meeting was held June 1, 2010. County commissioners, mayors, city council members, academia, elected officials, city managers, floodplain managers, emergency management coordinators, fire marshals, police chiefs, sheriffs, county engineers, building officials and inspectors, and other interested officials were invited to the kick-off meeting and subsequent workshops. At the workshops, TEEX provided a briefing on the FEMA hazard mitigation planning requirements and the respective roles and responsibilities of the BVCOG, local jurisdictions and TEEX. An opportunity was provided for Brazos County officials to discuss how they would like to approach the planning process throughout the county. The Brazos County Kick-Off Meeting was conducted on March 24, 2010. A public meeting was held June 1, 2010 to inform the public about the planning process and solicit their ideas and recommendations. A second public meeting for Brazos County will be held after FEMA’s review of the draft plan. A Hazard Survey was developed to solicit opinions from the public about hazards of concern. The Hazards Surveys were distributed widely to the public at the county courthouse, city hall and through community organizations; and distributed in utility bills by the city of College Station. The survey provided a mechanism to gain input from neighboring communities, agencies, businesses, academia, non-profit organizations, and other interested parties. A total of 336 responses were received. The responses are summarized in Appendix B. These responses provided a significant base of information to assist with participating jurisdictions in formulating mitigation actions.

Identify Hazards Profiles of hazards were prepared to show their severity of impact, frequency of occurrence, seasonal patterns, warning time, cascading potential, and applicable warning systems.

Assess Risks The characteristics and potential consequences of each hazard were assessed to determine how much of Brazos County could be affected and the potential effects on local assets. An inventory was taken of “at risk” populations, buildings, infrastructure and lifelines, and commercial facilities in Brazos County classified as “critical” or “special” or housing hazardous materials. A list of critical facilities is provided in Appendix D.

11 Potential dollar losses from each hazard were estimated, using the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazards U.S. (HAZUS) Multi-Hazards (MH) Model (HAZUS-MH) and other HAZUS-like modeling techniques. The techniques were applied to examine the impact of various hazards on the built environment, including on the general building stock (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial), critical facilities, lifelines, and infrastructure. Two distinct assessment methodologies were used. The HAZUS-MH risk-assessment methodology was used to model distinct hazard and inventory parameters (e.g., wind speed and building types) and determine potential damages and losses in the built environment. The second, “HAZUS-driven” methodology used a statistical approach to model risk by analyzing a hazard’s frequency of occurrence and estimated effects based on recorded damage data. Both methodologies use a common, systematic framework developed to supply a factual basis for determining which actions will mitigate risks. The assessments also were used to set priorities for mitigation based on potential dollar losses, loss of lives, and other factors. The hazards in Sections 6 through 15 of this plan appear generally in priority order, based on risk to Brazos County as a whole, with the greatest hazards appearing first. The Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment sections were revised continually throughout the update process to ensure completeness. Ten hazards that have the potential or probability to affect Brazos County were identified based on a review of historical records, national data sources, existing plans and reports, and discussions with local, regional, state, federal and national experts.

Develop Mitigation Strategies A vision statement for mitigation in Brazos County was formulated, along with mitigation goals and objectives to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to life and property from hazards. The goals are general guidelines that articulate a desired end state. They are expressed as policy statements of global visions. Objectives are specific, measurable, and define the strategies or implementation steps necessary to attain the identified goals. The vision statement, goals, and objectives are presented in Section 3 of this plan. Hazard Mitigation Team (HMT) members reviewed various documents, reports and plans, including Capital Improvement Plans for Bryan and College Station, Brazos County Emergency Operations Plans, Building Codes and Floodplain Maps. Additionally, a hazard survey was circulated throughout the county through city and county websites. Citizens were asked to rank hazards and propose mitigation projects based on their observations. Some surveys were returned to the Emergency Operations Center for review and discussion by the Hazard Mitigation Team. In addition, local floodplain ordinances from participating jurisdictions were studied and the HMT discussed whether local floodplain management could be strengthened in an effort to improve mitigation. The HMT discussed if safety would be improved with the addition of freeboard requirements for building permits. Freeboard is defined as the additional amount of height above a flood elevation at which a structures’ lowest floor must be elevated to. The HMT also reviewed local building codes to determine if stronger ordinances would help strengthen

12 new buildings from some hazards, such as tornadoes. Section 16 and the hazard-specific sections of the plan summarize the findings from the studies, plans, reports and technical information. Other sources of the information included the Federal Emergency Management Agency, USACE, the Insurance Services Office, the U.S. Fire Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Texas Water Development Board, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the State Comptroller, the Texas State Data Center, and the Texas Division of Emergency Management. Section 16 and the hazard-specific sections of the plan summarize the findings from the studies, plans, reports and technical information. A series of countywide mitigation workshops were conducted in spring of 2010. An inclusive and structured process was used to develop and prioritize mitigation actions for this Hazard Mitigation Plan. It included the following steps:  A vision statement, mitigation goals and objectives were formulated to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from each hazard.  Mitigation team members considered the benefits that would result from the mitigation actions versus the cost of those projects. For those actions in which the benefits could be quantified, an economic evaluation was one factor that helped team member’s select one mitigation action from among many competing ones. Cost-effectiveness of actions was considered as each team member developed their final list of mitigation actions. Economic considerations were part of the community’s analysis of the comprehensive range of specific mitigation actions and projects being considered.  Then, hazard mitigation team members selected mitigation actions and prioritized them. The prioritization method was based on the following criteria: 1) benefits in terms of effect on overall risk to life and property, including the effects on both new and existing buildings and infrastructure; 2) ease of implementation; 3) political and community support; and 4) cost and funding availability. The overall priority is reflected in each action in Section 17.  Team members developed action plans identifying proposed actions, estimated costs and benefits, the responsible organization(s), implementation schedule, related objective(s) to which the actions relate, priority, and potential funding sources. At the workshop, participants received a briefing on the risk assessment results and identified any unique hazards for their jurisdiction that varied from those hazards affecting Brazos County as a whole. Participants discussed potential mitigation actions to identify any that might be relevant to the risks they face in their jurisdiction and to solicit ideas.

Implement the Plan and Monitor Progress A formal process was established at the workshops to ensure that the plan is implemented and remains an active and relevant document. Plan maintenance is addressed in Section 18.

13 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Because public involvement is critical to the success of hazard-mitigation planning, public input was sought in several ways. Public input was solicited during the drafting stage, upon development of the draft, and prior to adoption of the plan. The public also was given the opportunity to provide comments, input into the planning process, and discuss other issues of concern to Brazos County residents. A public meeting was held in Brazos County June 1, 2010 to inform the public about the planning process and solicit their ideas and recommendations. Announcements of the public meeting were distributed to the media and civic organizations and were displayed in public places. Members of the general public, residents, local businesses, community leaders, educators, representatives of neighboring jurisdictions and private and non-profit groups were invited to attend and participate. A second public meeting for Brazos County will be held after FEMA’s review of the draft plan. The county-wide public meetings provided an opportunity for the public to make input to the planning process during the drafting stage. The public was also provided an opportunity to comment on the draft plan prior to its submission to the Texas Division of Emergency Management and FEMA. A Hazard Survey was made available to the public and was distributed at the public meetings. The survey sought information from citizens about hazards that have affected them and recommendations for action to reduce future risks. A total of 336 responses were received. The survey results provided an important source of information for use in formulating mitigation actions. Survey results appear in Appendix B. Finally, the draft of this plan was made available on the BVCOG Website for public review and comment. Each participating jurisdiction made a copy of the plan available for public inspection and review and formally solicited public review and comment prior to their governing bodies’ adoption of the plan. A copy of each resolution adopting the plan is at Appendix E.


Hazard Mitigation Teams The Hazard Mitigation Team (HMT), which had a central role throughout the planning process, was composed of local officials throughout Brazos County representing each participating city, and staff from the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG) and the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). For a complete list of the HMT, see Appendix C. The local Hazard Mitigation Team (HMT) was comprised of various members of the communities and local government with wide-ranging expertise. In addition to Emergency Managers, membership included Floodplain Administrators, Risk Managers, Public Works Supervisors, Code Enforcement Agents, Public Health Officers and Urban/Regional Planners. Mitigation projects were discussed and weighted, then considered for inclusion in the Mitigation Action Plan.

14 Members attended planning meetings as well as public meetings to discuss hazards in Brazos County. The HMT was lead by Linda McGuill, Public Safety Manager for the BVCOG, and their contractor, Suzannah Jones of TEEX. Adam Whitefield, Planner for the BVCOG, and David Larner, consultant for TEEX, also lead in the update of the plan. Linda McGuill formed the HMT by inviting representatives from participating jurisdictions to meet in a central location to discuss the mitigation plan and the update process. Suzannah Jones provided the talking points, slide shows and hand-out materials during the meetings. Adam Whitefield organized the meetings and took notes, while David Larner led the discussion on mitigation planning and the update process. Jerry Henry, the Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) of the City of Bryan and Chuck Frazier, the EMC for Brazos County, led the discussions on what hazards the participating communities faced. Together the HMT discussed which new hazards, if any, should be included in the plan and if any hazards should be removed from the plan. Chuck Frazier led the discussion on which mitigation actions had been achieved in the previous five years. The HMT then discussed which new mitigation actions should be included in the updated plan. The HMT laid the groundwork for the plan, examined risk in county jurisdictions, sought the participation of stakeholders and the public, and articulated the mitigation actions and action plans presented in the document. The team, in short, served as the primary vehicle through which to share information, invite active participation, and coordinate the plan’s development, implementation, and maintenance within participating jurisdictions. Federal and state agencies were also involved in the planning process. Federal and state agencies provided input which assisted the team in developing the plan. These included the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the Department of Homeland Security, the USACE, the Texas Division of Emergency Management, the Texas Water Development Board, the Texas Department of Transportation, and the Texas Forest Service. Weather event data were provided by the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA). Under the overall coordination of the council of government, hazard mitigation team members assessed their capabilities, examined previous mitigation efforts, and developed mitigation actions. Throughout the process, they reached out to police and fire departments, emergency medical services, code enforcement entities, floodplain managers, neighboring jurisdictions, local businesses, community leaders, educators and other private and non-profit organizations to inform them of the planning process and seek their views.

Updated Plan Participation This Hazard Mitigation Action Plan was created in 2005 and updated in 2010-2012. The 2005 version contained multiple counties within the BVCOG region. This updated plan only covers the portion of Brazos County, Texas A&M University, the BVCOG and the cities of Bryan, College Station, Wixon Valley, and Kurten. As part of the update process, a local Hazard Mitigation Team (HMT) was formed and tasked with reviewing and updating each section of the plan, as necessary.

15 The process by which the HMT undertook to determine if a section warranted an update began with the HMT reading the 2005 version of the plan. Local team members were then tasked to review and analyze the information that pertained to their local jurisdiction or to Brazos County in general. The HMT would then determine if that data needed to be updated based on if it contained outdated information or, in the case of mitigation actions, had already been accomplished. Likewise, sections of the 2005 plan that did not warrant an update were not revised in this 2012 version. The following is a summary of the sections that were updated by the Hazard Mitigation Team:  The Executive Summary and Section 1: Purpose and Organization of the Plan was updated to reflect changes in the plans development. Whereas the original plan contained seven counties, this update reflects a focus on Brazos County and participating jurisdictions.  Section 2: The Planning Process was updated to reflect the local planning process undertook by Brazos County, Texas A&M University and the cities of Bryan, College Station, Wixon Valley, and Kurten. This includes the formation of the local Hazard Mitigation Team to review and analyze each section of the plan. In addition, a series of mitigation workshops and public meetings were held in coordination with the BVCOG and TEEX.  Section 3: Mitigation Vision, Goals, and Objectives were not revised by the Hazard Mitigation Team (HMT). The HMT discussed the vision, goals, and objectives of the original version of the plan and felt they were still valid. The team voted to keep the vision, goals and objectives the same for this version of the plan.  Section 4: Brazos County at a Glance was updated to reflect a focus on Brazos County, since the original plan contained multiple counties.  Section 5: Hazards the County Faces and What’s at Risk was revised to reflect a focus on Brazos County rather than the multiple counties in the original plan.  Sections 6-15 contain the risk assessment for each of the ten (10) hazards listed in the plan and was revised as necessary to reflect any changes to the risks that can affect Brazos County. The HMT discussed the hazards listed in the original plan and decided to keep the same natural hazards. No previously unidentified natural hazards were determined by the HMT to pose a threat since the previous version of the plan. The team then discussed the man-made hazards listed in the plan and voted to eliminate the four (4) man-made hazards of energy pipeline failures, hazardous materials incidents, nuclear power plant accidents and terrorism. These four man-made hazards were eliminated because they are difficult to mitigate with the available federal mitigation funds, and because they are not required by Section 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 201.6(c)(2)(i), which requires a risk assessment for all natural hazards that can affect the jurisdictions. The risk assessment was also revised to focus on Brazos County rather than the BVCOG region, and previous occurrences of hazards since 2005 were updated.

16  Section 16: Previous Mitigation Actions discusses mitigation actions supported by federal and state agencies, and local programs relating to building and fire codes and floodplain management ordinances. This section was revised to reflect any updated building and fire codes, and floodplain ordinances that were re-adopted since the original version of the plan.  Section 17: Mitigation Actions contains actions to be undertaken by the county and each participating city to mitigate the hazards identified in Sections 6 through 15. This section was reviewed and analyzed by the HMT to identify any previous actions items from the original plan that could be deferred to this updated plan, and to include new action items to help achieve the vision, goals and objectives listed in Section 3.  Section 18: Plan Implementation and Maintenance Procedures discusses the plan maintenance procedures and was revised to reflect how Brazos County will maintain, update and evaluate the plan during the next five years.


VISION The mitigation vision for Brazos County is:  Intergovernmental coordination and cooperation on mutual issues of concern related to hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness;  Local governments and regional entities with high levels of capability for hazard mitigation planning and project implementation, leveraging state, federal and private resources for investments in mitigation;  An informed citizenry aware of the risks they face and the measures that can be taken to protect their families, homes, workplaces, communities and livelihoods from the impact of disasters; and  Buildings located outside of hazardous areas and built to withstand the natural hazards that threaten them;  Communities integrating hazard mitigation concerns into routine planning and budgetary decisions and plans for future growth and development; with disaster resistance an integral part of the livability and sustainability of the region.


Overall Goal: To reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of loss of life and property damage in Brazos County from the full range of natural disasters. The following mitigation goals and objectives, from the previous version of this plan, were re- evaluated by the Hazard Mitigation Team in 2012 and determined to remain valid and effective. GOAL 1. Build the capability for carrying out hazard mitigation activities. Objective 1.1 Encourage education and training for personnel involved in hazard mitigation to develop high levels of expertise. Objective 1.2 Ensure, to the extent feasible, adequate levels of staffing for hazard mitigation activities. Objective 1.3 Create and foster partnerships to help communities reduce their exposure to hazards. Objective 1.4 Focus on identifying and obtaining federal, state, and private- sector funds available for hazard mitigation. Objective 1.5 Upgrade operational systems and facilities that support hazard mitigation. GOAL 2. Heighten public awareness and support for hazard mitigation.

18 Objective 2.1 Ensure that communication between disaster personnel and the public in advance of and during hazard events is adequate in content and coverage. Objective 2.2 Inform area citizens about the full range of natural and man-made hazards they face, and the need for guarding against injury and loss of life caused by those hazards. Objective 2.3 Devise programs to educate the public about how to prevent or reduce the loss of life or property from all hazards, including specific actions that can be taken. GOAL 3. Increase awareness of public officials, community and business leaders of the need for hazard mitigation, and support actions to protect public health and safety. Objective 3.1 Encourage the adoption of appropriate hazard mitigation measures by local governments, businesses, institutions, and individuals, and communicate information about specific, effective actions they can take. Objective 3.2 Ensure that communication among disaster personnel and public officials in advance of and during hazard events is adequate in content and coverage. Objective 3.3 Focus on protecting particularly vulnerable areas during hazard events (e.g., hospitals, nuclear power plants, areas crossed by fuel transmission lines). GOAL 4. Promote resource-sharing and increase coordination and cooperation among governmental entities in conducting hazard-mitigation activities. Objective 4.1 Improve and expand communication and coordination within and among federal, state, and local governments and the Brazos Valley Council of Governments in mitigating hazards. Objective 4.2 Identify and map critical facilities and take action to ensure that critical facilities and services can continue to operate in disaster situations. Objective 4.3 Create hazard-specific and general hazard-mitigation partnerships among Brazos Valley counties, cities, the Brazos Valley Council of Governments and other stakeholders. GOAL 5. Mitigate damage to and losses of new and existing real property. Objective 5.1 Protect public infrastructure and private buildings from known hazards. Objective 5.2 Support methods, codes, and ordinances that reduce threats to existing and new development and ensure that citizens are not unnecessarily exposed to potential hazards. Objective 5.3 Reduce repetitive losses to the NFIP. Objective 5.4 Protect against financial losses caused by hazard events through liberal application of insurance coverage. GOAL 6. Promote sustainable growth.

19 Objective 6.1 Promote beneficial uses of hazardous areas while expanding open space and recreational opportunities. Objective 6.2 Incorporate hazard mitigation into long-range planning, budgeting and development activities. Objective 6.3 Prevent creation of future hazards to life and property.


GEOGRAPHY Brazos County claims 588 square miles of southeast central Texas between the Navasota River and the Brazos River, for which it was named. Bryan, the county seat, and College Station are its major communities. Rolling prairie and woodlands that rise 200 to 350 feet above sea level characterize the county.

Figure 4-1. Brazos County in the Brazos Valley Region

21 Figure 4-1. Brazos County

POPULATION The population of Brazos County in 2012 is 194,851 people. The largest cities in Brazos County are the adjoining cities of College Station (95,579) and Bryan (74,656).

22 HIGHER EDUCATION Texas A&M University, located in College Station, was the state’s first public institution of higher education. It was opened on Oct. 4, 1876 as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. The school owes its origin to the Morrill Act of 1862, which established the nation’s land-grant college system. The initials "A" and "M" are a link to the university’s past; they no longer represent any specific words as the school’s curriculum has grown to include not only agriculture and engineering, but architecture, business, education, geosciences, liberal arts, medicine, science, and veterinary medicine. The university’s enrollment includes 46,618 students studying for degrees in 10 academic colleges. Blinn College is a two-year institution with its main campus in Brenham. It is the oldest county owned junior college in Texas and began in Washington County. Blinn College serves a 13 county service area and also has campuses in Bryan and Schulenburg in Fayette County.

Table 4-1. Higher Education Institutions

Institution Location Enrollment Fall 2011 Number of Faculty

Texas A&M University College Station 46,618 3,995*

Blinn College Bryan** 12,821

*Faculty includes professors, associate professors, assistant professors, other faculty, and teaching assistants. Source: Texas A&M University **Main campus in Brenham (Washington County)

LAND USE The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducts a census of agricultural uses of land. The 1,350 farms in Brazos County averaged about 204 acres in size. Of this about 62,733 acres of the total farmland, were devoted to harvested crops. Of the harvested cropland, about 5,563 acres were irrigated.

Table 4-2. Agricultural Land Use in Brazos County, 2007

County Number of Ave. Size of Harvested Irrigated Land Farms Farm (acres) Cropland (acres) (acres)

Brazos 1,350 204 62,733 5,563

Source: US Department of Agriculture, Census of Agriculture

23 Farms in the area covered by Brazos County produce a wide variety of agricultural products with cattle being the most common.

Table 4-3. Agricultural Products in Brazos County

County Agricultural Products Annual Value

Brazos Cattle, eggs, cotton, hay, corn, sorghum, horses $41.2 million

Source: Texas Almanac In terms of minerals, oil is produced in each of the seven counties making up the BVCOG. Table 4-4 lists the chief minerals found in Brazos County.

Table 4-4. Minerals in Brazos County

County Minerals

Brazos Sand, gravel, lignite, gas, oil

DEVELOPMENT TRENDS Although building of new structures will continue throughout Brazos County, primary focus of construction will be the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) which includes all of Brazos County and which accounts for about 57 percent of the population in the BVCOG area (as of 2007). Pressure on the housing stock is greater in Brazos County than in the other counties because of the very high percentage of housing units that are occupied.

Table 4-5. Housing Units in Brazos County

County Total Housing Units Percent of Housing Units Occupied

Brazos 59,023 96.5%

Source: Brazos Valley Council of Governments The primary impetus for development is, of course, population growth. The Texas State Data Center projects continued moderate growth for the Bryan/College Station MSA, 8.6 percent between 2002 and 2010 and 10.9 percent between 2010 and 2020. However, the Texas Water Development Board forecasts a much steeper climb in population, 24.7 percent and 14.2 percent over the same two periods. If the Water Board’s numbers are closer to what actually occurs, residential development will pose an especially difficult challenge for the two adjoining cities. This will put pressure on using land in high hazard areas.

24 Local governments are also working to develop the economic potential of the area and bring high quality jobs to the MSA. They are working hard to develop commercial research opportunities. Table 4-6 contains the name, telephone number and e-mail address of the economic development organization for Brazos County.

Table 4-6. Regional Economic Development Organization

County Organization Name Telephone E-Mail Address Number

Brazos Research Valley Partnership* 979-260-1755 [emailprotected]


Although all of the communities in Brazos County are projected to grow in population, Bryan/College Station is the only metropolitan area in the area and hence will face the most severe development challenges and thus pressure to build in areas that are hazard-prone. Several of the smaller towns and communities will, however, deal with similar problems of maintaining the quality of life during periods of growth and paying for new schools, roads, and other types of infrastructure. As part of the five-year plan update, depending upon resource availability, a review will be undertaken of development trends in each jurisdiction and vulnerability. Also as part of the five- year plan update, depending upon resource availability, a review will be undertaken for each hazard of the type and number of existing and future buildings, infrastructure and critical facilities within each hazard area, and an estimate will be undertaken of the vulnerability of critical facilities and infrastructure in terms of potential dollar losses from each hazard. Also depending upon resource availability, land uses and development trends will also be re- examined, including the types of development occurring, location, expected intensity, and pace by land use for each jurisdiction. This will help complete and improve future vulnerability assessment efforts. Based on the analysis, a summary of vulnerability will be provided for participating jurisdictions below the county level.

COMMUNITIES DESIGNATED FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION The state of Texas requires that hazard mitigation plans identify any Small and Impoverished Communities in the planning area. These communities may receive special consideration in some federal and state grant programs. According to the established criteria, Small and Impoverished Communities 1) have a population less than 3,000 and are not a remote area within the corporate boundaries of a larger city and 2) are economically disadvantaged, with residents having an average per capita annual income not exceeding 80 percent of the national per capita income and a local unemployment rate that

25 exceeds by one percentage point or more the most recently reported national unemployment rate. At this time, there are no small and impoverished communities within Brazos County.


RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES A risk assessment evaluated the probability of occurrence of a hazard event and the potential associated losses in Brazos County. The resulting loss estimates are a starting point from which to evaluate mitigation measures if a real hazard event occurs. The loss estimates also are intended to support mitigation decision-making. It is important to note, however, that loss estimates calculated during the risk assessment used available data and methodologies and are approximate. The estimates should be used to understand relative risks from hazards and potential losses and are not intended to predict precise results. Uncertainties are inherent in any loss-estimation methodology and arise, in part, from incomplete scientific knowledge about natural hazards and their effects on the built environment. Uncertainties also result from approximations and simplifications (such as incomplete or outdated inventory, demographic, or economic parameter data) that are necessarily used during a comprehensive analysis. These data can result in a range of uncertainty in loss estimates, perhaps at a factor of two or more. In addition, a variety of previous studies and reports were reviewed for additional risk data. Two distinct hazard risk-assessment methodologies were applied during the risk assessment: HAZUS-MH, FEMA’s loss-estimation software, and a statistical risk-assessment methodology. Each provided estimates of potential effects using a common, systematic framework for evaluation. The HAZUS-MH risk-assessment methodology is parametric, in that distinct hazard and inventory parameters (wind speed and building types) are modeled determine the effects (damages and losses) on the built environment. Its statistical approach and mathematical modeling of risk is based on recorded or historic damage information, and predicts a hazard’s frequency of occurrence and estimated effects. The HAZUS-MH software was used to estimate losses from wind (hurricane and tornado) and flood hazards. The statistical risk-assessment methodology was applied to analyze hazards outside the capability of the HAZUS-MH software. A brief description of each approach follows.

