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ANNUAL REPORT 2015Printed in Japan

300 Takatsuka-Cho,Minami-Ku, Hamamatsu-shi,Shizuoka, Japan 432-8611http://www.globalsuzuki.com

434 (215 + 4 + 215) x 280 mm


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ContentsMission Statement __________________________________________________________ 1

A Message from the Management ____________________________________________ 2

Financial Highlights _________________________________________________________ 4

Year in Review ______________________________________________________________ 5

Automobiles ____________________________________________________________ 6

Motorcycles _____________________________________________________________ 9

Marine Products ________________________________________________________ 12

Others _________________________________________________________________ 13

Topics ____________________________________________________________________ 14

Directors, Officers and Auditors _____________________________________________ 17

Corporate Governance Issues _______________________________________________ 18

Risks in Operations ________________________________________________________ 26

The Status of the Corporate Group ___________________________________________ 28

Financial Section __________________________________________________________ 30

Company Outline __________________________________________________________ 66

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1.Develop products of superior value by focusing on the customer2.Establish a refreshing and innovative company through teamwork3.Strive for individual excellence through continuous improvement

Mission Statement

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A Message from the Management

Management results of this fiscal yearThe management environment of the Group for fiscal 2014 in over-seas economy is showing a moderate recovery trend, despite influ-ence by the trend of normalization of monetary policy in the US, unpredictable economic outlook for emerging countries, downfall in crude oil prices and geopolitical risk in some regions. Particularly in India, it shows a steady recovery trend because of reformation by the newly-elected government and low price of crude oil.On the other hand, outlook for Japanese economy is unpredict-able partly owing to the impact of the hike in the rate of con-sumption tax.Under these circ*mstances, the consolidated net sales of this fis-cal year (April 2014 to March 2015) increased by ¥77.2 billion (2.6%) to ¥3,015.5 billion compared to the previous fiscal year. The Com-pany was able to recover the net sales to ¥3.0 trillion, which had declined after the financial crisis of 2008. The Japanese domestic net sales decreased by ¥38.1 billion (3.4%) to ¥1,094.6 billion year-on-year owing to the decrease in the automobile sales.However, the overseas net sales increased by ¥115.3 billion (6.4%) to ¥1,920.9 billion year-on-year mainly owing to the increase in the automobile sales in India.In terms of the consolidated income, the operating income de-creased by ¥8.3 billion (4.4%) to ¥179.4 billion year-on-year. Although the decrease in the income in Indonesia and Thailand were covered by the increase in the income in India, the operating income decreased mainly owing to the increase in the operating expenses of Japan and overseas. The ordinary income decreased by ¥3.5 billion (1.8%) to ¥194.3 billion year-on-year. The net in-come decreased by ¥10.6 billion (9.9%) to ¥96.9 billion year-on-year mainly owing to the increase in the adjustment of minority interests in income.

Basic policies for profit distributionThe Group’s earnings heavily depend on the overseas production sites located mainly at emerging countries and are susceptible to the fluctuations of foreign currencies. Furthermore, the Group plans to invest actively on such overseas sites going forward. With a view for the Group to achieve a sustainable growth in the future, it is indispensable to strengthen the Company’s structure and pre-pare for unexpected contingency.The Company determines the profit distribution with the dividend payout ratio of approximately 15% based on the performances, strengthening of the corporate nature and full internal reserve for future business expansion and others from the medium to long term viewpoint, with the emphasis on the continuous and stable distribution.As to this fiscal year, although the income decreased year–on-year, with the consolidated dividend payout ratio, the year-end dividends were up by ¥3.00 per share from the previous fiscal year

to ¥17.00 per share. As a result, the annual dividends including in-terim dividends were ¥27.00 per share and up by ¥3.00 per share from the previous fiscal year.In future years, under the foregoing point of view, we will also deter-mine the profit distribution based on the performance of fiscal year.

Outstanding issuesThe Group sets a basic policy of “Think smarter, work harder and unite as a Suzuki Group; overcome our challenges and navigate our way to a brighter future” and will tackle following issues amid challenging condition.

- Strengthening of quality management systemThe Group takes the quality management seriously as a manage-ment issue of utmost importance that needs to be addressed as early as possible. The Group will review its quality management sys-tem fundamentally for the purpose of preventing the recurrence.

-Product development and strengthening of research and devel-opmentThe Group will make effort to strengthen research and develop-ment such as environment technology, fuel efficient technology, weight reduction technology, safety technology, information and communications technology and product designing ability to enhance competitiveness of products. Also, the Group will make effort to reduce costs by improving efficiency of development by integrating engine, powertrain and platform, standardization of parts and others.

-Strengthening of manufacturing capabilityBased on the concept of “local production for local consump-tion”, the Group will continue to strengthen manufacturing out-side Japan. Especially in Asia, which has a growing demand for automobiles, the Group will strive to increase the ratio of in-house manufacturing, expand global procurement and enhance production capability at respective local markets. Moreover, along with the advancement of economic cooperation among different regions through FTA and the trend of the foreign currency market, the Group will also work to optimize the balance of manufacturing activities in and outside Japan.

-Strengthening and expansion of sales networkTo respond to intensifying competition at various regions and products, the Group will be expanding and strengthening its sales network both in Japan and overseas, and execute marketing ac-tivities in a close contact with the market.

-Reconstruction of motorcycle businessAs for the Motorcycle business, the Group will review its omni-

A Message from the Management

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A Message from the Management

directional business strategy and take aggressive steps such as selecting and concentrating the region, product and technology, strengthening its marketing capability, shortening its development period, introducing its products in timely manner and challenging to state-of-the-art technology and design, among others, thereby offering value that exceeds customers’ expectations. By so doing, The Group will be aiming at recovering its presence in the motor-cycle market.

-Commitment to global environmental problemConcerning the environmental issues, the Group has been offering minivehicles in Japan and many types of compact vehicles that are highly fuel-efficient in places like India and other Asian coun-tries. The Group believes that a spread of such compact vehicles would be one of the best ways to contribute to solving the envi-ronmental issues.In addition to enhancement of next generation environmental technology in “Suzuki Green Technology”, the Group will continue to tackle global environmental problem based on “Suzuki Environ-mental Plan 2015” and “Suzuki Biodiversity Protection Guideline”.

-Disaster preventionWhile the Group has been taking various measures to prevent anticipated damage caused by Tokai and Tonankai Earthquake, after experiencing the Great East Japan Earthquake, it has diversi-fied production and research sites including overseas. Firstly, it is

relocating plants and facilities in Ryuyo region in Iwata City, Shi-zuoka Prefecture since massive tsunami damages are anticipated in the region, to inland area of Hamamatsu City. Also, the Group has diversified its production of engine for minivehicle, which was concentrated to Sagara plant, to Kosai plant to mitigate risk. Fur-ther, the Group is expanding its research facilities in India partly in order to mitigate risk concerning product development facility for automobile in Sagara test course. The Group will continue to enhance its preparedness against natural disasters.

The Group has been carrying out the motto "Develop products of superior value by focusing on the customer" in the first paragraph of its mission statement. The Group will continuously strive for manufacturing of really valuable products appreciated by customers.With the slogan, "Small Cars for a Big Future", the Group commits itself in promoting “production of small and subcompact ve-hicles” and “development of environmentally benign products” needed by customers.The Group makes efforts to be “Smaller, Fewer, Lighter, Shorter, and Cleaner” on every side and works for the efficient, well-knit and healthy management.Our executive officers and employees will strictly adhere to all statutes, social norms, and in-house rules, etc., act fairly and with sincerity.We look forward to the continued support and encouragement of our stockholders.

Representative Director and Vice Chairman

Yasuhito Harayama

Representative Director and Executive Vice President

Osamu Honda

Representative Director and Chairman (CEO)Osamu Suzuki

Representative Director and President (COO)

Toshihiro Suzuki

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Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights


Millions of yen(except per share amounts)

Thousands of US dollars (except per

share amounts)

2015 2014 2015

Net sales ................................................................................ ¥3,015,461 ¥2,938,314 $25,093,298Net income............................................................................. 96,862 107,484 806,044Net income per share:

Primary ............................................................................... 172.67 191.60 1.44Fully diluted ........................................................................ 172.63 191.57 1.44

Cash dividends per share ..................................................... 27.00 24.00 0.22Net assets .............................................................................. 1,701,390 1,494,357 14,158,199Total current assets ................................................................ 2,008,729 1,790,832 16,715,730Total assets ............................................................................ 3,252,800 2,874,074 27,068,326Depreciation and amortization .............................................. 134,377 117,188 1,118,228

Note: Yen amounts are translated into US dollars, for convenience only, at ¥120.17=US$1, the prevailing exchange rate on 31 March, 2015.



45,174 80.65









2011 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 20132012 2013 2014 2014 20142015 2015 2015

Years ended 31 March(Millions of yen)

Years ended 31 March(Millions of yen)

Net Sales Net Income Years ended 31 March


Net Income Per Share

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Year in Review

Year in Review

2015 Net Sales By Products 2015 Net Sales By Market(Year ended 31 March, 2015 Millions of yen) (Year ended 31 March, 2015 Millions of yen)

Automobile ProductionYears ended 31 March (Thousand units)

Overseas Japan

Motorcycle ProductionYears ended 31 March (Thousand units)

(ATV included)


Overseas Japan






1,782 1,020 2,802



1,884 994 2,878



2,550 185 2,735


1,834 1,044 2,878


2,100 169 2,269


1,859 998 2,857

1,988 1,055 3,043

2015 1,645 154 1,799

1,852 180 2,033





North America





2,400 174 2,574



Marine & PowerProducts, etc.


n Production

n 2015 Net Sales

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Year in Review


Suzuki’s Worldwide Manufacturing and SalesTotal overseas automobile production for fiscal 2014 increased by 6.9% year-on-year to 1,988,000 units. Worldwide production, including Japan, also increased by 6.5% year-on-year to 3,043,000 units.Sales of automobiles in overseas market increased by 6.6% year-on-year to 2,111,000 units, while total global sales, including Japan, also increased by 5.8% year-on-year to 2,867,000 units.

Operating Results by SegmentIn the automobile business, the operating income decreased by ¥7.5 billion to ¥171.8 billion year-on-year mainly owing to the decrease in the income in Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand, despite the increase in the income in India.

The Japanese Market1. Overview of the Japanese Automobile MarketTotal domestic automobile sales volume in fiscal 2014 declined by 7% year-on-year to 5,297,000 units. It fell year-on-year for the first time in four fiscal years because a consumption-tax hike in April 2014 dampened demand. Sales of registered vehicles fell by 9% year-on-year to 3,124,000 units. Sales of minivehicles fell by 4% year-on-year to 2,173,000 units. Still, sales of minivehicles exceeded 2,000,000 units for the second fiscal year in a row. Minivehicles accounted for 41% of overall automobile sales. The proportion exceeded 40% for the first time.

2. Suzuki SalesSuzuki’s domestic automobile sales in fiscal 2014 grew year-on-year in volume terms for the fourth fiscal year in a row. They rose by 4% year-on-year to a record-high 756,000 units. Suzuki’s sales of minivehicles grew by 5% year-on-year to a record-high 679,000 units. The key driver of that growth was steady demand for the Hustler. Suzuki’s sales of registered vehicles fell year-on-year for the second fiscal year in a row. They declined by 6% year-on-year to 76,000 units.

3. Suzuki Topics in Fiscal 2014• In August 2014, Suzuki enhanced the WagonR by launching versions

equipped with a newly developed fuel-saving system called S-ENE CHARGE. The WagonR versions equipped with S-ENE CHARGE have the best fuel economy of any miniwagon*1 (a minicar with an overall height of at least 1,550mm) in Japan.

• The Hustler mini-crossover won acclaim for creating a new genre. It won numerous awards including 2014–2015 Japan Automobile Hall of Fame Car of the Year and 2015 RJC Car of the Year.

• In December 2014, Suzuki launched a comprehensively enhanced version of the Alto minicar. The new Alto has a simple, stylish exterior design. Also, lower weight and higher powertrain efficiency give it the best fuel economy of any gasoline-engine vehicle in Japan*2. In March 2015, Suzuki expanded the Alto range by adding the sporty Alto Turbo RS.

• In February 2015, Suzuki launched the first comprehensively enhanced versions of the Every (a one-box commercial minivan) and Every Wagon (a one-box mini passenger vehicle) in nine and a half years. The new versions offer even greater roominess, fuel efficiency, and user-friendliness.

• In February 2015, Suzuki launched the SX4 S-CROSS compact crossover. The Company is having the SX4 S-CROSS built by its Hungarian subsidiary, Magyar Suzuki, and is importing it into Japan.*1 Suzuki measured the fuel economy of the S-ENE CHARGE-equipped WagonR in the JC08

test cycle and had it verified by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Suzuki’s claim to the best fuel economy of any miniwagon in Japan is based on the Company’s research in August 2014.

*2 Suzuki measured the fuel economy of the new Alto in the JC08 test cycle. Suzuki’s claim to the best fuel economy of any gasoline-engine vehicle in Japan is based on the Com-pany’s research in December 2014 and excludes hybrids.



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Year in Review

Overseas Markets1. Overview of Suzuki’s Main Overseas Automobile MarketsSales of automobiles (passenger cars and multi-utility vehicles) in India grew in fiscal 2014 by 4% year-on-year to 2,601,000 units. One rea-son for this growth was evidence of a moderate economic pickup following the change of government in May 2014. Sales in the five key ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia) fell by 8% year-on-year to 3,088,000 units. The drop was par-ticularly marked in Indonesia and Thailand. Sales fell in Indonesia because of an economic slump and a weak rupiah. Sales fell in Thailand because the previous government’s policies had left households with greater debt and because less financing was available for purchases. Sales in Europe (the European Union and the European Free Trade Association) grew by 8% year-on-year owing to an economic recovery that began the previous fiscal year. Sales in China grew by 5% year-on-year to 23,702,000 units.

2. Suzuki SalesSuzuki’s overseas automobile sales volume in fiscal 2014 grew by 7% year-on-year to 2,111,000 units as economic conditions in the Com-pany’s overseas markets showed moderate recovery. Suzuki’s sales in India rose by 11% year-on-year to 1,171,000 units owing to strong demand for models including the new Celerio, Alto K10, and Ciaz. Suzuki’s sales in the five key ASEAN countries fell by 18% year-on-year to 184,000 units owing mainly to an economic slump. Suzuki’s sales in China grew by 11% year-on-year to 257,000 units owing mainly to the launch of the SX4 S-CROSS. Suzuki’s sales in Europe (the European Union and the European Free Trade Association) grew by 1% year-on-year to 161,000 units owing partly to the launch of the Celerio and Vitara and partly to sales of the SX4 S-CROSS throughout the fiscal year.

