Middle Tennessee prayer vigil sees 500+ after storm injures boy: 'Asher needs a miracle' (2024)

Asher, 10, is son of Rutherford County Schools Director James 'Jimmy' Sullivan

Scott BrodenMurfreesboro Daily News Journal

Middle Tennessee prayer vigil sees 500+ after storm injures boy: 'Asher needs a miracle' (1)

Middle Tennessee prayer vigil sees 500+ after storm injures boy: 'Asher needs a miracle' (2)

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  • Schools director through social media asks people to pray for healing for Asher's 'lungs and most importantly brain activity to occur'
  • 10 speak and share prayers for Asher
  • EMS helps 3 at vigil with medical treatment
  • Vigil includes many joining in singing, 'Amazing Grace'

Hundreds of families gathered Thursday to pray for Asher Sullivan, the storm injured son of Rutherford County Schools Director James "Jimmy" Sullivan.

An estimated 500-plus people including, students, teachers, young children and parents, showed their support for 10-year-old Asher and his family at a prayer vigil in the hot parking lot, sidewalks and grassy landscaped areas at the Rutherford County Schools central office.

They came when schools were closed Thursday following storm damage after Director Sullivan posted on social media that "Asher needs a miracle." The district announced schools will remain closed Friday.

After the storm hit Wednesday, Asher was playing with other children in the water that had accumulated in the street while neighbors gathered to begin the cleanup process when somehow, he "got caught in the storm drain and was swept under the neighborhood streets," Sullivan wrote.

"He eventually came out in a drainage ditch, and CPR was administered for quite some time. His heartbeat was reestablished, but the damage is substantial."

The director said in his post that his son was taken first to Ascension, and then to Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

"His lungs are severely damaged, and he is not showing much brain activity outside of muscle jerks," Sullivan wrote. "Specifically, pray for healing for his lungs and most importantly brain activity to occur."

Asher fellow Christiana Elementary supporters gather under shade tree

Those who responded to the call for prayer included a group gathered under a shade tree from Christiana Elementary, where Asher goes to school. Many wore T-shirts with messages such as "Christiana Cougars" and "Cougar Nation."

Christiana Middle School teacher Tyler Frost came to the vigil holding his 3-year-old daughter, Layne, and sometimes embracing his 5-year-old son, Keith, who wore a Spiderman hoodie and red boots.

"We just wanted to support Christiana Elementary because that is where Asher goes," said Frost, who teaches seventh-grade English Language Arts. "The Sullivans are a big part of the Christiana community."

10 speak and share prayers for Asher

Those attending the vigil listened to 10 people speak and share Christian prayers on a day that included sounds of cicadas on the grounds by the district's central office.

"We pray for Asher," Matthew Brown, a district information technology staff member, prayed using a microphone under the front entrance to the Rutherford County Board of Education building.

Brown prayed for Asher's family and friends.

Others prayed for peace for the Sullivan family and a miracle because Asher's life hangs in the balance.

Those gathered joined in singing, "Amazing Grace," before the prayer vigil came to a close.

EMS helps 3 at vigil with medical treatment

Part of the event included the presence of emergency responders providing treatment for three people on a day with temperatures in the 80s. Nearby audience members helped a girl who fainted get under a shade tree and offer water to her before she walked with an Emergency Medical Service escort to an ambulance.

The vigil also included the presence of many Rutherford County elected officials, including Board of Education Caleb Tidwell, who represents the Christiana community.

"It's so amazing to see the community come out and support in the way that they did today," Tidwell said. "It just shows the true love for the director, for his family and just the believers in this community who want to come together and pray for healing for this son."

Tidwell also described the prayer vigil as people standing in solidarity for the Sullivan family after the terrible accident.

"We're wishing them the best," Tidwell said. "We're praying for them and believing that God will work a miracle because only God can do this miracle."

Tidwell also noted that a gofund.me account has been established by Dray Curtis for "Sullivan family support."

Fellow county school board members Coy Young, Katie Darby, Frances Rosales, Tammy Sharp and Chairwoman Shelia Bratton also were present at the event.

Middle Tennessee prayer vigil sees 500+ after storm injures boy: 'Asher needs a miracle' (3)

Middle Tennessee prayer vigil sees 500+ after storm injures boy: 'Asher needs a miracle' (4)

TN state Sen. Dawn White speaks about prayer vigil for Asher Sullivan

TN state Sen. Dawn White, R-Murfreesboro, speaks about prayer vigil for Asher Sullivan

TN state Sen. Dawn White speaks about prayer vigil for Asher Sullivan

Other elected officials at the prayer vigil included State Sen. Dawn White, R-Murfreesboro, Rutherford County Highway Superintendent Greg Brooks, County Mayor Joe Carr and Rutherford County Commission member Romel McMurry.

White said the event gives so much hope for our community.

"It's such a sad occasion," said White, a former kindergarten teacher for Murfreesboro's Black Fox Elementary School. "We have to lift the Sullivan family in prayer."

God is the one who can give hope and peace to the Sullivan family, White said.

"All they need right now is true prayer and a miracle, and God can deliver that," White said.

Murfreesboro City School Board Vice Chairman Jimmy Richardson III also attended, as did City Schools Director Trey Duke.

Reach reporter Scott Broden with news tips or questions by emailing him at sbroden@dnj.com. To support his work with The Daily News Journal,sign up for a digital subscription.

Middle Tennessee prayer vigil sees 500+ after storm injures boy: 'Asher needs a miracle' (2024)
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