HAZUS-MH HAZUS-MH is FEMA’s standardized loss estimation software program built upon an integrated geographic information system (GIS) platform. This risk assessment applied HAZUS-MH to produce regional profiles and estimate losses for four hazards.

Statistical Risk Assessment Methodology Risks associated with other natural hazards were analyzed using a statistical assessment methodology developed and used specifically for this project. Its approach is based on the

27 same principles as HAZUS-MH but does not rely on readily available automated software. Historical data for each hazard are used and statistics are evaluated using manual calculations. The general steps used in the statistical risk-assessment methodology are summarized below:  Compile data from national and local sources  Conduct statistical analysis of data to relate historical patterns within data to existing hazard models (minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation)  Categorize hazard parameters for each hazard to be modeled (e.g., tornado)  Develop model parameters based on analysis of data, existing hazard models, and risk engineering judgment  Apply hazard model including:  Analysis of frequency of hazard occurrence  Analysis of intensity and damage parameters of hazard occurrence  Development of intensity and frequency tables and curves based on observed data  Development of simple damage function to relate hazard intensity to a level of damage (for example, one flood = $ in estimated damages)  Development of probability and frequency curves relating a level of damage for each hazard to an annual probability of occurrence  Development of annualized loss estimates The economic loss results are presented in this plan using two interrelated risk indicators:  The Annualized Loss (AL), which is the estimated long-term value of losses to the general building stock in any single year in a specified geographic area (i.e., county)  The Annualized Loss Ratio (ALR), which expresses estimated annualized loss as a fraction of the building inventory replacement value The estimated Annualized Loss (AL) addresses the two key components of risk: the probability of the hazard occurring in the study area and the consequences of the hazard, largely a function of building construction type and quality, and of the intensity of the hazard event. By annualizing estimated losses, the AL factors in historic patterns of frequent smaller events with infrequent but larger events to provide a balanced presentation of the risk. The Annualized Loss Ratio (ALR) represents the AL as a fraction of the replacement value of the local building inventory. This ratio is calculated using the following formula: ALR = Annualized Losses / Total Exposure at Risk The annualized loss ratio gauges the relationship between average annualized loss and building replacement value. This ratio can be used as a measure of relative risk between areas and, since it is normalized by replacement value, it can be directly compared across different geographic units such as metropolitan areas, jurisdictions or counties.

28 PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK Hazard identification consists of defining the study area in terms of scale and coverage and collecting and compiling a list of prevalent hazards in the study area to help narrow the focus of the analysis. Figure 5-1 below shows the extent of the study area, as well as the population density distribution at the county level (based on Census 2010) for the seven counties forming BVCOG. Table 5-1 provides a numeric breakdown of the population and total estimated dollar exposure by key occupancy, including statewide critical facilities, that was the basis of the risk assessment presented in this report. Table 5-2 provides the types of critical facilities. This information was derived from HAZUS-MH. Figure 5-2 is a map of critical facilities in Brazos County. Detailed lists of critical facilities, identified by county, can be found in Appendix D.

Figure 5-1. Population Density Distribution Map

29 Table 5-1. Population and Building Distribution by Key Occupancy in Brazos County

Jurisdiction Population Residential Buildings Commercial Buildings Critical Facilities (2010) Number Value ($) Number Value ($) Number

Brazos 194,851 42,634 11,191,777 473 2,030,436 298

Table 5-2. Critical Facilities by Type in Brazos County

Jurisdiction Infrastructure and Lifelines Hazardous Materials Facilities

Oil Gas Pipe Highway Railroad Number of Number of Pipe (km) (km) (km) Sites Materials (km)

Brazos 375.9 1,819.9 216.4 113.2 8 10

30 Figure 5-2. Critical Facilities Distribution Map

HAZARDS OF CONCERN Based on input such as historical data, public perception, and technical requirements, the following hazards (listed alphabetically) were considered for analysis:  Dam failures  Drought  Excessive Heat  Fires  Floods  Hail  Hurricanes  Severe Winter Storms  Thunderstorms  Tornadoes

31 HISTORICAL DISASTER DECLARATIONS Of the 1,037 major disaster declarations in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and nine U.S. territories between 1972 and 2010, the state of Texas, at 84, claims the highest number of presidential disaster declarations for any state or territory. Presidential disaster declarations and Small Business Administration declarations for Brazos County are identified in Table 5-3. Since 1965, there have been three Presidential Disaster and three Small Business Administration Declarations for Brazos County.

Table 5-3. Disaster Declarations in Brazos County

County Year Disaster Primary Presidential SBA Number Incident Declaration Declaration Type

Brazos 1991 930 DR Flood Yes Yes

Brazos 1994 1041 DR Flood Yes Yes

Brazos 2008 1791 DR Hurricane Yes Yes

ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL LOSSES Risk (vulnerability) assessments are presented, whenever possible, in terms of annualized losses. The annualized data are useful for three reasons:  Contribution of potential losses from all future disasters is accounted for with this approach.  Results in this form from different hazards are readily comparable and, hence, easier to rank.  For purposes of evaluating mitigation alternatives, use of annualized losses is the most objective approach. Annualized losses for hazards where the parametric approach is used are computed in a three- step process:  Compute / estimate losses for a number of scenario events with different return periods (e.g., 10-year, 100-year, 200-year, 500-year)  Approximate the probability versus loss curve through curve fitting  Calculate the area under the fitted curve to obtain annualized losses. Computations of loss predictions from the other hazards that used a statistical approach are based primarily on observed historical losses.

32 Impact on Critical and Essential Facilities Hazard mitigation plans often focus on critical facilities vulnerable to hazards simply because it is usually most cost-effective to mitigate the assets that are the most important to the community. These could be facilities critical to emergency operations, or ones that house important government functions or vulnerable populations, or ones simply deemed important to the community for their economic or cultural value. Consequently, these facilities are considered high-priority when evaluating structures for the purpose of increasing their disaster resistance. Critical and essential facilities include:  Facilities critical to normal and emergency response operations in the area (fire stations, police stations, and the EOC)  Infrastructure and facilities critical to community survivability or continuity of community services (transportation facilities; post offices; radio station and other communication facilities; electrical transmission and distribution; water and wastewater treatment),  Facilities needed to assist vulnerable populations during and after a disaster (schools, hospitals, residential care facilities), and  Facilities in which key government functions take place (sheriff’s office, county courthouse, town halls). In general, for most of the hazards addressed in this study, the potential for significant damage exists primarily at critical facilities located in flood-prone areas. Critical facilities that happen to be in the tornado path or nearby energy pipelines where incidents could occur also may sustain considerable damage.

HAZARD RANKING Based on absolute economic losses, the hazards in Brazos County are listed below.  Flood  Drought  Hurricane  Fire  Winter Storm  Tornado  Hail  Thunderstorm  Excessive Heat  Dam Failure

33 UNIQUE HAZARDS This plan is a multi-jurisdictional plan developed to address common risks faced by all the participating jurisdictions in Brazos County. Members of the Hazard Mitigation Team conducted an assessment of risks their jurisdiction faces in comparison to the other communities the county.

CONCLUSIONS Tables 5-7, 5-8 and 5-9 on the following pages provides an overall summary of the Brazos County jurisdictions’ vulnerability to hazards. For each jurisdiction, each hazard was given a rating of substantial, major, minor or limited based on a description of that particular jurisdiction’s vulnerability to the hazard. Table 5-7 focuses on vulnerability in terms of property damage. Table 5-8 focuses on vulnerability in terms of loss of life or injury. Table 5-9 focuses on vulnerability of facilities to being shut down. Section 201.6(c)(2)(iii) of FEMA regulations indicate that for multi-jurisdictional plans, the risk assessment must assess each jurisdiction’s risks where they vary from the risks facing the entire planning area. These rating were developed based on the best acceptable data and will be updated during the five-year plan review and update process. Definitions of the classifications are as follows: “Substantial” severity of impact may result in multiple deaths, complete shutdown of facilities for 30 or more days, or more than 50 percent of property destroyed or with major damage. “Major” severity of impact may result in injuries or illnesses that result in permanent disability, complete shutdown of critical facilities for at least two weeks, or more than 25 percent of property destroyed or with major damage. “Minor” severity of impact may result in injuries or illnesses that do not result in permanent disability, a complete shutdown of critical facilities for more than one week, or more than 10 percent of property destroyed or with major damage. “Limited” severity of impact may result in injuries or illnesses that are treatable with first aid, minor quality of life lost, shutdown of critical facilities and services for 24 hours or less, or less than 10 percent of property destroyed or with major damage. The definitions above will be summarized in the following tables as: S=Substantial Maj=Major Min=Minor L=Limited

34 Table 5-7. Overall Summary Descriptions of Jurisdictions’ Vulnerability to Hazards in Brazos

County in Terms of Property Damage




Drought Drought Tornado

Hail St Hail

Dam Failure Dam


Excessive Heat Excessive

Hurricane Wind Hurricane

Flooding (riverine) Flooding Severe Winter Storm Winter Severe


Bryan S L L S L L L L MAJ L

College Station S L L S L L L L MAJ L


Kurten S L L MIN L L L L MAJ L

Wixon Valley S L L MIN L L L L MAJ L


Table 5-8. Overall Summary Descriptions of Jurisdictions’ Vulnerability to Hazards in Brazos

County in Terms of Loss of Life or Injury

Jurisdiction torm




Hail S Hail

Dam Failure Dam


Excessive Heat Excessive

Hurricane Wind Hurricane

Flooding (riverine) Flooding Severe Winter Storm Winter Severe

Brazos S L S S L L L L MAJ L

Bryan S L S S L L L L MAJ L

College Station S L S S L L L L MAJ L


Jurisdiction torm




Hail S Hail

Dam Failure Dam


Excessive Heat Excessive

Hurricane Wind Hurricane

Flooding (riverine) Flooding Severe Winter Storm Winter Severe


Kurten S L S MIN L L L L MAJ L

Wixon Valley S L S MIN L L L L MAJ L


Table 5-9. Overall Summary Descriptions of Jurisdictions’ Vulnerability to Hazards in Brazos

County in Terms of Vulnerability of Facilities to Being Shut Down



Drought Drought Tornado

Hail Storm Hail

Dam Failure Dam

oding (riverine) oding


Excessive Heat Excessive

Hurricane Wind Hurricane

Flo Severe Winter Storm Winter Severe

Brazos S L L S L L L L MAJ L

Bryan S L L S L L L L MAJ L

College Station S L L S L L L L MAJ L


Kurten S L L MIN L L L L MAJ L

Wixon Valley S L L MIN L L L L MAJ L


36 The hazard-event profiles relevant to Brazos County reveal historic hazard trends and provide a reference point for understanding the potential effects of future hazard events. A review of historic data helps to evaluate hazard-event profiles and answer questions: How often may a particular disaster occur? Who and where are most likely to be affected? How bad can it get? Sections 6 through 15 of this plan contain reviews of the historical frequency of occurrence and/or loss and damage estimates, by hazard, in Brazos County. Frequency of occurrence in Sections 6 through 15 will be defined as follows:  Highly Likely means that the event is possible in the next 3 years.  Likely means that the event is possible in the next 5 years.  Unlikely means that the event is possible in the next 10 years.  Highly Unlikely means that the event is possible in the next 20 years. Each section discusses why the hazard is a threat, profiles the hazard, identifies areas at risk to hazards that have distinct geographic boundaries, identifies the people and property at risk, and summarizes the history of hazard events and potential damages and losses. The results of this study are useful in at least three ways:  Improving our understanding of the risk associated with the natural hazards in Brazos County through better understanding of the complexities and dynamics of risk, how levels of risk can be measured and compared, and the myriad factors that influence risk. An understanding of these relationships is critical in making balanced and informed decisions on managing the risk.  Providing a baseline for policy development and comparison of mitigation alternatives. The data used for this analysis present a current picture of risk in Brazos County. Updating this risk “snapshot” with future data will enable comparison of the changes in risk with time. Baselines of this type can support the objective analysis of policy and program options for risk reduction in the region.  Comparing the risk among the natural hazards addressed. The ability to quantify the risk to all these hazards relative to one another helps in a balanced, multi-hazard approach to risk management at each level of governing authority. This ranking provides a systematic framework to compare and prioritize the very disparate natural hazards that are present in Brazos County. This final step in the risk assessment provides the necessary information for the Mitigation Planning Committee to craft a mitigation strategy to focus resources on only those hazards that pose the most threat to the region.



Unique Geographic and Atmospheric Conditions Texas, according to American Hazardscapes: The Regionalization of Hazards and Disasters published by the National Academy Press, consistently outranks other states in deaths and damage from floods. This is due to the location and size of the state. Texas is second in casualties and damages from hurricanes and tropical storms. The state’s vulnerability is the result of several factors: it has miles of Gulf of Mexico coastline; its proximity to the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of Mexico; its geographical location near the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Arizona and the high-altitude jet stream; and its nearness to the unique West Texas “dry line,” a shifting, invisible atmospheric separation of dry desert air from the moist Gulf air. These factors create a breeding ground for the big storms of spring and fall that spawn tornadoes and suck up Gulf or Pacific moisture that feed the heavy rains that cause flash flooding. All these geographic factors cause Texas to experience extensive, annual storms. Figure 6 1 shows the state’s vulnerability to damaging storms. Flooding takes many forms in Brazos County.

Figure 6-1. Texas Sources of Moisture

38 Flash Flooding Most flash flooding is caused by slow-moving thunderstorms, by thunderstorms repeatedly moving over the same area, or by heavy rains from hurricanes and tropical storms. Flash floods can occur within a few minutes or after hours of excessive rainfall. Often there is no warning that flash floods are coming. Flash flooding can pose a deadly danger to residents of Brazos County. A number of roads run through low-lying areas that are prone to sudden and frequent flooding during heavy rains. Motorists often attempt to drive through barricaded or flooded roadways. It takes only 18-to- 24-inches of water moving across a roadway to carry away most vehicles. Floating cars easily get swept downstream, making rescues difficult and dangerous.

Riverine Flooding Riverine flooding is natural and inevitable. It is the overbank flooding of rivers and streams, typically resulting from large-scale weather systems that generate prolonged rainfall over a wide geographic area. Some river floods occur seasonally when winter or spring rainfalls fill river basins with too much water, too quickly. Torrential rains from decaying hurricanes or tropical systems can also produce river flooding.

Urban Flooding Urban flooding occurs as land is converted from fields or woodlands to roads, buildings and parking lots and when the natural land loses its ability to absorb rainfall. Urbanization changes the natural hydrologic systems of a basin, increasing runoff two to six times over what would occur on natural terrain. During periods of urban flooding, streets can become swift moving rivers, while highway underpasses and underground parking garages can become death traps as they fill with water.

HAZARD PROFILE Major flooding and flash flooding events can have a substantial severity of impact to the jurisdictions within Brazos County. They can cause multiple deaths, completely shut down facilities for thirty days or more, and cause more than fifty percent of affected properties to be destroyed or suffer major damage. The frequency of occurrence of flooding in Brazos County is likely. The extent of flooding in Brazos County, including all participating jurisdictions, can be water depths from between one and four feet deep in structures located in the identified flood hazard area. Brazos County and participating jurisdictions have no infrastructure or critical facilities that are vulnerable to floods. There are some residential structures that are vulnerable to flooding, and mitigation actions regarding those structures are addressed in Section 17 of this plan.

39 The annual probability of observing a 100-year flood is one-percent. The annual probability of observing a 500-year flood event is 0.2 percent. Flooding occurs in seasonal patterns. Thunderstorms form when warm, moist air collides with cooler, drier air. Since these masses tend to come together during the transition from summer to winter, most thunderstorms and resulting flooding occur during the spring (April, May and June) and fall (October, November, and December).

HISTORY OF FLOODING Flood events in Brazos County reported to the National Weather Service are listed in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1. Reported Flood Events, January 1, 1994, to February 28, 2011

Type Location Date Deaths Injuries Property Crop Damage Damage ($) ($)

Flash flooding Brazos 10/16/1994 0 0 $5.0M $50K

Flash flooding/ Brazos 12/15/1994 0 0 50K 5K flood

Flash flood Bryan/ College 09/21/1995 0 0 5K 0 Station

Flash flood Countywide 02/20/1997 0 0 5K 0

Flash flood North Portion 10/13/1997 0 0 5K 0

Flash flood College Station 01/06/1998 0 0 5K 0

Flash flood College Station 10/17/1998 0 0 5K 0

Flooding, County 10/17/1998 1 0 0 0 riverine

Flash flood College Station 10/18/1998 0 0 2K 0

Flash flood Countywide 10/18/1998 0 0 15K 0

Flooding, County 11/12/1998 0 0 0 0 riverine

Flash flood Countywide 11/02/2000 0 0 1.0M 0

Flash flood Countywide 11/03/2000 0 0 25K 0

Flash flood Countywide 11/03/2000 0 0 25K 0

40 Flash flood Countywide 11/03/2000 0 0 1.0M 0

Flash flood Countywide 09/09/2001 0 0 50K 0

Flash flood Bryan 07/14/2002 0 0 20K 0

Flash flood Countywide 11/04/2002 0 0 95K 0

Flash flood Countywide 02/20/2003 0 0 8K 0

Flash flood Bryan 05/13/2004 0 0 250K 0

Flash flood College Station 06/15/2004 0 0 55K 0

Flash flood Bryan 06/30/2004 0 0 15K 0

Flash flood Countywide 11/22/2004 0 0 0 0

Flash flood Bryan 05/01/2007 0 0 130K 0

Flash flood Countywide 12/15/2007 0 0 5K 0

Flash flood Bryan 04/25/2009 0 0 1K 0

Flash flood Bryan 06/09/2010 0 0 1K 0

Flash flood College Station 06/09/2010 0 0 0 0

Flash flood College Station 06/09/2010 0 0 0 0

Flash flood College Station 06/09/2010 0 0 0 0

Flash flood College Station 06/09/2010 0 0 0 0

LOCATION OF HAZARDOUS AREAS Flood-hazard areas are determined using statistical analyses of records of riverflow, storm tides, and rainfall; information obtained through consultation with communities; floodplain topographic surveys; and hydrological and hydraulic analyses. FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) identify areas subject to flood hazard. These include Special Flood Hazard Areas, which are defined as areas that will be inundated by a flood event having a one-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The one-percent-annual-chance flood is also referred to as the base flood or 100-year flood. Moderate flood-hazard areas are also shown on the FIRM, and are the areas between the limits of the base flood and the two-tenths of a percent-annual-chance (or 500-year) flood.

41 The location of flood hazard areas for Brazos County is shown in Figure 6-2. Flooding is primarily located along the Brazos River on the west side of the county and along the Navasota River on the east side of the county. Depths of flood waters can range from one to four feet deep along the Brazos River and one to three feet deep along the Navasota River. The City of Bryan experiences flooding along the low-water crossings in the city. Water in these areas can reach between one and three feet deep. There is a mitigation action item in Section 17 that addresses the need to map the locations of the low-water crossings in the city in order to mitigate these areas with bridges. The City of Bryan also experiences flooding of up to two feet deep along Turkey Creek Road. The location of flood hazard areas in the City of College Station includes flooding up to three feet deep along Old Wellborn Road, which impacts structures located there as well as Old Wellborn Road itself. There is a mitigation action in Section 17 that addresses the structures located on Old Wellborn Road. The City of College Station also experiences flood waters several feet deep along Bee Creek and Wolf Pen Creek. The City of Kurten experiences ponding of water between one and two feet deep along North Oakland Lane and South Oakland Lane, in addition to ponding of water up to one foot deep along Sagebrush Drive. The location of flood hazard areas in Wixon Valley includes shallow ponding of water between one and two feet deep along FM 2776 and along Dilly Shaw Tap Road. Texas A&M University has flooding along the northern portion of the campus where a golf course is located. Ponding of water can be expected up to one foot deep in this location. ‘ The BVCOG does not have any identified flood hazard areas on their property. Figure 6-2 on the following pages depicts the flood zones throughout the county, Texas A&M University and BVCOG, where there is potential for damage to property and loss of life.

42 Figure 6-2. Riverine Flooding Potential, Brazos County



45 NFIP PROGRAM PARTICIPATION Flood insurance offered through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is the best way for home and business owners to protect themselves financially against the ravages of flooding. There are currently over 600 flood insurance policies in force in participating Brazos County communities. According to FEMA, jurisdictions participate in the NFIP by adopting and enforcing floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage. In exchange, the NFIP makes federally backed flood insurance available to homeowners, renters, and business owners in these communities. Community participation in the NFIP is voluntary.

Brazos County and the cities of Bryan and College Station are currently the only jurisdictions within the county that participate in the NFIP. These jurisdictions maintain their continued NFIP compliance in several ways, including:  Requiring all new development in the identified flood hazard area to be permitted  Requiring revisions to existing structures in the identified flood hazard area to be permitted  Requiring Elevation Certificates to be submitted as part of the permitting process  Persons looking to purchase flood prone property are being advised of the flood hazard area through credited hazard disclosure measures  Continued preservation of open space in the floodplain  Acquisition of existing structures from the floodplain  Keeping track of building improvements and repairs to structures located in the identified flood hazard area  Continued enforcement of stream dumping regulations  The cities of Bryan and College Station both participate in the NFIP’s Community Rating System (CRS). This voluntary incentive program recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements. Additional activities are verified annually and community success is translated into ratings which equal policy holder discounts

For more information regarding the floodplain management ordinance of each community, see Section 16.

46 Table 6-2. National Flood Insurance Program, Policies and Losses for Brazos County

Community Policies in Total Total Losses Dollars Paid, Policies in Effect Coverage in Historical Effect Thousands

Brazos County 73 $12,697 6 $48,768 73

Bryan 334 $41,521 98 $588,684 334

College Station 284 $47,233 107 $412,631 284

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK To assess flood risk, flood areas were modeled for 100-year and 500-year events. Flood depth was estimated at the pixel level for affected areas, along with proportion of the area affected within the census block. HAZUS-MH inventory and damage functions were then utilized to estimate exposure. Table 6-3 shows the estimated buildings and people at risk to flooding. Because detailed information was not available to calculate potential losses due to flood, it is assumed that in a worst-case-scenario event, all exposed areas would be impacted and the exposed values would equal the potential losses.

Table 6-3. Potential Wet Exposure for 100-Year Flood (Riverine Flooding)

County Potential Potential People at Risk Residential Building Commercial Building Exposure at Risk Exposure at Risk

Number Value ($1,000) Number Value ($1,000)

Brazos 3,033 $717,428 33 $145,911 9,353

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES To estimate annualized losses due to flood, the exposed values were multiplied by the probability of the occurrence of a 100-year flood event (1 percent) to calculate the estimated annualized losses. Annualized losses by county are shown in Table 6-4. Potential impacts to critical facilities and infrastructure are provided in Table 6-5. Repetitive losses are provided in Table 6-6.