3. Suzuki Topics in Fiscal 2014• In April 2014, Suzuki launched a minivehicle-based WagonR in Pakistan.

• In August 2014, cumulative worldwide sales of the Swift (a series that Suzuki launched in 2004) reached four million units.

• In October 2014, Suzuki began a series of launches for the Ciaz by putting it on the market in India.

• In November 2014, Suzuki launched a completely updated Alto K10.

• In January 2015, Suzuki ceremonially laid the foundation stone for a new plant in Gujarat.

• In March 2015, Suzuki held a ceremony as the first unit of the Europe-specification Vitara rolled off the production line.

• Maruti Suzuki India’s sales volume in India exceeded one million units for the fifth fiscal year in a row.

Iwata Plant(Multi-purpose vehicle and commercial vehicle assembling)

Kosai Plant(Passenger car and automobile engines assembling)

Sagara Plant(Passenger car and automobile engines assembling,

foundry of engine components, machining)

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Year in Review




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Year in Review


Address 110


V-Strom 1000 ABS


Suzuki’s Worldwide Manufacturing and SalesTotal overseas motorcycle production (including ATVs) in fiscal 2014 decreased by 11.2% year-on-year to 1,645,000 units. Worldwide production, including production in Japan, also decreased by 11.5% year-on-year to 1,799,000 units.Sales of motorcycles (including ATVs) in overseas market decreased by 13% year-on-year to 1,696,000 units, while total global sales, including Japan, also decreased by 12.8% year-on-year to 1,763,000 units.

Operating Results by SegmentIn the motorcycle business, the operating income of ¥0.1 billion in the previous fiscal year became an operating loss of ¥0.7 billion.

The Japanese Market1. Overview of Japanese Motorcycle MarketThe total domestic motorcycle sales (factory shipments) of the four Japanese manu-facturers in fiscal 2014 fell by 11% year-on-year to 391,000 units owing to a hike in the rate of consumption tax. Sales of models with engine displacements of 126cm3 and higher were down 7% year-on-year at 84,000 units. Sales of models with engine dis-placements up to 125cm3 were down 12% year-on-year at 307,000 units.Domestic motorcycle demand dropped sharply after the financial crisis of 2008. That decrease has since abated. Overall sales are expected to grow year-on-year in fiscal 2015. Notably, demand for models with engine displacements of 126cm3 and higher has been trending upward during the past few years and looks set to grow further in fiscal 2015.

2. Suzuki SalesSuzuki’s domestic sales (factory shipments) of models with engine displacements up to 125cm3 fell by 6% year-on-year to 55,000 units in spite of new products including the new Let’s and the Address 110. The Company’s sales of models with engine displace-ments of 126cm3 and higher fell by 19% year-on-year to 10,000 units. Overall, Suzuki maintained its market share of 16.8% in volume terms but recorded a 9% year-on-year drop in sales (factory shipments) to 66,000 units.Suzuki aims to achieve sales growth in fiscal 2015. The Company plans to increase fac-tory shipments of models with engine displacements up to 125cm3 by launching more products. As for models with engine displacements of 126cm3 and higher, which are more profitable, the Company plans to aggressively promote existing products.

3. Suzuki Topics in Fiscal 2014• In June 2014, Suzuki launched the V-Strom 1000 ABS, a sport adventure tourer that

enables comfortable riding in diverse conditions.

• The GSR250 series is popular owing to its rider-friendly engine. Suzuki added the fully faired GSR250F in September 2014.

• The V-Strom 650 ABS is popular because it allows users to enjoy everything from ur-ban rides to long-distance tours. In October 2014, Suzuki added the V-Strom 650XT ABS, which has new, adventure-themed styling.

• In December 2014, Suzuki launched the Let’s G, a 50cm3 scooter that’s light, fuel-efficient, and user-friendly. In March 2015, the Company launched the Let’s, a basic model that offers greater practicality.

• In March 2015, Suzuki launched the Address 110 scooter. This model has low weight for rider-friendliness around town and an engine that combines great performance with superior fuel economy.

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Year in Review

Toyokawa Plant(Motorcycles and outboard motors assembling)


Address GIXXER

V-Strom 650XT ABS

Overseas Markets1. Overview of Suzuki’s Main Overseas Motorcycle MarketsSales of motorcycles in Europe in fiscal 2014 grew by 4% year-on-year to 855,000 units. Sales of motorcycles (including ATVs) in North America grew by 4% to 831,000 units. Sales in the six key ASEAN countries (In-donesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Cambodia) de-clined by 3% year-on-year to 13,423,000 units. Sales in China fell by 9% year-on-year to 10,347,000 units. Sales in India grew by 8% year-on-year to 16,004,000 units.

2. Suzuki SalesSuzuki’s overseas motorcycle sales in fiscal 2014 declined by 13% year-on-year to 1,696,000 units. Sales in Europe fell by 5% year-on-year to 45,000 units. Sales in North America rose for the first time in eight years; they were up 4% year-on-year at 43,000 units. Sales in the six key ASEAN countries fell by 29% year-on-year to 436,000 units owing mainly to a drop in sales in Indonesia. Sales in China fell by 9% year-on-year to 564,000 units. Sales in India fell by 4% year-on-year to 341,000 units.

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Year in Review

3. Suzuki Topics in Fiscal 2014• Suzuki returned to MotoGP in March 2015 by running the 1,000cm3

inline-four GSX-RR in the season-opening race in Qatar.

• In September 2014, Suzuki unveiled the GSX-S1000/F, V-Strom 650XT, and Address in Europe.

• In August 2014, Suzuki launched the GIXXER in India. This model earned high praise for its styling and won bike-of-the-year awards from many media organizations.

2015 Intermot Motorcycle Show held in Cologne, Germany GIXXER won many bike-of-the-year awards

MotoGP First Round Qatar

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Year in Review

Operating Results by SegmentIn the marine and power products, etc. business, the net sales increased year-on-year mainly owing to the increase in the sales of the outboard motors in Europe and North America, while the operating income was at the same level as the previous fiscal year.

Overview of Marine ProductsSuzuki’s domestic outboard motor sales in fiscal 2014 fell by 5% year-on-year in volume terms and by 7% year-on-year in net terms. One reason was a hike in the rate of consumption tax. Another was a shift in demand toward smaller models. The overall domestic market shrank, so Suzuki’s share grew from 21% to 24%.Suzuki’s export sales surged by 9% year-on-year in volume terms and by 23% year-on-year in net terms. Sales in North America and Europe made a significant contribution. They were strong (especially in the United States) owing partly to foreign-exchange effects and partly to a shift in demand toward larger models.Suzuki’s four-stroke outboard motors range from the DF2 (the lowest-power model, which delivers 1.49kW/2PS) to the DF300 (the highest-power model, which delivers 220.7kW/300PS). The Com-pany produces small models in Thailand and larger models at the Toyokawa Plant in Japan.

Suzuki Topics in Fiscal 2014The year 2015 marks 50 years of Suzuki outboard motors. In fis-cal 2014, the Company celebrated this milestone by opening an exhibition at the Suzuki Plaza, by holding a photo contest, and by publishing a special magazine for worldwide consumption.


Marine Products



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Year in Review


Lithium-ion Battery ISG

Solar Power Plant



Environmental InitiativesAs a manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles, outboard motors, and other items, Suzuki acts in consideration of the environment at all product stages from develop-ment to disposal.In product development, our environmental initiatives include improving fuel economy, reducing exhaust emissions, developing clean-energy vehicles, and reducing noise. In manufacturing, our efforts include reducing environmental risk, reducing energy require-ments, and promoting the use of alternative energy sources. In distribution, we focus on improving the operational efficiency and energy efficiency of transportation and on promoting the three Rs (reducing, reusing, and recycling). In marketing, we promote environmental management among our dealers and strive to ensure proper disposal of end-of-life products.We also pursue environmental initiatives that are not directly related to our products. For in-stance, we promote energy savings and green purchasing in our offices, give our workers en-vironmental education, and support social action programs in local communities.

Suzuki Topics in Fiscal 2014• Suzuki published “Suzuki Environmental and Social Report 2014”. The Company has pub-

lished a report about its environmental initiatives every year since fiscal 1999.• In June 2014, Maruti Suzuki India switched on a one-megawatt solar power plant that it

had installed in line with an Indian government plan to boost adoption of solar power. The solar power plant enabled the Company to reduce CO2 emissions by 1,200 tons per year. Maruti Suzuki India plans to continue harnessing eco-friendly technologies that cut CO2 emissions. The Company aims to use such technologies to tackle environmental problems and expand its environmental conservation initiatives.

• In August 2014, Suzuki launched WagonR and WagonR Stingray versions equipped with a newly developed fuel-saving system called S-ENE CHARGE. An integrated starter generator (ISG) works with a specially designed lithium-ion battery. The ISG generates electricity during deceleration and stores it in the battery. The ISG uses that electricity to operate as a motor during acceleration, thereby reducing the load imposed on the engine, so it suppresses fuel consumption without compromising acceleration performance. The S-ENE CHARGE system combines with an enhanced R06A engine to realize fuel economy of 32.4km/L*1 (the best of any miniwagon in Japan)*2.

• In December 2014, Suzuki launched the eighth-generation Alto. A newly developed platform and comprehensive weight savings make this model 60kg*3 lighter than its predecessor. The lightness combines with increased powertrain efficiency to realize fuel economy of 37km/L*4 (the best of any gasoline-engine vehicle in Japan)*4.

*1 Measured in the JC08 test cycle using the WagonR FZ grade and WagonR Stingray X grade (each with two-wheel drive). Verified by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport.

*2 A miniwagon is a minicar with an overall height of at least 1,550mm. Suzuki made the fuel-economy comparison in August 2014 using measurements taken in the JC08 test cycle and verified by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport.

*3 Suzuki compared the weight of the new Alto (equipped with a continuously variable transmission) with that of the previous-generation Alto Eco.*4 Suzuki measured the fuel economy in the JC08 test cycle. The comparison excludes hybrids and is based on Suzuki research in December 2014.

Suzuki’s cooperation with other automobile manufacturersSuzuki has been cooperating with other automobile manufacturers both in and outside Japan.Suzuki and Nissan have been supplying each other with vehicles in Japan on an original-equipment-manufacturer (OEM) basis since 2002. To Mazda, Suzuki has been supplying vehicles in Japan since 1989, and has been supplying vehicles in Indonesia since 2013. Suzuki has been also making vehicles’ OEM supply to Mitsubishi in Japan since 2011.From Fiat, Suzuki has been sourcing its diesel engines for vehicles sold mainly in Europe since 2003. In India, Suzuki has been producing diesel engines at its own factories since 2006 using technologies acquired from Fiat.Since 2013, Suzuki has been supplying a British manufacturer, Caterham with 660cm3 engines and some drive-train components designed for minivehicles for the installation on its sport cars. The car is sold also in Japan as a British-made minivehicle.Suzuki continues pursuing opportunities and areas of cooperation with other manufacturers where effective use of companies’ business re-sources and mutual benefit can be expected.

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TopicsLaunch of WagonR in PakistanPakistani subsidiary, Pak Suzuki Motor started production and sales of a min-ivehicle-based WagonR. Although the overall length of the WagonR sold in Pakistan is stretched 205mm in the engine room to install a 1.0L engine, all of its other features are based on the Japanese minicar. Pakistan is the third country to launch the WagonR at Suzuki’s overseas production base after India and Indonesia. Approximately half of Suzuki’s global automobile sales in this fiscal year were models based on Japanese minicars. Centered in Asia, the Japanese minicar technologies are contributing to the development of motorization and the daily lives in each country.

UT Concept on Display at International Home Care and Rehabilitation ExhibitionSuzuki displayed a city-oriented electric wheelchair called the UT Con-cept at the 41st International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition (hosted by the Japan National Council of So-cial Welfare and the Health and Welfare In-formation Association). This concept model has compactness and maneuverability that make it ideal for urban pedestrian environ-ments. It also has advanced active-safety technologies that enable the user to avoid obstacles and steps and bumps.

Winning of NMMA’s Innovation Award for DF25A/30A OutboardsSuzuki’s new four-stroke outboard motors DF25A/30A received the 2014 IBEX Innovation Award for outboard motors from the National Marine Man-ufacturers Association (NMMA) in the US at the International Boat Builder’s Exhibition & Conference (IBEX) held in Tampa, Florida from 30 September to 2 October, 2014. Suzuki’s high technol-ogies were accredited by the best awards in the marine technology, which are given to those new products that demonstrate consumer benefits.

Achievement of Accumulated Global Production of Three Million Units for Suzuki Outboard MotorSuzuki held a ceremony for the achievement of accumulated global produc-tion of three million units for the outboard motors at the Toyokawa Plant in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Development of outboard motors started in 1962 and the first outboard motor D55 was launched in April 1965. Since then, Suzuki has been developing a wide variety of outboard motor lineup by meeting the global market demands. In addition to the Toyokawa Plant that produces mid- and large-sized out-board motors, production of small- and mid-sized outboard motors are conducted at a Thai subsidiary, Thai Suzuki Motor from July 1999.

Launch of Mid-Size Sedan in Overseas MarketSuzuki launched mid-size sedan Ciaz in India from October 2014. It has authentic sedan style with rich and elegant design, and is also exported from India to areas including the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa. Also in December 2014, a Chinese joint venture, Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile started its pro-duction and launched it under the name Alivio.

Class-Topping Fuel Economy from WagonR with S-ENE CHARGESuzuki launched versions of the WagonR and WagonR Stingray with a newly developed fuel-saving system called S-ENE CHARGE, thereby offering fuel economy of 32.4km/L*1 (the best of any miniwagon in Japan)*2. An inte-grated starter generator (ISG) in the S-ENE CHARGE system works as a mo-tor during acceleration, thereby reducing the load imposed on the engine, so it suppresses fuel consumption without compromising acceleration performance. The system works together with an idle-stop function. The ISG promotes comfort by restarting the engine smoothly and quietly.

*1 Measured in the JC08 test cycle using the Wag-onR FZ grade and WagonR Stingray X grade (each with two-wheel drive). Verified by Ja-pan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

*2 A miniwagon is a minicar with an overall height of at least 1,550mm. Suzuki made compari-sons in August 2014 using measurements taken in the JC08 test cycle and verified by Ja-pan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Selection of Recipients for Suzuki Education and Culture Foundation ScholarshipsSuzuki Education and Culture Foundation gives scholarships to students who would otherwise not be able to focus on their studies for financial reasons. El-igible students include those who attend high schools in Shizuoka Prefecture and those who graduated from high schools in Shizuoka Prefecture and are now at university. Founded in 2000 to mark Suzuki’s 80th anniversary, in its 14th year, the foundation decided to give scholarships to 54 high school students and 14 university students, a total of 68 students for fiscal 2014.

