MxF - return of the superhero superthread [ truly just the biggest marvel/dc search thread you've ever seen ] (2024)

movies: Iron Man 1-3, Captain America 1-3, Thor 1-4, Avengers 1-4, Ant-Man 1-2, MCU Spider-Man 1-3, Doctor Strange 1-2, Black Panther 1-2, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Shang-Chi
TV shows: Wandavision, Falcon & The Winter Soldier, Loki, What If
cartoons: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
comics: The Unstoppable Wasp 2017 & 2018, Marvel 1872, random ones I pick up - I probably don't know the comic plotline you want to talk about

Katy x Shang-Chi
Ying Li x Wenwu
Jane Foster x Thor Odinson

• only if she has Mjolnir

Brunnhilde/Valkyrie x Thor Odinson
Brunnhilde/Valkyrie x Bruce Banner
Brunnhilde/Valkyrie x Loki Laufeyson
Brunnhilde/Valkyrie x OC

• only for a partner who can give me 3-5 paragraphs a post with a non-human character who probably isn't too tragic/massively angstily backstory'd - or at least isn't miserable and brooding about it. Don't need two messes in one pairing. I'm open to the idea, but going to be picky about the partners for this.

Michelle Jones x Peter Parker

• exclusively in an AU in which she's the one with magic potential. I love the ship but it makes for boring roleplay when she's just a Normal Person.

Nadia Van Dyne x Bucky Barnes
Nadia Van Dyne x Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff x Clint Barton
Wanda Maximoff x Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Wanda Maximoff x Loki Laufeyson

• crazy curious about this dynamic because Wanda's not going to take kindly to manipulators after Ultron, but I think she'd be sympathetic to someone's wishes to be better as a person. Something with enough AU to involve this? Exclusively into Loki redemption, not Wanda corruption

Peggy Carter x Steve Rogers

• I have a pretty specific AU in mind for them. It isn't necessarily unhappy, but I don't think either of them would end up really getting the life they wanted if Steve didn't freeze. The government would definitely try to keep using him, and she would have to fight even harder against being seen as just "Captain America's girl".
• AU where Peggy ends up Winter Soldier'd instead of Bucky. Or with Bucky.
• Post Endgame: They got their nice ending, I'm sure the creation of SHIELD was still involved!

Peggy Carter x Bucky Barnes

• an AU where he's found by the Allies instead of the Axis Powers and ends up being brought back, half dead, to the camp. Stark may give him an arm that would be sort of an alternate (probably lesser) version of the one he'd have gotten with HYDRA, or it may be that there's nothing for him. It would focus on them post-war, trying to deal with the loss of Steve and Bucky's PTSD. They're gonna be a mess, sticking together and trying to make things work. no Winter Soldier!Bucky.

Yelena Belova x Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova x Clint Barton

• please note that I have not gotten around to watching Hawkeye yet.

■ Yelena Belova x Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff x Clint Barton

• literally just decided how I want to characterize Nat. Is it canon? I'm not totally sure, but I like the ideas I've had and I'm finally actually interested in using her.

Natasha Romanoff x Scott Lang

• their personalities seem like they'd combine in a super fun way.

Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
Hope Van Dyne x Scott Lang
Shuri x Bucky Barnes
Shuri x Peter Parker
Carol Danvers x Thor Odinson
Carol Danvers x Tony Stark

• fem!Tony Stark x Bruce Banner, fem!Tony Stark x Stephen Strange, fem!Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes, fem!Bruce Banner (Brianna Banner) x Tony Stark, fem!Thor Odinson (Thor Odindóttir) x idk man who do you think would work, fem!Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes fem!Loki Laufeyson (Loki Laufeydóttir) x Stephen Strange, suggest! I won't genderbend Steve or Bucky.