47 Table 6-4. Potential Annualized Losses (Riverine Flooding)

County Total Exposure Annualized Annualized Total Annualized of Residential Losses for Losses for Annualized Percent Loss and Residential Commercial Expected Ratio Commercial Buildings at Buildings at Property Buildings Risk ($1000) Risk ($1000) Losses ($1000)

Brazos 3,538,770 29,946 5441 35387 0.01000

Table 6-5. Critical Facilities and Infrastructure Potentially Damaged, Brazos County

County Critical Facilities and Infrastructure

Total Number Number Inside the Percentage Susceptible to 100-year Floodplain Flooding

Brazos 298 129 43.29

REPETITIVE LOSSES Brazos County has one (1) structure on FEMA’s Repetitive Loss (RL) list and no Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) structures. The City of Bryan has seventeen (17) structures on FEMA’s RL list and one (1) structure on the SRL list. The City of College Station has six (6) structures on FEMA’s RL list and one (1) structure on the SRL list. Out of these structures twenty-four are in the cities of Bryan and College Station, one is in rural Brazos County, and one is unknown. Twenty-two structures are residential, two are commercial, and the remaining two are unknown at this time. They are primarily constructed of brick and mortar on concrete slab foundations. None of the other jurisdictions within this plan have either RL or SRL structures listed by FEMA.


WHY DROUGHT IS A THREAT According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, “Drought is one of the most complex, and least understood, of all natural hazards, affecting more people than do other natural hazards, but differing from them in important ways. Unlike earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, drought unfolds at an almost imperceptible pace with beginning and ending times that are difficult to determine, and with effects that often are spread over vast regions. Drought is the most costly of all natural disasters, and because of the famines it causes, it is the most deadly. ” Drought is a period of time without substantial rainfall that persists from one year to the next. Drought is a normal part of virtually all-climatic regimes, including areas with high and low average rainfall. Drought is the consequence of a natural reduction in the amount of precipitation expected over an extended period of time, usually a season or more in length. Droughts can be classified as meteorological, hydrologic, agricultural, and socioeconomic. Table 7-1 shows the drought classification definitions.

Table 7-1. Drought Classification Definitions

Meteorological The degree of dryness or departure of actual precipitation from an Drought expected average or normal amount based on monthly, seasonal, or annual time scales.

Hydrologic Drought The effects of precipitation shortfalls on stream flows and reservoir, lake, and groundwater levels.

Agricultural Drought Soil moisture deficiencies relative to water demands of plant life, usually crops.

Socioeconomic Drought The effect of demands for water exceeding the supply as a result of a weather-related supply shortfall.

Source: Multi-Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: A Cornerstone of the National Mitigation Strategy, FEMA

Over time, droughts can have very damaging effects on crops, municipal water supplies, recreational uses, and wildlife. If droughts extend over a number of years, the direct and indirect economic impact can be significant. Droughts can affect a large area and range in size from a couple of counties to several states. Their impact on wildlife and area farming is enormous. Droughts can kill crops, grazing land,

49 edible plants and even in severe cases, trees. Agricultural losses in Texas from the 1996 drought are estimated at $2 billion, and losses from the 1998 drought estimated at $2.1 billion, with some estimates much higher. Estimates of overall state losses from both droughts exceed $11 billion. Dying vegetation also serves as a prime ignition source for wildland fires. A heat wave combined with a drought is a very dangerous situation. Although drought can occur in any season, when extreme heat combines with drought conditions, the result can be a community disaster. Droughts occur regularly in Texas and are a normal condition. They can vary greatly, however, in their intensity and duration. On average, a yearlong drought takes place somewhere in Texas once every 3 years and a major drought every 20 years. Major droughts can last for years. In 2011, Brazos County was experiencing a severe drought event.

HAZARD PROFILE The potential severity of impact of droughts is substantial, especially taking into consideration the economic losses that may result. The frequency of occurrence of drought in Brazos County is likely. Brazos County has no critical facilities or infrastructure that is vulnerable to drought. The participating jurisdictions in this plan all have back-up water supplies system in place to provide water to commercial and residential structures should a drought affect the water supply system. Most residences in the county rely on water from underground wells. Livestock and agriculture losses could occur in the county during periods of drought. Droughts are slow onset hazards. Warning time for drought is long, since drought events take place over long periods of time. Drought warnings are issued by the state Drought Preparedness Council, as directed by H.B. 2660, based upon input from NOAA, the Office of the State Climatologist, the U.S. Geological Service, the Texas Water Development Board, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the Texas Agricultural Statistics Service. Warnings utilize five “levels of concern” and take into account assessments of climatology, agriculture, and water availability for each of 10 climatic regions of the state. According to the Palmer Drought Index, shown in Table 7.2 on the next page, the extent of droughts can range from minor or moderate to extreme or exceptional. The maximum extent of drought that can affect Brazos County would be exceptional, as shown in Figure 7.1. This occurred during the summer and fall of 2011. The minimum extent of drought that can affect Brazos County would be moderate, as shown in Figure 7.2. This occurred during the spring of spring 2012 after some much needed rain.

50 Table 7-2. Palmer Drought Index

51 Figure 7-1. Extent of Drought during 2011

52 Figure 7-2. Extent of Drought during 2012


Table 7-3. Exposure to Droughts in Brazos County as Reported to the National Weather Service, 01/01/1996 to 02/28/2011

Property Crop Date Death Injury Notes Damage Damage

4/1/1996 0 0 0 0 Entire county affected

5/1/1996 0 0 0 0 Entire county affected

6/1/1996 0 0 0 0 Entire county affected

5/1/1998 0 0 0 0 Entire county affected

6/1/1998 0 0 0 0 Entire county affected

7/1/1998 0 0 0 0 Entire county affected

Entire county affected 8/1/1998 0 0 23.0M 167.9M No data to separate damages within area

8/1/2000 0 0 0 0 Entire county affected

Entire county affected 9/1/2000 0 0 0 102.3M No data to separate damages within area

7/1/2011 0 0 0 TBD Entire county affected

8/1/2011 0 0 0 TBD Entire county affected

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK Droughts impact large geographical areas, thus all the population, buildings, critical facilities, infrastructure and lifelines, and hazardous materials facilities are considered exposed to the

54 hazard and could potentially be impacted. In Brazos County, drought does not have a specific location. However, all jurisdictions are at risk and could be affected by drought.

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES In order to analyze the risk of Brazos County to drought and estimate potential losses, 100 years of statistical data from the University of Nebraska was used (this data was developed by the University based on Palmer Drought and Crop Severity Indices) as well as 1997 USDA agriculture data. A drought event frequency-impact was then developed to determine a drought impact profile on non-irrigated agriculture products and estimate potential losses due to drought in the area. Table 7-3 shows annualized expected exposure for Brazos County.

Table 7-4. Annualized Expected Agricultural Product Market Value Exposed to Drought in Brazos County

County Annualized Expected Exposure ($)

Brazos 8,523,501


WHY HURRICANES ARE A THREAT According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a hurricane is an intense tropical weather system of strong thunderstorms with a well-defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 mph or higher. A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone, a low pressure system that generally forms in the tropics. A hurricane is accompanied by thunderstorms and, in the Northern Hemisphere, a counterclockwise circulation of winds near the earth's surface. Hurricanes are categorized according to the strength of their winds using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. A Category 1 storm has the lowest wind speeds, while a Category 5 hurricane has the strongest. These are relative terms, because lower category storms can sometimes inflict greater damage than higher category storms, depending on where they strike and the particular hazards they bring. In fact, tropical storms can also produce significant damage and loss of life, mainly due to flooding. The ingredients for a hurricane include a pre-existing weather disturbance, warm tropical oceans, moisture, and relatively light winds aloft. If the right conditions persist long enough, they can combine to produce the violent winds, incredible waves, torrential rains, and floods we associate with this phenomenon. Each year, an average of ten tropical storms develops over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. Many of these remain over the ocean and never impact the U.S. coastline. Six of these storms become hurricanes each year. In an average 3-year period, roughly five hurricanes strike the US coastline, killing approximately 50 to 100 people anywhere from Texas to Maine. Of these, two are typically "major" or "intense" hurricanes (a category 3 or higher storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale). When the winds from these storms reach 39 mph, the cyclones are given names. Years ago, an international committee developed names for Atlantic cyclones. In 1979, a six-year rotating list of Atlantic storm names was adopted — alternating between male and female hurricane names. Storm names are used to facilitate geographic referencing, for warning services, for legal issues, and to reduce confusion when two or more tropical cyclones occur at the same time. Through a vote of the World Meteorological Organization Region IV Subcommittee, Atlantic cyclone names are retired usually when hurricanes result in substantial damage or death or for other special circ*mstances. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale classifies hurricanes according to the following:  Tropical Storm—Winds 39-73 mph  Category 1 Hurricane—winds 74-95 mph (64-82 kts.). No real damage to buildings. Damage to unanchored mobile homes. Some damage to

56 poorly constructed signs. Also, some coastal flooding and minor pier damage. Examples: Dolly (TX) 2008, Irene 1999 and Allison 1995  Category 2 Hurricane—winds 96-110 mph (83-95 kts.). Some damage to building roofs, doors and windows. Considerable damage to mobile homes. Flooding damages piers and small craft in unprotected moorings may break their moorings. Some trees blown down. Examples: Ike (TX) 2008, Gustav (LA) 2008, Bonnie 1998, Georges (FL & LA) 1998, and Gloria 1985  Category 3 Hurricane—winds 111-130 mph (96-113 kts.) Some structural damage to small residences and utility buildings. Large trees blown down. Mobile homes and poorly built signs destroyed. Flooding near the coast destroys smaller structures with larger structures damaged by floating debris. Terrain may be flooded well inland. Examples: Katrina (LA) 2005, Rita (TX) 2005, Keith 2000, Fran 1996, Opal 1995, Alicia 1983 and Betsy 1965  Category 4 Hurricane—winds 131-155 mph (114-135 kts.) More extensive curtain wall failures with some complete roof structure failure on small residences. Major erosion of beach areas. Terrain may be flooded well inland. Examples: Hugo 1989 and Donna 1960  Category 5 Hurricane—winds 156 mph and up (135+ kts.) Complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings. Some complete building failures with small utility buildings blown over or away. Flooding causes major damage to lower floors of all structures near the shoreline. Massive evacuation of residential areas may be required. Examples: Andrew (FL) 1992, Camille 1969 and Labor Day 1935 Hurricane hazards come in many forms: storm surge, high winds, tornadoes, and flooding.

High Winds Brazos County can experience high winds from hurricanes. The intensity of a landfalling hurricane is expressed in terms of categories that relate wind speeds and potential damage. According to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, a Category 1 hurricane has lighter winds compared to storms in higher categories. A Category 4 hurricane would have winds between 131 and 155 mph and, on the average, would usually be expected to cause 100 times the damage of the Category 1 storm. Depending on circ*mstances, less intense storms may still be strong enough to produce damage, particularly in areas that have not prepared in advance. Tropical storm-force winds are strong enough to be dangerous to those caught in them. For this reason, emergency managers plan on having their evacuations complete and their personnel sheltered before the onset of tropical storm-force winds, not hurricane-force winds. Hurricane-force winds can easily destroy poorly constructed buildings and mobile homes. Debris such as signs, roofing material, and small items left outside become flying missiles in hurricanes.

57 Extensive damage to trees, towers, water and underground utility lines (from uprooted trees), and fallen poles cause considerable disruption.

Tornadoes Hurricanes can also produce tornadoes that add to the storm's destructive power. Tornadoes are most likely to occur in the right-front quadrant of the hurricane. However, they are also often found elsewhere embedded in the rainbands, well away from the center of the hurricane. Some hurricanes seem to produce no tornadoes, while others develop multiple ones. Studies have shown that more than half of the landfalling hurricanes produce at least one tornado; Hurricane Beulah (1967) spawned 141 according to one study. In general, tornadoes associated with hurricanes are less intense than those that occur independently. Nonetheless, the effects of tornadoes, added to the larger area of hurricane-force winds, can produce substantial damage.

Inland Flooding In the last 30 years, inland flooding has been responsible for more than half the deaths associated with tropical cyclones in the United States. Inland flooding from hurricanes is a potential threat to Brazos County. When it comes to hurricanes, wind speeds do not tell the whole story. Hurricanes produce storm surges, tornadoes, and often the most deadly of all - inland flooding. While storm surge is always a potential threat, more people have died from inland flooding in the last 30 years. Intense rainfall is not directly related to the wind speed of tropical cyclones. In fact, some of the greatest rainfall amounts occur from weaker storms that drift slowly or stall over an area. Inland flooding can be a major threat to communities hundreds of miles from the coast as intense rain falls from these huge tropical air masses.  Freshwater floods accounted for more than half (59 percent) of U.S. tropical cyclone deaths over the past 30 years. These floods are why 63 percent of U.S. tropical cyclone deaths during that period occurred in inland counties.  At least 23 percent of U.S. tropical cyclone deaths occur to people who drown in, or attempting to abandon, their cars.  78 percent of children killed by tropical cyclones drowned in freshwater floods.

HAZARD PROFILE Hurricanes can have a substantial severity of impact. They can cause multiple deaths, completely shut down facilities for thirty days or more, and cause more than fifty percent of affected properties to be destroyed or suffer major damage. The frequency of occurrence of hurricanes in Brazos County is unlikely.

58 Brazos County has no critical facilities vulnerable to hurricanes. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is located below ground for protection, and the fire and police stations are housed in modern, strong buildings. Numerous commercial and residential structures throughout the county are vulnerable to the affects of high winds from hurricanes. However, these structures are primarily built of brick and mortar and expected to withstand most hurricane winds. Hurricanes occur in seasonal patterns, with hurricane season occurring between June 1 and November 30. Warning time for hurricanes is long, thanks to modern warning technology.

HISTORY OF HURRICANES Between 1900 and 2010, at least forty hurricanes made landfall in Texas. As you will note from the table below, of these, six were a Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, twelve were Category 3, nine were Category 2 and thirteen were Category 1.

Table 8-1. Hurricane Landfalls on the Texas Coastline 1900-2010

Location Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5

North Texas Coast 7 3 5 4 0

Central Texas Coast 3 2 1 1 0

South Texas Coast 3 4 6 1 0

Totals 13 9 12 6 0

Table 8-2. History of Hurricane or Tropical Storms in Brazos County as Reported to the National Weather Service, 01/01/1950 to 02/28/2011

Date Time Type Magnitude Death Injury Property Crop Notes Damage Damage

9/7/1998 5:00 Tropical N/A 0 0 287.2M 0 Brazos was one PM Storm of 23 counties affected. The bulk of damage was along coast

59 Hurricane Winds Table 8-3 profiles the potential winds speeds (in miles per hour) that could be expected in Brazos County in a hurricane event.

Table 8-3. Average Hurricane Wind Speeds in Brazos County

County Wind Speed [MPH] vs. Return Period [Year]

10 20 50 100 200 500 1000

Brazos 41 56 73 85 95 108 116

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK The entire building stock in Brazos County is exposed to the threat of hurricane winds. Table 8- 4 shows the potential impact on the 297 critical facilities in the region from 100- and 500-year winds. It is impossible to predict the exact location of hurricanes. However, the effects of hurricanes are generally two-fold. They are expected to have the most impact on floodplains. The location of floodplains is identified in Figure 6-3. Hurricane winds may impact the entire region depending on the path of the hurricanes.

Table 8-4. Critical Facilities at Risk from Hurricane Winds in Brazos County

County Critical 100-Year Hurricane Wind 500-Year Hurricane Wind Facilities

Total Loss of Partially Fully Loss of Partially Fully Number Function Functional Functional Function Functional Functional

Brazos 297 0 297 0 249 48 0

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES Table 8-5 displays the risks from hurricanes faced by Brazos County. Annualized expected property losses from hurricane winds total more than $11 million per year. Annualized loss ratios are presented to show the relative risk among counties.

60 Table 8-5. Potential Annualized Losses from Hurricanes in Brazos County

County Total Exposure Annualized Annualized Total Annualized ($) Losses for Losses for Annualized Percent Residential Commercial Expected Loss Ratio Buildings Buildings at Property Losses at Risk ($) Risk ($) ($)

Brazos 14,822,193,000 3,832,801 658,627 4,930,375 0.0333%


WHY URBAN AND WILDLAND FIRES ARE A THREAT The fire problem in the United States on a per capita basis is one of the worst in the industrial world. Thousands of Americans die each year from fire, tens of thousands of people are injured, and property losses reach billions of dollars. To put these figures in context, the annual losses from floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters combined in the United States average just a fraction of the losses from fire. According to the National Fire Data Center of the U.S. Fire Administration, recent trends show a decline in the numbers of fires, deaths, injuries, and dollar loss to property. However, despite these encouraging trends, an average of over 5,000 deaths and 28,000 injuries to civilians, and over 100 firefighter deaths occurred annually over the 10–year period from 1987 to 1996. The fire death rate, by state, is shown in Figure 9-1. This plan addresses both wildland fires and major urban fires. For purposes of this plan, major wildland fire events are those that were greater than or equal to two-alarm fires. Major urban fires are defined as those structure fires that were greater than or equal to three-alarm fires.

Figure 9-1. Fire Death Rate by State

62 Major Urban Fires The leading causes of fires nationally are arson, open flames, and cooking. Urban fires cause most fire deaths and injuries. The leading causes of fire deaths are smoking, arson, and heating. Between 70 and 80 percent of deaths result from residential fires. People under age 5 and over age 55 have a much higher death rate than the average population. These two age groups account for more than one-third of all deaths nationally.

Wildland Fires A wildland fire is any fire occurring on grassland, forest, or prairie, regardless of ignition source, damages, or benefits. According to the National Fire Plan, 2000, the wildland fire risk is now considered by authorities as “the most significant fire service problem of the century.” The National Fire Plan was issued by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior. It defines the urban/wildland interface as “the line, area, or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels.” The interface problem has grown dramatically over the last twenty years, spawned by increases in population, urban expansion, land-management decisions that place neighborhoods adjacent to wildland preserves, parks, and greenbelts, and the ever-present desire to intermingle with nature. The marriage between humans and their property and wildland areas has significantly increased human exposure to wildfires. More and more people are building their homes in woodland settings in or near forests, rural areas, or remote mountain sites. Many of these homes are nestled along ridgelines, cliff-edges, and other classic fire-interface hazard zones. There, homeowners enjoy the beauty of the environment but they also face the very real danger of wildfire. Years of fire suppression have significantly disturbed natural fire occurrences—nature’s renewal process. The result has been the gradual accumulation of understory and canopy fuels to levels of density that can feed high-energy, intense wildfires and further increase the hazards from and exposure to interface problems. Multiple devastating interface-area fires over the past several years have demonstrated the disastrous potential inherent in the interface. This danger is perhaps best epitomized by the Cerro Grande fire of 2000 in New Mexico or the Oakland, California, fire of 1991 in which 25 lives were lost and more than 2,900 homes destroyed. In a letter to the President after the devastating 1999-2000 fire season, the secretaries of Agriculture and Interior wrote, “explosive growth in the wildland urban interface now puts entire communities and associated infrastructure, and the socioeconomic fabric that holds communities together, at risk from wildland fire.” Wildland fires can occur at any time of the year. Climatic conditions such as severe freezes and drought can significantly increase the intensity of wildland fires since these conditions kill vegetation, creating a prime fuel source for these types of fires. The intensity of fires and the rate at which they spread are directly related to wind speed, temperature, and relative humidity.

63 Three different classes of wildfires exist. A “surface fire” is the most common type and burns along the floor of a forest, moving slowly and killing or damaging trees. A “ground fire” is usually started by lightning and burns on or below the forest floor in the humus layer down to the mineral soil. “Crown fires” spread rapidly by wind and move quickly by jumping along the tops of trees. Humans start about 90 percent of wildfires (cigarettes thrown from cars, burning of refuse, etc.); lightning starts the other 10 percent.

HAZARD PROFILE The extent of both urban and wildland fires in Brazos County is major; fires can completely shut down facilities for at least two weeks and cause more than 25 percent of affected properties to be destroyed or incur major damage. The frequency of occurrence of urban and wildland fire events in Brazos County is likely. Winter is the peak period for major urban fires and fire deaths. The wildland fire risk varies considerably by month. Warning time for urban and wildland fire events is minimal or none.

HISTORY OF FIRE Table 9-1 shows the number of voluntarily reported incidents and the total dollar losses by county in Brazos County during 2005 through 2011. It is likely that more fire incidents occurred during this timeframe that were not reported. Reporting is voluntary and thus not consistent.

Table 9-1. Urban Fire Incidents and Losses in Brazos County, 2005-2012 (over 25 acres)

Fire Dept. Name Date Type Acres Cause Agencies Responding

Brazos County Pct. 4 VFD 10/6/2005 Wildfire 320 Debris burning 8

Brazos County Pct. 4 VFD 12/3/2005 Wildfire 375 Equipment use 6

Brazos Co. Dist. 2 VFD 12/24/2005 Wildfire 300 Miscellaneous 5

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 12/24/2005 Wildfire 500 Miscellaneous 7

Brazos Co. Dist. 2 VFD 1/3/2006 Wildfire 500 Incendiary 7

Brazos Co. Dist. 2 VFD 1/7/2006 Wildfire 300 Incendiary 7

Brazos Co. Dist. 2 VFD 2/27/2006 Wildfire 40 Debris burning 2

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 2/27/2006 Wildfire 30 Debris burning 2

64 Brazos Co. Dist. 2 VFD 3/31/2006 Wildfire 30 Debris burning 2

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 9/2/2006 Wildfire 148 Miscellaneous 3

South Brazos County FD 7/11/2008 Wildfire 25 Miscellaneous 5

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 7/11/2008 Wildfire 50 Debris burning 5

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 11/5/2008 Wildfire 25 Debris burning 6

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 12/7/2008 Wildfire 50 Debris burning 3

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 1/7/2009 Wildfire 35 Debris burning 3

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 1/21/2009 Wildfire 40 Debris burning 4

Brazos County Pct. 3 VFD 1/31/2009 Wildfire 145 Debris burning 3

LOCATION OF HAZARDOUS AREAS There is no defined geographic hazard boundary for urban and wildland fires in Brazos County. Due to the recent droughts of 2009 and 2011, along with the excessive heat of the summer months during those years, most people, buildings, critical facilities, infrastructure and lifelines are considered exposed to the urban and wildland fire hazard and could potentially affect Brazos County. Figure 9-2 on the following page shows wildfire risk locations across Brazos County, as determined by the Texas Forest Service. The map represents the cumulative weights of (1) the risks associated with fuel complexes, (2) the risks associated with population, and (3) the weighted factors of population growth. These combined variables determine the following risk categories:  Low risk: Areas are primarily those that have little population or population densities that are not located near or in a hazardous fuel complex.  Moderate risk: Areas that may have a high population but are located near or in a moderate- or low-hazard fuel complex. Also, areas that have a low population but have significant growth located near or in a high-hazard fuel complex are included in this category.  High risk: Areas that have a moderate population and a high growth rate and are located near or in a high- or moderate-hazard fuel complex.  Very High risk: Areas that have high population numbers and moderate-to-high growth rates and are located near or in a high-hazard fuel complex area.

65 Figure 9-2. Areas at Risk to Wildfire in Brazos County


The Brazos Valley Council of Governments property is completely within the City of Bryan and therefore falls under the category of “low” when considering the risk of wildfire.


The Texas A&M University at College Station campus is completely within the City of College Station and therefore falls under the category of “low” when considering the risk of wildfire.



This overall hazard rating by the Texas Forest Service is descriptive and not predictive, based on wide-ranging parameters. In most cases, the interface risk in a county will change based on the distribution of hazardous wildland fuels and population and growth within the county. Keeping this in mind, counties that have an overall low-hazard rating may have isolated areas within the county that are at high risk, just as counties identified as high risk may have isolated areas within the county that are at low risk.

70 A major component of the risk assessment was the relation of population and urban development to hazardous wildland fuels. To achieve a rating, the fuels model map for Texas was categorized in to fuel complexes that represented low, moderate and high hazard fuels. This correlation was developed under the direction of Karen Allender and the UWI division of the Texas Forest Service. Fuels were grouped by NFDRS and Anderson Fuel Model ratings and the resulting descriptors of low to high hazard were assigned. These descriptors were based on the fuel complexes potential for spread rates, heat output (BTUs) and duration of output, difficulty of control and potential for fire movement in the canopy of the vegetation. Fuels that had the highest potential for crowning, difficulty in control and heat output for duration posed the most hazards. Any structure is exposed to the urban fire risk. The wildland fire risk is a function of the following:  the climate (patterns over time);  fuel complexes (vegetation);  topography (slope, aspect and elevation);  human factors (structures and infrastructure).