October 2014

Commemoration ceremony held at the Toyokawa Plant on 24 July, 2014

April 2014

July 2014

Worldwide Sales of Swift Reach Four Million UnitsIn August 2014, Swift reached cumulative worldwide sales of four million units in nine years and nine months since the start of sales as a world stra-tegic model in November 2004. First produced and sold in Japan, Swift is currently produced in eight countries including Hungary, India, and China hav-ing been favored in more than 140 countries and regions around the world. Of the four million units, approximately half were sold in India, followed by approximately 19% in Europe, and approximately 11% in Japan.

August 2014

WagonR sold by Pak Suzuki Motor.

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Launch of New Let’s 50cm3 Scooter SeriesSuzuki comprehensively updated the Let’s 50cm3 scooter series and ad-opted a newly designed engine that offers outstanding fuel economy of 54.8km/L*. The Company offers two versions: the basic Let’s (launched in March 2015) and the higher-grade Let’s G (launched in December 2014). Each version is affordably priced and meets daily mobility needs for men and women across a wide age range.*Measured by Suzuki in the World-wide Motorcycle Test Cycle.

Launch of the All-New Alto MinicarThe all-new Alto adopted a newly-developed platform and achieved a weight reduction of 60kg*1 by thoroughly reducing its weight. Along with the enhanced efficiency of the powertrain, it realized fuel consumption of 37.0km/L*2, the lowest among any gasoline-engine vehicle in Japan*3. It evolved in fuel efficiency, driving performance, design, and safety per-formance, while brushing up basic performances including the ease of maneuverability and handling as a utility minicar by returning to the ori-gin of minicar.Plus, in March 2015, Alto Turbo RS was added to the lineup. The mod-el’s body rigidity is increased, and installed with the enhanced turbo engine that realizes strong acceleration, coupled with Auto Gear Shift equipped with paddle shift.

Winning of RJC Car of the Year and Japan Automotive Hall of Fame Car of the Year awards for the Hustler minicarHustler minicar won the 2015 RJC (Automotive Researchers’ and Journalists’ Conference of Japan) Car of the Year and the 2014-2015 Japan Automo-tive Hall of Fame Car of the Year awards, highly valued for pioneer of a new genre, adoption of fuel-efficient technologies, sportiness that exceeds its class, excellent user-friendliness, design, etc. It became a hit with the accu-mulated sales for its first year exceeding 10,000 units.Also, as an RJC Special Achievement Award, Nippon (Japanese) Minicar (re-cipient: Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. Mini-Vehicle Com-mittee) was chosen, valued for the brilliant evolution that the minicar has achieved up to this date, and the role it plays in the Japanese motorization.

Announcement to Fund 35 Scientific Researches for Fis-cal 2014 by the Suzuki FoundationSuzuki Foundation, which was established in March 1980 to mark the 60th anniversary of Suzuki, selected 33 scientific research projects and two pro-posed scientific research projects for fiscal 2014. Thus far, the Foundation has made 1,379 supports including research projects by universities and research institutes in Japan and subsi-dizing programs in Japan for research-ers from overseas.

Announcement to Consolidate the Motorcycle Busi-ness into the Hamamatsu PlantDue to the countermeasure to the earthquake and the tsunami, and the decrease in the domestic motorcycle production volume, Suzuki decided to consolidate the motorcycle business, which is currently dispersed, into the Hamamatsu Plant (located in Miyakoda district of Hamamatsu), and relocate the motorcycle assembly of the Toyokawa Plant (located in Aichi prefecture) as a part of the consolidation.Currently, Suzuki’s motorcycle business is dispersed in three different loca-tions: the motorcycle technical center (located in in Iwata, Shizuoka); the Takatsuka Plant (located in Hamamatsu); and the Toyokawa Plant (located in Toyokawa). Suzuki decided to consolidate these three locations into the Hamamatsu Plant, to consistently operate from engineering, development, and testing, to production of the engines and the powertrain, and the as-sembly. By doing so, Suzuki will put efforts into the efficiency of product development and production of the ever-diversifying motorcycles.

Holding of the Foundation Stone Ceremony of a New Plant in Gujarat, IndiaFoundation stone ceremony of new vehicle manufacturing facilities in Gujarat was held. The purpose of the new plant is to secure production capacity for future development of the Indian automobile market and expansion of exports from India. The new plant is aimed to start produc-tion from mid-2017, with the annual production capacity planned to be 250,000 units. Vehicles and parts produced at new plant in Gujarat will be supplied only to Maruti Suzuki India (MSIL), and distributed through MSIL’s sales network.

January 2015

*1 Comparison between the all-new Alto equipped with continuously variable transmission and conventional Alto Eco.

*2 2WD equipped with continuously variable transmission.

*3 Suzuki measured the fuel economy of the new Alto in the JC08 test cycle. Suzuki’s claim to the best fuel economy of any gasoline-engine vehicle in Japan is based on the Company’s research in December 2014 and excludes hybrids.

Let’s (left) and Let’s G (right)

November 2014

February 2015December 2014

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World Premiere of Concept Models iK-2 and iM-4 at the Geneva Motor ShowWorld premiere was made for two concept models, the iK-2 compact hatchback and the iM-4 mini 4x4 at the 85th Geneva International Motor Show held in Switzerland. New environmental technologies from Suzuki were introduced, these are a new-generation platform; the BOOSTERJET, a new downsized direct-injection turbo gasoline engine; and the SHVS mild hybrid system. Suzuki plans to launch production model based on the iK-2 in Europe early 2016. Work is underway on developing a production model of the iM-4 as well.

iK-2 iM-4

March 2015

February 2015

Launch of SX4 S-CROSS in JapanSX4 S-CROSS is a model produced by a Hungarian subsidiary, Magyar Suzuki, and imported to Japan by Suzuki. It realizes excellent drivability and stability in various driving scenes through the adoption of new 4WD system ALLGRIP, and can be used in a wide range of usage from daily use to outdoors. Production of the SX4 S-CROSS started from August 2013 by Magyar Suzuki and they are exported throughout Europe, as well as to areas including Latin America, Oceania, and Africa. Its production also began in China from December 2013 by a joint venture, Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile.

Comprehensively Enhanced Versions of the Every and Every WagonSuzuki launched comprehensively enhanced versions of the Every (a one-box commercial minivan) and Every Wagon (a one-box mini passenger ve-hicle). These models each offer even greater roominess, fuel efficiency, and user-friendliness. The Every is valuable for work owing to abundant storage space and outstanding ease of loading and unloading. The Every Wagon ad-ditionally incorporates a comprehensive range of comfort-enhancing items that help users enjoy leisure activities. Plus, each model has advanced safety technologies including the first collision-mitigating brakes in its class*.*Every : one-box minivan class; Every Wagon: one-box miniwagon class

Winning of 13 Bike-of-the-Year Awards in India by GIXXERBike-of-the-year awards in 13 categories that are presented by maga-zines and TV stations in India went to the sportbike GIXXER, which is be-ing produced and distributed by an Indian subsidiary, Suzuki Motorcycle India. GIXXER has been earning high appraisal in India for its cutting-edge sporty design, superior fuel efficiency, and strong accel-eration. Suzuki will continue its effort to expand the sales of sportbikes in the growing Indian motorcycle market.

Launch of Address 110 ScooterSuzuki launched the Address 110 scooter, which combines a light, rider-friendly frame with superior performance and fuel economy. An Indo-nesian subsidiary named PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor is producing the Address 110 as a global small scooter, marketing it in Indonesia and ex-porting it to Japan, ASEAN coun-tries, Europe, and Oceania. Suzuki is promoting this model as an affordable new choice for riders who want to step up from 50cm3 scooters and for those who al-ready ride scooters with displace-ments of 51cm3 to 125cm3.

VITARA Rolls Off the Line in HungaryCeremony for the all-new SUV VITARA was held as it rolled off the produc-tion line of a Hungarian subsidiary, Magyar Suzuki. The ceremony wel-comed guests including Dr. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, and Junicihi Kosuge, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Hungary. Osamu Suzuki, Chairman and CEO of Suzuki Motor Corporation attended the ceremony. The all-new SUV VITARA will be delivered from Magyar Su-zuki as a world strategic compact SUV, not only to European countries but also several new markets, and is planned to be produced 70,000 units in its first year of manufacturing.

Dr. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary (right) and Osamu Suzuki, Chairman and CEO of Suzuki Motor Corporation (left)

Note: The Every Wagon in the photo contains props for illustrative purposes.

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Directors, Officers and Auditors

Directors, Officers and Auditors (as of 30 June, 2015)

[Representative Directors]


[Senior Managing Officers]

[Managing Officers]


RepresentativeDirector and

Chairman (CEO)Osamu Suzuki

RepresentativeDirector and

Vice ChairmanYasuhito Harayama Supporting CEO

RepresentativeDirector and

President (COO)Toshihiro Suzuki

RepresentativeDirector and

Executive Vice President

Osamu Honda Chief Technology Officer

Director andSenior Managing

OfficerEiji Mochizuki Executive General Manager, Motorcycle Operations

Director andManaging


Takashi Iwatsuki Executive General Manager, Global Business Administration & Planning

Masahiko Nagao Executive General Manager, Corporate Planning Office

DirectorMasakazu IguchiSakutaro Tanino

*Mr. Shin Ishizuka, Mr. Masataka Osuka and Mr. Norio Tanaka are the outside company auditors as stipulated in Article 2, Item 16 of Companies Act of Japan.

*Mr. Masakazu Iguchi and Mr. Sakutaro Tanino are the outside directors as stipulated in Article 2, Item 15 of Companies Act of Japan.

Company AuditorKunio NakamuraShunji Matsumoto

Outside Company Auditor

Shin IshizukaMasataka OsukaNorio Tanaka

Senior ManagingOfficer

Kenichi Ayukawa Executive General Manager, India/Africa Automobile Operations / Managing Director and CEO, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Ichizo Aoyama Executive General Manager, R&D/Global IT

Managing Officer

Toshiaki Hasuike Deputy Executive General Manager, Automobile Engineering /Joint Managing Director, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Kazuo Hakamata Executive General Manager, PurchasingHiroaki Matsuura Executive General Manager, Manufacturing Engineering / Managing Officer, Manufacturing Engineering Dept.ⅣMasato Kasai Executive General Manager, Automobile EngineeringIzumi Oishi Manufacturing / Executive General Manager, ManufacturingTaisuke Toyoda Executive General Manager, Finance / Managing Officer, Finance Dept.Hirofumi Nagao Division General Manager, Pakistan Automobile Division / Managing Director, Pak Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. (Pakistan)Keiichi Asai President, Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd. (China)Shuji Oishi Division General Manager, Indonesia Automobile Division / President, PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor (Indonesia)Kazuki Yamaguchi President, Suzuki Motor Sales Kinki Inc.Shigeyuki Yamamura Executive General Manager, Administration / Managing Officer, Human Resources Dept.Toshiaki Suzuki Executive General Manager, Domestic Marketing / Managing Officer, Domestic Sales Force Promotion Dept.

Hidenori Yamash*ta Deputy Executive General Manager, Manufacturing (Production Quality Assurance & Overseas Manufacturing) / Managing Officer, Overseas Manufacturing Dept.

Kinji Saito Executive General Manager, Global Automobile Operations / Divisional General Manager, Asia Automobile DivisionIchiro Onishi Executive General Manager, Customer Quality Assurance

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Corporate Governance Issues

Corporate Governance Issues1. Basic concepts regarding corporate governance

Through fair and efficient corporate activities, The Company always intends to be trusted by all our stakeholders including sharehold-ers, customers, partner companies, local communities and employees, and to be a continuously growing company, while making a further contribution to the international community. In order to realize that intention, The Company considers that the enhancement of the corporate governance is one of the most important issues for proper corporate management and is aggressively taking various kinds of measures. Also, in order to be trusted further by society and stakeholders, we disclose information quickly in fair and accurate manner pre-scribed in laws and regulations and aggressively disclose information that we concluded is beneficial to understand The Company. We will further enhance the transparency of The Company.

2. Corporate Governance StructureCorporate governance structure of The Company is as follows.


Each Divisions of The Company / Subsidiaries and affiliates of The Company

Audit Department

Appoint/Dismiss Appoint/Dismiss Appoint/Dismiss

Internal Audit

Corporate Ethics Committee


Board of CompanyAuditors

5 Auditors(3 Outside Auditors)

Corporate Strategy Committee

Advisory Committee on Personneland Remuneration, etc.

Communicate PolicySupervise

Communicate PolicySupervise



Cooperate Cooperate







Board of Directors9 Directors (2 Outside Directors)

General Meeting of Shareholders

Various meeting on management and execution of


Crisis Management Task Force


(a) Execution of Operation(Board of Directors)In addition to the regular meetings of the Board of Directors composed of 9 Directors including 2 Outside Company Directors held every month, Directors hold a special board meeting whenever necessary, and discuss the matters set forth in the Articles of Incor-poration and the laws and regulations, and important managerial agenda based on the deliberation criteria, and make decisions on a sufficient discussion, including in terms of regulatory compliance and corporate ethics, and make efforts to strengthen oversight of business execution.Also, for the purpose of enabling the agile corporate management, speeding up decision making and executing operations, and clarify-ing the individual responsibilities, The Company has introduced a Senior Managing Officer and Managing Officer system.In order to clarify managerial accountability for individual Directors and flexibly respond to the changing business environment, the term of each Director is set to one year.(Outside Directors)By electing Outside Directors who are highly independent of The Company and have no possibility of causing conflict of interest between them and shareholders, The Company enhanced supervision to management further, and is receiving helpful advice and indication for the growth of The Company based on large stock of experience and professional knowledge.(Corporate Strategy Committee)At the Corporate Strategy Committee (Chairman: Representative Director and President) which is composed of few executives as a council-system organization, important missions and strategies for management are cross-functionally and comprehensively dis-cussed, while pre-reviewing matters to be discussed at the Board of Directors.

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Corporate Governance Issues

(Various meeting on management and execution of operation)The Company enhances efficiency of management by enabling appropriate execution of operation through closely exchanging im-portant information and identifying administrative issues. To achieve that, The Company holds various councils to discuss counter-measures on execution of management issues weekly, monthly, extraordinarily, or biannually, depending on the content. Members of the council include Directors, Executive General Managers and Deputy Executive General Managers.(Advisory Committee on Personnel and Remuneration, etc.)Aimed to enhance clarity and objectivity upon electing candidates for Directors and Auditors, as well as deciding remuneration of Directors, as an advisory committee for the Board of Directors, The Company establishes “Advisory Committee on Personnel and Re-muneration, etc.”The majority of the committee is composed of Outside Directors, and an observer participates each from Full-Time Company Auditors and Outside Company Auditors.The committee discusses issues such as election standards and adequacy of candidates for Directors and Auditors, as well as ad-equacy of system and level of Director’s remuneration. The Board of Directors decides based on their results.Decision for election and remuneration of candidates for Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers who do not concurrently serve as Directors are also based on results of the committee’s discussion.