OC x Shang-Chi

• I have this.... not quite-plot? I was considering the idea of what would happen if someone could exist without a soul and created a... not necessarily villain, though I think she's viewed that way at first. When the barrier comes down a warrior who was thought lost during the first battle between Ta Lo and the forces of darkness appears. She's thousands of years old and seemingly soulless and has made it through the portal and into the regular world where she's causing just all sorts of mess. I don't know if she'd be truly soulless or if she has one but managed to lock it away in order to keep it from being stolen, and that combined with thousands of years surviving in a place full of soul stealing monsters just caused her to tamper down a lot of her humanity as well.
• pair him up with a woman who's actually some kind of mythical creature who has been living in New York as a human and is now being hunted by a crime organization who knows her true identity
• idk what the fun action addition to this would be but I think it'd be funny if Katy tried to play matchmaker but the woman she thought would be perfect for him is in some way incredibly abnormal and Katy's just like "WELL THAT'S EVEN BETTER!!"

OC x Peter Parker

• I've got a Hit-Girl-esque OC who ends up at his college after she moves in with an adoptive family following the death of her father. She's tough, strong, aggressive, and feels very empty and alone. I'd like clashes over their differences in crime fighting and for Peter to slowly soften her up and help her find her place with him as a good person and helpful hero. Meanwhile she is willing to do all the bad things that need to be done in order to keep Peter from having to make those choices.
• College is hard. College as a super hero is harder. Trying to balance both of those while also keeping an eye on the escaped superweapon of a criminal organization who happens to be an attractive teen his age? Pretty much impossible. But Peter Parker isn't about to back down from a challenge.
• With his identity revealed and his name muddied by what Mysterio has done, Peter has to go to Avengers mansion, while May and Happy take a quickly planned vacation to get her out of potential danger while the next step is planned. Avengers mansion feels empty now without as many of the heroes, but Peter finds there's another new resident - a teen who was recruited recently and is still in training. There sure is a whole lot that two most unsupervised, super powered teens can get up to...
• nwh au: Strange might not remember that Peter Parker is Spider-Man but he does remember the events that went down and he's smart enough to fill in some of the gaps. With that in mind he assigns one of the apprentices to locate Spider-Man and help him in finding the people from other universes and sending them home.

OC x Steve Rogers

• I'd like to do something with one of the other brainwashed assassins from the end of Civil War. One who's not dead. Could be because she was hidden, because she was activated and is currently being used, or because Zemo missed his shot a little so she's now awake, completely f*cked up, has no idea what's going on, and is bleeding to death.
• I've got a Peggy-like American character who I'd like to start out with Steve when he's still scrawny. They go on a double date with Bucky and one of her friends, hit it off, become a weird and awkward couple, and then away she goes to war only for him to end up in the program she's working. It'd be fun to play with the way the relationship dynamic would change when he transforms from scrawny and someone she tends to into a big ol' buff guy she doesn't have to take care of at all anymore. We can figure out what we want to do with the whole... frozen thing. AU from there, make her part of one of the Winter Soldier-esque programs (I would love this?? Maybe she's rescued in the scene where the others get shot in their cryo by Zemo?), end the story, let her live through the serum the same way some have in the comics, other option I can't think of right now...
• After everything that's happened, Steve isn't sure he trusts new neighbors. Which was the correct choice - the woman next door isn't normal at all. She's not here for him, but that's not going to keep him from getting caught up in all the crazy around her.
• plot incoming
• plot incoming

OC x Scott Lang

• Scott is an Avenger now, he's left his days of breaking and entering behind. 'Hero' and 'thief' don't really go well together, after all. So when he's asked to do some infiltration and stealing by the Avengers, it puts him in an interesting situation. And they've put him with another, more recent criminal who seems a little bit less noble. Not that he has a lot of room to talk, he knows, but it's a little concerning.
• After the events of Endgame, there's a gap in the Avengers roster and several less capable members to train the new ones. Still, how did he get stuck with it? Scott is quite sure he's not trainer material, but here they are...