HISTORY OF FIRE Table 9-2 shows the number of voluntarily reported incidents and the total dollar losses by county in Brazos County. It is likely that more fire incidents occurred during this timeframe that were not reported. Reporting is voluntary and thus not consistent.

Table 9-2. Urban Fire Incidents and Losses in Brazos County, 1989-2012

County Incidents Total Dollar Loss ($)

Brazos 4,272 14,570,651

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK There is no defined geographic hazard boundary for urban and wildland fires. All people, buildings, critical facilities, infrastructure and lifelines within Brazos County are considered exposed to the urban and wildland fire hazard and could potentially be impacted.

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES Table 9-3 shows potential annualized losses for Brazos County due to urban fire, which were calculated using the statistical risk assessment methodology. The general steps used in the statistical risk assessment methodology are; to compile data from local and national sources,

71 clean up the data by removing duplication, identify patterns in frequency and vulnerability, extrapolate the statistical patterns, and produce meaningful results with the development of annualized loss estimates.

Table 9-3. Potential Annualized Losses to Urban Fire in Brazos County

County Annualized Expected Property Losses ($)

Brazos 1,553,605


WHY WINTER STORMS ARE A THREAT A severe winter storm event includes a storm with snow, ice or freezing rain—all of which can cause significant problems for area residents. Winter storms that threaten Texas usually start out as powerful cold fronts that push south from central Canada. Most of the precipitation seen in Brazos County from severe winter storms takes the form of ice or sleet. Freezing rain occurs when rain developing in a relatively warm (above freezing) layer of air falls through a layer of air that is below freezing (25-32° F). The rain is “supercooled” as it falls through the cold layer near the surface of the earth. When the supercooled but still liquid raindrops strike the ground or an object already below freezing, they freeze on contact. The resulting coating of ice is commonly known as glaze. A heavy accumulation of ice can topple power and telephone lines, television towers, and trees. Highways become impossible to travel on, and even stepping outdoors can be extremely risky. The severity of an ice storm and the amount of damage caused by the storm depends on the amount of rain and thus the amount of icing taking place, the strength of the wind, and whether or not the storm strikes an urban or rural area. Urban areas tend to suffer more damage than rural areas because of the concentration of utilities and transportation systems (aircraft, trains, buses, trucks, and cars), all of which may be affected to a great degree by the icing.

HAZARD PROFILE The severity of impact of winter storms is generally minor. Winter storms can cause injuries and completely shut down facilities for more than one week, and cause more than ten percent of affected properties to be destroyed or suffer major damage. The extent of winter storms on Brazos County can extend from something as minor as winter weather advisory’s or as major as freezing temperatures with sleet, snow and wind chill. The maximum extent of winter storms for Brazos County include low temperatures below 32 degrees, freezing rain and sleet, and/or snow amounts up to 6-10 inches. The frequency of occurrence of winter storms in Brazos County is unlikely. Warning time for winter storms is generally six to twelve hours. Table 10.1 shows the definitions for winter weather alerts.

Table 10-1. Winter Weather Alerts

Winter This alert may be issued for a variety of severe conditions. Weather advisories weather may be announced for snow, blowing or drifting snow, freezing drizzle, advisory freezing rain, or a combination of weather events.

73 Winter storm Severe winter weather conditions may affect your area (freezing rain, sleet or watch heavy snow may occur separately or in combination).

Winter storm Severe winter weather conditions are imminent. warning

Freezing rain Rain or drizzle is likely to freeze upon impact, resulting in a coating of ice or freezing glaze on roads and all other exposed objects. drizzle

Sleet Small particles of ice, usually mixed with rain. If enough sleet accumulates on the ground, it makes travel hazardous.

Blizzard Sustained wind speeds of at least 35 mph are accompanied by considerable warning falling or blowing snow. This alert is the most perilous winter storm with visibility dangerously restricted.

Frost/freeze Below freezing temperatures are expected and may cause significant damage warning to plants, crops and fruit trees.

Wind chill A strong wind combined with a temperature slightly below freezing can have the same chilling effect as a temperature nearly 50 degrees lower in a calm atmosphere. The combined cooling power of the wind and temperature on exposed flesh is called the wind-chill factor.

HISTORY OF SEVERE WINTER STORMS Winter storm events that have occurred in Brazos County from 1997 to 2012 are presented in Table 10-2, along with reported injuries, deaths and damages.

Table 10-2. Severe Winter Storms, Brazos County, 1997–2012

Type Location Date Deaths Injuries Property Crop Damage Damage

Winter storm (ice) County 01/12/1997 3 0 0 0

Winter Storm County 12/23/1998 0 0 75K 0

Winter storm (ice) County 12/13/2000 0 0 1.0M 0

Ice Storm County 12/07/2005 0 0 70K 0

74 Ice Storm County 1/16/2007 0 0 1K 0K

Ice Storm County 2/04/2011 0 0 0K 0K

Winter Storm County 2/04/2011 0 0 0K 0K

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK Winter storms usually impact large geographical areas; thus, all the population, buildings, critical facilities, infrastructure and lifelines, and hazardous materials facilities in Brazos County are considered exposed to the hazard and could potentially be impacted.

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES Table 10-3 presents annualized expected property losses due to winter storms in Brazos County, which were calculated using the statistical risk assessment methodology. The general steps used in the statistical risk assessment methodology are; to compile data from local and national sources, clean up the data by removing duplication, identify patterns in frequency and vulnerability, extrapolate the statistical patterns, and produce meaningful results with the development of annualized loss estimates.

Table 10-3. Potential Annualized Losses due to Winter Storms in Brazos County

County Annualized Expected Property Losses ($)

Brazos 66,249


WHY TORNADOES ARE A THREAT Tornadoes are unquestionably the most violent storms on the planet. A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending between, and in contact with, a cloud and the surface of the earth. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of 250 miles per hour or more. The most powerful tornadoes are spawned by “super-cell thunderstorms.” These storms are affected by horizontal wind shears (winds moving in different directions at different altitudes) that begin to rotate the storm. This horizontal rotation can be tilted vertically by violent updrafts, and the rotation radius can shrink, forming a vertical column of very quickly swirling air. This rotating air can eventually reach the ground, forming a tornado.

Table 11-1. Enhanced Fujita Tornado Scale implemented February 1, 2007

EF-Scale Intensity Wind Speed Type of Damage Done Number (mph)

EF0 Gale tornado 65-85 Some damage to chimneys; breaks branches off trees; pushes over shallow-rooted trees; damages sign boards.

EF1 Moderate tornado 86-110 The lower limit is the beginning of hurricane wind speed; peels surface off roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos pushed off roads; attached garages may be destroyed.

EF2 Significant tornado 111-135 Considerable damage. Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted; light object missiles generated.

EF3 Severe tornado 136-165 Roof and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forest uprooted.

EF4 Devastating tornado 166-200 Well-constructed homes leveled; structures with weak foundations blown off some distance; cars thrown and large missiles generated.

EF5 Incredible tornado Over 200 Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distances to disintegrate; automobile sized missiles flying through the air in excess of 100 meters; trees debarked; steel reinforced concrete badly damaged.

Brazos County is known for frequent severe weather and thunderstorms. Thunderstorms form when warm, moist air collides with cooler, drier air. Since these masses tend to come together

76 during the transition from summer to winter, most thunderstorms occur during the spring and fall months. Severe thunderstorms can produce tornadoes, high winds, and hail—any of which can cause extensive property damage and loss of life. Tornadoes occasionally accompany tropical storms and hurricanes that move over land. Tornadoes are the most common to the right and ahead of the path of the storm center as it comes ashore. Tornadoes vary in terms of duration, wind speed and the toll that they take, as shown in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2. Variations Among Tornadoes

Weak Tornadoes Strong Tornadoes Violent Tornadoes

69% of all tornadoes 29% of all tornadoes 2% of all tornadoes Less than 5% of tornado deaths Nearly 30% of all tornado deaths 70% of all tornado deaths Lifetime 1-10+ minutes May last 20 minutes or longer Lifetime can exceed one hour Winds less than 110 mph Winds 110 – 205 mph Winds greater than 205 mph

HAZARD PROFILE The impact of tornadoes can be substantial. They can cause multiple deaths, completely shut down facilities for thirty days or more, and cause more than fifty percent of affected properties to be destroyed or suffer major damage. The maximum extent of tornadoes that can affect Brazos County is an EF5, which according to the Enhanced Fujita Scale, would be an incredibly strong tornado with winds speeds over 200 miles per hour. The frequency of occurrence of tornadoes in Brazos County is unlikely. Seasonal patterns are relevant to tornadoes. Thunderstorms form when warm, moist air collides with cooler, drier air. Since these masses tend to come together during the transition from summer to winter, most thunderstorms and resulting tornadoes occur during the spring (March, April, May and June) and, at a lesser intensity, during the fall (September, October, and November). Warning time for tornadoes is minimal.

77 Figure 11-1. Occurrence of Texas Tornadoes, by Month

78 HISTORY OF TORNADOES Historical evidence, as reflected in Table 11-3, shows that most of Brazos County is vulnerable to tornado activity. There is no defined hazard boundary for tornadoes. Since the Enhanced Fujita Scale was not implemented until 2007, the original Fujita Scale is included here to help understand the History of Tornado Events scale in Table 11-3.

Table 11-3 identifies reported tornado events in Brazos County, and Table 11-4 gives the total number of tornadoes in Brazos County.

Table 11-3. History of Tornado Events in the Brazos County as Reported to the National Weather Service, 01/01/1950 to 02/28/2011

Type Date Time Magnitude Death Injury Property Crop Damage Damage

Tornado 12/2/1953 1530 F2 0 0 25K 0

Tornado 4/30/1954 0730 F2 0 0 0K 0

Tornado 4/5/1956 1515 F3 0 0 250K 0

Tornado 3/31/1957 1610 F0 0 0 3K 0

Tornado 5/20/1960 0615 F0 0 0 0K 0

Tornado 5/17/1965 1456 F0 0 0 0K 0

Tornado 2/10/1981 0245 F1 0 1 25K 0

79 Tornado 11/19/1983 0910 F2 0 0 2.5M 0

Tornado 4/27/1990 1758 F0 0 0 0K 0

Tornado 5/13/1994 1525 F0 0 0 0 0

Tornado 5/18/1995 0230 F0 0 0 60K 0

Tornado 5/18/1995 0230 F0 0 0 60K 0

Tornado 1/21/1998 1644 F0 0 0 35K 0

Tornado 10/17/1998 1540 F1 0 0 20K 0

Tornado 10/12/2001 1150 F1 0 0 60K 0

Tornado 12/23/2002 1120 F0 0 0 5K 0

Tornado 6/13/2003 1500 F0 0 0 1K 0

Funnel 7/7/2003 1650 N/A 0 0 0 0 Cloud

Tornado 10/5/2003 1705 F1 0 1 750K 0

Tornado 10/5/2003 1730 F0 0 0 3K 0

Tornado 2/24/2004 2110 F0 0 0 25K 0

Funnel 3/17/2004 0045 N/A 0 0 0 0 Cloud

Tornado 3/17/2004 0040 F0 0 0 3K 0

Funnel 5/13/2004 0810 N/A 0 0 0 0 Cloud

Tornado 5/13/2004 0545 F1 0 0 515K 0

Tornado 12/29/2006 1523 F1 0 3 2.8M 0K

Tornado 4/28/2009 1441 F0 0 0 0K 0K

80 Table 11-4. Overall Historical Impact of Tornadoes in Brazos County

County Number of events Maximum EF-Scale

Brazos 27 EF3

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK Because it cannot be predicted where a tornado will touch down, almost all of the buildings and facilities in Brazos County are considered to be vulnerable to strong tornadoes. However, these structures are primarily built of brick and mortar and expected to withstand most tornadoes. The Brazos County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is located underground and is not vulnerable to tornadoes. Power lines could be downed during a strong tornado. However, the critical facilities within the county have back-up generators to still provide power.

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES Table 11-5 shows potential annualized expected property losses for Brazos County which were calculated using the statistical risk assessment methodology. The general steps used in the statistical risk assessment methodology are; to compile data from local and national sources, clean up the data by removing duplication, identify patterns in frequency and vulnerability, extrapolate the statistical patterns, and produce meaningful results with the development of annualized loss estimates.

Table 11-5. Potential Annualized Losses from Tornadoes in Brazos County

County Annualized Expected Property Losses ($)

Brazos 110,241


WHY HAILSTORMS ARE A THREAT Large hail results in nearly $1 billion in damage annually to property and crops in the United States. Hail is made up of spherical balls of ice. It is a product of thunderstorms or intense showers. It is generally white and translucent, consisting of liquid or snow particles encased with layers of ice. Hail is formed within the high tops of a well-organized thunderstorm. An updraft will sometimes throw rain droplets high up into the tops of a cloud, where the temperature is well below freezing. The droplet freezes, then falls and can become caught in another updraft. This time, a second coating of ice is added, making the hail stone larger. This cycle continues until the hailstone is too heavy to be lifted again and falls to the ground as hail. The stronger the updraft, the longer the hail develops and the bigger the hailstone is when it falls. Hail is not to be confused with sleet, which consists of frozen raindrops that fall during winter storms. Hail can be smaller than a pea or as large as a softball and can be very destructive to plants, cars, homes, buildings and crops. The development and maturation of hailstones are very complex processes. Numerous factors impact the size of the hailstone including updraft strength, storm scale wind profile, height of the freezing level, and the mean temperature and relative humidity of downdraft air. The complexities of hail formation and sub-cloud processes make utilizing Doppler radar data to forecast the occurrence of large hail difficult. Verification of hail events is also important, but is a cumbersome process due to the limited temporal and spatial distribution of the event. Large hailstones fall at speeds faster than 100 mph. Large falling balls of ice can be very dangerous. Large hail can do significant damage to automobiles, windows, roofs, crops and animals. When caught in a hailstorm, it is important to seek shelter immediately. Pets and livestock are particularly vulnerable to hail, and should be brought into a shelter.

HAZARD PROFILE Hailstorms are generally localized and their impact is considered limited since the injuries they cause are generally treatable with first aid, they shut down critical facilities and services for 24 hours or less, and less than ten percent of affected properties are destroyed or suffer major damage. Hail events in Brazos County are likely. Most hailstorms occur during the spring (March, April and May) and the fall, during the month of September. Warning time for a hailstorm is generally minimal to no warning. The National Weather Service classifies a storm as severe if hail of ¾ of an inch in diameter (approximately the size of a penny) or greater is imminent based on radar intensities or observed by a spotter or other people. The extent of hail in Brazos County can range from ¾ of an inch up to 1.75 inches.

82 The frequency of occurrence of hail in Brazos County is likely.

HISTORY OF HAILSTORMS Table 12-1 shows the historical hail events that hit Brazos County. Historical hail events with hailstone size one inch or greater are listed in Table 12-1 below. Table 12-2 aggregates historical hail events by jurisdiction.

Table 12-1. Overall Historical Hail Impact for Brazos County (National Climatic Data Center), 2005-2012

Location or Date Time Type Magnitude Death Injury Property Crop County Damage Damage

Bryan 3/19/20 5:50 Hail 1.75 in. 0 0 30K 0 05 PM

Bryan 3/19/20 6:02 Hail 1.75 in. 0 0 30K 0 05 PM

College Station 3/19/20 6:02 Hail 0.75 in. 0 0 4K 0 05 PM

College Station 3/19/20 6:08 Hail 0.88 in. 0 0 5K 0 05 PM

College Station 3/19/20 6:25 Hail 1.75 in. 0 0 30K 0 05 PM

College Station 3/19/20 6:35 Hail 1.75 in. 0 0 30K 0 05 PM

Bryan 4/5/200 8:45 Hail 0.75 in. 0 0 6K 0 5 PM

College Station 10/31/2 3:05 Hail 0.75 in. 0 0 2K 0 005 PM

College Station 4/25/20 11:30 Hail 1.75 in. 0 0 20K 0 06 PM

Bryan 5/1/200 16:06 Hail 0.88 in. 0 0 0K 0K 7 PM

Bryan Coulter Arpt 4/4/200 8:03 Hail 1.00 in. 0 0 1K 0K 8 AM

Bryan Coulter Arpt 4/4/200 8:29 Hail 1.25 in. 0 0 1K 0K 8 AM

83 College Station 7/19/20 17:55 Hail 1.75 in. 0 0 5K 0K 09 PM

College Station 7/19/20 17:57 Hail 0.75 in. 0 0 0K 0K 09 PM

College Station 7/20/20 18:25 Hail 1.00 in. 0 0 0K 0K 09 PM

College Station 8/12/20 16:15 Hail 0.88 in. 0 0 0K 0K 09 PM

College Station 4/07/20 16:58 Hail 0.75 in. 0 0 0K 0K 10 PM

Table 12-2. Overall Historical Hail Impact by County (National Climatic Data Center)

County Number of Events Maximum Diameter (inches)

Brazos 17 1.75

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK Because it cannot be predicted where hail may fall, all buildings and facilities are considered to be exposed to this hazard and could potentially be impacted, so estimated annualized losses cannot be broken down into further categories (residential, commercial, etc.). It is important to note that only hail that has been reported has been factored into this risk assessment. However, in the past 53 years it is likely that a higher number of occurrences have not been reported.

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES To estimate losses due to hail, PBS&J used NOAA historical hail loss data to develop a hail stochastic model. In this model:  Losses were scaled to account for inflation;  Average historic hail damageability was used to generate losses for historical hail events where losses were not reported;  Expected annualized losses were calculated through a non-linear regression of historical data; and  Probabilistic losses were scaled to account for would-be losses where no exposure/instrument was present at the time of the event.

84 Table 12-3 shows potential annualized losses in Brazos County.

Table 12-3. Overall Historical Hail Impact for Brazos County (National Climatic Data Center)

County Annualized Expected Property Damage ($)

Brazos 28,354


WHY THUNDERSTORMS ARE A THREAT According to the National Weather Service (NWS), a thunderstorm occurs when an observer hears thunder, Radar observers use the intensity of the radar echo to distinguish between rain showers and thunderstorms. Lightning detection networks routinely track cloud-to-ground flashes, and therefore thunderstorms. Thunderstorms form when clouds develop sufficient upward motion and are cold enough to provide the ingredients (ice and super-cooled water) to generate and separate electrical charges within the cloud. The cumulonimbus cloud is the perfect lightning and thunder factory, earning its nickname, "thunderhead." Thunderstorms are like nature's heat pumps. At the very top of giant thunderstorms, air temperatures can sometimes drop to below -100 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes, on a hot summer day, this air originates near the ground at 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Thunderstorms carry the sun's energy from the surface into the cooler reaches of the atmosphere. Without this convective heat transport it is estimated that the mean temperature of the planet would increase by over 20 degrees Fahrenheit, making many areas uninhabitable. By definition, the National Weather Service classifies a thunderstorm as severe if it contains hail of three-quarter inches or larger, and/or wind gusts of 58 mph or higher, and/or a tornado. Severe thunderstorm watches, meaning conditions are suitable for severe thunderstorm development during the next several hours, are issued for areas several hundred miles on a side by the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma. A severe thunderstorm warning is issued by the local NWS office, usually for a county or several counties over an hour or so, based on spotter reports or radar indications of conditions exceeding severe levels. If there is a distinct threat or actual observation of a tornado, a tornado warning is issued. Tornadic storms also produce hail, downbursts, and lightning.

HAZARD PROFILE Thunderstorms are generally localized events. The severity of impact of thunderstorms is considered to be limited since they generally result in injuries treatable with first aid, shut down critical facilities and services for 24 hours or less, and less than ten percent of affected properties are destroyed or suffer major damage. Most thunderstorms occur during the spring (March, April and May) and the fall, during the month of September. Warning time for thunderstorms is generally minimal to no warning. The maximum extent of thunderstorm winds in Brazos County can reach 78 knots. Some minor localized flooding may also occur if the thunderstorms bring substantial rain amounts. The frequency of occurrence of thunderstorms in Brazos County is highly likely.

86 HISTORY OF THUNDERSTORMS Table 13-1 gives aggregated historical thunderstorm information for Brazos County. Historical thunderstorm events are detailed in Table 13-2. It is important to note that only thunderstorms that have been reported are recorded in these tables. It is likely that a higher number of occurrences have not been reported.

Table 13-1. Thunderstorms in Brazos County, 2000-2011

County Number of Events

Brazos 37

Table 13-2. Thunderstorms in Brazos County, 2000-2012

Type Location or Date Time Magnitude Death Injury Property Crop County Damage Damage

Thunderstorm College Station 5/1/2000 2145 59 kts. 0 0 15K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 5/1/2000 2200 0 kts. 0 0 20K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 5/12/2000 2125 0 kts. 0 0 15K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 11/5/2000 2238 0 kts. 0 0 25K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 6/21/2001 2130 0 kts. 0 0 20K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 10/12/2001 2355 0 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 6/16/2002 0310 0 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 3/25/2003 2130 52 kts. 0 0 4K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm College Station 3/25/2003 2135 57 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Kurten 6/4/2003 0215 58 kts. 0 0 15K 0 Winds

87 Thunderstorm Kurten 6/4/2003 0250 52 kts. 0 0 0 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Kurten 6/4/2003 0303 52 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 6/12/2003 1822 53 kts. 0 0 3K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 6/12/2003 1822 53 kts. 0 0 3K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Kurten 6/13/2003 1740 52 kts. 0 0 0 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 8/11/2003 1505 57 kts. 0 0 9K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 10/5/2003 1710 55 kts. 0 0 1K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm College Station 7/25/2004 1410 50 kts. 0 0 60K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 8/11/2004 1558 50 kts. 0 0 10K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 11/23/2004 2038 55 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm College Station 10/31/2005 1500 52 kts. 0 0 10K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 4/20/2006 2022 55 kts. 0 0 8K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 4/20/2006 2032 55 kts. 0 0 6K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Kurten 4/20/2006 2032 60 kts. 0 0 10K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm College Station 4/29/2006 0330 50 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 5/6/2006 0302 55 kts. 0 0 6K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 8/6/2006 1910 51 kts. 0 0 3K 0 Winds

88 Thunderstorm College Station 4/25/2007 0200 78 kts. 0 0 3K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Brazos 05/02/2007 2105 52 kts. 0 0 3K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 05/14/2008 2355 56 kts. 0 0 0K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Brazos 02/10/2009 2325 52 kts. 0 0 8K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Kurten 03/31/2009 0445 50 kts. 0 0 3K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 05/03/2009 0454 55 kts. 0 0 2K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Kurten 05/03/2009 0454 55 kts. 0 0 2K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 05/03/2009 0500 55 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm College Station 07/19/2009 1800 56 kts. 0 0 1K 0 Winds

Thunderstorm Bryan 02/01/2011 0440 52 kts. 0 0 5K 0 Winds

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK There is no defined geographic boundary for thunderstorm events. Thunderstorms usually impact large geographical areas; thus, all the population, buildings, critical facilities, infrastructure and lifelines, and hazardous materials facilities in Brazos County are considered exposed to the hazard and could potentially be impacted.