(b) Auditor’s Audit, Internal Auditing, and Independent Auditor(Auditor’s Audit)The Company’s Board of Company Auditors is composed of 5 members including 3 Outside Company Auditors, and they hold regular meetings every two months and special board meetings whenever necessary. Company Auditors execute audits on proper management of The Company, in accordance with the Rules of the Board of Company Auditors and audit policies of the corresponding fiscal year, by participating in the Board of Directors and various meeting on man-agement and execution of operation, perusing approval documents and various minutes, and receiving reports and explanation from Directors on execution of business, etc. 2 Full-Time Company Auditors and 1 Outside Company Auditor have large stock of knowledge in finance and accounting due to long experience of being in charge of accounting in The Group as to Full-Time Company Auditors, and large stock of experience as certi-fied public accountant as to Outside Company Auditor respectively.(Internal Auditing)The Company establishes Audit Department as an organization to conduct internal auditing. They audit The Company and domestic and foreign subsidiaries and affiliates, and periodically check the situation of compliances to laws and regulations, and effectiveness of their internal control system. Results of the checks are reported to management and Company Auditors together with suggestions regarding improvement and correction of problems.The Audit Department also helps to make rules for enhancement of management structures, conducts guidance and supports for compliance with the laws, regulations and rules and promotes efficiency and standardization of their business.(Independent Auditor)2 certified public accountants who engaged in the audit for fiscal 2014 are Satoru Imamura and Koji Sato, who belong to Seimei Audit Corporation. The numbers of other assistant members for audit are 7 certified public accountants and 10 others.(Mutual cooperation of Auditor’s Audit, Internal Auditing, and Independent Auditor, and their relationship with departments of internal control)Company Auditors, Audit Department and Independent Auditor cooperate appropriately and audit concerning compliance with laws, in-ternal control, and management efficiency from three different angles.Company Auditors receive periodical reports from Independent Auditor such as on audit plans and results of quarter reviews, as well as on situation of conducting fiscal auditing. Company Auditors trade comments and share information as necessary to strengthen coop-eration, such as by conducting observation of Independent Auditor’s audit to comprehend situation of conducting auditing, while also receiving reports on the efforts for quality management of auditing as an audit corporation.Also, Company Auditors adjust audit plans and auditing themes with the Audit Department, attend its audit whenever necessary, and re-ceive reports and explanation on all its audits.The Audit Department and Company Auditors exchange information with organization specialized in internal audit, which consists of le-gal, finance and IT system departments.

(c) Function, role and status of Outside Director and Outside Company AuditorThe Company elected 2 Outside Directors and 3 Outside Company Auditors.The Company elected Mr. Masakazu Iguchi as Outside Director to receive appropriate advice related to the management of The Com-pany in manufacturing industry based on a large stock of expertise as a doctor of engineering.

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Corporate Governance Issues

There are no interest between him and The Company. The Company believes that he is sufficiently independent of the management of The Company. He is also in charge of a member of “Advisory Committee on Personnel and Remuneration, etc.”The Company elected Mr. Sakutaro Tanino as Outside Director to receive appropriate supervision and advice related to the manage-ment of The Company from the international viewpoints based on a large stock of experience and knowledge as a diplomat. There are no special interest between him and The Company. The Company believes that he is sufficiently independent of the management of The Company. He is also in charge of a member of “Advisory Committee on Personnel and Remuneration, etc.”The Company elected Mr. Shin Ishizuka as Outside Company Auditor to appropriately conduct audit of The Company based on his experience and professional knowledge as an attorney-at-law. There are no interest between him and The Company. The Company believes that he is sufficiently independent of the management of The Company. He is also in charge of an observer of “Advisory Committee on Personnel and Remuneration, etc.”The Company elected Mr. Masataka Osuka as Outside Company Auditor to appropriately conduct audit of The Company based on a long term experiences and knowledge as a management of enterprises. There are no special interest between him and The Com-pany. The Company believes that he is sufficiently independent of the management of The Company.The Company elected Mr. Norio Tanaka as Outside Company Auditor to appropriately conduct audit of The Company based on a large stock of the experiences and the professional knowledge as a certified public accountant. There are no special interest between him and The Company. The Company believes that he is sufficiently independent of the management of The Company.The Company concluded that all 5 members of Outside Director/Company Auditor have no possibility of causing conflict of interest between them and shareholders, and filed them as independent director/auditor under the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.As to independence from The Company with regard to the election of Outside Director/Company Auditor, The Company judges their independence under the below “Standard for Independence of Outside Directors and Outside Company Auditors” based on “Standard of judgment” set by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

(Reference) The Standard for Independence of Outside Directors and Outside Company AuditorsThe Company never elects any person who falls under any of the followings as a candidate for the Outside Director or Outside Company Auditor in order to ensure the independence:

1. Persons concerned with the Company and its subsidiaries (“The Group”) (1) With regard to Outside Directors, any person who is or was a person executing business (Note 1) of the Group at present or in the past, (2) With regard to Outside Company Auditors, any person who is or was a Director, Managing Officer, executive officer or

employee of the Group at present or in the past, or (3) A spouse or a relative within the second degree of kinship of the present Director, Managing Officer or executive officer of

the Group.2. Persons concerned such as business partners or major shareholders, etc. (1) Any person who is a person executing business of any of the followings:

1) A company of which major business partner is the Group (Note 2) 2) A major business partner of the Group (Note 3) 3) A major shareholder having 10% or more of total voting rights of the Company 4) A company for which the Group has 10% or more of total voting rights

(2) A person who is or was a representative partner or a partner of the Group’s Accounting Auditor at present or in the past five years(3) A person who receives a large amount of remuneration from the Group other than remuneration for Director/Company Auditor (Note 4)(4) A person who receives a large amount of donation from the Group (Note 5)(5) A spouse or a relative within the second degree of kinship of the person who falls under category from (1) through (4) above

Notes 1. A person executing business: A director executing business, a managing officer, an executive officer or an employee 2. A company of which major business partner is the Group: A company which belongs to the group of the business partner who receives 2% or more of its consolidated net sales in the latest business year ended of the group from our Group in any of the business year in past three years 3. A major business partner of the Group: A company which belongs to the group of the business partner who makes payment 2% or more of our Group’s consolidated net sales or provides the Group with 2% or more of loans of its consolidated total assets in the latest business year ended of the Group in any of the business year in past three years 4. A person who receives a large amount of remuneration: A consultant or legal or accounting expert who receives annual compensation of 10 million yen or more (for the organization, 2% or more of its annual total revenues) in any of the business year in past three years

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Corporate Governance Issues

5. A person who receives a large amount of donation: A person who receives annual donation of 10 million yen or more (for the organization, a person directly involved in activities which is the purpose of the donation) in any of the business year in past three years

(3) Development status of internal control system and risk management systemIn order to enhance corporate governance, The Company is making efforts to keep everyone informed about compliance and to strengthen internal control system. The basic policy of internal control system is as follows:

(a) Systems to ensure that Directors’ execution of their duties complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation1) Directors shall respect the “Mission Statement” and the “Suzuki Action Charter” and execute their duties in compliance with the “Rules of the Board of Directors”, the “Approval Procedures” and other rules of the Company, and mutually supervise their execution of duties through meetings of the Board of Directors, etc.2) The Company established the “Suzuki Corporate Ethics Rules” witch lays out a set of basic points for Directors and employees to act in a fair and faithful manner in compliance with the laws, the norms of the society and company rules and observe the same. It is revised whenever necessary by “Corporate Ethics Committee” which promotes corporate ethics in The Company.3) Company Auditors shall audit the execution of duties of Directors in accordance with the audit policies and work responsibilities set by the Board of Company Auditors.

(b) Systems relating to the storage and administration of the information in relation to Directors’ execution of their dutiesInformation relating to Directors’ decision-making and execution of duties shall be managed and stored in accordance with laws and regulations and the rules of The Company, and be kept available whenever necessary.

(c) Rules and other systems relating to management of the risk of loss1) The Company has set up the “Risk Management Procedure” as part of the “Suzuki Corporate Ethics Rules” to establish the risk management system, and shall manage and cope with risks of losses in accordance with the same.2) Decision shall be made, while important management matters are sufficiently deliberated, including risk evaluation, in the meetings of the Board of Directors and through the approval system in accordance with the deliberation standard.3) Risk that is expected to arise with regard to the execution of operation of departments such as engineering, production or sales shall be handled by each department in accordance with the rules of or manuals on the prevention or handling of such risk.4) To prepare for the occurrence of disasters, The Company shall develop behavior manual and Business Continuity Plan (BCP), take out insurance or provide training, or other suitable measures.

(d) Systems to ensure that Directors’ execution of their duties is made efficiently 1) As the basic system to ensure that Directors’ execution of their duties is made efficiently, the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held in principle every month and at any time whenever necessary. And management councils shall be held when ever necessary to discuss the strategic decision on execution of important management issues.2) The operational organization shall be revised from time to time in order to clarify the responsibility, strengthen the cooperation among the concerned sections and establish efficient business operational systems.3) Business shall be efficiently operated by developing the business plan, periodically confirming the progress of the plan, taking measures and making revisions from time to time.

(e) Systems to ensure that employees’ execution of their duties complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation1) In addition to (a) 2) above, The Company shall keep every employee informed about the “Suzuki Employees’ Action Charter” which lays out the norms of action of employees to ensure that employees’ execution of their duties complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation, and revises the same whenever necessary.2) The Company shall keep every employee informed about the “Action Procedures” and the “Division of Duties” which set up the proceedings of execution of their duties in details, and other rules of the Company, and revise the same whenever necessary.3) In accordance with the “Suzuki Corporate Ethics Rules” mentioned in (a) 2) above, the Company shall develop the compliance system for employees, and educate them through various training and in-house seminars regarding compliance.4) The Company shall make its employees report the fact of violation or suspected violation of laws or regulations, and establish the consultation office with which employees can consult on such fact, etc. or which they can notify in order to promptly detect it and take corrective measures or actions to prevent the reoccurrence.5) In accordance with the “Rules of Internal Auditing”, the Audit Department shall audit on the integrity and efficiency of various control systems, organizations and rules, and properness of function of internal control, etc.

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Corporate Governance Issues

(f) Systems to ensure proper business operation of the Corporate Group consisting of our Company and subsidiariesA) The system regarding the reporting of matters relating to execution of duties of Directors, etc. of subsidiaries to The Company Matters relating to decision making and execution of duties of Directors, etc. of affiliated companies are promptly or periodically reported by affiliated companies to The Company in accordance with the “Rules of Business Control Supervision for Affiliated Companies”.B) Rules and other systems regarding the management of the risk of losses in subsidiaries The Company shall manage the risk of losses in affiliated companies in accordance with “Risk Management Procedure” set up in “Suzuki Corporate Ethics Rules”. If the risk of losses arises, The Company shall appropriately take actions jointly with affiliated companies.C) Systems to ensure that the execution of duties of Directors, etc. of subsidiaries is made efficiently 1) To ensure an efficient business operation of the Corporate Group, The Company shall conduct the followings in accordance with the “Rules of Business Control Supervision for Affiliated Companies”. (a) The Company’s departments in charge stipulated in the Rules at any time shall give guidance and advice to the affiliated companies on their business operations and managements, and cooperate with them. (b) The Company’s Audit Department shall make rules for the affiliated companies in order to reinforce their management practices. It shall also promote efficiency and standardization of their business. 2) The Company shall periodically confirm the progress of the business plan developed by affiliated companies and provide guidance, supports and auditing in order to urge affiliated companies to take actions or make revisions appropriately. 3) The Company and its affiliated companies shall share the management policies or information in The Company’s monthly meetings to report the status of performance for each section and group meetings held as needed in order to efficiently and properly conduct business through mutual cooperation.D) Systems to ensure that the execution of the duties of Directors, etc. and employees of subsidiaries complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation The Company shall keep every Director, etc. and employee of affiliated companies informed about the importance of the compliance with laws and regulations, the norm of the society and internal rules, etc. and fair and sincere behaviors. It shall also provide guidance, supports and auditing in order to make appropriate rules in accordance with laws and regulations or legal environment of the country where affiliated companies locate.

(g) Matters for employees to support the business of the Company Auditors when the Company Auditor seeks appointment of the employees

1) The secretariat of the Board of Company Auditors shall be established in the Audit Department.2) The assistants of the business of the Company Auditors shall be placed as required.

(h) Matters for independence of the employees mentioned in (g) above from the Directors and for ensuring the efficiency of instructions given the employees

1) The hiring, transfer and discipline of the assistants of the Company Auditors shall be consulted with the Company Auditor previously appointed by the Board of Company Auditors.2) The Company Auditor appointed by the Board of Company Auditors may request the change of the assistant at any time. The Directors shall not deny the request without reasonable reasons.3) The personal evaluation of the assistant of the Company Auditors shall be consulted with the Company Auditor appointed by the Board of Company Auditors.4) The Audit Department shall clearly state that the assistant work for the Company Auditor conducted under the instruction and control of the Company Auditor shall not be subject to the instruction and control of any other persons than the Company Auditor in the Division of Duties, and carry out it thoroughly.

(i) System for Directors and employees to report to the Company Auditors and system for the Directors, the Company Auditors and employees of subsidiaries to report or any recipient of such reporting to report to The Company’s Company Auditor, and other systems for reporting to the Company Auditors

1) If Directors, etc. of The Company and its affiliated companies find any fact that could cause tremendous loss on The Company, they shall immediately report it to the Company Auditors.2) Approval Procedures, Affiliated Company Consultation Documents and minutes of the management councils shall be circulated to the Company Auditors, and any other references requested by the Company Auditors shall be provided.3) The Company Auditors shall conduct the followings as required when implementing internal auditing and auditing of affiliated companies. (a) Adjust the audit themes with the General Manager of the Audit Department (b) Present at the auditing and attend the briefing of the audit results (c) Receive the circulation of the audit report or the report of the audit results4) The Group’s department in charge of consultation shall periodically report to the Company Auditors about the status of consultation from the Group’s employees.

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Corporate Governance Issues

(j) Systems to ensure that any person reporting to Company Auditors will not be unfairly treated on the ground of making such reporting

In accordance with “Suzuki Corporate Ethics Rules”, the Company shall not make any disadvantageous treatment such as dismissal on the basis of having reported to Company Auditors mentioned in (i) above. It shall also take suitable measures to prevent the worsening of office environment surrounding the reporter.

(k) Matters regarding procedures for prepayment or redemption of expenses arising from the execution of duties of Company Auditors and processing of other expenses or liabilities arising from the execution of such duties

1) The Company shall allocate a certain amount of budget every year to pay expenses arising from the execution of duties of Company Auditors.2) If the Company Auditors require the Company to make prepayment, etc. of expenses in accordance with Article 388 of the Companies Act, the Company shall quickly process that expenses or liabilities, except where it is considered that the expenses or liabilities relating such request are not necessary for the performance of duties of Company Auditors.3) The Company Auditors may use the external advisers including attorneys, certified public accountants and others in implementing audit as required.