OC x Bucky Barnes

• my love for him is second only to my love for Bruce Banner, every time I return to smutfics there's one particularly angsty one starring him that's my go-to.
• post-Black Widow plot, with a ex-Widow who is seeking him out in order to find answers about where she came from and to tell him that since he was involved in the recruitment of Widows (in the comics anyway, and I like that as an addition) he need to help fix what's still happening.
• I'd like to do something with one of the other brainwashed assassins from the end of Civil War. One who's not dead. Could be because she was hidden, because she was activated and is currently being used, or because Zemo missed his shot a little so she's now awake, completely f*cked up, has no idea what's going on, and is bleeding to death. This also works set during FatWS I think, I'm working on a modified version of it
• Inspired by FatWS but it's not required as a setting: Bucky Barnes has been working to make amends for the things he's done. When he finds out the daughter of a man he murdered fifteen years ago went missing, finding her - or at least finding out what happened to her - becomes almost an obsession. He finds her eventually, alive, but his actions in the past sent her careening down a dangerous and path; she made a deal for super powers (discussion of what is open, I'm thinking basically just super soldier serum) and she's been chasing the idea of him for years, never truly believing the official reports of what happened. [I have a very specific FatWS take that's tied into the current show storyline but it's not necessary]
• I've got a post-Winter Soldier slight AU that would pair him with a Hydra handler who aids in his escape. While they're on the run she helps take care of him and assists in coaxing Bucky Barnes out again. She's a non-combat medical type, who has only recently started 'regrowing' her conscience.
• while trying to take down remnants of HYDRA and atone for what he's done, Bucky runs into someone on their own little warpath trying to handle the same sort of thing for entirely different reasons. He may or may not later find out that he (unbeknownst to her) is the main villain in her origin story because as you can tell I enjoy that plot twist. It's not a necessary addition by any means.
• after the end of Endgame, Bucky is introduced to a woman who was sort of Steve's protégé - or at least someone who had attached to him and who he was teaching. She doesn't want the shield (and she shouldn't have it anyway) and so fully supports Sam in having it but she's still in need of some general guidance and someone who can provide some of the mental and emotional support she was getting from Steve. In return, Bucky finds some of the same kinds of comfort and support he needs from Steve in her.

OC x Pietro Maximoff

• AU of the end of AoU in which Pietro is just barely alive; a civilian from the small city reveals a mutation (or status as someone experimented on) she's been hiding to try and save him. In the end it works, and he's left with a life debt he doesn't know how to pay
• alternately, pair him with another person who Hydra experimented on. She attaches to him because he's like her, and there's comfort in that. Maybe it's an AU where Wanda died instead of him?

OC x Bruce Banner

• I have been unapologetically thirsty for Bruce Banner since 2012
• she can heal from any injury and isn't sure if she's even human. He's not sure if he still counts. She's volatile, outspoken, aggressive, and more than willing to speak up on his behalf. They both feel like they're there more as weapons than as the people they really are, and together they try to cope with it.
• at first they thought it was just the oppressive summer heat. But as people started to get more out of control, more violent, and it started to affect even those who would never otherwise behave that way, SHIELD and the Avengers grew concerned. When it started to hit the Avengers, well... then it was a big problem. There's only one hero with the brains to figure out what's going on and the strength to make it stop and he's... not exactly the best with negative emotions. That means they need someone who can calm him down. Enter her. She's been on SHIELD's radar for a while, using her ability to help criminal negotiations, robberies, and in the move that made them realize that she was so much more of a threat than they thought, suppressing the negative emotions of a whole restaurant full of people while a murder happened. She can't create emotions, just dampen them (except for hunger, exhaustion, and pain), and that's exactly what they need to make sure the doctor keeps himself in control.
• what if VERONICA was a person instead of a program meant to release the Hulkbuster? The armor would obviously still be a thing, and still up in a satellite, and I imagine the fight would go a lot of the same way - it's just that it's ended by Veronica instead. I have some ideas for her, but since the Avengers already seemed to know that HYDRA was making metahumans maybe she was one that they had found earlier. I was thinking some emotional manipulation as a power, which would obviously make Bruce pretty uncomfortable at the idea of her. But I'm open to suggestions, I have a few different possible powers!
• Endgame: They skipped all the development I would want for him in Endgame! So let's have a roleplay where he's learning to communicate and connect with Hulk. I'm not really interested in smut when he's Hulk sized so I think a breakup would be involved, followed by them getting back together later. I feel like I kept expecting him to lose control and split apart and have to deal with that (at which point they get back together) and I'd like for that to please happen. Then the aftermath of it can be dealt with as we roll into more story.
• I have a gruff, walled off SHIELD agent whose job it is to play bodyguard to make sure nobody does anything to him because he's a valuable asset who ends up getting way too attached. I am a massive sucker for tough gals and softer dudes