WHY DAM FAILURE IS A THREAT Dams are water storage, control, or diversion barriers that impound water upstream in reservoirs. Dams provide many benefits and are an important part of our public works infrastructure. They are built for a variety of reasons, including maintenance of lake levels, flood control, power production, and water supply. Although dams have many benefits, the risk that a dam could fail still exists. Dams can pose a risk to communities if not designed, operated and maintained properly. Dam failure is a collapse or breach in the structure. While most dams have storage volumes small enough that failures have little or no repercussions, dams with large storage amounts can cause significant flooding downstream. Dam failures can result from any one or a combination of the following causes:  Prolonged periods of rainfall and flooding, which cause most failures;  Inadequate spillway capacity, resulting in excess overtopping flows;  Internal erosion caused by embankment or foundation leakage or piping;  Improper maintenance, including failure to remove trees, repair internal problems, or maintain gates, valves, and other operational components;  Improper design, such as use of improper construction materials;  Failure of upstream dams in the same drainage basin;  Landslides into reservoirs, which cause surges that result in overtopping;  High winds, which can cause significant wave action and result in substantial erosion;  Earthquakes, which typically cause longitudinal cracks at the tops of the embankments, leading to structural failure. The nation’s infrastructure of dams is aging. Old age and neglect can intensify vulnerability to these same influences. Furthermore, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have brought an increased focus on infrastructure protection nationwide, including the safety of dams. Dam failures may result in the quick release of all the water in the lake. In the event of a dam failure, the energy of the water stored behind the dam is capable of causing rapid and unexpected flooding downstream, resulting in loss of life and great property damage downstream of the dam.

HAZARD PROFILE The frequency of occurrence of a major dam failure in Brazos County is a highly unlikely event. If a major dam should fail, however, the severity of impact could be substantial. It could cause

90 multiple deaths, completely shut down facilities for thirty days or more, and cause more than fifty percent of affected properties to be destroyed or severely damaged. The extent of a major dam failure in Brazos County is that several thousand gallons of water could be released at a sudden and unexpected rate. Over 2,000 people could be affected, 700 buildings could be flooded and several million dollars in damages could occur. Flooding-related dam failure would most likely occur in months when floods are most likely -- during the spring (April, May and June) and fall (October, November, and December). Warning time for dam failure, or the potential speed of onset, varies with the causes but is estimated to be three to six hours. There are about 80,000 dams in the United States today. Catastrophic dam failures have occurred frequently throughout the past century. Between 1918 and 1958, 33 major dam failures in the United States caused 1,680 deaths—an average of 42 deaths a year. From 1959 to 1965, nine major dams failed worldwide.

LOCATION OF HAZARDOUS AREAS Figure 14-1 shows the location of dams in Brazos County. Detailed maps of the dam failure inundation areas are not currently available for all dams. It is assumed that dam breaks happens most likely at the time of maximum capacity of the lake and that the location of the released water would inundate a downstream quarter-circle buffer proportional to the maximum capacity of the dam to represent the maximum impact area.

Figure 14-1. Location of Dams in Brazos County


PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK High-hazard-potential dams are those at which failure or misoperation would probably cause loss of human life. Significant-hazard-potential dams are those at which failure or misoperation probably would not result in loss of human life but could cause economic loss, environmental damage, disruption of lifeline facilities, or other significant damage. Significant-hazard-potential dams often are located in predominantly rural or agricultural areas but could be located in populated areas having significant infrastructure. Low-hazard-potential dams are those at which failure or misoperation probably would not result in loss of human life but would cause limited economic and/or environmental losses. Losses would be limited mainly to the owner’s property.

Table 14-1. Dam Failure Hazard-Potential Classifications, National Inventory of Dams

Hazard Potential Loss of Human Life Economic, Environmental, and Classification Lifeline Losses

Low None expected Low and generally limited to owner

Significant None expected Some local damages

High Probable. One or more expected Yes (but not necessary for this classification)

Significant and low hazard dams pose no threat to the communities participating in this plan, and thus, will not be profiled further. High hazard dams, which do pose a threat to human life and property damage in Brazos County, are profiled in this plan. There are currently five (5) high hazard dams in Brazos County.

Table 14-2. Summary Status of Dams in Brazos County

County High Significant Low Undetermined Total

Brazos 5 3 23 0 31

92 The five (5) high hazard dams in Brazos County are listed in Table 14-3.

Table 14-3. High Hazard Dams in Brazos County

Dam Hazard

Bryan Utilities Lake Dam High

Carter Lake Dam High

Country Club Lake Dam High

Fin-Feather Lake Dam High

Thousand Oaks Dam No. 11 High

Bryan Utilities Lake Dam

An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) was created for the Bryan Utilities Lake Dam. The EAP contains information on who will be notified in the case of a dam failure. An inundation map is provided on the following page. The number of people and structures impacted by a dam failure is currently not known and not addressed in the EAP. A mitigation action addressing this deficiency is listed in Section 17.

 # of people impacted Unknown, answer is not in the EAP  # of house/ structures vulnerable Unknown, answer is not in the EAP  How much water there will be 13,647 feet of water  How far the water will go 24 miles downstream  Rural or city rural

No critical facilities or infrastructure in Brazos County, or the participating jurisdictions, would be impacted by a dam failure on Bryan Utilities Lake Dam. A map showing the inundation area for Bryan Utilities Lake Dam is shown on the following page.


Map showing the inundation area of Bryan Utilities Lake Dam.

94 Carter Lake Dam


The Owner of Carter Lake Dam TX01862 is the Carter Lake Home Owners Corporation and is part of the unnamed tributary of Carter Creek Location: 6 miles southeast of Bryan, TX

Property & Number of people effected:

Gessner Engineering of College Station performed a breach inundation study for Carter Lake Dam for this Emergency Action Plan in November of 2010. The results of that study are included in map form behind Tab 3. The downstream structures that could be affected by a breach of the dam include the four houses adjacent to the spillway as well as five lots in the Williams Creek development, 3 miles downstream. Approximately 27 people will be affected.

Water Capacity:

Its Length is approximately 1425 feet; its height is approximately 32 feet. The embankment crest is approximately 26 feet wide. Normal storage volume is 481 acre-feet. At capacity it is estimated that the volume is 600 acre-feet.

Inundation Effect:

The downstream structures that could be affected by a breach of the dam include the four houses adjacent to the spillway as well as five lots in the Williams Creek development, 3 miles downstream. If Carter Lake Dam fails, a flood wave will move east down through the low-lying area along Carter Creek toward William D. Fitch Road and beyond. A map showing the inundation areas is located on the following page.

Critical Facilities:

There are no critical facilities or infrastructure in the inundation area in accordance with the EAP on file for Carter Lake Dam.

95 Map showing the inundation area of Carter Lake Dam.

Fin Feather Lake Dam

An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) was created for the Fin Feather Lake Dam. The EAP contains information on who will be notified in the case of a dam failure. An inundation map is provided on the following page. The number of people and structures impacted by a dam failure is currently not known and not addressed in the EAP. A mitigation action addressing this deficiency is listed in Section 17.

 # of people impacted Unknown, EAP does not answer  # of house/ structures vulnerable Unknown, EAP does not answer  How much water there will be 50.8 – 97.8 million gal.  How far the water will go 2.8 stream miles  Rural or city city - urban

96 Map showing the inundation area of Fin Feather Lake Dam.

97 Thousand Oaks Dam # 11


The Owner of Thousand Oaks Dam is Animate Habitat Ltd. (AH). Thousand Oaks Dam is located approximately 1 mile southeast of the intersection of State Highway 6 and State Highway 40 in College Station in Brazos County, Texas. Thousand Oaks Dam is designated by the National Inventory of Dams ID number TX06880. The Latitude and longitude of the dam are 30°32'40.14"1N; and 96°13'53.19'W, respectively. Thousand Oaks Dam flows into Alum Creek. A vicinity map for the dam and surrounding area is found on the following page.

Property & Number of people effected:

There are two property owners that own property in the floodplain below Thousand Oaks Dam. There are no structures that are occupied in the inundation area.

Water Capacity:

Its Length is approximately 890 feet; its height is approximately 25 feet. The embankment crest is approximately 70 feet wide. At capacity it is estimated that it covers 1.43 acres with a volume of 35.76 acre-feet.

Inundation Effect:

The projected inundation area is assumed to be limited to the floodplain area along Alum Creek. This area is vacant ranch land consisting of wooded areas mixed with open pasture land. Inundation timing and duration is highly dependent on the rate of dam failure.

Critical Facilities:

There are no critical facilities or infrastructure in the inundation area in accordance with the EAP on file for Thousand Oaks Dam # 11.


Map showing the location of Thousand Oaks Dam # 11.

99 Country Club Lake Dam

An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) was created for the County Club Lake Dam. The EAP contains information on who will be notified in the case of a dam failure. A location map of the lake is provided below. The number of people and structures impacted by a dam failure is currently not known and not addressed in the EAP. A mitigation action addressing this deficiency is listed in Section 17.

 # of people impacted 279  # of house/ structures vulnerable 93  How much water there will be One foot inundation  How far the water will go S. College west to S. Texas Ave. two city blocks  Rural or city city – urban

Map showing the location of Country Club Lake.

100 POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES Table 14-5 shows the risk to people and buildings of failure of high-hazard dams in Brazos County. HAZUS-MH inventory was used to estimate potential exposure, losses, and affected population due to dam failure. It was assumed that dam break happens most likely at the time of maximum capacity and that a downstream quarter-circle buffer proportional to the maximum capacity of dams represents the maximum impact area. There have been no previous occurrences of dam failure at high hazard dams Brazos County. Dam inundation maps are not currently available.

Table 14-5. Exposure of People and Buildings to Failure of High-Hazard Dams in Brazos County

County Affected

Exposure Number of People at Risk Number of Value ($1,000) Buildings

Brazos 695 232,506 2,008


WHY EXCESSIVE HEAT IS A THREAT Texas is known for its long hot summers. These conditions can pose problems for those not accustomed to the climate or who are outside for prolonged periods of time. Excessive heat is defined as temperatures that hover 10 degrees or more above the high average temperature for a particular region and last for several weeks. Excessive heat can pose a threat even to individuals and communities that are accustomed to high temperatures. Heat disorders can occur when victims are overexposed to heat or have over-exercised for their age and physical condition. Heat kills by pushing the body beyond its limits. Under normal conditions an internal thermostat produces perspiration that evaporates and cools the body. In excessive heat and high humidity, however, evaporation is slowed, and the body must work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature. Excessive heat kills more people nationally than any other natural disaster. According to the Center for Climatic Research at the University of Delaware, an average of 1,500 American city dwellers die every year from the effects of excessive heat. Elderly residents, young children, those who are overweight, and people suffering from serious illnesses are especially prone to heat-related problems. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, between 1936 and 1975, nearly 20,000 people succumbed to the effects of heat and radiation from the sun. Excessive heat disorders include sunburn, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Heat stroke is a severe medical emergency.

Table 15-1. Urban Heat Deaths

City Duration of heat Heat-related deaths % Increase in deaths over wave norm

Chicago 7 days in 1995 739 147

New York 7 days in 1972 891 62

Los Angeles 9 days in 1955 946 122

Kansas City 1 month in 1980 236 65

St. Louis 1 month in 1980 308 57

According to the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, recent years have seen record-breaking temperatures. 1998 was the hottest year on record; 2002 was the second- warmest year on record; and 2009 was the third-warmest year on record.

102 HAZARD PROFILE Excessive heat waves usually come on subtly, raising summer temperatures higher than normal, leaving casualties in their wake. Excessive heat can have a major impact, causing multiple deaths, but sparing property. With excessive heat, there is little physical destruction, although roads can buckle, trains derail, and livestock die. The frequency of occurrence of excessive heat in Brazos County is likely. There are seasonal patterns to excessive heat waves, with an event most likely to occur in the summer months. Warning time is long with a slow speed of onset. Excessive heat can also cause utility outages due to an increased demand for electricity. Utility outages can severely cripple a city’s ability to provide services. Facilities can become inoperable and have to be closed without power or water. The University of Delaware’s Center for Climatic Research has a warning system for excessive heat events. Local warning systems that may be utilized for excessive heat events include local television and radio stations and the Internet.


Table 15-2. Historical Excessive Heat Events in Brazos County

Type Date Deaths Injuries Property Crop

Damage Damage

Heat Wave 07/21/1995 2 200 0 0

Excessive Heat 06/26/1999 3 0 0 0

Excessive Heat 08/01/1999 6 0 0 0

Excessive Heat 07/06/2000 19 0 0 0

Excessive Heat 08/29/2000 3 0 0 0

Excessive Heat 09/01/2000 5 0 0 0

Excessive Heat 06/24/2009 0 0 0 0

Excessive Heat 08/01/2009 0 0 NA NA

Excessive Heat 08/01/2011 0 0 NA NA

103 LOCATION OF HAZARDOUS AREAS The entire area of Brazos County is subject to excessive heat.

PEOPLE AND PROPERTY AT RISK The entire population of Brazos County is at risk from excessive heat, but those at highest risk are the poor, the elderly, those who live alone, and those who lack access to transportation and air-conditioning. People living in urban areas may be at greater risk from the effects of a prolonged heat wave than people living in rural regions. An increased health problem can occur when stagnant atmospheric conditions trap pollutants in urban areas, thus adding contaminants to excessively hot temperatures. Excessive heat generally affects people rather than property. The extent of excessive heat in Brazos County can be temperatures above 100 degrees for several days or weeks in a row. During the summer of 2011, temperatures above 100 degrees were recorded for over 60 days in Brazos County.

POTENTIAL DAMAGES AND LOSSES Potential dollar loss estimates for excessive heat are not available. The potential impact of excessive heat on Brazos County is the possible deaths of the poor, the elderly, those who live alone, and those who lack access to transportation and air-conditioning.


FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY PROGRAMS The effectiveness of previously implemented hazard mitigation measures was examined as part of the hazard mitigation planning process. The effectiveness of each previously implemented mitigation program was evaluated based on its effect on overall risk to life and property, ease of implementation and political and community support. A total of three Presidential and three Small Business Administration Disaster Declarations have been issued since 1965 for Brazos County, paving the way for assistance by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal agencies. FEMA’s Individual Assistance Program helps disaster victims to secure temporary housing, low-interest loans, unemployment assistance, and legal aid; makes grants to low-income individuals; conducts crisis counseling; and assists victims with income tax, Social Security, and veteran’s benefits issues. “Public Assistance” is aid to state or local governments and certain private non-profit entities to pay part of the approved costs (generally 75 percent) of rebuilding a community’s damaged infrastructure. Public assistance may include debris removal; emergency protective measures; repair, replacement, or restoration of damaged public property; loans needed by communities to restore essential government functions; and grants for public schools. Through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), FEMA has financially helped the state to permanently reduce or eliminate future damages and losses due to natural hazards. HMGP funds promote safer building practices that improve existing structures and supporting infrastructure. The HMGP currently provides post-disaster funds, which can be used anywhere in the state, equal to 7.5 percent of obligations for individual and public assistance. Grants are for planning and projects, including acquisition of real property, relocation and demolition of structures, seismic retrofitting, strengthening of existing structures, initial implementation of vegetative management programs, elevation of residential structures, elevation or dry flood- proofing of non-residential structures, and other activities that bring a structure into compliance with the floodplain management requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. A review of the state’s HMGP records reveals no hazard mitigation projects conducted within the BVCOG jurisdictions. There were also no Project Impact, Pre-Disaster Mitigation, or Hurricane Property Protection Mitigation Projects.

PREVIOUS PLANNING EFFORTS A number of jurisdictions in Brazos County have undertaken previous planning efforts. As shown in Table 16-1, Brazos County has received Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) from FEMA. These grants are intended to help develop comprehensive, all-hazards emergency management and improve local capabilities for emergency planning, preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. Assistance includes grant funding covering 13 key functional areas, including laws and authorities; hazard identification and risk assessment;

105 hazard management; resource management; planning; direction, control, and coordination; communications and warning; operations and procedures; logistics and facilities; training; exercises; public education and information; and finance and administration. A number of jurisdictions in Brazos County have also undertaken previous planning efforts that have complemented the region-wide planning conducted during the development of this Hazard Mitigation Action Plan. These other related planning efforts include development of hazard analyses, Annex P, comprehensive plans, capital improvement plans, drainage and stormwater plans, long-range growth plans and flood mitigation plans. Table 16-1 details these previous planning efforts.

Table 16-1. Previous Planning Efforts for Brazos County Jurisdictions

Jurisdiction Received Planning Documents Other Planning Efforts EM Grant Completed for State Undertaken (list) Funds? Department of Emergency Y(es), N(o) Management

Basic Plan Annexes*

All jurisdictions Y Y All covered under one plan (Brazos County, City of College Station, City of Bryan, City of Kurten, City of Wixon Valley, Texas A&M University)

* Annexes Annex A Warning Annex I Emergency Public Information

Annex B Communications Annex J Damage Assessment/Recovery

Annex C Shelter and Mass Care Annex K Public Works and Engineering

Annex D Radiological Protection Annex L Utilities

Annex E Evacuation Annex M Resource Management

Annex F Firefighting and Fire/Rescue Annex N Direction and Control

Annex G Law Enforcement Annex O Human Services

Annex H Health and Medical Services Annex P Hazard Mitigation

106 Annex Q Hazardous Materials and Oil Annex T Donations Management Spill Response Annex U Legal Annex R Search and Rescue Annex V Terrorist Incident Response Annex S Transport

BUILDING AND FIRE CODES Building codes are laws, ordinances, or government regulations that set forth standards and requirements for the construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use, or appearance of buildings, premises, and dwelling units. Building codes are an effective way to ensure that development is built to withstand natural hazards. Building codes apply primarily to new construction. Adherence to existing building codes and standards is essential to maintain public safety and promote an effective local mitigation program—so much so that the insurance industry has moved to rate communities according to their ability to enforce the building code and by the qualifications and training of their staff. There are four principal types of building codes, promulgated by various code organizations:  Uniform Building Code, promulgated by the International Conference of Building officials (ICBO),  National Building Code, promulgated by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA),  Standard Building Code, promulgated by the Southern Building Code Congress, International (SBCCI), and  International Building Codes, promulgated by the International Code Council (ICC). The building codes are periodically reviewed by the respective organizations and revised, as appropriate, when new requirements and materials are introduced. In the past, local governments have adopted these codes either in their entirety or as amended to adapt them to their local conditions. Legislation passed by the Texas Legislature in 2001, however, now requires communities to adopt the International Building Code. Table 16-2 shows the effective date of each jurisdiction’s building code, the name of the code, the type of code on which it is based, and whether any amendments have been made.

107 Table 16-2. Building Codes

Jurisdiction Current Building Code

Effective Name Type Amend- Date ments UBC NBC SBC IBC Other made (Y /N)

Brazos County NA

City of College December International X Y Station 2009 Building Codes

City of Bryan October 2010 International X Y and June 2011 Building Codes

FIRE CODES Fire codes are laws, ordinances, or government regulations that set forth standards and requirements for the construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use, or appearance of buildings, premises, and dwelling units in order to prevent damage and loss of life from fire hazards. There are three principal types of fire codes, promulgated by various code organizations. They are:  Uniform Fire Code (UFC), published by the International Fire Code Institute,  International Fire Code (IFC), published by the International Code Council, and  Standard Fire Code (SFC), published by the SBCC. The fire codes are periodically reviewed and revised by the relevant organizations, as appropriate, when new requirements and materials are introduced. Local governments have adopted these codes either in their entirety or amended them as appropriate to their local conditions. Table 16-3 shows the effective date of each jurisdiction’s fire code, the name of the code, the type of code on which it is based, and whether any amendments have been made.

108 Table 16-3. Fire Codes for Brazos County

Jurisdiction Current Fire Code

Effective Name Type Date UFC IFC SFC Other

Brazos County NA

City of College December International Fire Code X Station 2009

City of Bryan November 9, International Fire Code X 2010

INSPECTION AND PERMITTING PROCESSES Adherence to existing building and fire codes and standards is essential to maintaining public safety and promoting an effective local mitigation program. New buildings can fail in a disaster if builders or inspectors do not adequately observe the code. Studies of the damage caused by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 attributed one-quarter of the storm’s total damages to “shoddy workmanship and poor enforcement of building codes.” Well-trained inspectors are more likely to recognize building practices that are suspect with regard to hazard resilience than are poorly trained or untrained inspectors. Training is critical to the inspection and permitting process. Table 16-4 shows the number of building inspectors and their average years of experience in each jurisdiction and, of those, the number certified. It also shows the number of building starts and inspections conducted in the last twelve months.

Table 16-4. Building Inspections and Permitting

Jurisdiction Number of:

Building Inspectors Yrs. Building Inspections Inspectors Certified Experience Starts (last (last 12 (FTEs) (Average) 12 months) months)

Brazos County NA

College Station 4 3 6 782 11,067

Bryan 4 4 1 504


A vigorous fire inspection process and well-trained inspectors are critical to saving lives and property from fire hazards. It also gives the number certified and number having received the Texas State Certification course.

BUILDING CODE EFFECTIVENESS GRADING SCHEDULES AND FIRE RATINGS The Insurance Services Office maintains Building Code Effectiveness Grading (BCEG) ratings and Public Protection Classification (PPC) ratings. The latter gauge the capacity of the local fire department to respond if flames engulf a property. PPC ratings are recorded for each individual street address in Texas. There are 10 classes of ratings in BCEG schedule. Class 1 is the best rating, i.e., strongest program of building code enforcement, and 10 is the lowest rating. The date identified is the date of the rating by ISO. This rating applies to all structures built after that date and can lead to lower insurance rates.

Table 16-5. Community Mitigation Classifications

Community PPC Fire BCEGS (Building BCEGS (Building Date of Rating Grading Code Code Classification Effectiveness Effectiveness Grading Grading Schedule) for Schedule) for Personal Commercial Property (Single Property Family Dwelling)

Bryan 2 03 03 2010

College Station 3 04 04 2002

FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCES Table 16-6 below describes the floodplain management ordinances currently in use in Brazos County, while Table 16-7 provides information regarding floodplain administration. This includes the number of: people on the administrator’s staff; certified managers; inspections in the past month; and variances.

110 Table 16-6. Floodplain Management Ordinances in Brazos County

Jurisdiction Current Flood Ordinance

Effective Date Description

Brazos County February 2001 Each newly build or installed structure requires permit; structures not in floodplain receive exemption; structures in floodplain must be at least one foot above BFE and have special septic system; enforced by spot inspections.

College Station November 2009 All work in or near floodplains is required to obtain a Drainage Development Permit. Applications are reviewed for effects to surrounding areas, as well as meeting requirements for publicly maintained drainage facilities.

Bryan November 10, All work in or near floodplains is required to obtain a Drainage 2010 Development Permit. Applications are reviewed for effects to surrounding areas, as well as meeting requirements for publicly maintained drainage facilities.

Table 16-7. Jurisdictional Floodplain Administration Process

Jurisdiction Number of:

Floodplain Certified Average years Inspections Floodplain administration floodplain of experience in last variances in professional managers of twelve last twelve staff professional months months staff

Brazos County 3 2 9 10-12 0

College Station 7 7 7 40 0

Bryan 3 8 10 0

FEMA COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INVOLVEMENT The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Assistance Program (CAP) is a product-oriented financial assistance program directly related to the flood loss reduction objectives of the NFIP. States and communities that are participating in the NFIP are eligible for this assistance. The CAP is intended to identify, prevent, and resolve floodplain management issues in participating communities before they develop into problems requiring enforcement action. The program involves Community Assistance Contacts (CACs) and Community Assistance Visits (CAVs). During CACs and CAVs, officials discuss current local ordinances, the number of

111 floodplain insurance policies in the community, floodplain administration, permitting, and annexation issues. Table 16-8 shows the dates of CACs and CAVs according to FEMA records.

Table 16-8. Community Assistance Contacts and Community Assistance Visits from FEMA, 2006 - 2011

Jurisdiction CAC CAV

Brazos County 07/07/2008 None 05/02/2007 02/20/2004

Bryan 08/09/2011 7/22/2010

07/09/2008 06/22/2006

College Station 07/09/2008 08/18/2008 07/11/2006

Wixon Valley 07/07/2008 None

Kurten 07/07/2008 None

PREVIOUS ACTION ITEMS The following items submitted from the previous 2005 plan have been addressed.