(l) Other System to ensure effecting auditing by the Company Auditors1) The Company Auditors shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings.2) The Company Auditors shall hold periodic meetings with Accounting Auditors, exchange information or opinions and ask Accounting Auditors to make reports, when necessary.

(4) Remuneration for Directors and Company Auditors for current fiscal year(a) Remuneration paid to Directors and Company Auditors is as follows:

(Amount of remuneration: million yen, Number of payees: person)

Classification Total amount of remuneration

Amount of each type of remunerationNumber of payees

Basic pay Stock option BonusDirectors(excluding Outside Directors) 527 273 79 174 7

Company Auditors(excluding Outside Company Auditors) 47 47 ― ― 3

Outside Directors/Company Auditors 27 27 ― ― 5

Notes: 1. The amount of remuneration limit for Directors (¥80 million per month) was resolved at the 135th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 28 June, 2001. 2. The amount of remuneration limit for Company Auditors (¥8 million per month) was resolved at the 123rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 June, 1989. 3. The maximum amount of remuneration for Directors for stock options as compensation (¥170 million per year) was resolved at the 147th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 27 June, 2013 and 148th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 27 June, 2014. The above-mentioned “stock options” is the amount recorded as expenses of current fiscal year, among the amount of remuneration for stock acquisition rights granted for stock options. As for stock options as compensation, due to decision of new policy for amount of Director’s remuneration as stated in (4)(b), the Company has decided not to newly grant options after granting them in July 2014. 4. The above-mentioned “bonuses” are recorded as provision for Directors' bonuses at the end of current fiscal year and treated as expenses of current fiscal year. Please notice that bonus for Outside Directors and Company Auditors were abolished for the following years of fiscal 2013 and basic remuneration is solely maintained. 5. Remuneration of Company Auditors includes one Company Auditor who retired at the closure of the 148th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 27 June, 2014. 6. In addition to the above, ¥7 million was paid to 1 retired Director and ¥5 million was paid to 1 retired Company Auditor as retirement benefits for Directors and Company Auditors under the resolution at the 140th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 June, 2006. 7. The following information is disclosed in 149th annual securities report ・Total amount of consolidated remuneration paid to persons who received consolidated remuneration of ¥100 million or more each.

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Corporate Governance Issues

(b) Policy for determination of the amount of remuneration for Directors and Company AuditorsIn April 2015, The Company established “Advisory Committee on Personnel and Remuneration, etc.” with Outside Directors constituting half or more of its members, as an advisory committee to the Board of Directors, in order to enhance the objectivity and transparency of remuneration of Directors, etc.

(Remuneration of Directors)Remuneration of Directors (excluding Outside Directors) shall consist of basic remuneration consisting of basic pay for each position and evaluation of individual performance, bonus linked to the Company’s performance of each fiscal year and stock-based remunera-tion linked to the Company’s mid- and long-term performance or stock price. Remuneration of Outside Directors shall be solely basic remuneration (at the fixed amount).Also, remuneration of Directors shall be decided by the Board of Directors based on the deliberation results of “Advisory Committee on Personnel and Remuneration, etc.” on the policy regarding the decision of Director’s remuneration, standards, remuneration system and adequacy of the remuneration level.The basic remuneration shall be within the range of the amount of remuneration limit (monthly amount) approved at a General Meeting of Shareholders, and the amount of remuneration for each Director shall be determined and paid in consideration of the duties and re-sponsibilities of each Director.As for bonuses, a proposal based on the calculation method linked with the Company’s performance shall be submitted to an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for approval and then paid.Bonuses for Outside Directors were abolished for the following years of fiscal 2013.The stock-based remuneration shall be paid within the range of amount of remuneration limit (monthly amount) approved at the Gen-eral Meeting of Shareholders, as the remuneration that is linked to mid-and long-term Company’s performance and stock price. Direc-tors shall contribute such type of remuneration to the officer stockholding association every month, acquire the Company’s shares and continuously hold them during their term of office.

(Remuneration of Company Auditors)Remuneration of Company Auditors shall be solely basic remuneration (at fixed amount), and the amount shall be decided and paid in the discussion among Company Auditors within the range of the amount of remuneration limit (monthly amount) approved at a General Meeting of Shareholders.Bonuses for Company Auditors were abolished for the following years of fiscal 2013.While the Company discontinued its retirement benefits plan for officers at the 140th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, held on 29 June, 2006, it has introduced the granting of stock options as compensation (stock acquisition rights) with a view toward strength-ening Directors’ connection to the Company’s performance and stock price and ensuring that Directors share with shareholders not only the benefits of any increases in the stock price, but also the risks of any declines, pursuant to the approval granted at the 146th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, held on 28 June, 2012.However, the Company has decided not to newly grant options after granting them in July 2014.

(Reference)Remuneration of Directors are calculated using a method based on points set for each position of Directors as per below.As for the calculation method, The Company received a document that states that all Company Auditors agreed on appropriateness of the method.1. Calculation method Paid amount = Consolidated net income × 0.18% × Each Director’s point ÷ Total of Director’s point

Notes: 1. “Indexes on profits for such accounting period” stated in Article 34(1)(iii)(a) of Corporation Tax Act of Japan is “Consolidated net income”. 2. As of April 2015, amount of above-mentioned “Consolidated net income” used in the method is amount shown as “Net income attributable to owners of the parent”, which is an amount before accounting loss of such paid remuneration amount. 3. Amount of consolidated net income multiplied by 0.18% is rounded down to the nearest million.

2. Number and point of Directors by positionPoint Number of Directors Total Point

Chairman 30 1 30Vice Chairman 18 1 18

President 22 1 22Executive Vice President 18 1 18

Directors 13 3 39Total ― 7 127

Note: Above number is based on number of Directors as of 30 June, 2015.

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Corporate Governance Issues

3. Eligible personOnly Directors that apply to “Managing members” as stated in Article 34(1)(iii) of Corporation Tax Act of Japan, and excludes Out-side Directors.

4. Fixed amount“Fixed amount” as stated in Article 34(1)(iii)(a)[1] of Corporation Tax Act of Japan is limited up to ¥300 million. If amount of consoli-dated net income multiplied by 0.18% exceeds ¥300 million, ¥300 million divided by each Director’s point would become remunera-tion of each Director.

5. Others Remuneration of Director retiring during the fiscal year would be decided by calculating amount of remuneration that would have been paid if expiring the full fiscal year, and dividing it by the actual service months (rounded down to the nearest 10,000).

(5) Remuneration for Independent Auditor for current fiscal year (a) The remuneration amount to be paid by The Company to Independent Auditors is ¥85 million.

(b) The remuneration amount to be paid by The Group to Independent Auditors is ¥88 million. *The amounts shown in (a) and (b) were all paid for audit certification. Because the remuneration amount for the audit under Companies Act of Japan and for the audit under Financial Instrument and Exchange Act of Japan is not divided in the Auditing Agreement between The Company and Independent Auditor and is not be able to be actually divided, the amount described in the above specifies the total of these remuneration amounts.

(Reference)Internal Control Report System under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of JapanEffective from the fiscal year ended 31 March, 2009, Internal Control Report System has been applied under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. The Company has established a project team to enhance the system for assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls over the financial reporting.

Our management executive assessed the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of 31 March, 2015 in accordance with “On the Setting of the Standards and Practice Standards for Management Assessment and Audit concerning Internal Control Over Financial Reporting (Council Opinions) ” published by the Business Accounting Council of Financial Services Agency, The Japanese gov-ernment. Based on that assessment, our management executive concluded that our Group’s internal control over financial reporting was effective as of 31 March, 2015.

Seimei Audit Corporation, The Company’s Independent Auditor, has audited the Internal Control Report made by our management executive, and expressed an unqualified opinion regarding effectiveness of The Group’s internal control over financial reporting as of 31 March, 2015.

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Risks in Operations

Risks in OperationsRisks that may affect the management results, stock price and financial situation of The Group include the followings.

Forward-looking statements in this section are based on our conclusions as of 31 March, 2015.

Risk relating to markets(1) Change in economic situations, demand fluctuation in the markets

The long term economic slowdown, world economic deterioration and financial crisis, and the reduced buying motivation of the con-sumers may lead to a substantially reduced demand for the products of The Group including motorcycles, automobiles and outboard motors. They may also affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.In addition, we conduct businesses around the world, and our dependency on the overseas manufacturing plants especially in the de-veloping countries of the Asian regions has been increasing over the years. The unexpected situation in these markets such as the rapid change in the economic situations may affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group. Further, unexpected change or new application of tax systems in each country may also affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

(2) Severer competitions with other companiesWe are facing competitions with rival companies in every global market where we conduct our businesses. As the automobiles and motorcycles industries in the world are globalized further, competitions may get harder. Competitions with other companies include various aspects such as product quality, safety, price, environmental performance, as well as efficiency of product development and manufacturing system, establishment of sales and service systems and sales finance.We will make further efforts for maintaining and improving our competitive edges, but there may be risks that impede our competi-tive advantages.

Risk relating to business(1) New product development and launching abilities

It is very important for an automobile and motorcycle manufacturer to correctly understand customer needs and to develop and launch to the market new attractive products that satisfy the customers in a timely manner. It has become more important than ever to under-stand customer needs that rapidly change, such as the reduced demands caused by domestic and overseas economic slowdown and the increased interest in the environmental performance.In addition, launching of new products will require specific product development abilities as well as abilities to continually manufacture products in addition to appropriately understanding customer needs.However, even if we are able to appropriately understand the customer needs, we may not be able to develop new products matching the customer needs in a timely manner on account of technical abilities, procurement of parts, production capabilities and other fac-tors. If we are unable to launch products matching the customer needs to the market in a timely manner, the sales share and sales may be reduced, which may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

(2) Change in product prices and purchase prices, dependence on specific suppliersVarious factors including insufficient supply or price rise of specific parts and raw materials, unstable economic conditions, revisions of import regulations and harder price competition may rapidly change the product prices and purchase prices of The Group. There is no guarantee that such rapid price change does not last long or such change does not occur in the markets where there have not been such changes so far. Rapid changes in product prices and purchase prices may adversely affect the performance and financial positions of The Group in any market where we conduct our businesses.In addition, the procurement of some of the parts has been limited to specific suppliers on account of technical abilities, quality, and price competitiveness. If we are unable to obtain the parts continuously and stably on account of unforeseeable accidents of the sup-pliers, it may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

(3) Business development in various countries in the worldWe have been conducting our businesses in various countries in the world, and in some of the countries, we conduct joint ventures with local companies in accordance with local laws or other requirements. These businesses are restricted by various legal and other regulations in each country (including those related to tax, tariff, overseas investment and fund transfer to the home country). Any changes to such regulations, or management policies or management environment of the joint venture partners may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

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Risks in Operations

(4) Fluctuations of exchange rates and interest ratesWe export motorcycles, automobiles, outboard motors and related parts to various countries in the world from Japan. In addition, we export those products and parts from the overseas manufacturing plants to multiple other countries. Fluctuations of exchange rates may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group as well as our competitiveness.Further, the exchange fluctuations will affect the price setting of the products sold by The Company in foreign currencies as well as the price of the raw materials purchased. The ratio of the overseas sales has reached about 60 percent of consolidated sales for the current consolidated fiscal year, and transactions in foreign currencies account for significant part. We take hedging measures such as forward exchange contracts to reduce the risks of exchange-rates and interest-rates fluctuations, but it is impossible to hedge every risk, and the yen appreciation against other currencies may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group. On the con-trary, the yen depreciation may result in opportunity losses.

(5) Government regulationsVarious legal regulations are applied to the motorcycle, automobile and outboard motor industries in relation to the emission level of emission gas, mileage, noises, safety and contaminated material emission level from the manufacturing plants. These regulations may be revised, in many cases strengthened. Expenses to comply with these regulations may largely affect the performance of The Group.In addition, many governments determine the imposition of tariffs, price control regulations and exchange control regulations. The Group is paying expenses to comply with these regulations and will expect to continue bearing them. We may pay more expenses de-pending on the establishment of new laws or changes of existing laws. Further, unexpected changes or new application of tax systems and economic measures of each country may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

(6) Quality assuranceWe place the top priority on the product safety and make efforts to establish the quality assurance system from development to sales. We buy insurance for the product liability, but there are risks not covered by insurance. The occurrence of large expenses for a large-scale recall to ensure safety of the customers may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

(7) Alliance with other companiesWe conduct various alliance activities with automobile manufacturer around the world and other companies such as for research and development, manufacturing, sales and finance, but factors that cannot be controlled by The Group such as situations inherent to the alliance partners may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

(8) Legal proceedingsWe may become a party to lawsuits and other legal proceedings in the course of our business activities. In the case where any judg-ments disadvantageous to us are made in such legal proceedings, they may adversely affect the performance and financial conditions of The Group.

(9) Influences of natural disasters, wars, terrorism and strikes, etc.The major manufacturing plants of The Group in Japan conduct manufacturing activities, located mainly in the Tokai region. In addition, the head office and other facilities of The Company are also concentrated in the Tokai region. Any occurrences of Tokai and Tonankai Earthquake may adversely affect the performance and financial condition of The Group largely. We have taken various preventive mea-sures such as quake-resistant measures for buildings and facilities, fire preventive measures, establishment of BCP (Business Continuity Plan), purchases of earthquake insurances to minimize the influences of damage by such disasters.We also conduct businesses around the world and are subject to number of risks relating to our overseas operations. Such risks include political or social instability and difficulties, natural disasters, diseases, wars, terrorism and strikes. These unexpected events may delay or suspend the purchase of raw materials and parts, manufacturing, sales of products, and provision of logistics and services. If such delay or suspension caused by any of these factors occur or prolong, they may adversely affect the performance and financial condi-tions of The Group.

Further, there are various risks other than those mentioned above, and what have been stated in this section do not represent all the risks of The Group.

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The Status of the Corporate Group

The Status of the Corporate Group

MotorcycleMotorcycles are manufactured by the Company as well as in overseas, by a subsidiary Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd. and an affiliate, Jinan Qingqi Suzuki Motorcycle Co., Ltd. and others. Some of parts are manufactured by a subsidiary, Suzuki Auto Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd. and others, and those parts are purchased by the Company.The marketing of the motorcycles is conducted in the domestic market by a subsidiary, Suzuki Motorcycle Sales Inc. and other marketing companies, and in overseas markets through a sub-sidiary, Suzuki Deutschland GmbH and other marketing compa-nies and manufacturing & marketing companies.