OC x Clint Barton

• Endgame: I want some f*cked up not-romance that's more sex and teamwork in murder (though they're fond of each other) between two people who lost everything in The Snap. Story obviously has an eventual endpoint since they'll join the team to undo the Snap and then his family will come back.
• AU where Clint doesn't have a family/is divorced: sh*t, he just wanted to retire. The whole hero thing wasn't what he signed up for, things haven't exactly been goin' great, but instead of getting to take a break and a nap Clint ends up sucked into someone else's fight (again) and finds himself tangled up in one of the many fights that the Avengers miss out on.
• zombie apocalypse AU? lmao but seriously he'd be great for that

OC x Tony Stark

• Post IM1, AoU, or Civil War: Tony runs into a woman who served in the military, who was released after a serious injury caused by his weaponry being sold under the table OR who was injured trying to save people in Sokovia depending on the angle we want. She becomes sort of his pet project - like if he can 'fix' her, he can rid himself of all of the guilt and helplessness left over from what happened. But she was in an okay place before Tony started butting in, is he helping or making things worse?
• Endgame: AU where he and Pepper already had a baby and when he gets back to Earth he finds his baby being held by a stranger and no Pepper in sight.
• love some protégé nonsense
• plot incoming

OC x Stephen Strange

• masterful magic, control over time, trembling hands, and nightmares about the thousands of deaths he died, f*ck yeah
• Nobody remembers who she is. It's her power; look away, and the memory of her is gone. Doctor Strange finds a CD on table of a conversation with a woman he doesn't remember, speaking her life problem with this. Is it a curse? A mutant power? He would develop an amulet or spell that allows her to be seen by him, maybe at first just a spell on the sanctum until he develops something portable?
• what if there were those who had some amount of innate magics? Perhaps a young woman could accidentally begin to tap into the power but without any kind of formal education she's an absolute disaster and kind of a menace, so obviously the Sorcerer Supreme must step in and help her out. Either that or a book finds its way into the wild and she accidentally starts to discover the magic without any true context to it.
• Post Infinity War: beginnings of an AU where he doesn't get Snap'd and instead manages to magically save her or she manages to magically save him. It'd something that's shaky and unstable and probably puts a lot of mental and physical stress on the magic wielder. This would probably require some story ahead of time to connect them, but I've got ideas for them having never really met.

OC x Sam Wilson

• after the end of Endgame, Sam is introduced to a woman who was Steve's protégé. She doesn't want the shield (and she shouldn't have it anyway) but she's still in need of some general guidance and someone who can provide some of the mental and emotional support she was getting from Steve.
• FatWS idea, I'm just lazy about typing it out

OC x Thor Odinson

• Ragnarok focus: extend the time Thor is stuck on Sakaar. After his fight with Hulk, Thor is given time with a high profile escort. He's got much more serious things on his mind and wouldn't have been in the mood for sex with someone who's in a position like hers to begin with, but the time has been set and if she leaves too early she will certainly get into immense trouble. So he starts using the time first to take advantage of a sympathetic ear and then to teach her the sword.
• I enjoy the idea of pairing him with a human - I'm thinking someone with lightning powers of her own. She doesn't have the same raw power, but she's capable of more finesse. I imagine Thor being very excited and enthusiastic, but also wholly overestimating the things she's capable of physically and in terms of power.
• What if there were other 'Gods' from other pantheons? Thor thought Asgardians were the only ones, but he's proven wrong.

OC x Loki Laufeyson

• I'm loving the Loki we're getting in his show where he's snarky and egotistical but still get sucked into things he enjoys or gets too interested in and sometimes works pretty hard to get positive attention. I'm not yet done with season 2, but I have season 1 AUs!
• after years upon years of acting out, rebellion, and trickery, Odin (or perhaps Thor in an AU) has had enough of Loki's antics and assigns to him an Asgardian warrior whose job it is to try and keep him out of trouble. She's strong, competent, resistant to magic, and still in absolutely over her head.
• I'd like to pair Loki with a human who has Asgardian blood. It should be possible for him to help her reconnect to that heritage and then he'll have an Asgardian who no one knows exists.
• Post-Ragnarok AU: Loki survives and begins helping set up New Asgard in the aftermath of the Snap (possible Thor Gets Snapped AU to put more pressure on Loki) and the loss of their home planet. Once again I would like to throw a human at him, someone who has also suffered loss and is there to help. I have a Snap related mystery for her story-wise as a possible initial plot.
• Ragnarok and after AU: Loki arrives on Sakaar and is welcomed as an exciting and novel guest. There in the large palace-like building he finds a young woman with magical talent who has been locked into a role of performance and servitude but has potential for so much more. She has untapped strength and skill and if manipulated and trained properly, could become a strong subordinate - the problem of course is that Loki begins to find himself legitimately drawn to her.


