GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (2024)

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GNCC Capital Inc. (GNCP)

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GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (2)

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807 still waiting......Kazorchian03/12/2023 8:26:58 PM
806 $GNCP News Article - GNCC CAPITAL, INC. CONFIRMSwhytestocks03/16/2022 10:10:52 AM
805 $GNCP News Article - GNCC CAPITAL, INC. CONFIRMSwhytestocks02/10/2022 2:20:47 PM
804 $GNCP News Article - GNCC CAPITAL, INC. - INITIALwhytestocks01/11/2022 8:00:47 AM
803 $GNCP News Article - GNCC Capital, Inc. Updateswhytestocks11/09/2021 3:40:50 PM
801 been trying to grab .0001s all morning. won't letFrewil09/09/2021 3:04:31 PM
800 $GNCP GNCC CAPITAL, INC. PROVIDES UPDATE ANDlouied9108/04/2021 1:48:59 PM
799 $GNCP GNCC CAPITAL, INC. UPDATES ON LAST PUBLIClouied9107/28/2021 11:51:12 AM
798 $GNCP GNCC Capital, Inc. Confirms That It Is Inlouied9107/20/2021 2:28:17 PM
797 $GNCP News Article - GNCC Capital, Inc. Confirmswhytestocks07/20/2021 8:10:48 AM
796 $GNCP $GNCP.PK GNCC Capital, Inc. Updateslouied9107/15/2021 10:12:32 AM
795 $GNCP News Article - GNCC Capital, Inc. Fileswhytestocks05/10/2021 9:55:48 AM
794 $GNCC Capital, Inc. (OTC: GNCP) will be issuing aenergy_wave04/05/2021 1:31:25 AM
793 .0007 > .0009s gone on 270M traded - .0010sAJH9202/05/2021 9:56:45 AM
792 Reinstatement - February 16, 2020. GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (3)(1)AJH9202/17/2020 7:15:41 PM
791 GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (4)(1)AJH9212/18/2019 8:50:36 AM
790 6:51:22 PM
789 YahooFINANCE GNCC Capital, Inc. - Confirmation OfCcp5810/17/2019 6:13:05 AM
788 GNCC Capital, Inc. - Completion Of Pending GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (5)(1)Ccp5810/16/2019 6:44:59 AM
787 News - October 10 - GNCC Capital, Inc. - PendingAJH9210/11/2019 9:00:42 AM
786 Looking forward to the filings. HGLC, RENS, NMGL,AlanC10/04/2019 8:10:14 AM
785 News - October 3. GNCC Capital, Inc. - Completion GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (6)(1)AJH9210/03/2019 9:44:00 AM
784 I wonder who are the new Board of Directors ?Ccp5809/30/2019 11:46:21 AM
783 Exciting news to be sure: On a separateAlanC09/30/2019 9:03:06 AM
782 GNCC Capital, Inc. - Company Confirms That GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (7)(1)Ccp5809/30/2019 6:13:41 AM
781 Pardon Me - Gentlemen ! GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (8)(1)Ccp5809/30/2019 4:22:34 AM
780 Good Morning Gentle ! Guess What !! GNCC Capital, GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (9)(1)Ccp5809/30/2019 4:21:41 AM
779 According to someone I wont name who heard from GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (10)(1)Ccp5809/25/2019 4:24:16 PM
778 WOW !!! What a fine for these crooks ! 200k ! GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (11)(1)Ccp5809/25/2019 4:17:25 PM
777 SEC Charges Brokerage Firm for Short Sale andAlanC09/25/2019 9:08:16 AM
776 News - September 3. Update On Our Completion Of GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (12)(1)AJH9209/03/2019 9:05:17 AM
775 399M traded today - bid now greatly increased to GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (13)(1)AJH9208/30/2019 3:31:17 PM
774 yep I started ffgo in 2009 i know you've been GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (14)(1)Kazorchian08/30/2019 7:45:13 AM
773 Longs like me have been waiting many years forAlanC08/30/2019 7:15:45 AM
772 Final contracts are finalized which will result GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (15)(1)Kazorchian08/28/2019 8:08:37 AM
771 News - August 27. GNCC Capital, Inc. - Now GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (16)(1)AJH9208/27/2019 9:03:06 AM
770 8:12:06 AM
769 Looking forward to more announcements. DividendAlanC08/22/2019 7:15:21 AM
768 News - August 21. Corporate Actions Demanded By GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (17)(2)AJH9208/21/2019 9:09:46 AM
767 News - August 7. GNCC Capital, Inc. Confirms GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (18)(1)AJH9208/07/2019 9:18:59 AM
766 GNCP - Could The US Be Gearing Up For A Return ToAlanC08/06/2019 12:04:34 PM
765 GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (19)(1)Ccp5807/22/2019 7:26:26 PM
764 Welcome to This Web page GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (20)(1)Ccp5807/22/2019 7:24:01 PM
763 Made this post at the swamp today and it was GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (21)(1)AlanC07/13/2019 3:38:23 PM
762 Does SEC Give Naked Short Sellers a Pass? GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (22)(1)AlanC07/12/2019 8:06:59 AM
761 GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (23)(1)Ccp5807/10/2019 11:38:00 PM
760 $GNCP News Article - GNCC Capital, Inc. Updates GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (24)(1)whytestocks07/08/2019 8:00:44 AM
759 Q3 Report to be released today! Go GNCP!! 7-6-19 GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (25)(1)gator1107/07/2019 10:53:57 AM
758 Now I have been suspended for a few days at theAlanC07/05/2019 5:43:52 PM
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The Impact of Regulatory Changes on Financial Services Category: Business Total Views: 89
By : EditorUpdated: 06-22-2024