AutomobileAutomobiles are manufactured by the Company as well as in overseas, by subsidiaries, Magyar Suzuki Corporation Ltd., Maruti Suzuki India Limited and by an affiliate, Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd. and others. Some of parts are manufactured by Suzuki Auto Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd. and oth-ers, and they are purchased by the Company.The marketing of automobiles is carried out in the domestic market by a subsidiary, Suzuki Motor Sales Kinki Inc. and other marketing companies throughout the market, and in overseas markets, by a subsidiary, Suzuki Deutschland GmbH and other marketing companies and manufacturing & marketing compa-nies. The business of logistics services is conducted by a sub-sidiary, Suzuki Transportation & Packing Co., Ltd.

Marine and Power products, etc.Outboard motors are manufactured mainly by the Company and marketed by a subsidiary, Suzuki Marine Co., Ltd. and others.In the domestic market, the marketing of motorized wheel-chairs and electro senior vehicles are conducted by a subsid-iary, Suzuki Motor Sales Kinki Inc. and others, and the market-ing of houses is conducted by a subsidiary, Suzuki Business Co., Ltd.

The outline of the corporate groupThe corporate group of the Company consists of subsidiaries of 133 companies and affiliates of 35. The main businesses are manufacturing and marketing of motorcycles, automobiles, marine & power products, motorized wheelchairs, electro senior vehicles and houses, further developing the businesses of logistics and other services related to the respective operations.The position of the group companies in relation to the segmentation is as follows.

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The Status of the Corporate Group

Operation Flow ChartOperation flow chart is as follows (Major companies only)




d C





e C




Flow of services

Flow of products, parts

M/C : MotorcycleA/M : AutomobileM/P : Marine and Power products, etc.

No marks : Subsidiaries : Affiliates

Domestic Manufacturing Companies M/C A/M M/P

○ ○Suzuki Auto Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd.

○Snic Co., Ltd.

○Suzuki Toyama Auto Parts Mfg Co., Ltd.


○ ○Hamana Parts Industry Co., Ltd.☆

○ ○Thai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.

○○Suzuki Philippines Inc.

○ ○Suzuki Motor de Colombia S.A.

Overseas Manufacturing & Marketing Companies M/C A/M M/P

○Magyar Suzuki Corporation Ltd.

○Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.

Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Ltd.

○Chongqing ChanganSuzuki Automobile Co., Ltd.


PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor

○Suzuki Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.


○Pak Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.

○Jiangxi Changhe SuzukiAutomobile Co., Ltd.

○Jinan Qingqi SuzukiMotorcycle Co., Ltd.

○Suzuki Motor Iberica, S.A.U. ○○

Overseas Marketing Companies M/C A/M M/P

○Suzuki Deutschland GmbH ○

○Suzuki Austria Automobil Handels GmbH

○Suzuki Finance Europe B.V.

○Suzuki Italia S.p.A. ○ ○

○Suzuki Motor of America, Inc. ○ ○

○ ○Suzuki France S.A.S. ○○Suzuki GB PLC ○ ○

○○Suzuki Australia Pty. Ltd.

○○Suzuki Motor de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. ○

○ ○

Domestic Marketing Companies M/C A/M M/P

○Suzuki Motor Sales Tokyo Inc.

○Suzuki Motor Sales Hamamatsu Inc.

○Suzuki Motor Sales Kinki Inc.

○Suzuki Motorcycle Sales Inc.

○Suzuki Marine Co., Ltd. ○Suzuki Finance Co., Ltd.

Other Domestic Companies M/C A/M M/P

○ Suzuki Business Co., Ltd.

Logistic Services M/C A/M M/P

○ ○Suzuki Transportation & Packaging Co., Ltd. ○

Suzuki Manufacturing of America Corp.

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CONTENTSManagement Discussion and Analysis ........................................................ 31

Five-Year Summary...................................................................................... 33

Consolidated Financial Statements ............................................................. 34Consolidated Balance Sheets ............................................................................. 34Consolidated Statements of Income and

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income .................................... 36Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets ............................................ 38Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ............................................................. 39Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ...................................................... 40Independent Auditor’s Report ............................................................................. 65

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Management Discussion and Analysis


Management Discussion and Analysis


1. Operating results

(1) The operating results by segment(a) Motorcycle

The net sales decreased by ¥16.1 billion (6.0%) to ¥250.5 billion year-on-year mainly owing to the decrease in the sales in Asia. The operating income of ¥0.1 billion in the previous fiscal year became an operating loss of ¥0.7 billion.

(b) AutomobileThe Company made efforts to expand its sales and strengthen the products such as by winning numbers of awards includ-ing the 2015 RJC Car of the Year award for the much-favored Hustler minicar, launching the all-new Alto minicar, which has achieved the top level of fuel efficiency among non-hybrid gasoline vehicles in Japan, and launching the Every and Every Wagon one-box minicars which have pursued roominess, fuel efficiency, and user-friendliness. However, partly owing to the impact of the recoil reduction from the hike in the rate of the consumption tax in Japan, the Japanese domestic net sales de-creased year-on-year. The overseas net sales increased year-on-year mainly owing to the increase in India. Consequently, the net sales of the automobile business increased by ¥86.3 billion (3.3%) to ¥2,702.0 billion year-on-year. The operating income decreased by ¥7.5 billion (4.2%) to ¥171.8 billion year-on-year mainly owing to the decrease in the income in Japan, Indone-sia, and Thailand, despite the increase in the income in India.

(c) Marine and Power products, etc.The net sales increased by ¥7.0 billion (12.5%) to ¥63.0 billion year-on-year mainly owing to the increase in the sales of the outboard motors in Europe and North America. The operating income was at the same level as the previous fiscal year at ¥8.3 billion.

(2) The operating results by geographical areas(a) Japan

The net sales increased by ¥63.3 billion (3.7%) to ¥1,765.0 billion year-on-year due to expansion of triangle trade via Japan and other causes. The operating income decreased by ¥43.8 billion (32.6%) to ¥90.7 billion year-on-year mainly owing to the strengthening of sales promotion of Japan and overseas and the increase in the quality expenses.

(b) EuropeThe net sales increased by ¥59.6 billion (15.9%) to ¥436.1 billion year-on-year owing to launch of all-new compact SUV Vitara, expansion of triangle trade via Japan, and other causes. The operating income increased by ¥0.9 billion (23.2%) to ¥5.1 bil-lion year-on-year.

(c) AsiaThe net sales increased by ¥130.8 billion (11.1%) to ¥1,306.2 billion year-on-year due to increase of sales in India, Pakistan and others though decrease of sales in Indonesia and Thailand. The operating income increased by ¥22.2 billion (37.3%) to ¥81.6 billion year-on-year, by covering the decrease in the income in Indonesia and Thailand with the Indian automobile busi-ness.

(d) Other areasThe net sales increased by ¥8.2 billion (5.4%) to ¥159.2 billion year-on-year owing to increase of sales of outboard motors in the United States, increase of sales of motorcycles and automobiles in Latin America, and other causes. The operating income increased by ¥2.4 billion to ¥2.6 billion year-on-year.

(3) Selling, general and administrative expensesIn the current consolidated fiscal year, the amount of selling, general and administrative expenses increased by ¥37.9 billion (6.2%) to ¥645.7 billion year-on-year because of increase of sales expenses such as sales promotion expenses.

(4) Other income and expensesIn the current consolidated fiscal year, the net amount of other income and expenses was a gain of ¥13.8 billion, which increased by ¥4.5 billion year-on-year. This was mainly due to increase of Interest income and dividends income from the previous fiscal year.

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Management Discussion and Analysis

(5)ForecastsforthenextfiscalyearAs for the next fiscal year, although the decrease in the demand of minicars in Japan is expected, the Company forecasts in-crease in sales and income compared to this fiscal year mainly owing to the increase in the overseas sales including India. The Group will work as one to reform in every field to accomplish the below forecasts for the consolidated operation by pursuing the business activity.

(Forecasts for the consolidated operating results-First Half) Net sales ¥1,500.0 billion (up 4.8% year-on-year) Operating income ¥91.0 billion (up 0.5% year-on-year) Net income attributable to ¥55.0 billion (up 2.0% year-on-year) owners of the parent

(Forecasts for the consolidated operating results-Full Year) Net sales ¥3,100.0 billion (up 2.8% year-on-year) Operating income ¥190.0 billion (up 5.9% year-on-year) Net income attributable to ¥110.0 billion (up 13.6% year-on-year) owners of the parent Foreign exchange rates 115yen/US$, 125yen/Euro, 1.85yen/Indian Rupee 0.90yen/100Indonesian Rupiah, 3.50yen/Thai Baht

* The forecasts for next fiscal year mentioned above are based on currently available information and assumptions, contain risks and uncertainty, and do not constitute guarantees of future achievement. Please note that the actual results may greatly vary by the changes of various factors. Those factors, which may influence the actual results, include economic conditions and the trend of demand in major markets and the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate (mainly US dollar/Yen rate, Euro/Yen rate and Indian Rupee/Yen rate).

2. Liquidity and capital resources(1)Cashflow

Cash flow provided by operating activities for FY2014 amounted to ¥255.0 billion (¥322.9 billion was provided in the previous fiscal year), and ¥120.9 billion was used for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment etc. and others in the investment activities (¥286.6 billion was used in the previous fiscal year). As a result, free cash flow amounted to ¥134.1 billion of positive (¥36.3 billion of positive for the previous fiscal year). In financing activities, ¥84.5 billion was provided by net increase of long term loan and others (¥2.8 billion was provided in the previous fiscal year).As a result, the balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of FY2014 amounted to ¥932.3 billion and increased by ¥221.7 billion from the end of previous fiscal year.

(2) Demand for moneyDuring the current consolidated fiscal year, The Company and consolidated subsidiaries invested a total ¥194.5 billion of capital expenditures on various areas such as development of new model and research & development. Capital expenditure project for the next fiscal year is ¥180.0 billion. The required fund will be covered mainly by our own funds and external financing if necessary.

3.SignificantaccountingpoliciesFor information regarding significant accounting policies, please refer to the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

* An amount less than 100 million yen has been rounded off in “Management Discussion and Analysis” section.

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Millions of yen(except per share amounts)

Thousands of US dollars (except per

share amounts)

Years ended 31 March 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2015

Net sales ...................................... ¥3,015,461 ¥2,938,314 ¥2,578,317 ¥2,512,186 ¥2,608,217 $25,093,298Net income................................... 96,862 107,484 80,389 53,887 45,174 806,044Net income per share:

Primary ..................................... 172.67 191.60 143.31 96.06 80.65 1.44Fully diluted .............................. 172.63 191.57 131.67 88.28 74.11 1.44

Cash dividends per share ........... 27.00 24.00 18.00 15.00 13.00 0.22Net assets .................................... 1,701,390 1,494,357 1,298,553 1,111,757 1,106,999 14,158,199Total current assets ...................... 2,008,729 1,790,832 1,560,218 1,509,568 1,372,885 16,715,730Total assets .................................. 3,252,800 2,874,074 2,487,635 2,302,439 2,224,344 27,068,326Depreciation and amortization .... 134,377 117,188 93,680 103,117 138,368 1,118,228


Millions of yen(except per share amounts)

Thousands of US dollars (except per

share amounts)

Years ended 31 March 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2015

Net sales ...................................... ¥1,663,147 ¥1,498,853 ¥1,422,595 ¥1,383,269 ¥1,409,205 $13,839,954Net income................................... 51,248 67,219 36,405 15,846 10,834 426,463Net income per share:

Primary ..................................... 91.34 119.81 64.89 28.25 19.34 0.76Fully diluted .............................. 91.32 119.79 59.64 25.98 17.80 0.76

Cash dividends per share ........... 27.00 24.00 18.00 15.00 13.00 0.22Net assets .................................... 937,767 859,224 761,353 703,292 691,207 7,803,677Total current assets ...................... 1,191,614 1,070,668 921,352 921,669 818,964 9,916,069Total assets .................................. 2,096,545 1,850,068 1,641,700 1,597,903 1,524,232 17,446,495Depreciation and amortization .... 37,421 33,605 35,626 38,532 61,265 311,407

Note: Yen amounts are translated into US dollars for convenience only, at ¥120.17 = US$1, the prevailing exchange rate as of 31 March 2015.

Five-Year Summary


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Consolidated Balance SheetsAs of 31 March 2015 and 2014

Consolidated Financial Statements


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015

ASSETSCurrent assets:Cash and cash equivalents *NOTE 4 .................................... ¥ 932,261 ¥ 710,611 $ 7,757,854Receivables:

Notes and accounts receivables-trade *NOTE 4 .............. 316,826 310,694 2,636,483Allowance for doubtful accounts ................................... (4,156) (4,804) (34,590)

Inventories .......................................................................... 314,391 276,285 2,616,222Deferred tax assets ............................................................ 115,015 105,064 957,109Other ................................................................................... 334,391 392,982 2,782,651Total current assets ............................................................ 2,008,729 1,790,832 16,715,730

Property, plant and equipment: Land *NOTE 5.......................................................................... 259,540 238,532 2,159,774Buildings and structures *NOTE 5 .......................................... 403,922 385,797 3,361,255Machinery, equipment, vehicles .......................................... 1,280,563 1,120,381 10,656,269Tools, furniture and fixtures .................................................. 391,797 378,011 3,260,357Construction in progress ................................................... 70,456 96,560 586,310

2,406,280 2,219,283 20,023,967Accumulated depreciation ................................................ (1,610,388 ) (1,524,862 ) (13,400,915)Total property, plant and equipment ................................. 795,892 694,420 6,623,051

Investments and other assets:Investment securities *NOTE 4 .............................................. 341,325 270,329 2,840,355Investments in affiliates *NOTE 4 ........................................... 59,544 55,699 495,501Assets for retirement benefits *NOTE 7 ................................. 1,860 15,862 15,484Deferred tax assets ............................................................ 19,985 20,924 166,311Other ................................................................................... 25,462 26,005 211,889

Total investments and other assets ............................... 448,179 388,821 3,729,543Total assets ......................................................................... ¥3,252,800 ¥2,874,074 $27,068,326

The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.