Brazos County - Completed

ACTION: Establish multi-jurisdictional Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) serving all jurisdictions in the county. (This project was completed in 2008 using funds from each jurisdiction’s General Fund, HSGP grant funds and DSHS grant funds.)

Brazos County - Completed

ACTION: Purchase 800 trunking radio systems for volunteer fire departments and emergency services. (BVWACS was formed in 2008 and all jurisdictions in Brazos County are participating in this regional interoperability project. VFDs will have designated talk groups and each VFD will have several radios that work with the new 700 system.)

Brazos County - REMOVED IN 2011

112 ACTION: Partner with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) to develop alternate routes for transporting hazardous materials. With considerable infrastructure improvement, we feel this issue has been resolved. Other than local delivery, hazardous cargo is transported via State Hwy. 6 or by rail.

Brazos County - COMPLETE

ACTION: Create a “Roads Prone to Flooding” and “Bridges Prone to Icing” layer for our maps and to be shown on our web GIS. Completed by the Brazos County Road and Bridge Department.

Brazos County - COMPLETE

ACTION: Include shared access clauses in subdivision regulations. Subdivision regulations have been amended to require developers to design roads to the 100-year flood event.

Brazos County - REMOVED IN 2011

ACTION: Purchase SUB/suburban-type communications response vehicle. This is no longer considered a need for the Emergency Management Department. In addition, the City of Bryan has purchased a mobile command vehicle that is available as a regional asset.

Brazos County - REMOVED IN 2011

ACTION: Develop a plan for removal of disaster related debris. In lieu of a mitigation project, the Emergency Management Office will work with the Purchasing Department and Commissioners’ Court to enter into a pre-disaster debris contract.

Brazos County - REMOVED IN 2011

ACTION: Link floodplain ordinances to subdivision regulations, have a public hearing, submit changes to Commissioners’ Court for approval.

Brazos County - COMPLETE

ACTION: Compile and distribute information about the emergency vehicle capacity of county roads. All wooden bridges in the Brazos County Road and Bridge System have been replaced and weight capacities have increased to an acceptable level for emergency vehicles.

113 Brazos County - COMPLETE

ACTION: Create a GIS data layer showing known wetlands in Brazos County.


ACTION: Install secondary containment around 78 existing tanks containing fuel or oils to control spills of toxic or environmentally hazardous materials.


ACTION: Place NOAA weather radios in offices on the Texas A&M University campus.


ACTION: Develop/refine specific action plans, including an evacuation plan, for responding to a train accident near the Texas A&M campus that involves release of toxic chemicals. As a signatory on the Brazos County Interjurisdictional Emergency Management Plan, Texas A&M University is covered under the appropriate evacuation annex and ops not to develop a hazard specific evacuation plan. During the time of an incident, evacuation plans will be formulated that address the needs specific of the incident.


ACTION: Devise and publicize a public notification system to rapidly communicate NWS tornado warnings.

City of College Station - COMPLETE

ACTION: Implement and coordinate an Emergency Paging System

City of College Station - Completed

ACTION: Obtain certification by the National Weather Service as a "Storm Ready" community

City of College Station - Completed

ACTION: Maintain incident response capabilities. Enhance an area-wide telephone Emergency Notification System ("Reverse 911" and/or low-power emergency AM radio system).

114 City of College Station - Complete

ACTION: Create a speaker's bureau for disaster-related topics that focus on mitigation, preparedness, and response.

City of Bryan - COMPLETED

ACTION: Build fire station #5.


Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG)

ACTION: Stand-by Electric Generator for the existing COG building.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background The office building that houses the BVCOG needs a stand-by generator in order to remain operational during time of disaster.

Benefits An operational BVCOG can assists jurisdictions during times of disaster, making it easier to recover and mitigate from the storms.

Priority High

Estimated cost $168,943.20

Responsible Brazos Valley Council of Governments organization

Target completion 2012 date

Funding sources FEMA mitigation grants (using the 5% initiative funds available through HMGP).

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.3, 5.1

Brazos County

ACTION: Enhance the County’s ring-down notification system and increased public education in the role of 2-1-1. (Some enhancements have been made to the “ring-down” notification system through jurisdictional funding and the HSGP. Further public education and planning toward using 2-1-1 Texas as a “call-in” information tool is needed.)

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background The County purchased a ring-down notification system which is used to alert segments of the population by phone. 2-1-1 Texas is a statewide network of operators that provides information to the public when they dial 2-1-1.

Benefits Public safety; early alerting of the public of hazard events; giving the public an easy alternative to receive emergency information.

Priority High

116 Estimated cost $15,000 -$20,000 annually plus $75,000 for upgrades over a 3-year period

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2012 for upgrades date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 2.1, 2.3

Brazos County

ACTION: Enhance Emergency Alert System (EAS) and expand capability to other counties in the region to activate EAS.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background The Brazos Valley Region utilizes the Emergency Alerts System but at this time only Brazos County has equipment installed in the communications center to activate EAS. It is our belief that all counties should be able to activate the EAS System.

Benefits Public safety; early alerting of the public of hazard events

Priority Very high

Estimated cost $60,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2012 date

Funding sources HSGP Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 2.1, 2.3

Brazos County

ACTION: Place NOAA weather radios in existing critical facilities such as churches, schools and high population buildings.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background NOAA weather radio is the primary tool for early warning of weather events.

117 Benefits Public safety; early alerting of the public

Priority Very high

Estimated cost $40,000 - $50,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2013 date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 2.1, 2.3

Brazos County

ACTION: Increase public awareness of flood hazards, as related to continued NFIP compliance. Many NWS campaigns, such as “Turn around, don’t drown,” have increased awareness of these dangers. On the local level, we will broadcast public awareness spots on local government channels and local network television if funds are available. Also, the Floodplain Administrator’s Office distributes public awareness material to the public on a limited basis.

Hazard River and flash flooding

Background Major flooding has occurred in Brazos County.

Benefits Safety of lives through public awareness and information

Priority High

Estimated cost $15,000 - $30,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2012 date

Funding sources Mitigation grants, other

Related objective(s) 2.2, 2.3

Brazos County

118 ACTION: Purchase generators to power existing emergency communications. Two BVWACS tower sites do not have back-up power generators but do currently have battery back-up power systems. We plan for all sites to eventually have a generator.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background There are currently no generators to provide back-up power for emergency communications.

Benefits Power supply

Priority High

Estimated cost $200,000 to $300,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2013 date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.3

Brazos County

ACTION: Back-up power generators for existing critical facilities. Assess and install “quick-connect” for emergency generator hook-ups at critical facilities. The EOC and the Courthouse Administration Building now have (partial) back-up power generators and the county has purchased (4) large generators for use at critical facilities as needed.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background A power outage last year revealed vulnerabilities in hooking up and locating backup generators/generator systems for public works and businesses.

Benefits Enhance the safety of the population by helping to ensure continued power supply for critical facilities in emergency situations.

Priority High

Estimated cost $300,000

Responsible City of College Station, City of Bryan, Brazos County organization

119 Target completion 2013 date

Funding sources Local, grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.3

Brazos County

ACTION: Eliminate burning of hazardous materials and/or non-hazardous materials. The County has installed Burn Ban signage that is displayed in times of drought. The County has also established collection sites for citizens to dispose of waste and an annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day is held in Brazos County.

Hazard Urban and wildland fires, drought, excessive heat

Background Especially in periods of drought, burning of materials can create a significant fire hazard as well as a health hazard.

Benefits Public education on burning can reduce fire and health risks considerably. Also, alternatives to burning waste should be provided.

Priority High

Estimated cost Approximately $10,000 to $20,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2012 date

Funding sources Unknown

Related objective(s) 2.2, 3.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2

Brazos County

ACTION: Identify possible funding for the purchase of thermal energy scanners, floating pumps, and eight new electronic defibrillators. Some VFDs have been equipped with thermal scanners and all have been equipped with electronic defibrillators.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and wildland fires

Background Volunteer fire departments experience shortfalls in funding needed to purchase equipment to better equip responders in their efforts to ensure the safety of residents in their area.

120 Benefits Help ensure safety of population

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $100,000

Responsible Emergency Management, VFDs organization

Target completion 2013 date

Funding sources Grants, Department of Homeland Security funding

Related objective(s) 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Brazos County

ACTION: Partner with Texas Forest Service (TFS) and their Fire Wise program to develop public awareness information and Public Service Announcements about fire risks and steps that homeowners can take to protect themselves and their existing homes against fire, including wildfires.

Hazard Urban and wildland fires

Background As the population continues its push into the more rural areas of Brazos County, homeowners need to take steps to protect themselves and/or minimize damage from their homes from wildfires.

Benefits Help ensure the safety of the population and prevent property loss.

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $15,000-$30,000

Responsible County Emergency Management, in cooperation with Local Emergency Planning organization Committees, Texas Forest Service, Volunteer Fire Departments

Target completion 2016 date

Funding sources Grants, possible assistance from TFS

Related objective(s) 1.3, 2.3, 4.3, 6.2, 6.3

Brazos County

121 ACTION: Create a data layer of FEMA repetitive loss claims for our web GIS. This will help the county prioritize the purchase of existing repetitive loss properties throughout the county, and possibly prevent new structures from being built in the flood hazard area.

Hazard Flooding

Background Providing information on the locations of NFIP claims can help citizens make more informed choices about where to live. This information should be displayed in a GIS format. In addition, the county will have a prioritized list of which existing repetitive loss properties to buy out.

Benefits Fewer FEMA claims payments for flood damage

Priority Medium

Estimated cost Approximately $1000 in wages and data

Responsible Brazos County Road and Bridge organization

Target completion 2016 date

Funding sources General revenues

Related objective(s) 2.2, 5.3, 6.3

Texas A&M University

ACTION: Install fire-suppression systems in Texas A&M University (TAMU) buildings.

Hazard Urban and wildland fire

Background The state of Texas has not historically adopted or enforced fire codes in the construction of state-owned buildings. As a result, many TAMU campus buildings have inadequate fire safety systems. The state fire marshal now requires TAMU to bring all facilities into compliance with the NFPA-101, Life Safety Code.

Benefits 1. Occupant safety

2. Protection of property 3. Compliance with the fire and life safety code (NFPA-101).

Priority Very high

Estimated cost $33,000,000

Responsible Texas A&M University organization

122 Target completion 2017 date

Funding sources Grants, state appropriations, bonds

Related objective(s) 1.5, 3.1, 5.1, 6.3

Texas A&M

ACTION: Design and construct detention ponds to control runoff of rainwater from Texas A&M property.

Hazard Flood

Background Storm water runoff must be controlled by the construction of detention ponds.

Benefits Minimization of flooding and erosion by controlling the rate of water released from the detention ponds. Water released at a slower, controlled rate from a detention pond would decrease the amount of flooding and erosion that would occur if there were no detention ponds at all.

Priority Medium

Estimated cost Project specific

Responsible Texas A&M University organization

Target completion 2017 date

Funding sources Grants, state appropriations

Related objective(s) 4.2, 5.1, 6.3

Wixon Valley

ACTION: Public Education and Awareness

Hazard Drought, Flood, Excessive Heat & Tornadoes

Background To have the public become more aware of the hazards that their area faces. Information on how to conserve water in a drought, how to avoid driving through low-water crossings during floods, and where to take shelter during excessive heat or a tornado will be presented to the public during Outreach and Awareness meetings once a year.

Benefits An informed public can better protect their property and lives.

Priority Low

123 Estimated cost $2,000

Responsible Local Emergency Management Office organization

Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources Local revenue

Related objective(s) 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2

City of College Station

ACTION: Offer tree pruning education classes to the public to reduce debris caused by limbs failing due to excessive snow or ice.

Hazard Winter Storms

Background The parks department will conduct a yearly workshop for the citizens of College Station in tree pruning. Currently the Parks Department offers this to private business and organizations.

Benefits Proactive mitigation by the citizens of College Station will prevent ice and snow buildup on trees resulting in fallen limbs. This will also prevent the possibility of trees falling into power lines and onto the roadways.

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $500

Responsible Parks and Recreation organization

Target completion date

Funding sources General Revenues

Related objective(s) 2.1, 2.3, 6.3

City of College Station

ACTION: Increase public awareness of the effects of hail and mitigation activities that can lessen damage.

Hazard Hail

Background Hail has caused hundreds of injuries and millions of dollars in property damage in the United States and can be a common occurrence in Brazos County.

124 Benefits Public safety

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $500

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion date

Funding sources General Revenue

Related objective(s) 2.2, 2.3

City of College Station

ACTION: Purchase existing flood-prone properties to remove structures subject to chronic flooding and to facilitate stream restoration project in the Wolf Pen Creek basin.

Hazard Flood

Background Apartment buildings located on Redmond Street in College Station are located inside the 100-year flood plain. The ground floor units are not occupied due to previous flood damage. A stream restoration study conducted by HDR for the City of College Station recommends that these units be removed and that stream improvements be made to reduce erosion, protect adjacent properties and improve water quality.

Benefits The community benefits by removing these structures from a flood prone area thereby reducing claims for flood damage. In addition, the remaining structures can be removed from the 100-year flood plain through stream restoration efforts. Additional benefits include reduced erosion and improved water quality.

Priority High

Estimated cost $2,000,000

Responsible City of College Station organization

Target completion 2017 date

Funding sources Drainage Utility funds, grants

Related objective(s) 4.1, 5.3, 6.3

City of College Station

125 ACTION: Mitigate existing structures with Repetitive Loss flood insurance claims by either elevating them above the base flood elevation, or purchase and demolish them to remove them from the flood plain.

Hazard Flood

Background Six structures in College Station have repetitive loss flood insurance claims, according to FEMA. These structures have experienced multiple floods before.

Benefits Elevation or removal of the structures will help protect people during flood events and reduce the amount of funds needed to repair the structures from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Priority High

Estimated cost $2,000,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2017 date

Funding sources FEMA hazard mitigation grants: HMGP, PDM, SRL or RFC

Related objective(s) 5.1, 5.3

City of College Station

ACTION: Purchase existing flood-prone properties, remove structures subject to chronic flooding, and construct a regional flood control / detention pond project in the Bee Creek basin.

Hazard Flood

Background Two single family homes located on Old Wellborn Road have experienced flooding as well as flooding on Old Wellborn Road itself, which is the single means of access for the property owners. A flood study analysis was privately conducted by Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc., as well as by TxDOT, defining the location of flood waters in the Bee Creek basin.

Benefits Elevation or removal of the structures will help protect people during flood events and reduce the amount of funds needed to repair the structures from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Priority High

Estimated cost $2,000,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

126 Target completion 2017 date

Funding sources FEMA hazard mitigation grants: HMGP, PDM, SRL or RFC

Related objective(s) 5.1, 5.3

City of College Station

ACTION: Educate and purchase NOAA weather radios for the citizens of College Station.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Hail, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background NOAA Weather Radio is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information direct from a nearby National Weather Service office. These stations broadcast National Weather Service warnings, as well as post-event information for all types of hazards, both natural and man-made. NOAA Weather Radios are a single source for the most comprehensive weather and emergency information available to the public. However, 66% of the citizens in College Station that responded to the 2004 Hazard Survey do not own a NOAA weather radio.

Benefits Establishes early warning to the public for all hazards in an emergency. Citizens do not have to rely solely on the media for information. In the event of a power outage the radios have a battery backup.

Priority High

Estimated cost $5,000 per year

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion Ongoing date

Funding sources General revenues, grants from the Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA)

Related objective(s) 1.5, 2.1

City of College Station

127 ACTION: - Maintain/enhance public education programs regarding fire dangers for identified risk areas and population groups. - Enhance fire hydrant maintenance program. - Provide adequate/required-staffing levels. - Provide optimum resource distribution.

Hazard Wildfires

Background Provide assistance to citizens within accepted response standards Comply with mandates from federal/state regulatory agencies Ensure department and automatic/mutual aid personnel participate in cooperative training

Benefits Help ensure that citizens receive emergency assistance in a timely manner within accepted response standards; minimize impact of urban or wildfire on community; and better utilize available resources.

Priority High

Estimated cost To be determined

Responsible Fire Department organization

Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources General Revenues

Related objective(s) 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.3, 5.1

City of College Station

ACTION: Improve outdated Emergency Operations Center technological capabilities for monitoring, recording, and responding to disasters.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms, Wildland fires and Winter Storms

Background Emergency Operations Center requires weather-monitoring equipment for the StormReady program by the NWS.

Benefits Public safety

Priority High

Estimated cost $14,000 (EMWIN)

128 Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion Dependant on availability of grant funds date

Funding sources Grant and general revenues

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.1

City of College Station

ACTION: Implement a water conservation program.

Hazard Drought

Background The City of College Station provides drinking water and fire protection to approximately 77,000 residents. The city enacted a series of measures to increase water production capacity and water system reliability in peak demand periods. These measures include adding a sixth well, upgrading the main pump station, and installing a second water transmission line. Past years with record heat, such as 2009 and 2011, led to increased demand of water and placed extreme pressure on the water system. Outdoor water use in College Station typically doubles in summer months, indicating a potential for water savings through education and incentives. In order to reduce peak demand and year-round water usage, ongoing water conservation education and incentives are needed. These incentives can include rebates on efficient plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems, and water conservation school curriculums.

Benefits Reducing average daily and peak water demand will postpone additional capital investments in the water system. Making maximum efficient use of limited resources shows the City's commitment to environmental conservation and high level of customer service

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $60,000

Responsible College Station Utilities - Water/Wastewater Division organization

Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources General revenues and grants

Related objective(s) 2.1, 2.3, 6.3

City of College Station

129 ACTION: - Create a hurricane hazard information center to better inform the public. - Continue to recruit and certify shelter facilities.

Hazard Hurricane

Background The City of College Station is a host city for the Texas Gulf Coast for hurricane evacuation

Benefits To promote public safety and education in an emergency for the displaced citizens of the Texas Gulf Coast

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $25,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.1, 1.5, 4.1

City of College Station

ACTION: Determine the flood inundation areas for Country Club Lake and Fin Feather Lake and acquire structures located in the identified hazard area.

Hazard Dam Failure

Background The City of College Station has not recorded an incident of dam failure in the past.

Benefits Knowledge of dam failures for high hazard dams will help the City of College Station plan and prepare to protect citizens and infrastructure located downstream of the lake from the affects of dam failures. Acquisition of structures located in the identified hazard area would remove people from harm’s way.

Priority Low

Estimated cost $75,000

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2017 date

130 Funding sources Flood study grants through the Texas Water Development Board

Related objective(s) 5.1, 6.3

City of Kurten

ACTION: Public Education and Awareness

Hazard Floods, Droughts, Excessive Heat and Tornadoes

Background To have the public become more aware of the hazards that their area faces. Information on how to conserve water in a drought, how to avoid driving through low-water crossings during floods, and where to take shelter during excessive heat or a tornado will be presented to the public during Outreach and Awareness meetings once a year.

Benefits An informed public can better protect their property and lives.

Priority Low

Estimated cost $2,000

Responsible Local Emergency Office organization

Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources Local funds

Related objective(s) 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2

City of Bryan

ACTION: Implement a new Records Management System for the Fire and Police Departments.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background The City of Bryan’s needs to update its records management system to improve information flow among pertinent departments to better manage incidents more effectively and to improve methods of identifying areas or facilities in which mitigation can be improved.

Benefits Improved mitigation, response, field reporting, information management.

Priority Very high

Estimated cost $1,000,000

131 Responsible Police, Fire, IT, and Purchasing organization

Target completion 2014 date

Funding sources All funding sources will be sought

Related objective(s) 1.5, 2.1, 3.2, 3.3

City of Bryan

ACTION: Improve EOC software so that all governmental agencies can communicate better.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and Winter Storms

Background Purchase software that will allow Brazos County, Texas A&M, City of Bryan, and the City of College Station to communications capabilities for monitoring, recording, and responding to disasters.

Benefits It will allow for more efficient operations, improved data flow, timely communication of needs to the proper authorities.

Priority Very high

Estimated cost $40,000

Responsible Brazos County, City of College Station, City of Bryan, and Texas A&M organization

Target completion Fall of 2014 date

Funding sources Homeland Security Grant

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.1

City of Bryan

ACTION: Create a map showing low water crossings in the City of Bryan. The results of the flood mapping will be used to determine which low water crossings should be eliminated first with the building of a bridge with 404 Mitigation Funds.

Hazard Flood

Background The public needs to know the location of several low water crossings in the community in real time during a flood.

Benefits Better identification and communication of information about flood-caused hazards through the broadcast media to the public.

132 Priority Medium

Estimated cost The City of Bryan already has a GIS system, and the cost of this additional capability would be small.

Responsible City GIS, Engineering, Public Information Officer organization

Target completion 2016 date

Funding sources General revenues and grants

Related objective(s) 2.1, 2.3

City of Bryan

ACTION: Improve new shelter capabilities.

Hazard Hurricanes

Background The City of Bryan is a major evacuation route for coastal residents when hurricanes threaten the coast. When coastal residents arrive, there are not enough local structures to shelter them. More shelter space is needed to provide protection for coastal residents. Existing shelters need improvement with expansion of available square footage and more beds and showers. The City needs to set up agreements with organizations capable of providing facilities that will improve current capabilities.

Benefits Increased capability to manage mass evacuations

Priority Medium

Estimated cost Minimal

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2017 date

Funding sources General revenue

Related objective(s) 1.3, 1.5, 4.3, 6.2

City of Bryan

ACTION: Provide “cooling centers” for people in the city who do not have the means to keep themselves cool during periods of excessive heat.

Hazard Excessive Heat

133 Background Some elderly or low income people in the city do not have the means to keep themselves cool during periods of excessive heat. Working with the United Way, Salvation Army and the American Red Cross, the city coordinates areas in the city where people can find shelter in air conditioned buildings to avoid excessive heat.

Benefits Providing air conditioned buildings can keep people alive during periods of excessive heat.

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $2,000

Responsible Office of Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2014 date

Funding sources General revenues and grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 3.3, 5.1, 6.2

City of Bryan

ACTION: Purchase NOAA Radios.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and wildland fires

Background NOAA Weather Radio is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information direct from a nearly National Weather Service office. These stations broadcast National Weather Service warnings, as well as post-event information for all types of hazards, both natural and man-made. NOAA Weather Radios are a single source for the most comprehensive weather and emergency information available to the public. Local schools, businesses, and critical facilities in the City of Bryan, however, do not have NOAA radios.

Benefits Improved early warning and post-event information for community citizens

Priority Medium

Estimated cost NOAA Weather Radios cost approximate $55 each for a battery-operated radio with Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) technology.

Responsible Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2014 date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

134 City of Bryan

ACTION: Obtain updated low level aerial photography and topographic mapping within the city limits and ETJ.

Hazard Floods primarily, but can be used for other hazards too

Background The City of Bryan has not obtained low-level photography and topographic mapping since 2002. Those areas which have developed since that time, as well as the areas within the expanded ETJ, do not have accurate and detailed mapping in use in planning and responding to emergency situations.

Benefits Detailed photography allows responders to quickly identify structures, road, drainage ways and other surface structures which may hinder their ability to provide emergency services, or affect how they are carried out. Detailed surface topography allows better analysis results for flood mitigation studies, and can be used to identify potential contamination pathways for surface contaminations.

Priority High

Estimated cost $500,000

Responsible Engineering department, GIS department organization

Target completion 2012 date

Funding sources Grants, Drainage Utility Fee, General Funds

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.2, 4.3

City of Bryan

ACTION: Perform detailed studies of areas prone to flooding to determine most cost effective means to reduce potential loss. The flood studies will be used to prevent new buildings from being built in the flood hazard area, and studies will be used to determine which existing Repetitive Loss properties should be purchased first.

Hazard Flood

Background There exist within the City of Bryan areas where roadway and structural flooding has been reported which have very complex contributing factors. Only detailed computer modeling of these areas will be able to determine the effectiveness of possible improvements, which will allow the most cost effective use of public funds.

Benefits Expenditure of funding for detailed analysis will prevent the spending of public funding on capital projects with limited positive impact.