I will not write as/against: Sharon Carter/Agent 13, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, Eddie Brock/Venom, any currently unspecified Ghost Rider

TV Daredevil season 1-2, Jessica Jones season 1-2, Iron Fist season 1, Luke Cage season 1, Defenders season 1, Punisher season 1-2.4 (I'll probably finish it if I get something involving Frank)

Karen Page x Frank Castle

• I wish she'd had a few more struggles with him, it seems like Karen just immediately loves and accepts everyone around her and they do too. Sometimes I love her for it, sometimes I think it makes her seem watery and weak. She can be so tough, but when Matt or Frank is involved it's like her backbone just gets pulled right out.

Claire Temple x Matt Murdock
Claire Temple x Luke Cage
Yelena Belova x Matt Murdock
Jessica Jones x Sam Wilson
Jessica Jones x Matt Murdock
Jessica Jones x Luke Cage
Jessica Jones x Scott Lang

• I don't really have an idea but I'm sort of thinking maybe he ends up moving into her sh*tty apartment because he needs somewhere to live and then potentially tries to step in to help Jessica deal with someone in her office but she obviously super doesn't need that help

OC x Matt Murdock

• I got plots, I just need to write them.
• would love to slide my healer from Frank's pairing down below in for him, he gets beat up often enough he could use the support lol

OC x Luke Cage

• Luke was given the immunity and the super strength. Meanwhile she got the other half of the powers that the government was hoping that they could eventually give to soldiers - she heals fast and she barely needs food, water, or sleep. She just wants to live her life peacefully but when sh*t hits the fan she has a good idea of who to see.

OC x Frank Castle

• The organization kept her around because of her ability to heal their men, and their ability to sell her skill to others. When Frank takes her with him it's not out of the kindness of his heart, it's because he knows they'll come after her - she knows too much and it makes her the perfect bait. The fact that she can fix up his wounds doesn't hurt but he has no plans to get attached, Pity plans don't always work out.
• she's done all sorts of bad things for all sorts of people. But one of them broke a deal, and she finds that inexcusable. Now she's going to get revenge, but it turns out Frank is already on the trail. Loosely planning this to be an ex-SHIELD agent who lost her job after Winter Soldier and went into the... private sector. Or could just be a spunky ex-mob enforcer.
• I want to play a naive hero with enough power that she hasn't necessarily had to consider the other side yet - but Frank is there to make that argument and open her eyes to how bad it can get for the regular people.


I will not write as/against: Killgrave, Danny Rand/Iron Fist, Electric Nachos

movies: X-Men: 1-2, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse, The Last Stand, Dark Phoenix, Logan, Deadpool 1-2
cartoons: the 1990s cartoon, X-Men: Evolution
comics: just some Deadpool

since X-Men's settings vary so immensely depending on which piece of media it is, I'll specify which I'm looking to write in when it's important

Anna Marie x Remy Lebeau

• only certain settings available for this, obviously.

Anna Marie x Logan Howlett

• only certain settings available for this, obviously.

Raven Darkholme x Erik Lehnsherr
Raven Darkholme x Charles Xavier
Ororo x Logan Howlett
Ororo x Kurt Wagner
Ororo x Peter Maximoff

• post- X-Men: Apocalypse

Jean Gray x Scott Summers

• post- X-Men: Apocalypse or X-Men Evolution based, generally just adventures set when they're teens/young adults. Them older doesn't really appeal to me, I'm pretty much just in it for them at 17-20.