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Consolidated Financial Statements


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETSCurrent liabilities:Short-term loans payable *NOTE 4 and 5 ................................. ¥ 177,805 ¥ 197,413 $ 1,479,615Current portion of long-term loans payable *NOTE 4 and 5 ..... 104,145 38,748 866,650Accounts payable-trade *NOTE 4 ......................................... 479,950 433,819 3,993,925Income taxes payable ....................................................... 21,797 46,628 181,392Accrued expenses *NOTE 4 .................................................. 181,217 171,274 1,508,005Provision for product warranties ........................................ 60,305 61,447 501,835Deferred tax liabilities ............................................................ 6,190 967 51,517Other *NOTE 5 ........................................................................ 121,188 106,634 1,008,479Total current liabilities ......................................................... 1,152,601 1,056,933 9,591,423

Noncurrent liabilities:Long-term loans payable *NOTE 4 and 5 ................................. 272,717 209,166 2,269,426Liabilities for retirement benefits *NOTE 7 ............................. 40,791 36,918 339,450Provision for disaster ......................................................... 8,923 16,596 74,260Deferred tax liabilities ........................................................ 43,766 29,179 364,208Other *NOTE 5 ......................................................................... 32,609 30,923 271,357Total noncurrent liabilities .................................................. 398,808 322,783 3,318,703Total liabilities ..................................................................... 1,551,409 1,379,717 12,910,126

Net assets:Shareholders’ equity: *NOTE 11 Capital stock:

Common stock: Authorized-1,500,000,000 shares Issued,as of 31 March 2015 – 561,047,304 .............................. 138,014 — 1,148,495as of 31 March 2014 – 561,047,304 .............................. — 138,014 —

Capital surplus ................................................................... 144,364 144,364 1,201,337Retained earnings ............................................................. 1,082,440 1,008,555 9,007,576Treasury stock .................................................................... (62) (57) (517)Total shareholders’ equity .................................................. 1,364,757 1,290,877 11,356,893

Accumulated other comprehensive income:Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities ........ 158,788 104,745 1,321,361Deferred gains or losses on hedges ................................. 679 131 5, 654Foreign currency translation adjustment .......................... (42,997) (72,898) (357,806)Accumulated adjustment for retirement benefits ............. 864 3,867 7,190Total accumulated other comprehensive income ............ 117,333 35,846 976,399

Subscription rights to shares *NOTE 14 ............................ 250 168 2,088Minority interests ............................................................. 219,048 167,464 1,822,818Total net assets ¥1,701,390 ¥1,494,357 $14,158,199Commitments and contingent liabilities *NOTE 15 Total liabilities and net assets ............................................ ¥3,252,800 ¥2,874,074 $27,068,326

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Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income(Consolidated Statements of Income)Years ended 31 March 2015 and 2014


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015

Net sales .............................................................................. ¥3,015,461 ¥2,938,314 $25,093,298Cost of sales ....................................................................... 2,190,309 2,142,754 18,226,758

Gross profit ......................................................................... 825,152 795,559 6,866,540

Selling, general and administrative expenses ............... 645,727 607,812 5,373,449Operating income .............................................................. 179,424 187,747 1,493,091

Other income (expenses):Interest and dividend income............................................ 25,259 18,441 210,200Interest expense ................................................................ (9,433) (6,158) (78,505)Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliates .............................. (1,454) (115) (12,105)Other, net ............................................................................ (549) (2,823) (4,569)

Income before income taxes ......................................... 193,246 197,090 1,608,111

Income taxes: *NOTE 8

Current ................................................................................ 70,589 67,212 587,415Deferred ............................................................................. (4,970) 2,387 (41,362)

65,619 69,600 546,052

Income before minority interests ....................................... 127,627 127,489 1,062,058Minority interests in income ............................................... 30,765 20,005 256,014

Net income .......................................................................... ¥ 96,862 ¥ 107,484 $ 806,044

Yen US dollars

Net income per share:Primary ............................................................................... ¥ 172.67 ¥ 191.60 $ 1.44Fully diluted ........................................................................ 172.63 191.57 1.44

Cash dividends per share ................................................. 27.00 24.00 0.22

The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.

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Consolidated Financial Statements


(Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income)Years ended 31 March 2015 and 2014


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015

Income before minority interests ..................................... ¥127,627 ¥127,489 $1,062,058

Other comprehensive income *NOTE 12

Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities ........ 57,734 47,596 480,437Deferred gains or losses on hedges ................................. 587 (1,196) 4,884Foreign currency translation adjustment .......................... 46,774 27,555 389,233Adjustment for retirement benefits .................................... (3,005) — (25,012)Share of other comprehensive income of associatesaccounted for using equity method .................................. 3,489 7,504 29,038Total other comprehensive income ................................... 105,579 81,459 878,581

Comprehensive income .................................................... 233,206 208,949 1,940,639Comprehensive income attributable to:

Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent 178,312 187,105 1,483,833Comprehensive income attributable to minority interests 54,894 21,844 456,806

The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.

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Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net AssetsYears ended 31 March 2015 and 2014 Millions of yen


Thousands of shares

of common stock

Capital stock

Capital surplus

Retained earnings

Treasury stock

Total other comprehen-sive income

Subscriptionrights to shares

Minority interests

Balance as of 31 March 2013 561,047 ¥138,014 ¥144,364 ¥912,304 ¥(86) ¥(47,642) ¥84 ¥151,513

Dividends from surplus .. — — — (11,220) — — — —Net income ................. — — — 107,484 — — — —Purchase of treasury stock . — — — — (5) — — —Disposal of treasury stock .. — — (13) — 35 — — —Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury stock . — — 13 (13) — — — —Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity .... — — — — — 83,488 83 15,950

Balance as of 31 March 2014 561,047 ¥138,014 ¥144,364 ¥1,008,555 ¥(57) ¥35,846 ¥168 ¥167,464

Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies ........................... — — — (8,118) — — — —

Balance as of 31 March 2014reflectedchangesin accounting policies

561,047 ¥138,014 ¥144,364 ¥1,000,437 ¥(57) ¥35,846 ¥168 ¥167,464

Dividends from surplus .. — — — (13,464) — — — —Net income ................. — — — 96,862 — — — —Effects of changes of fiscal year ................... — — — (1,384) — — — —Purchase of treasury stock . — — — — (30) — — —Disposal of treasury stock .. — — (9) — 25 — — —Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury stock . — — 9 (9) — — — —Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity .. — — — — — 81,487 81 51,583

Balance as of 31 March 2015 561,047 ¥138,014 ¥144,364 ¥1,082,440 ¥(62) ¥117,333 ¥250 ¥219,048

Thousands of US dollarsThousands of shares

of common stock

Capital stock

Capital surplus

Retained earnings

Treasury stock

Total other comprehen-sive income

Subscriptionrights to shares

Minority interests

Balance as of 31 March 2014 561,047 $1,148,495 $1,201,337 $8,392,738 $(477) $298,296 $1,405 $1,393,565

Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies ........................... — — — (67,557) — — — —

Balance as of 31 March 2014reflectedchangesin accounting policies

561,047 $1,148,495 $1,201,337 $8,325,181 $(477) $298,296 $1,405 $1,393,565

Dividends from surplus .. — — — (112,049) — — — —Net income ................. — — — 806,044 — — — —Effects of changes of fiscal year ................... — — — (11,521) — — — —Purchase of treasury stock .. — — — — (252) — — —Disposal of treasury stock .. — — (77) — 212 — — —Transfer of loss on disposal of treasury stock ............. — — 77 (77) — — — —Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity ... — — — — — 678,102 682 429,253

Balance as of 31 March 2015 561,047 $1,148,495 $1,201,337 $9,007,576 $(517) $976,399 $2,088 $1,822,818

The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.

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Consolidated Financial Statements


Consolidated Statements of Cash FlowsYears ended 31 March 2015 and 2014


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Cashflowsfromoperatingactivities

Income before income taxes ............................................. ¥193,246 ¥197,090 $1,608,111Depreciation and amortization .......................................... 134,377 117,188 1,118,228Impairment loss ................................................................. 969 1,029 8,067Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts (867) (699) (7,216)Interest and dividends income .......................................... (25,259) (18,441) (210,200)Interest expenses .............................................................. 9,433 6,158 78,505Foreign exchange losses (gains) ...................................... 4,804 6,718 39,981Equity in (earnings) losses of affiliates .............................. 1,454 115 12,105Loss (gain) on sales of property, plant and equipment ... 102 (290) 850Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade (9,242) (49,559) (76,914)Decrease (increase) in inventories ................................... (37,179) (10) (309,392)Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade 44,390 72,664 369,398Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses ...................... 2,542 12,680 21,155Other, net ............................................................................ 15,838 7,126 131,804Sub-total 334,611 351,772 2,784,485Interest and dividends income received .......................... 25,347 18,999 210,933Interest expenses paid ...................................................... (8,108) (5,646) (67,475)Income taxes paid ............................................................. (96,813) (42,209) (805,640)Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 255,037 322,915 2,122,302

CashflowsfrominvestingactivitiesPayments into time deposits ............................................. (79,661) (77,477) (662,905)Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits...................... 136,236 38,842 1,133,695Purchases of short-term investment securities ................ (193,152) (209,912) (1,607,325)Proceeds from sales of short-term investment securities 206,239 165,156 1,716,227Purchases of property, plant and equipment ................... (192,694) (204,739) (1,603,516)Other, net ............................................................................ 2,123 1,570 17,674Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (120,909) (286,559) (1,006,149)

CashflowsfromfinancingactivitiesNet increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable ...... (26,353) 24,691 (219,297)Proceeds from long-term loans payable .......................... 173,000 30,000 1,439,627Repayment of long-term loans payable ........................... (45,191) (38,488) (376,066)Purchase of treasury stock ................................................ (30) (5) (252)Cash dividends paid ......................................................... (13,466) (11,219) (112,062)Cash dividends paid to minority shareholders ................. (3,456) (2,133) (28,765)Other, net ............................................................................ (28) (35) (236)Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 84,472 2,809 702,945

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 5,042 10,342 41,962Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 223,643 49,508 1,861,060Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 710,611 661,102 5,913,381Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resultingfromchangeoffiscalyearofsubsidiaries (2,039) — (16,969)Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resulting from change of scope of consolidation 45 — 382Cash and cash equivalents at end of period *NOTE 10 ¥932,261 ¥710,611 $7,757,854

The accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.

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Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to Consolidated Financial StatementsNOTE 1:Basisofpresentingconsolidatedfinancialstatements

The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Suzuki Motor Corporation (The Company), consolidated Subsidiaries, and Affiliates (The Group) have been prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and practices in Japan, and the consolidated financial statements were filed with the Financial Services Agency as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan.The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires the management to select and adopt accounting standards and make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities, revenue and expenses, and the cor-responding methods of disclosure.As such, the management’s estimates are made reasonably based on historical results. But due to the inherent uncertainty in-volved in making estimates, actual results could differ from these estimates.For the convenience of readers outside Japan, certain reclassifications and modifications have been made to the original consoli-dated financial statements.As permitted, an amount of less than one million yen has been omitted. For the convenience of readers, the consolidated financial statements, including the opening balance of shareholders’ equity, have been presented in US dollars by translating all Japanese yen amounts on the basis of 120.17 to US$1, the rate of exchange prevailing as of 31 March 2015. Consequently, the totals shown in the consolidated financial statements (both in yen and in US dollars) do not necessarily agree with the sum of the individual amounts.

NOTE 2:Summaryofsignificantaccountingpolicies(a) Principles of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements for the years ended 31 March 2015 and 2014, include the accounts of The Group. And the numbers of consolidated subsidiaries are both 133. All significant inter-company accounts and transactions are eliminated in consolidation. Investments in affiliated companies are accounted for by the equity method.The difference at the time of acquisition between the cost and underlying net equity of investments in consolidated subsidiar-ies (goodwill) and in affiliated companies accounted for under the equity method is, as a rule, amortized on a straight-line basis over a period of five years after appropriate adjustments.Consolidated subsidiaries that settled the account in 31 December without provisional account settlement as of consolidated account settlement date were consolidated with the financial statements based on their financial statements as of 31 Decem-ber and made necessary adjustments for consolidation regarding important transactions that occurred between 31 December and consolidated account settlement date. From this consolidated fiscal year, Suzuki Motor Iberica, S.A.U. and other 5 subsidiaries have changed the settlement date from 31 December to 31 March and Suzuki Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and other 16 subsidiaries have been consolidated based on the financial statements of provisional account as of consolidated account settlement date. As a result, subsidiary which has been consolidated based on the financial statements as of 31 December is 1 subsidiary.With regard to these changing mentioned above, the net income (loss) of three months from 1 January to 31 March 2014 has been recognized in retained earnings.As a result, retained earnings decreased by ¥1,384 million from the beginning of this consolidated fiscal year.The account settlement date of Magyar Suzuki Corporation Ltd. and other 4 subsidiaries is 31 December, but they are con-tinuously consolidated based on the financial statements of provisional account settlement as of 31 March.The account settlement date of other consolidated subsidiaries is the same as the consolidated account settlement date.

(b) Allowance for doubtful accountsIn order to allow for loss from bad debts, estimated uncollectible amount based on actual ratio of bad debt is appropriated as to general receivable. As for specific receivable with higher default possibility, recoverable amount is estimated respectively and uncollectible amount is appropriated.

(c) Allowance for investment lossThe differences between the book value and the fair value of securities and investment not quoted at an exchange are deter-mined and appropriated as reserve in order to allow for losses from these investments.

(d) Provision for product warrantiesThe provision is appropriated into this account based on the warranty agreement and past experience in order to allow for expenses related to the maintenance service of products sold.

(e) Provision for directors’ bonusesIn order to defray bonuses for directors and company auditors, estimated amount of such bonuses is appropriated.

(f) Provisionfordirectors’retirementbenefitsThe amount to be paid at the end of fiscal year had been posted pursuant to The Company’s regulations on the retirement allowance of Directors and Company Auditors. However, The Company’s retirement benefit system for them was abolished at the closure of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 June 2006. And it was approved at Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders that reappointed Directors and Company Auditors were paid their retirement benefit at the time of their retirement, based on their years of service. Estimated amount of such retirement benefits is appropriated at the end of the current consolidated fiscal year. Furthermore, for the Directors and Company Auditors of some consolidated subsidiaries, the amount to be paid at the end of the year was posted pursuant to their regulation on the retirement allowance of Directors and Company Auditors.

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Consolidated Financial Statements


(g) Provision for disasterReasonably estimated amount is appropriated for anticipated loss mainly caused by relocation of plants and facilities located in the Ryuyo Region in Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture where massive tsunami damages caused by Tokai and Tonankai Earth-quake are anticipated.

(h) Provision for product liabilitiesWith regards to the products exported to North American market, to prepare for the payment of compensation, not covered by “Product Liability Insurance” the anticipated amount to be borne by The Group is computed and provided on the basis of actual results in the past.

(i) Provision for recycling expensesThe provision is appropriated for an estimated expense related to the recycle of products of The Company based on actual sales.

( j) Short-term investment securities and Investment securitiesThe Company and its subsidiaries hold securities of listed companies, which have a risk of price fluctuations, and non-listed companies whose stock prices are difficult to be evaluated.If we judge the decline in investment value is not temporary, we recognize revaluation loss based on the reasonable standard. If the stock market falls, we may incur significant loss on valuation of securities.Securities have to be classified into four categories: trading securities; held-to-maturity debt securities; investments of The Company in equity securities issued by consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates; and available-for-sale securities.According to this classification, securities held by The Company and its subsidiaries are available-for-sale securities. Avail-able-for-sale securities for which market quotations are available are stated at market value method based on the market values as of the consolidated account settlement date (The evaluation differences shall be reported as other comprehensive income, and sales costs shall be calculated mainly by the moving average method).Available-for-sale securities for which market quotations are unavailable are stated at cost by a moving average method.