Introduction to Regulatory Changes in Financial ServicesChanges in financial services regulations alter the way financial institutions run. These adjustments are meant to safeguard consumers, guarantee stability, and advance just competition. They are frequently the result of changes in the economy, in technology, or in emergencies like the financial crisis of 2008. Rules are adjusted by regulators to meet new industry risks and difficulties. Financial services have to be flexible and change... Continue Reading

Loyalty Programs in Finance: Building Customer Loyalty in 2024 Category: Personal Finance Total Views: 92
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Introduction to Loyalty Programs in FinanceIn finance, loyalty programs are tactics intended to keep clients by providing incentives and rewards. With these initiatives, long-term involvement and repeat business are hoped for. Financial companies employ them to set themselves out in a cutthroat industry. Programs that reward loyalty can include point systems, cashback deals, and special advantages. To improve client loyalty and satisfaction is the aim. Financial institutions can profit more ... Continue Reading

Gasoline Demand Surges to Post-Pandemic Highs in the U.S. Category: Economy Total Views: 182
By : EditorUpdated: 06-22-2024

U.S. Crude Oil Achieves Second Consecutive Weekly GainPrices of U.S. crude oil increased for the second week in a row. Growing demand for gasoline is the reason behind this increase. Even if prices slightly fell on Friday, the gains still stand. Friday saw a 56 cent drop in oil prices per barrel. All told, though, the weekly increase was almost 2.9%. The oil market is showing a good trend with this rise. The progressive increase points to a strong need for crude oil.Gasoline Demand Hits ... Continue Reading

Regulators Find Weaknesses in Major U.S. Banks' Living Wills Category: Business Total Views: 207
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Apple Delays Apple Intelligence in EU Over DMA Concerns Category: Business Total Views: 180
By : EditorUpdated: 06-22-2024

Apple Delays Launch of Apple Intelligence in EU Due to Regulatory HurdlesThe European Union launch of Apple Intelligence AI product will be delayed, the company said. The "regulatory uncertainties" pertaining to the Digital Markets Act (DMA) of the EU are the cause of the delay. Apple voiced worries that the DMA might jeopardize the quality of their offerings. Keeping user privacy and data security is of special concern to the company. Customer in the EU will therefore not have acc... Continue Reading

Unprecedented Longest Market Stability Since Financial Crisis Category: Markets Total Views: 175
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Introduction to the Current Market StabilityUnprecedented stability is currently prevailing in the stock market. It has been 377 days since the S&P 500 experienced a sell-off of 2.0%. Since the financial crisis, this is the longest period without such a fall. While the market rises to record highs, investors are seeing very little volatility. Lack of notable declines points to a robust and robust market. Many credit strategic investments and economic conditions for this stability. The ca... Continue Reading

FDA Decision on Zepbound for Sleep Apnea Expected Soon Category: Stocks Total Views: 189
By : EditorUpdated: 06-22-2024

Eli Lilly Seeks FDA Approval for Zepbound in Sleep Apnea TreatmentEli Lilly has filed a U.S. application to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with its weight-loss medication Zepbound. Promising outcomes from two late-stage trials led to this action. The company wants to fill a big unmet need in sleep disorder therapies. Zepbound might give OSA sufferers a new choice if it is approved. Treatment options are few and frequently laborious at the moment. The world of sleep apnea treatment may c... Continue Reading

Signs of Overextended Market as Nvidia Pulls Back Category: Markets Total Views: 227
By : EditorUpdated: 06-22-2024

S&P 500 Closes Lower on FridayFriday's lower close of the S&P 500 marked the end of a week of erratic market action. The broad market index slightly dropped for investors, by 0.16%. With this fall, the S&P 500 closed at 5,464.62. Even with the little decline, earlier in the week, the index had hit an intraday high. This is indicative of the continuous volatility in the market. As they negotiate these changes, traders stay wary. The general attitude points to the necessity of ... Continue Reading

IRS Rejects Billions in Pandemic-Era Tax Credit Claims Category: Economy Total Views: 189
By : EditorUpdated: 06-22-2024

IRS to Reject Billions in Pandemic-Era Small Business Tax Credit ClaimsClaimants pertaining to a tax break during the pandemic are expected to have billions of dollars denied by the IRS. Known by its acronym, the employee retention credit (ERC), this tax break was created to help small companies during the Covid-19 outbreak. September saw the IRS stop accepting new applications because of a sharp rise in dubious claims. This moratorium will be extended, the agency has decided. Over a million... Continue Reading

Elon Musk Announces Major Tesla Layoffs and Stock Options Category: Stocks Total Views: 218
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Tesla's Workforce Reduction in 2023Tesla will have cut its workforce by more than 14% by 2023. With temporary workers included, this downsizing reduced its global headcount to little over 121,000. The cut is consistent with Elon Musk, the CEO, who had previously said that layoffs would exceed 10 percent. The headcount information is from the company's June 17 "everybody" email distribution list. This big reduction tries to simplify operations after a time of explosive expan... Continue Reading

GNCP Stock | Message Board | GNCC Capital Inc. - Investors Hangout (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.