Kitty Pryde x Kurt Wagner
Kitty Pryde x Lance Alvers
OC x Kurt Wagner
OC x Hank McCoy

• yes I am looking for him big, blue, and furry. This has always been my favorite version, and I have a heavy preference for the TAS version over Evolution or the movies.
• When he first meets her, she can't see him. Be it because of a blindfold or drugs, the young (22-25 years old) mutant only hears him when he comes to rescue her from the Friends of Humanity or another such organization. Comforted by the sound of his voice and the eloquent words Hank has such mastery over, he becomes her rock, the person she goes to when she's struggling to recover from what happened to her. Hank is entirely unsure how to handle this attention. I usually play her as a telekinetic here, but am branching out on powers

OC x Wade Wilson

• plot incoming where he plays bodyguard to the daughter of a mob boss after initially being hired to save her from a kidnapper. Things weren't quite what he thought, and now he's caught up in a family mob war.

OC x Peter Maximoff

• X-Men movie focus, not the cartoons
• He is very cute, and I love his personality very very much. He's OP as sh*t in the movies and I'm kinda into that? I've got the beginnings of a few mutants who might work with him. Cute teen romance please!
• I am here to present a gal who can see into the immediate future (at best up to a minute, usually 20 seconds max, except for the out-of-her-control flashes) who needs a speedster that is capable of responding in time to what she sees

OC x Logan Howlett

• always up for a possessive kinda animalistic dom Logan who has a noticeable softer side for his girl even if he struggles to express it sometimes
• Mild AU to the ending of Logan required. I'd like to pair him with an older escaped clone mutant who' a healer. As long as she's around and helping him, he's like he used to be. But the longer they're apart the more the effects return.
• post Days of Future Past: Logan wakes up with no memory of the past 50 years now that he's changed the trajectory of time. Things are great, the world seems safe, and oops, it turns out he was dating one of the other teachers at the school and now he has no memory of it. Now he has a woman who is very in love with him and he has no idea of who she is.
• movieverse: I'm working on this idea where instead of Jean giving Logan back a little bit of his memory, OC did. Just very into the idea of Logan showing up years later when she's an adult instead of a teen and being kind of overly attached and possessive about this woman who gave him back a piece of himself, even though they don't really know each other.
• Occasionally Logan needs to get away. The school is great, but there's too many people and too much going on. He ends up in a mutant friendly bar, run by a woman who may not even realize she's got powers. Now he's stuck, and has to make a decision about the direction his trip is going to take.
• Rescuing mutants is annoyingly common in his job. Usually he leaves the comforting and the 'helping someone get over trauma' thing to the members of the group who are much better at it. But she seems to feel safest around him and keeps seeking him out, and it's getting increasingly hard to turn her away.

OC x Charles Xavier

• James McAvoy movie!verse please
• interested in pairing him with a woman who has basically no control over her powers and who he has to get inside the head of to calm her down
• plot incoming

OC x Piotr Rasputin
OC x Erik Lehnsherr

• I have a couple little plotlings that I haven't written out yet, feel free to inquire.


I will not write as/against: Emma Frost, probably others I'm not thinking of right now

this section is a slightly scrambled mess, oops
Movies: The Amazing Spider-Man movies 1-2, Raimi's Spider-Man 1-2, Spider-Verse 1 & 2

Gwen Stacy x Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy x Hobie Brown
genderbent!Miles Morales x Hobie Brown
genderbent!Peter B. Parker x Miguel O'Hara
OC x Andrew!Garfield Peter Parker

• I am big big ol' sucker for rough and withdrawn women who have a Special Someone who softens them up, and I feel like Peter would be really good for that. I have a couple of different non-Spiders who knew a version of a Peter Parker, and one non-Peter Spider. While I did have nwh in mind for them (he seemed so lonely and excited to have people around who understood him), I am also happy to put them straight into his universe, though I'd like him to be in his mid to late 20s. Will attempt to break down that handful of OCs in a reasonable way to post them here soon, I was just excited to get the thread up.