135 Priority High

Estimated cost $400,000

Responsible Engineering department, GIS department organization

Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.2, 4.3

City of Bryan

ACTION: Purchase or elevate existing properties subject to repetitive loss or severe repetitive flood plain losses.

Hazard Flood

Background Within Bryan are eighteen properties which have sustained multiple losses due to flooding which have been reimbursed through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In order to reduce loss payments, FEMA offers grants for the purchase or elevation of such properties. The purchase of the property would allow for that land to be converted to an open space area.

Benefits The removal of the repetitive or severe repetitive loss structures lowers the risk for financial outlay for the NFIP, which in turn helps lower the community insurance costs through the Community Rating System.

Priority High

Estimated cost $400,000

Responsible Engineering Department organization

Target completion 2016 date

Funding sources FEMA mitigation grants (HMGP, PDM, SRL & RFC)

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.3

City of Bryan

ACTION: Replace drainage culverts identified in Stormwater Master Plan to improve their efficiency. This will also have a positive effect on new buildings.

Hazard Flood

136 Background As part of the ongoing stormwater master plan effort, culverts are being identified which are not sized sufficiently to prevent overtopping of what have become important transportation routes for emergency vehicles.

Benefits Replacement of these culverts, along with limited improvements to the adjacent channel sections, will remove existing obstacles from emergency response teams as well as improve general mobility in significant rainfall events.

Priority High

Estimated cost $1,250,000

Responsible Public Works, Engineering Departments organization

Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1

City of Bryan

ACTION: As related to continued compliance with the NFIP, install paired rain and stream gauge units within the major watersheds of the City of Bryan to better calibrate rainfall and flooding projections. This will result in more accurate Base Flood Elevations (BFE), which in turn will allow for new buildings to be built higher above the flood plain.

Hazard Flood

Background Due to the changing nature of the developing tributary watersheds, and the high number of improvements which affect the flood carrying capacity of streams (i.e. numerous small detention basins), better model calibration will require the installation of more accurate tracking equipment which will tie the actual rainfall received within a specified area to the actual stream runoff levels associated with that specific rainfall event.

Benefits More accurate data collection will lead to more accurate hazard prediction, allowing more precise application of funding to eliminate hazards without wasting funds in areas which may not be as effective.

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $250,000

Responsible Public Works, Engineering organization

137 Target completion 2015 date

Funding sources Grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 5.2, and 6.1



City of Kurten

ACTION: To buyout, relocate or elevate any existing repetitive loss flood properties located within the flood plain.

Hazard Flooding

Background Kurten is a small incorporated city with minimal staff and would benefit from assistance of the Brazos County Floodplain Managers to assess any properties in their floodplain and in developing a plan to mitigate any problem structures.

Benefits Public safety; responder safety; Increased water quality; Financial benefit

Priority Medium

Estimated cost Approximately $50,000 - $100,000

Responsible Brazos County Floodplain Management, in cooperation with City of Kurten organization

Target completion 2016 date

Funding sources Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Related objective(s) 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 3.1, 4.1, 4.3, 5.3, 6.3

City of Kurten City of Kurten

Action Purchase and install a generator on the existing City of Kurten Municipal Building

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and wildland fires

Background Currently, there is no emergency power generation capability for the City of Kurten municipal building.

Benefits Continuity of operations during extended power outage

Priority High

138 Estimated cost Approximately $100,000 - $150,000

Responsible City of Kurten and Brazos County Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2014 date

Funding sources Mitigation funds and Homeland Security grant funds

Related objective(s) 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 4.2, 5.1, 6.3

City of Wixon Valley

ACTION: To buyout, relocate or elevate any existing repetitive loss flood properties.

Hazard Flooding

Background Wixon Valley is a small incorporated city with minimal staff and would benefit from assistance of the Brazos County Floodplain Managers to assess any properties in their floodplain and in developing a plan to mitigate any problem structures.

Benefits Public safety; responder safety; Increased water quality; Financial benefit

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $50,000 - $100,000

Responsible Brazos County Floodplain Management, in cooperation with City of Wixon Valley organization

Target completion 2016 date

Funding sources Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Related objective(s) 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 3.1, 4.1, 4.3, 5.3, 6.3

City of Wixon Valley

ACTION: Purchase and install a generator on the existing City of Wixon Valley Municipal Building.

Hazard Flood, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunderstorms and wildland fires

Background Currently, there is no emergency power generation capability for the City of Wixon Valley municipal building.

Benefits Continuity of operations during extended power outage

139 Priority High

Estimated cost Approximately $100,000 - $150,000

Responsible City of Wixon Valley and Brazos County Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2014 date

Funding sources Mitigation funds and Homeland Security grant funds

Related objective(s) 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 4.2, 5.1, 6.3

Brazos County Council of Governments (BVCOG)

ACTION: Purchase and install new individual safe rooms throughout the county

Hazard Tornado, hurricanes, severe winter storm, thunderstorm

Background Individual safe-rooms located throughout the county will help to protect people against tornadoes or other severe weather events.

Benefits Allowing individuals to take shelter inside their own homes prevents them from leaving to find a community safe-room location.

Priority High

Estimated cost $3,500 each

Responsible BVCOG with participation through the Brazos County OEM organization

Target completion Ongoing date

Funding sources FEMA Mitigation funds

Related objective(s) 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 5.1

Brazos County

ACTION: Provide “fan drives” for people in the county who do not have the means to keep themselves cool.

Hazard Excessive Heat

140 Background Some elderly or low income people in the county do not have air conditioners or fans in their homes. Working with the United Way, the county coordinates the purchase of fans and provides them to people so that they don’t have to leave their homes.

Benefits Providing fans for people in their homes can keep people alive during periods of excessive heat.

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $2,000

Responsible Office of Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2014 date

Funding sources General revenues and grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 3.3, 5.1, 6.2

Brazos County

ACTION: Determine the flood inundation areas for Bryan Utilities Lake and acquire structures located in the identified hazard area.

Hazard Dam Failure

Background Knowledge of dam failures for high hazard dams will help Brazos County plan and prepare to protect citizens and infrastructure located downstream of the lake from the affects of dam failures.

Benefits Acquisition of structures located in the identified hazard area would permanently remove people from harm’s way.

Priority Medium

Estimated cost $50,000

Responsible Office of Emergency Management organization

Target completion 2014 date

Funding sources General revenues and grants

Related objective(s) 1.5, 3.3, 5.1, 6.2


IMPLEMENTATION This section discusses how this Hazard Mitigation Plan will be implemented by Brazos County and the participating jurisdictions listed in this plan. It also addresses how the plan will be evaluated and improved over time and how the public will continue to be involved in the hazard mitigation planning process. Each participating jurisdiction and Brazos County will be responsible for implementing its own mitigation action plans contained in Section 17. Each action has been assigned to a specific person or local government office that is responsible for implementing it. The governing bodies of each participating jurisdiction have adopted the mitigation action plan for their jurisdictions. Copies of the governing body resolutions are contained in Appendix E. A funding source has been listed for each identified action. This source may be used when the jurisdiction begins to seek funds to implement the action. An implementation time period or a specific implementation date also has been assigned to each action as an incentive for seeing the action through to completion and to gauge whether actions are timely implemented. Participating jurisdictions will integrate implementation of their mitigation action plans with other, existing planning mechanisms such as capital improvement plans, long range growth plans, master stormwater and drainage plans, and regional planning efforts. Jurisdictions will ensure that the actions contained in the mitigation action plans are reflected in these other planning efforts. These other planning efforts will be used to advance the mitigation strategies of the jurisdictions. Upon formal adoption of the plan, hazard mitigation team members from each jurisdiction will review all comprehensive land use plans, capital improvement plans, transportation plans, and any building codes to guide and control development. The hazard mitigation team members will work to integrate the hazard mitigation strategies into these other plans and codes. Each jurisdiction will conduct periodic reviews of their comprehensive and land use plans and policies and analyze the need for any amendments in light of the approved hazard mitigation plan. Participating jurisdictions will ensure that capital improvement planning in the future will also contribute to the goals of this hazard mitigation plan to reduce the long-term risk to life and property from all hazards. Within one year of formal adoption of the hazard mitigation plan, existing planning mechanisms will be reviewed by each jurisdiction. The BVCOG is committed to supporting the cities and counties in the valley as they implement their mitigation plans. The COG will review and revise, as necessary, the long-range goals and objectives in its strategic plan and budgets to ensure that they are consistent with this mitigation action plan. The COG will work with participating jurisdictions to advance the goals of

142 this hazard mitigation plan through its routine, ongoing, long-range planning, budgeting, and work processes.

EVALUATION AND ENHANCEMENT Periodic revisions and updates of the plan are required to ensure that the goals, objectives, and mitigation action plans for Brazos County are kept current. More important, revisions may be necessary to ensure that the plan is in full compliance with federal regulations and state statutes. This portion of the plan outlines the procedures for completing such revisions and updates.

Monitoring and Five-Year Plan Review and Update Hazard mitigation team members from each jurisdiction (see Appendix C) are responsible for continual monitoring those components of the hazard mitigation plan that pertains to their jurisdiction. As part of the monitoring process, team members will assess any changes in risk; determine whether implementation of mitigation actions is on schedule or if there are any implementation problems, such as technical, political, legal or coordination issues; and reflect changes in land development or programs that affect mitigation priorities or actions. On an annual basis, Brazos County will notify the BVCOG of any needed changes in the plan based upon their monitoring activities. This mitigation action plan will be formally reviewed and updated every five years to determine whether significant changes may have occurred in Brazos County that could affect the plan. The five-year review and update will be conducted under the auspices of the BVCOG, with participation by cities and counties in the Brazos Valley. Increased development, increased exposure to certain hazards, the development of new mitigation capabilities or techniques, and revisions to federal or state legislation are examples of changes that may affect the currency of the plan. Criteria to be included in the evaluation will include, at a minimum:  The goals and objectives address current and expected conditions;  The nature, magnitude, and/or type of risks has changed;  The current resources are appropriate for implementing the plan;  There are implementation problems, such as technical, political, legal, or coordination issues with other agencies;  The outcomes have occurred as expected; and,  The agencies and other partners participated as originally proposed. The review also will give community officials an opportunity to evaluate successful actions and to explore the possibility of documenting losses avoided because of actions taken. The plan also will need to be revised to reflect lessons learned following a disaster declaration or to address specific circ*mstances arising from changing conditions surrounding disaster events. The five-year review will begin in spring 2015 and be completed by fall 2015. As part of the plan review process, participating jurisdictions will be asked to review each goal and objective to

143 determine their continued relevance; review the risk assessment portion of the plan to determine if the information should be updated or modified; report on the status of each of their mitigation actions; report on which implementation processes worked well, any difficulties encountered, how coordination efforts are proceeding, and which mitigation actions should be revised; and evaluate the effectiveness of their mitigation action plans and recommend changes or amendments. The results will be summarized in a formal report issued by the BVCOG that will include an evaluation of the effectiveness and appropriateness of the plan, and will recommend required or desirable changes. As part of the five-year plan update, depending upon resource availability, a review will be undertaken of development trends in each jurisdiction and vulnerability. Also as part of the five- year plan update, depending upon resource availability, a review will be undertaken for each hazard of the type and number of existing and future buildings, infrastructure and critical facilities within each hazard area, and an estimate will be undertaken of the vulnerability of critical facilities and infrastructure in terms of potential dollar losses from each hazard. Also depending upon resource availability, land uses and development trends will also be re- examined, including the types of development occurring, location, expected intensity, and pace by land use for each jurisdiction. This will help complete and improve future vulnerability assessment efforts. Based on the analysis, a summary of vulnerability will be provided for participating jurisdictions below the county level.

Plan Amendments and Updates At any time, minor technical changes may be made to the plan to keep it up to date. However, any changes to the mitigation actions or major changes in the overall direction of the plan or the policies contained within it must be subject to formal adoption by the participating jurisdictions. After initial adoption, any amendment to the mitigation action plan contained in Section 18 must also be approved by the governing body of the participating city or county and submitted to BVCOG for inclusion in an amended plan. Any amendment to the plan must undergo an open public process. Brazos County is responsible for gathering public input. Input on a proposed amendment will be sought during a formal review and comment period of not less than 30 days. The proposed change will be also posted on the Brazos Valley COG’s website. At the end of the comment period, the proposed amendment and all comments will be forwarded to the governing body of the proposing jurisdiction for consideration. If no comments are received from the reviewing parties within the specified review period, this will also be noted. The governing body will then review the proposed amendment and comments received, and vote to accept, reject, or amend the proposed change. The public will have an opportunity to provide input during the governing body meeting at which the request is considered. Upon ratification, the amendment will be included in the plan and forwarded to the Texas Division of Emergency Management.

144 In determining whether to recommend approval or denial of a plan amendment request, the following factors will be considered:  Errors or omissions made in the identification of issues or needs during the preparation of the plan;  New issues or needs that were not adequately addressed in the plan;  Changes in information, data, or assumptions from those on which the plan was based.

CONTINUED PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Public input was an integral part of the preparation of this plan and will continue to be essential as the plan grows and changes. As with any officially adopted plan or ordinance, a significant change to this plan shall require an opportunity for the public to make its views known. This Hazard Mitigation Action Plan will be posted continuously on the website of the Brazos Valley Council of Governments and the Brazos County Department of Emergency Management, where the public is invited to provide ongoing feedback. The public will be notified that the plan is available on the website through local media outlets, such as the local newspaper The Eagle, and postings at municipal buildings and the Brazos County courthouse. Copies of the plan also will be kept in each jurisdiction and at the BVCOG office for public inspection and review. For more information, contact the Brazos Valley Council of Governments at telephone (979) 595-2800 or fax at (979) 595-2810.


AL Annualized Loss

ALR Annualized Loss Ratio

BCEG Building Code Effectiveness Grading

BCEGS Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule

BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators

BTU British Thermal Unit

BVCOG Brazos Valley Council of Governments

CAC Community Assistance Contact

CAP Community Assistance Program

CAV Community Assistance Visit

CDBG Community Development Block Grant

CERT Community Emergency Response Team

CFS Cubic feet per second

CHER-CAP Comprehensive Hazardous Materials Emergency Response – Capability Assessment Program

CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center

COG Council of Governments

COOP Continuity of Operations Plan

COPS Community Oriented Police Services

CTP Cooperating Technical Partner

DEM Texas Division of Emergency Management

DFIRM Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map

DOD Department of Defense

EAS Emergency Alert System

146 EM Emergency Management

EMP Emergency Management Plan

EMPG Emergency Management Performance Grants

EMS Emergency Medical Services

EO Emergency Operations

EOC Emergency Operations Center

EP Exceeding Probability

EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency

FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Maps

GIS Geographic Information System

HAZUS Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazards U.S.

HMT Hazard Mitigation Team

IFC International Fire Code

ISO International Organization for Standardization

NFDS National Fire Danger Rating System

NFIP National Flood Insurance Program

NHC National Hurricane Center

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

PPC Public Protection Classification

SFC Standard Fire Code

TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service

UFC Uniform Fire Code

USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

USDA United States Department of Agriculture


Zip Code Number of Responses

77802 35

77840 40

77845 109

77807 13

77808 34

77801 5

77803 89

77868 1

77805 1

77806 1

77356 1

77836 2

77856 2

77859 1

77866 1

77868 1

Total 336

Is your home in a flood plain? Yes No I don’t know

17 224 33

Do you have flood insurance?

148 Yes No I don’t know

33 216 24

If no, why not? Respondent in floodplain County does not participate in 1 flood program.

Respondent in floodplain It is not available in this part of the county due to a lack of mapping.

Respondent in floodplain Will not issue flood insurance. 2

Respondent in floodplain Can’t afford it. 14

Respondent in floodplain Flood insurance is too expensive 10 to purchase.

Respondent who does not know Does not know where flood 21 if in floodplain insurance is available.

Other respondents Not necessary; can’t afford it; 156 live on hill

Please select the hazard you think is the highest threat to your neighborhood Tornado 72

Thunderstorm 96

Flood 14

Hail 41

Hazardous materials incidents 11

Wildland fire 11

Drought 14

Terrorism 5

Winter storm 2

Pandemic 2

149 Hurricane 9

Technological 5

Dam failure 0

Please select the hazard you think is the second highest threat to your neighborhood: Tornado 72

Thunderstorm 70

Flood 14

Hail 46

Hazardous materials incidents 13

Wildland fire 10

Drought 13

Terrorism 7

Winter storm 1

Pandemic 5

Hurricane 14

Technological 7

Dam failure 2

In your opinion, what are some steps your local government could take to reduce or eliminate the risk of future damage in your neighborhood? See attachment for answers.

Has any hazard in your neighborhood increased in severity in recent years? Yes No N/A Comment

1 136

See below for detailed comments.

Is there another hazard not listed in this survey that you think is a wide-scale threat to your neighborhood?

150 Yes No Comment


See below for detailed comments.

Do you have a weather radio? Yes, in my home Yes, in my office Yes, both No

69 31 13 84

Does your survey response cover your home or your office? Home Office Both I don’t know

257 6 5 1

151 Detailed Comments In your opinion, what are some steps your local government could take to reduce or eliminate the risk of future damage in your neighborhood?  Make changes in our idea of a lawn should be 2/3 water in summer is used for irrigating lawns.  Can’t really think of anything, when things happen our local government is quick to respond.  High standard of building codes; sirens  We might benefit from the use of some sort of weather alert sirens.  Local fire department – not volunteer  Keep trees trimmed near power lines so that the bad storms will stop knocking out power.  Keep a tighter control on the zoning  Water conservation education and enforcement  Upkeep of creek – keep it cleared of debris. Keep drainage lines clear.  Hazardous Materials: Slow in town speed limit on SH6  Trains – move tracks, but not feasible.  I believe the city of College Station should employ more Hazmat technicians in the fire department, this would improve response, mitigation, and planning of potential hazards. I believe that the risk analysis should be delivered and discussed with each resident by an emergency responder.  Civil defense/tornado  Fix culverts and dig deeper ditches down the dirt road?  Keep creeks, retention and detention ponds clean/clear to prevent possible flooding (2)  Clean out cracks and drainage areas  Eliminate development along creeks and keep green spaces in wetland areas adjacent to creeks prone to flooding.  Any warning; also we live about a mile from the railroad, so anything related to that which may prevent damage, etc.  Spray for mosquitoes  Public service announcements  Radio announcements when tornado is about to touch down. We were driving in a car at the time one hit our house.  Keep storm drains clear for water run off

152  Provide assistance with lawn sprinkler systems for keeping grass alive and provide for assistance with fire department coverage and equipment.  I don’t know that there are any except slow or control development. Tornados are no control. Wildfires may actually be less because all the land is being developed.  Early alert systems/sirens (2)  Continue to cut down old trees  I cannot think of any steps the local government could take to help reduce or eliminate risk.  Communicate with city council, county commissioners, city planning/development to have a plan of action and evacuation plan in the event of an emergency. Utilize grants and local tax dollars to properly execute any plans.  Education on how to be prepared  Two railroad tracks could be moved.  Force landlords to maintain property to better standards; i.e. energy efficiency for rental dwellings.  Do a warrant roundup  Bury the utility lines – they run through the backyards  In my opinion it is not the local government’s responsibility.  Encourage people to clean up their property and remove underbrush and get rid of trash. Leaving it “natural” is another excuse not to do anything.  Continue efforts in response and communication. Keeping up with local, statewide, and national efforts.  Continue to provide weather alerts as much in advance as possible  Be more proactive with emergency notifications and provide more money to local emergency management office to develop better evacuation facilities.  Emergency notifications that are clear and not contradictory (unified message).  Provide storm shelters (2)  Enforce city ordinances in College Station, etc.  Make sure that we have a good alert system for notifying residents of any dangers.  Less development that creates impervious cover above (upstream) of existing neighborhoods  Let Wellborn incorporate!  Stronger/more support on buildings be made can help reduce weather damage. Also putting up lighting rod/receptors to attract lightening in thunderstorms

153  Education on how to prepare ourselves (brochures, mail outs)  Buildings better suited to resist wind damage  Tornado alarms (4)  Maybe cut trees that are overgrown around power lines and educate the community more.  Public notifications/media  Make sure all drainage is properly maintained and flowing. This will prevent buildup and mosquito infestation.  Make sure the Navasota River does not get a dam. A dam would probably put every zip code listed in the new floodplain.  Give back tax money (2)  Flood plain management  Lightning sirens  Advance notice  Make information readily available about the risk of flooding. There is a website that shows the risk for various locations. It’s very difficult to navigate and I didn’t get any information from it.  More street lighting – wider roads  Keep the burglars out of my cars  Fix the roads  Better police patrolling  Always keep the public informed.  Improve street drainage  More hydrants in rural areas  Slow the vehicles down on the road.  Mow the side of the roads more.  Better drainage, remove dead/dying trees, enforce keeping trash, junk cars, etc., off property and street.  Listen to the people in the area and fix it!  More available medic and fire dept.  I live in a mobile home, and with insurance rates constantly going up it gets expensive. Maybe a plan that would help a mobile home owner be able to put up a structure over the mobile home that would protect the main house. Hail damage can go undetected until it is too late and by that time, not only does a roof have to be repaired or replaced

154 now there is ceiling damage as well. And one things leads to the next. Also the structure would help reduce the cost of utility bills. Helps to keep the hot sun off the main roof as well.  Streets in our neighborhood needs to be fixed, when it rain the street floods fast  Go around and ask neighbors what needs to be done in their neighborhoods.  More deputies on days and nights  Evaluate risk level  Work with landowners to periodically clean creeks beds to alleviate periodic flooding  Better storm or tornado warning.  Practical info about who to call in a disaster, escape routes, safety locations  Well there is a large antenna that is now well supported by guide wires. Antenna is on a tower 60 feet tall and is swaying very far back and forth in the wind. You could easily threaten Campus View Apartment and the owners Aspen Square with closure if they do not remove it.  Better drainage for flood situations  Keep up with the weather alert system and all those types of media to get the word out in time of need.  Live near creek, heavy rains cause erosion  Increase Patrol, early warning system  Raintree only has one way in and out. With the church and new businesses nearby, exiting the neighborhood could be a problem.  I live in the county and our road is sometimes flooded which would prevent or delay an emergency response should one be needed at my home. They could do more to elevate the roadways in the flood prone areas.  Make carports, garages, or some sort of vehicle shelter required by developers. Have neighborhood education parties specifically about storms, damage, and damage prevention.  Fire station 6 would be a great addition, because of where I live, it would put fire response much closer to my house. Additionally, I would like to see Hazmat stage out of 6 as it would have direct access to Hwy 6  Parts of the neighborhood are adjacent to Lick Creek near Graham Road & Hwy 6, and when it rains heavy the creek fills to the top rather quickly, so may be the drainage and flow for that creek could be improved without removal of the large trees and native landscape. Maybe the creek could be deepened and/or widened at some locations to handle more storm water. As development continues within the creek drainage basin, more & more water is routed to the creek at a larger volume per time than undeveloped property.