OC x Tobey Maguire!Peter Parker

• Right now, mostly rolling around Peter being put in a position where he's helping out a new Spider. I'll do a nwh au or set in his universe (I have a whole plot for how he's accidentally involved in the creation of a new Spider in his own universe) but I would prefer that he be in his mid 30s to early 40s either way.
• would like to introduce you to this interpretation of him hello spiderdaddy

OC x Peter B. Parker

• uninterested in dad!Peter, would prefer to base things after Into the Spider-Verse but before Across the Spider-Verse.
• (Plot was built during ITSV and I'm still working on modifying her for ATSV since we have new information - thinking about involving the unacknowledged Spider Totems) very world needs a Spider-person., so when Peter is forcibly pulled out of his reality, someone else is gifted Spider powers to fill in the gap. When he returns, they have to deal with the fact that now there are two of them. Age gap necessary (late thirties and mid twenties probably?).
• give him a new girlfriend? I dunno, I'm just so absolutely into dudes with super strength handling their girlfriend like she's nothing. I'm thinking a new neighbor in his terrible apartment, or the appearance of a new hero (or a villain who can be convinced over to the other side) with some small enhancements - if there's combat we might have an easier time keeping the story going.
• atsv plot incoming

OC x Pavitr Prabhakar

• A Spider who is part of the Society spends all her extra time in Pavitr's universe because she finds comfort in how simple and enjoyable he thinks everything is. Her own narrative is farther along and significantly more depressing and she likes being able to just kick back and have fun. She's protective of him and tries her best to keep anything from going wrong that's going to cause him distress, though she knows that his "canon events" are on their way eventually. Definitely starts with some one-way pining until we find a way to break him and his girlfriend up (can't be hard, Spiders don't do relationships with normal people well).

OC x Miguel O'Hara

• He's real big and growly and has sharp teeth and that immediately makes me want to play soft li'l things who can curl up against him. Maybe a Spider who has had a particularly rough time and finds Miguel's presence. I'm thinking she's from one of the weirder universes so being back home is a struggle. Miguel probably initially found her sort of bothersome (though he empathized) and is not exactly enthused to realize he's developed feelings. She will, obviously, still be a fully capable Spider, probably more capable of and comfortable with violence than a lot of them due to the nature of her home universe
• Alternately I do really enjoy this kind of character with women who truly don't give a sh*t what they're being told to do. An early recruit, she's efficient and charismatic enough that it's hard to get rid of her, but she barely listens and is constantly very carefully finding the line to toe in order to get on his nerves. The worst part? Lyla adores her.
• Based on what we little saw, it didn't seem like the Miguel who got replaced was that universe's Spider-Man. Which means there was a Spider there whose world got destroyed. Already capable of stabilizing Spiders moving between dimensions (see: Peter B Parker), Miguel manages to save only that world's Spider and brings her back to his world where he starts to build the Spider Society. I think this could either be a story of slow recovery or it could be a wildly toxic combination of hate/guilt sex.

OC x Hobie Brown

• I like the idea that Hobie has been messing around with the canon/the multiverse even before Miles - he sure was quick to know what to take to make a watch, after all. My gal is a 'villain' in her dimension (not straight evil, obviously), and he's the one who gets sent to help the Spider in the universe she got dropped into get rid of her. Rather than dragging her back to Miguel he ends up stealthily providing a stabilizing watch of his own creation. No longer untethered in the multiverse she doesn't register as an anomaly anymore, so she has a moment to catch her breath and get help understanding what's going on.
• plot incoming with another Spider
• would love to just mess around with his universe, I know there's other heroes in his comics and it could be a lot of fun to throw a character built like one of those into a story with him.


I will not write as/against: Mary Jane Watson, any particularly identifiable version of Felicia Hardy, Eddie Brock/Venom

At the moment I am only looking for MFM(+however many M)

Peggy Carter x Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers

• heavy AU that gets both Steve and Bucky out of the war
• short term little thing where they're just enjoying a night of fun

Brunnhilde/Valkyrie x Thor Odinson & Loki Laufeyson
Brunnhilde/Valkyrie x Thor Odinson & Bruce Banner
Brunnhilde/Valkyrie x Thor Odinson, Bruce Banner & Loki Laufeyson (probably poly, not a foursome)
Wanda Maximoff x Stephen Strange & Loki Laufeyson

• Wanda's powers are going out of control, and there's only two people the Avengers know who have any understanding of magic. casually inspired by this comic

Jessica Jones x Matt Murdock & Luke Cage
Claire Temple x Matt Murdock & Luke Cage
Karen Page x Matt Murdock & Frank Castle
Jemma Simmons x Leo Fitz & Will Daniels
OC x Stephen Strange & Loki Laufeyson

• idea incoming about a human who may be cursed

OC x Tony Stark & Stephen Strange
OC x Tony Stark & Bruce Banner
OC x Tony Stark & Steve Rogers
OC x Scott Lang & Clint Barton

• sometimes, you need to put together a team. If that team happens to be three people who are particularly good at infiltration and thievery? Well, there's only so many things that they could be doing. It's fine, they're professionals. But being stuck in tight spaces and dealing with a lot of pressure can effect even the most professional of heroes...