155  More regulations on chemical storage and location to residential properties (i.e. large chemical fires)  Help improved security & better safety plans for chemical/biological labs, nuclear reactor at A&M, and any other hazardous location prone to the public health & safety issues.  I don't feel there is much to be done. My neighborhood is full of tall, thick, oak trees that are susceptible to failure under extreme weather such as thunderstorms. The falling trees break significant structures and endanger people and homes.  Plant windbreaks along roads/greenbelts/drainage ditches to slow down storm winds or winds in general. There's not too much to be done against drought.  Warning system that would notify people of an actual tornado in your area.  Keep the communication lines open. Hit the new social media sites especially since the youth no longer listen to the radio that much.  Keep the creeks that runs through Austin Colony clean of debris and trash.  Send out pamphlets for severe weather safety for employees  Control heavy rain run-off better.  tornadoes or at least opportunity of tornadoes is becoming more prevalent and we should be as proactive as possible on notifying the public and how we do it during these times  Employ more police officers  Making sure there is a good plan to get utilities (electric, water) up and running as soon as reasonably possible  The government should be well equipped with resources (trained humans and equipment) to respond as needed. One of the opposites of being "well equipped" is being in debt!  There really isn't anything to do to prevent thunderstorms; however, relocation or dropping the elevation of the tracks would mitigate a hazardous materials incident involving the train. To my knowledge, there is no current proposal or plan to do this. There are also several major roadways that run through the area, but again no proposal or plan in place to redirect traffic carrying hazardous cargo/loads. There is also a plant food/fertilizer plant in the area and early notification regarding an incident there to the area residents to shelter-in-place or evacuate would help to minimize injury. Perhaps local government could disseminate information at the post office about the difference between shelter-in-place, evacuation, and general preparedness.  Not build on the flood plain, keep creeks and ditches clear  Give better support to rural fire protection that allows them to branch out with stations to reduce response times. Also fund staffing in all stations with a minimum of two people 24/7 to ensure emergency response. In these harsh economic times, it is increasingly difficult to rely on "free “help. i.e.(volunteers).

156  Crack down on the illegal immigrants in our area, ENFORCE THE LAWS.  keep trees trimmed better away from power lines, and the wild grape vines that grow, need to be kept trimmed back better  Provide more emergency preparedness education and outreach as to the steps we need to take to better prepare for an emergency.  Water conservation requirements  Severe weather alerts via email.  Severe weather sirens.  Put more electric lines underground. Not allow developments to build right up to or in the floodplain.  Encourage less grass lawns and the irrigation that goes with it  Enforce code regulations or laws for property owners to maintain rental units to code, including interior electrical/appliance issues.  With the possible exception of wildland fires, government can do nothing to reduce or eliminate future damage risks associated with acts of nature.  Maybe other means of exiting our neighborhood, we only have one in and one out.  Do something about the trees that are leaning heavily on the hill on Autumn Cir before one of them falls across the road and possible onto the duplexes across the street from them.  In the duplex I live in, there are a lot of fire hazards. For example, there are shorts in plug sockets and also in the main light in my son's bedroom. We have asked numerous times for our landlord to fix these problems. Maybe if there are stricter guidelines they need to follow or the government needs to make sure these problems are fixed.  Greenbelts and Flood plains need some cleaning out from trash and large items that get washed into the creeks and then create hazards during a rain event. Also, overgrowth with thick bushes and trees within the waterway take space that is normally taken by water. Code enforcement need to monitor these areas because of illegal dumping of trash, tires, large bulky items and brush, again creating water to exit the banks more quickly even on a small rainfall event.  Please do more to Gabbard Park to help the structure of the dam. When heavy rains pour down, the dam area at the end pours into the creek between Gunsmith and Medina. Also the creek bed between the two streets needs better maintenance. It is not owned by the Gunsmith side and not the Medina side as far as the plots seem to say. The most recent storms washed almost a half foot to a foot of surrounding dirt away from the concrete.  Improve drainage between houses so that rainwater run-off will drain naturally to the creek. As it is now, the house/yard is so old that the yards have grown up and filled in the drainage path.

157 Has any hazard in your neighborhood increased in severity in recent years? Traffic has probably made evacuations more difficult

Drought (3)

The major pipelines that run under our city, due to age and construction are failing more frequently, “gasoline” and “natural gas” lines have ruptured within last few years releasing hazards.

Wind damage

Flash flooding (4)

Railing missing from bridge

Flooding hazard due to increased creek flow due to over development.

Traffic (3)


Wind (3)

Burglary (2)

Fire – due to recent drought

Thunderstorm damage

Theft (2)

Yes, the number of trains.

Hail, drought, winter storm

Road in disrepair.

The population has grown tremendously and would cause a problem if an evacuation was needed.

Had to replace roof twice in last five years due to hail damage.

Hail, thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, poor drainage, wind, tornado-like wind

Traffic, college students

Hazmat live close to Highway 6

Flooding has increased due to neighborhood construction upstream

158 Railroad tracks – hazardous materials (3)

Small tornado. Hail damage

Standing water

Paying more taxes

More traffic increases risk of hazardous material incident (2)

Sad to say, the main hazard in my neighborhood is some of the people who live there and the people who hang out with them. We don’t have serious crime like, say, Detroit or Gary, Indiana, but the HUD housing on Crystal Brook Drive attracts some unsavory characters.


Electrical line fires (downed power lines)

Dead/dying trees, poor drainage from street, street slopes – erosion is worsening.

We have lost a lot of land due to Burton Creek and trees and we worry that the creek could one day put us in a flood plain zone

Increase occurrence of West Nile - due to creeks in area.


Vandalism, theft, child molesters

Tornados and hurricanes (2)

Is there another hazard not listed in this survey that you think is a wide-scale threat to your neighborhood? Coeds texting and driving (2)

I live close to railroad track and wonder about hazardous materials – but not a worry -

Being in the flight path the risk of an airline crash would be a major threat to a neighborhood.


The railroad (2)

Mosquitoes (3)

159 Theft

Burglary (2)

Standing green water in large pond, threat of West Nile Virus. Have contacted city of Bryan numerous times. Problem still exists today.

Vandalism occurs in spurts but nonetheless costs raise premiums.

Wind damage (2)

We are close to TV station and cable offices – but they are not in the neighborhood

Plane crash


Oil and gas

Poor drainage


Fires (3)

Structure fires (houses are older and close together)

Wild animals and stray dogs/cats

Tax increases

Gang violence (2)

Wild animals

Streams used as dumping grounds, garbage impedes water flow

Stagnant water is breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Speeding vehicles

Local government

Vandalism and burglaries of all kinds. (2)

Crime (5)

Speeding in rural areas

160 Oak trees are dying (2)

Older homes and older residents – as well as several illegal immigrants – if something occurs, there is no way they’ll know about it.

Burton Creek that it could help build up a tornado.


The debris from the fire should be picked up and hauled away.

I have noticed oil and grease in creek beds from run-off.

Potential chemical leak from the CS water pump station

Illegal immigration

Reckless drivers


R.B. Alley III Chief, College Station Fire Department

Gary Balmain Director, College Station Public Works

Brett Blankner Engineer, City of College Station

Carol Cotter Senior Assistant Engineer, City of College Station

Melanie Estes Council Member, City of Kurten Chuck Frazier Emergency Management Coordinator, Brazos County

Venessa Garza Administrator, City of College Station

Alan Gibbs Planner, Planning and Development Services

Chuck Gilman Director, College Station Public Works

Jerry Henry Emergency Management Coordinator, City of Bryan Emergency Management

Brian Hilton Staff Assistant, College Station Fire Department, Department of Emergency Management

Kate Jackson Administrator, Brazos County Suzannah Jones Planner, Texas Engineering Extension Service

Cindy Kuykendall Staff, City of College Station David Larner Mitigation Consultant, Texas Engineering Extension Service

Megan Lott Specialist, Brazos County Road & Bridge Department

Leslie Lutz Administrator, Texas A&M University – Office of Safety and Security

Kenny Mallard Staff, Brazos County

Linda McGuill Public Safety Manager, Brazos Valley Council of Governments

Michele Meade Specialist, Brazos County Emergency Management

162 Mike Paulus Administrator, Brazos County Health Department

Don Plitt Specialist, Brazos County Health Department

Gary Ralmain Engineer, City of College Station

James Sofje Mayor, City of Wixon Valley

Curt Sterner Specialist, American Red Cross

Marshall Wallace Staff, College Station Public Works Department

Monica Weintraub Staff, Texas A&M University – Office of Safety and Security Adam Whitefield Planner, Brazos Valley Council of Governments


County Name Type Cost ($1,000) Brazos Coulter Field Airport 4,850.5 Brazos Texas A And M Flight Test Station Airport 4,850.5 Brazos Varisco Airport 4,850.5 Brazos Easterwood Field Airport 4,850.5 Brazos Moore Hx Ranch Airport 4,850.5 Brazos Tom J Moore Farm Airport 4,850.5 Brazos Interurban Trolley System Bus 970.1 Brazos Interurban Trolley System Bus 970.1 Brazos Brazos Transit District Bus 970.1 Brazos Greyhound Bus Station Bus 970.1 Brazos Desert Hills Centers Care 6,230.0 Brazos College Station Medical Center Care 6,230.0 Brazos St Joseph Regional Hlth Ctr Care 12,460.0 Brazos Kyle Ch 28 Communication 89.0 Brazos Kamu-Tv Ch 15 Communication 89.0 Brazos Kzne 1150 Communication 89.0 Brazos Kagc 1510 Communication 89.0 Brazos Ktam 1240 Communication 89.0 Brazos Wtaw 1620 Communication 89.0 Brazos Keos Ch 206 Communication 89.0 Brazos Ktsr Ch 221 Communication 89.0 Brazos Knfx-Fm Ch 258 Communication 89.0 Brazos Kkys Ch 284 Communication 89.0 Brazos Kora-Fm Ch 252 Communication 89.0 Brazos Kamu-Fm Ch 215 Communication 89.0 Brazos Wa2xnx Ch 200 Communication 89.0 Brazos Bryan City Of (Power Station) Electric 97,900.0 Brazos Bryan Municipal Electric System Electric 97,900.0 Brazos City Of Bryan Electric 97,900.0 Brazos Texas A & M University Electric 97,900.0 Brazos Texas A&M University Electric 97,900.0 Brazos WEST CAMPUS COGENERATION COMPANY Electric 97,900.0 Brazos BRYAN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIR Emergency 890.0 Brazos COLLEGE STATION EMERGENCY MGMT Emergency 890.0 Brazos COLLEGE STATION FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Station 534.0 Brazos BRAZOS CO PRECINCT FOUR FIRE Fire Station 534.0 Brazos PRECINCT 4 FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Station 534.0

164 Brazos BRAZOS VALLEY VOLUNTEER FIRE Fire Station 534.0 Brazos FERGUSON BURLESON CO. GAS GATHERING Gas 970.1 Brazos FERGUSON BURLESON COUNTY GAS GATHER Gas 970.1 Brazos VANGUARD PIPELINE CORPORATION Gas 970.1 Brazos RABBIT LN Highway bridge 67.5 Brazos RABBIT LN Highway bridge 77.9 Brazos RABBIT LN Highway bridge 44.1 Brazos COLLETTE LN Highway bridge 148.8 Brazos ALEXANDER RD Highway bridge 138.7 Brazos ALEXANDER RD Highway bridge 128.0 Brazos ALEXANDER RD Highway bridge 128.0 Brazos WHEELOCK HALL RD Highway bridge 135.0 Brazos SCASTA LN Highway bridge 182.4 Brazos DEEP WELL RD Highway bridge 94.7 Brazos FERRILL CREEK RD Highway bridge 184.3 Brazos DILLY SHAW TAP RD Highway bridge 214.1 Brazos JACK CREEK RD Highway bridge 137.3 Brazos HOUSE CEMETERY RD Highway bridge 77.9 Brazos OLD BUNDICK RD Highway bridge 147.1 Brazos MACEY RD Highway bridge 142.7 Brazos MACEY RD Highway bridge 158.6 Brazos MACEY RD Highway bridge 446.4 Brazos JACK MANNING RD Highway bridge 128.0 Brazos EDGE SCHL HOUSE RD Highway bridge 103.8 Brazos FICKEY RD Highway bridge 85.4 Brazos FICKEY RD Highway bridge 128.0 Brazos KURTEN CEMETERY RD Highway bridge 288.1 Brazos DILLY SHAW TAP RD Highway bridge 128.0 Brazos DILLY SHAW TAP RD Highway bridge 490.8 Brazos DILLY SHAW TAP RD Highway bridge 159.2 Brazos WILCOX LN Highway bridge 142.7 Brazos HARRIS LN Highway bridge 128.0 Brazos LONG TRUSSEL RD Highway bridge 207.6 Brazos LONG TRUSSEL RD Highway bridge 69.2 Brazos LONG TRUSSEL RD Highway bridge 224.9 Brazos SAXON RD Highway bridge 245.1 Brazos DEMOCRAT RD Highway bridge 285.5 Brazos GRASSBUR RD Highway bridge 117.4 Brazos GRASSBUR RD Highway bridge 164.4 Brazos GRASSBUR RD Highway bridge 138.4 Brazos ELMO WEEDON RD Highway bridge 126.3 Brazos OLD RELIANCE RD Highway bridge 140.6

165 Brazos OLD RELIANCE RD Highway bridge 128.0 Brazos OLD RELIANCE RD Highway bridge 126.3 Brazos OLD RELIANCE RD Highway bridge 263.1 Brazos CO.RD.169 Highway bridge 173.6 Brazos OLD RELIANCE RD Highway bridge 120.2 Brazos WEEDON LOOP Highway bridge 112.5 Brazos HARDY WEEDON RD Highway bridge 140.1 Brazos HARDY WEEDON RD Highway bridge 171.3 Brazos BIRD POND RD Highway bridge 412.4 Brazos BIRD POND RD Highway bridge 364.8 Brazos PEACH CREEK RD Highway bridge 126.3 Brazos OLD WELLBORN RD Highway bridge 76.1 Brazos WHITE SWITCH RD Highway bridge 155.7 Brazos HOPES CREEK RD Highway bridge 490.8 Brazos JONES RD Highway bridge 490.8 Brazos LEONARD RD Highway bridge 250.9 Brazos SILVER HILL RD Highway bridge 256.1 Brazos PLEASANT HILL RD Highway bridge 126.3 Brazos BURT RD Highway bridge 149.4 Brazos SAUNDERS ST Highway bridge 201.9 Brazos MUMFORD RD Highway bridge 380.8 Brazos MUMFORD RD Highway bridge 157.4 Brazos BRITTEN RD Highway bridge 100.3 Brazos DEAN ST Highway bridge 147.6 Brazos HALL ST Highway bridge 133.8 Brazos BAYLOR AVE Highway bridge 139.3 Brazos DUMAS DR Highway bridge 181.7 Brazos BURTON DR Highway bridge 122.1 Brazos BROADMOOR DR Highway bridge 406.6 Brazos BROADMOOR DR Highway bridge 289.8 Brazos TANGLEWOOD DR Highway bridge 317.8 Brazos ROSEMARY DR Highway bridge 488.5 Brazos CAVITT AVE Highway bridge 176.5 Brazos HOLLEMAN DR Highway bridge 225.8 Brazos SOUTHWEST PARKWAY Highway bridge 342.6 Brazos BROTHERS BLVD Highway bridge 128.9 Brazos LONGMIRE DR Highway bridge 314.9 Brazos SOUTHWOOD DR Highway bridge 351.8 Brazos US 190 - W. FRONT. Highway bridge 279.0 Brazos US 190 - W. FRONT. Highway bridge 409.2 Brazos LOOP 507 Highway bridge 796.2 Brazos E.SER.RD.US190BP. Highway bridge 154.4

166 Brazos US-190 NB LANES Highway bridge 985.0 Brazos US-190 SB LANES Highway bridge 985.0 Brazos FM 2818 Highway bridge 3,437.5 Brazos SH 6-NB LANE Highway bridge 2,783.4 Brazos WOODVILLE ROAD Highway bridge 1,229.3 Brazos US190-SB.LN.BYPASS Highway bridge 1,039.2 Brazos US190-NB.LN.BYPASS Highway bridge 1,039.2 Brazos OLD RELIANCE ROAD Highway bridge 1,215.1 Brazos FM 158 Highway bridge 2,309.2 Brazos BRAIRCREST DRIVE Highway bridge 2,033.7 Brazos E.SER.RD.SH6 BP Highway bridge 343.1 Brazos SH6 BYPASS-SB.LANE Highway bridge 1,138.4 Brazos SH6 BYPASS-NB.LANE Highway bridge 1,138.4 Brazos W.SER.RD. SH6 BP Highway bridge 896.2 Brazos E.SER.RD. SH6 BP Highway bridge 896.2 Brazos FM 60 Highway bridge 1,953.9 Brazos SH6 BYPASS NB.LANE Highway bridge 1,031.6 Brazos SH6 BYPASS SB.LANE Highway bridge 1,031.6 Brazos SH6 BYPASS SB.LANE Highway bridge 1,882.4 Brazos SH-6 NB ML Highway bridge 2,140.8 Brazos SH-6 SB ML Highway bridge 1,808.6 Brazos ROCK PRAIRIE RD. Highway bridge 2,289.4 Brazos SH 6 BUS Highway bridge 994.8 Brazos LOOP 507 Highway bridge 994.8 Brazos BS 6-R Highway bridge 506.1 Brazos SH 6 Highway bridge 1,241.4 Brazos SH 6 Highway bridge 910.4 Brazos SH 6 Highway bridge 873.7 Brazos SH 6 Highway bridge 1,252.3 Brazos SH-6 EB FTG RD Highway bridge 634.4 Brazos SH-6 WB FTG RD Highway bridge 634.4 Brazos SH-6 MN LN Highway bridge 3,475.9 Brazos SH 6 NB Highway bridge 301.3 Brazos SH 6 SB FR RD Highway bridge 206.2 Brazos SH6 Highway bridge 5,627.6 Brazos SH 6 Highway bridge 3,393.1 Brazos Sh 21 Highway bridge 184.0 Brazos Sh21 Eb.Lane Highway bridge 630.1 Brazos Sh21 Eb.Lane Highway bridge 630.1 Brazos Sh21 Eb.Lane Highway bridge 506.8 Brazos Sh21 Wb.Lane Highway bridge 902.0 Brazos Sh21 Wb.Lane Highway bridge 895.4

167 Brazos Sh21 Wb. Lane Highway bridge 725.5 Brazos Sh 21 Highway bridge 387.6 Brazos Sh 21 Highway bridge 2,426.8 Brazos Sh 21 Highway bridge 7,571.5 Brazos Sh 21 West Bound Highway bridge 4,273.9 Brazos Sh 21 East Bound Highway bridge 4,239.2 Brazos Sh 21 Eb Highway bridge 5,998.2 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 290.2 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 290.2 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 211.1 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 953.8 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 467.1 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 953.8 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 2,521.3 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 3,771.6 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 1,077.6 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 290.2 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 953.8 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 1,907.5 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 1,907.5 Brazos Fm 158 Highway bridge 862.2 Brazos Sh 30 Highway bridge 1,520.4 Brazos Sh 30 Highway bridge 2,273.7 Brazos Sh105 Highway bridge 6,877.4 Brazos Osr Highway bridge 171.3 Brazos Osr Highway bridge 197.2 Brazos Osr Highway bridge 135.2 Brazos Osr Highway bridge 262.4 Brazos Osr Highway bridge 506.8 Brazos Osr Highway bridge 193.5 Brazos Fm60 Highway bridge 1,728.0 Brazos Fm 60 Highway bridge 1,484.0 Brazos Fm 60 Highway bridge 2,437.5 Brazos Fm 60 Highway bridge 1,934.9 Brazos Fm 60 Highway bridge 7,332.0 Brazos Fm 2154 Highway bridge 1,398.8 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 91.1 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 91.1 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 229.7 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 288.4 Brazos Fm 2154 Highway bridge 142.7 Brazos Fm 159 Highway bridge 524.0

168 Brazos Fm 159 Highway bridge 446.4 Brazos Fm 50 Highway bridge 119.4 Brazos Fm 1179 Highway bridge 333.1 Brazos Fm 1179 Highway bridge 155.4 Brazos Fm 1179 Highway bridge 2,146.0 Brazos Fm 1687 Highway bridge 1,082.1 Brazos Fm 1687 Highway bridge 273.4 Brazos Fm 1687 Highway bridge 388.0 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 295.9 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 149.9 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 149.9 Brazos Fm 974 Highway bridge 292.0 Brazos Fm 2038 Highway bridge 327.0 Brazos Fm 2818 Highway bridge 211.9 Brazos Fm 2818 Highway bridge 467.1 Brazos Sh 30 Highway bridge 767.0 Brazos Sh 30 Highway bridge 273.7 Brazos Fm 2818 Highway bridge 1,187.3 Brazos Fm 2818 Highway bridge 986.2 Brazos Fm 2818 Highway bridge 487.9 Brazos Fm 2818 Highway bridge 3,046.2 Brazos Fm 2818 Highway bridge 449.8 Brazos Fm 2347 Highway bridge 413.8 Brazos Sh 47 Sb Highway bridge 1,723.8 Brazos Sh 47 Nb Highway bridge 1,723.8 Brazos Sh 47 Sb Highway bridge 731.0 Brazos Sh 47 Nb Highway bridge 731.0 Brazos Sh 47 Highway bridge 1,882.1 Brazos Co. Rd. 101 Highway bridge 493.1 Brazos Us 190 Highway bridge 1,878.5 Brazos Texas Department Of Criminal Police Station 1,246.0 Brazos City Of Bryan Police Department Police Station 1,246.0 Brazos College Station Police Animal Police Station 1,246.0 Brazos Bryan City Marshall Police Station 1,246.0 Brazos H&T.C. Railroad Railway bridge 77.4 Brazos M.P. Rr U-Pass Railway bridge 210.9 Brazos Railroad Railway bridge 120.2 Brazos M.P. Railroad Railway bridge 186.9 Brazos St Michaels Academy School 445.0 Brazos Allen Academy School 445.0 Brazos Brazos Christian School School 445.0 Brazos St Thomas Early Learning Ctr School 445.0

169 Brazos Batts Ferry Montessori School 445.0 Brazos Keystone Montessori School School 445.0 Brazos Montessori School House School 445.0 Brazos Central Baptist Weekday Pre School 445.0 Brazos Aggieland Country School School 445.0 Brazos Eagle Project (Bryan) School 445.0 Brazos Brazos School For Inquiry & Cr School 445.0 Brazos A & M Cons H S School 445.0 Brazos College Hills El School 445.0 Brazos College Station Middle School School 445.0 Brazos South Knoll El School 445.0 Brazos Center For Alternative Learnin School 445.0 Brazos Oakwood Int School 445.0 Brazos Southwood Valley El School 445.0 Brazos A&M Consolidated Middle School School 445.0 Brazos Rock Prairie El School 445.0 Brazos Pebble Creek El School 445.0 Brazos Oakwood Int School 445.0 Brazos Cypress Grove Intermediate School 445.0 Brazos Center For Alternative Program School 445.0 Brazos Carver Pre-K Center School 445.0 Brazos Bonham El School 445.0 Brazos Bryan H S School 445.0 Brazos Crockett El School 445.0 Brazos Henderson El School 445.0 Brazos Johnson El School 445.0 Brazos Ben Milam Elementary School 445.0 Brazos Sul Ross Elementary School 445.0 Brazos Alton Bowen El School 445.0 Brazos Sam Houston El School 445.0 Brazos Navarro El School 445.0 Brazos Jane Long Middle School 445.0 Brazos Sam Rayburn Middle School 445.0 Brazos Fannin El School 445.0 Brazos Neal El School 445.0 Brazos Special Opportunity School School 445.0 Brazos LOS HERMONOS School 445.0 Brazos HARVEY MITCHELL ELEMENTARY School 445.0 Brazos MARY BRANCH EL School 445.0 Brazos BRYAN H S AT LAMAR School 445.0 Brazos STEPHEN F AUSTIN MIDDLE School 445.0 Brazos KEMP EL School 445.0

170 Brazos JONES EL MAGNET School 445.0 Brazos BURTON CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT WasteWater 59,274.0 PLANT Brazos BRYAN CITY OF (STP NO. 3) WasteWater 59,274.0 Brazos CITY OF BRYAN-WWTP NO. 2 WasteWater 59,274.0 Brazos CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WasteWater 59,274.0 Brazos COLLEGE STATION CITY OF WasteWater 59,274.0 Brazos HYDER SYED WasteWater 59,274.0 Brazos TEXAS A&M UNIV WasteWater 59,274.0


To be included after FEMA issues the “Approvable Pending Adoption Letter”


Brazos County Hazard Mitigation Plan (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.