OC x Thor Odinson & Loki Laufeyson

• idea incoming about an Asgardian warrior woman
• idea incoming about a human Loki is real pissed off to have developed feelings for, but who Thor is absolutely enamored with.
• idea incoming about an alien that they rescue from Sakaar (probably ends in an AU)

OC x Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers

• they saved her at the end of Civil War, and now they have a new super soldier to deal with. She's suspicious and traumatized and thankfully the Bucky and Steve are up to the task of helping keep her settled and acclimate her to the idea of freedom.
• Bucky and Steve have a sweet, very attractive neighbor. They're both interested in her but hey, good friends are good at sharing.

OC x Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson
OC x Jason Todd

◦ Jason, as Red Hood, operates just outside the bubble of the Bat Fam - he's doing his own thing but they know who he is and he's stuck dealing with the overbearing family he's not sure he wants anything to do with. The amount that they respect that varies by person, but the newest hero on the sidelines of the batfamily dynamic (my gal) is absolutely unshakably interested in getting to know him.
◦ While trying to stop a bank robbery, Jason makes a mistake/isn't quite quick enough/etc and someone dies. Before Jason has much time to process that event she's back up again, suddenly alive when she certainly wasn't before, and very disoriented. Whether this was a one time thing based on something weird or if it's a power she's just obviously never accessed before is up to us, though I've preference for the latter in part because I think it's funnier long term and has more story potential.
◦ On the hunt for crime, Jason finds himself rescuing a young woman who seems like she's in a bad situation. That's not completely unusual, but it's surprising when it happens again. The third time it's downright suspicious, and it turns out Jason has accidentally been interrupting her hunts
◦ you'll find me pretty unwilling to play against villain!Jason - I prefer him as an antihero still dealing with his trauma and anger though I'm also madly in love with the Wayne Family Adventures comic so I'll take softer interpretations of the character

OC x Dick Grayson

◦ Vigilantes aren't exactly Dick's favorite thing - well, vigilantes more violent than the group he more or less considers family. Maybe it's because this one reminds him of the 'brother' he wishes he'd managed to support better, maybe it's because he can sense that there's a whole lot more below the surface, maybe he's just got a little bit of a savior complex from having been a crime fighter for longer than he hasn't, but Dick finds himself going out of his way to involve himself in the endeavors of a new vigilante on the streets of Bludhaven/Gotham.
◦ I'm not usually one for starting roleplays with rescues but I do think it'd be very funny to pair Dick with someone who he rescues and it turns out she is less than thankful about it.

OC x Bruce Wayne
OC x Clark Kent

◦ Clark becomes the connection point between the Justice League and a woman whose new powers are developing at a dangerous and out of control rate.
◦ I'm rolling around a rather dramatic story that'll pull a chunk of Clark's power advantage (he can be fully powerless or not, I don't care) - basically someone manages to create an artificial environment modifier that cuts of Clark's access to the sun/finely dusts green kryptonite/insert other absolutely contrived excuse here. It's a declared open season on Superman, and the unlikely ally in his corner is a criminal he's run into a couple of times before. I hesitate to call her a villain, but she sure has done some lower level (comparatively) crime

Diana Prince x Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince x Clark Kent
Diana Prince x Barry Allan
Dinah Laurel Lance x Oliver Queen
Dinah Laurel Lance x Bruce Wayne
Barbara Gordon x Dick Grayson
Harleen Quinzel x Bruce Wayne

◦ big maybe, some specific things required because there's only one comic I want to use as base for Harley - remember when she was a landlord?

Genderbent!Bruce "Bryce" Wayne x Clark Kent
MxF - return of the superhero superthread [ truly just the biggest marvel/dc search thread you've ever seen ] (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.