(k) Hedge accountingGains or losses arising from changes in fair value of the derivatives designated as “hedging instruments” are deferred until the gains and losses on the hedged items or transactions are recognized.If foreign currency forward contracts meet certain criteria, exceptional hedge accounting is applied and these contracts are handled together with hedged items. If interest rate swap contracts meet certain criteria, special exceptional hedge account-ing is applied and these contracts are handled together with hedged items. If cross currency interest rate swap contracts meet certain criteria, integration method (special exceptional method and exceptional method) is applied and these contracts are handled together with hedged items.The derivatives designated as hedging instruments by The Company and its subsidiaries are principally forward exchange contracts, interest swaps and cross currency interest rate swaps. The related hedged items are foreign currency denominated transaction and borrowings.The Company and its subsidiaries have a policy to utilize the above hedging instruments in order to reduce our exposure to the risk of interest rate and foreign exchange fluctuation. Thus, our purchases of the hedging instruments are limited to, at maximum, the amounts of the hedged items. The Company and its subsidiaries evaluate effectiveness of its hedging activities by reference to the accumulated gains or losses on the hedging instruments and the related hedged items from the com-mencement of the hedges.

(l) Foreign currency translationAll monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, whether long-term or short-term are translated into Japanese yen at the exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date. Resulting gains and losses are included in net income or loss for the period.Assets and liabilities of the foreign subsidiaries and affiliates are translated into Japanese yen at the exchange rates pre-vailing at the balance sheet date.The components of net assets are translated into Japanese yen at their historical rates. Profit and loss accounts for the fiscal year are translated into Japanese yen using the average exchange rate during the fiscal year. Differences in yen amounts arising from the use of different rates are presented as “foreign currency translation adjustments” and “minority interests” in the net assets.

(m) InventoriesStated at cost mainly determined by the gross average method (Figures on the consolidated balance sheet are measured by the method of book devaluation based on the reduction of profitability).

(n) Methodofdepreciationandamortizationofsignificantdepreciableassetsa. Property, plant and equipment (excluding lease assets)

................. Mainly declining balance method for The Company and domestic subsidiaries and mainly straight-line method for foreign subsidiaries.Main durable years are as follows:Buildings and structures 3 to 75 yearsMachinery, equipment and vehicles 3 to 15 years

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Consolidated Financial Statements

b. Intangible assets (excluding lease assets) ................. Straight-line method

c. Lease assetsFinance lease which transfer ownership ................. The same method as depreciation and amortization of self-owned noncurrent assets.Finance lease which do not transfer ownership ................. Straight-line method with the lease period as the durable years. As to lease assets with guaranteed residual

value under lease agreement, remaining value is the guaranteed residual value. And as to other lease as-sets, remaining value would be zero.

(o) Income taxesThe provision for income taxes is computed based on the income before income taxes included in the consolidated state-ments of income. The assets and liability approach is adopted to recognize deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax bases of assets and liabilities.In making a valuation for the possibility of collection of deferred tax assets, The Company and its subsidiaries estimate their fu-ture taxable income reasonably. If the estimated amount of future taxable income decrease, deferred tax assets may decrease and income taxes expenses may be posted.Consolidated tax payment has been applied to The Company and its domestic wholly owned subsidiaries since the fiscal year ended 31 March 2012.

(p)RetirementbenefitsWith regard to calculation of retirement benefit obligations, benefit formula basis method was used to attribute expected benefit to period up to the end of this fiscal year. With regard to past service costs, they are treated as expense on a straight-line basis over the certain years within the period of average length of employees’ remaining service years at the time when it occurs. As for the actuarial gain or loss, the amounts, prorated on a straight-line basis over the certain years within the period of average length of employees’ remaining service years in each year in which the differences occur, are respectively treated as expenses from the next term of the year in which they arise.Retirement benefit cost and retirement benefit obligation are calculated based on the actuarial assumptions, which include discount rate, assumed return of investment ratio, revaluation ratio, salary rise ratio, retirement ratio and mortality ratio. Dis-count rate is decided on the basis of yield on low-risk, long-term bonds, and assumed return of investment ratio is decided based on the investment policies of pension assets of each pension system etc.Decreased yield on long-term bond leads to a decrease in discount rate and has an adverse influence on the calculation of retirement benefit cost. However, the pension system adopted by The Company has a cash balance type plan, and thus the revaluation ratio, which is one of the base ratios, can reduce adverse effects caused by a decrease in the discount rate.If the investment yield of pension assets is less than the assumed return of investment ratio, it will have an adverse effect on the calculation of retirement benefit cost. But by focusing on low-risk investments, this influence should be minimal in the case of the pension fund systems of The Company and its subsidiaries.

(q) Net income per sharePrimary net income per share is computed based on the weighted average number of shares issued during the respective years. Fully diluted net income per share is computed assuming that all stock options are exercised. Cash dividends per share are the amounts applicable to the respective periods including dividends to be paid after the end of the period.

(r) Cash and cash equivalentsAll highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less when purchased are considered cash equivalents.

(s) ReclassificationCertain reclassifications of previously reported amounts are made to conform to current classifications.

NOTE 3: Changes in accounting policies(a)Applicationofaccountingstandardforretirementbenefits

Body text stipulated in article 35 of the Accounting Standard for Retirement Benefits (Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) Statement No.26 of 17 May 2012) and article 67 of the Guidance on Accounting Standard for Retirement Benefits (ASBJ Guidance No.25 of 26 March 2015) have been applied from this consolidated fiscal year. The revision of the calculation method for retirement benefit obligations and service costs, with the changing method of attrib-uting benefits to accounting periods from the straight-line basis method to the benefit formula basis, and the changing method of determination of the discount rate from the method of determination the bonds period by using the approximate number of years of the average remaining service period of employees which is based on determination of the discount rate to a single weighted average discount rate reflecting the estimated timing and amount of benefit payment, have been applied from this consolidated fiscal year.In accordance with transitional accounting as stipulated in article 37 of the Accounting Standard for Retirement Benefits, the effect of the changes in accounting policies arising from initial application is recognized in retained earnings from the begin-ning of this consolidated fiscal year.

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Consolidated Financial Statements


As a result, assets for retirement benefits decreased by ¥10,357 million, liabilities for retirement benefits increased by ¥1,885 million and retained earnings decreased by ¥8,118 million from the beginning of this consolidated fiscal year. Influences by the above-mentioned on operating income and income before income taxes for this consolidated fiscal year are insignificant.

(b) New accounting standards not yet applied• Accounting Standard for Business Combinations (ASBJ Statement No.21 of 13 September 2013)• Accounting Standard for Consolidated Financial Statements (ASBJ Statement No.22 of 13 September 2013)• Accounting Standard for Business Divestitures (ASBJ Statement No.7 of 13 September 2013)• Accounting Standard for Earnings Per Share (ASBJ Statement No.2 of 13 September 2013)• Guidance on Accounting Standard for Business Combinations and Accounting Standard for Business Divestitures (ASBJ

Guidance No.10 of 13 September 2013)• Guidance on Accounting Standard for Earnings Per Share (ASBJ Guidance No.4 of 13 September 2013)

a. OverviewThe accounting methods for difference arising from a change in ownership interest in a subsidiary when the Company con-tinues to have control because of additional acquisition of shares of the subsidiary, treatment of acquisition-related costs, expression of net income, etc. and expression of minority interests to non-controlling interests, provisional accounting treat-ments and others have been revised.

b. Application dateThese accounting standards will be applied from the beginning of the consolidated fiscal year on and after 1 April 2015. Provi-sional accounting treatments will be applied to business combinations to be performed on and after 1 April 2015.

c. Effect of applying accounting standardThe effect in the consolidated financial statements as a result of the adoption of these accounting standards is currently unconfirmed.

NOTE 4: Financial Instruments(a)Mattersforconditionsoffinancialinstruments

a.PolicyforfinancialinstrumentsAs for the fund management, The Group uses short-term deposits and short-term investment securities, and as for the fund-raising, The Group uses borrowings from financial institutions such as banks and issuance of bonds. The Group uses derivatives to hedge and manage the risks of interest rates and exchange rates fluctuations, and does not use derivatives for speculation purposes.

b.Typeoffinancialinstruments,risksandriskmanagementWith respect to customers’ credit risks from operating receivables such as notes and accounts receivables-trade, in order to mitigate the risks, The Group identifies credit standing of major counterparties and manages due date and receivable balance of each counterparty in line with our rules and regulations for credit control. The Group hedges risks of exchange rate fluctuations from operating receivables denominated in foreign currency by forward exchange contract in principle.Investment securities are mainly stocks of companies with which The Group has business relationship, and as for listed stocks, The Group quarterly identifies those fair values and reports them to the Board of Directors.Basically, accounts payable-trade is due within one year.Applications of borrowings are fund for operating capital (mainly short-term) and capital expenditures (long-term), and The Group uses interest-rate swaps or cross currency interest rate swaps for the risks of fluctuation in interest rate and ex-change rate of some long-term borrowings.Objectives of derivative transactions are foreign currency forward contracts to hedge the risks of exchange rate fluctuations related to receivables denominated in foreign currencies, interest rate swaps to hedge the risks of fluctuations in interest rate related to borrowings, and cross currency interest rate swaps to hedge the risk of fluctuation in exchange rate and interest rate related to borrowings. The Group executes and manages derivatives within the actual demand in line with our rules and regulations which set out the authority to trade. In addition, in using derivatives, The Group deals with financial institutions which have high credit grade in order to reduce credit risks. With respect to hedge accounting, also please see Note 2 (k).In addition, each company of The Group manages liquidity risk related to accounts payable and borrowings by making a financial plan.

c.SupplementtofairvaluesoffinancialinstrumentsFair values of financial instruments include values based on quoted prices in active markets and values assessed by ratio-nal valuation techniques in case quoted prices are not available. Because the rational valuation techniques include variable factors, the results of valuation may differ when different assumption is applied.

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Consolidated Financial Statements

(b)MattersforfairvaluesofthefinancialinstrumentsCarrying amounts in the consolidated balance sheet, fair values and difference as of 31 March 2015 and 2014 were as fol-lows. Financial instruments whose fair value cannot be reliably determined are not included in the below table.

Millions of yen2015 2014

Carrying amount Fair value Difference Carrying

amount Fair value Difference

Cash and deposits ¥457,513 ¥457,513 ¥ — ¥358,851 ¥358,851 ¥ —Notes and accounts receivables-trade 316,826 318,567 1,741 310,694 311,221 527Short-term investment securities and Investment securities

Available-for-sale securitiesInvestments in affiliates







Total of assets 1,782,304 1,784,098 1,794 1,533,573 1,533,838 265Accounts payable-trade 479,950 479,950 — 433,819 433,819 —Short-term loans payable 177,805 177,805 — 197,413 197,413 —Current portion of long-term loans payable 104,145 103,768 377 38,748 38,779 (31)Accrued expenses 181,217 181,217 — 171,274 171,274 —Long-term loans payable 272,717 268,346 4,370 209,166 207,874 1,291

Total of liabilities 1,215,834 1,211,087 4,747 1,050,421 1,049,160 1,260Derivatives

Hedge accounting is appliedHedge accounting is not applied







Thousands of US dollars2015

Carrying amount Fair value Difference

Cash and deposits $3,807,223 $3,807,223 $ —Notes and accounts receivables-trade 2,636,483 2,650,976 14,492Short-term investment securities and Investment securities

Available-for-sale securitiesInvestments in affiliates




Total of assets 14,831,524 14,846,458 14,933Accounts payable-trade 3,993,925 3,993,925 —Short-term loans payable 1,479,615 1,479,615 —Current portion of long-term loans payable 866,650 863,511 3,139Accrued expenses 1,508,005 1,508,005 —Long-term loans payable 2,269,426 2,233,061 36,365

Total of liabilities 10,117,623 10,078,119 39,504Derivatives

Hedge accounting is appliedHedge accounting is not applied




* Assets or liabilities derived from derivatives are shown on a net basis and net liabilities are shown as ( ).

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Consolidated Financial Statements


*1.MattersformethodsusedtomeasurefairvaluesoffinancialinstrumentsAssets:a. Cash and deposits

Because fair values of deposits are approximately equal to the book values, book values are used as fair values.

b. Notes and accounts receivables-tradeFair values of sales finance receivables are calculated on the discount method by the expected rate applied to new loan contract, on each receivable classified into a certain term. Notes and accounts receivables-trade except sales finance are settled in short term and those fair values are ap-proximately equal to the book values. So book values are used as fair values.

c. Short-term investment securities and Investment securitiesAs to these fair values, fair values of stock are prices of exchanges. As to negotiable certificate of deposit and other types of securities, book values are used as fair values because they are settled in short term and those fair values are approximately equal to the book values.

Liabilities:a. Accounts payable-trade, Short-term loans payable and Accrued expenses

Because these are settled in short term and those fair values are approximately equal to the book values, such book values are used.

b. Current portion of long-term loans payable and Long-term loans payableThese fair values are measured by discounting based on the estimated interest rates at which similar new loans with same amount of principal and interest could have been borrowed.

Derivatives:Please refer to Note 4 (d) Derivative transactions.

*2. Financial instruments whose fair value cannot be reliably determined as of 31 March 2015 and 2014

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Available-for-sale securities

Unlisted stock other than stocks of affiliates ¥18,748 ¥18,747 $156,013Unlisted stock of affiliates ............................. 23,084 17,077 192,098Others ............................................................ 119 557 997

Those fair values cannot be reliably measured because market values are unavailable and future cash flows cannot be estimated. So they are not included in “short-term investment securities and investment securities”.

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Consolidated Financial Statements

*3. The amounts to be redeemed after the account settlement date of monetary receivables and available-for-sale securities

Millions of yen2015 2014

Within1 year

Over 1 year,Within

5 years

Over 5 years,Within

10 years

Within1 year

Over 1 year,Within

5 years

Over 5 years,Within

10 yearsCash and deposits ¥ 457,513 ¥ — ¥ — ¥ 358,851 ¥ — ¥ —Notes andaccounts receivables- trade 241,373 75,017 435 249,336 60,831 526

Securities and investmentsecurities with maturities 685,647 — — 612,489 — —Total ¥1,384,534 ¥75,017 ¥435 ¥1,220,677 ¥60,831 ¥526

Thousands of US dollars2015

Within1 year

Over 1 year,Within

5 years

Over 5 years,Within

10 yearsCash and deposits $ 3,807,223 $ — $ —Notes andaccounts receivables- trade 2,008,598 624,264 3,619Securities and investmentsecurities with maturities 5,705,647 — —Total $11,521,469 $624,264 $3,619

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Consolidated Financial Statements


(c) Securities

a. Available-for-sale securities with market value as of 31 March 2015 and 2014

Millions of yen

2015 2014 Acquisition

costCarrying Amount Difference


Carrying Amount Difference

Securities for which the carrying amount exceeds the acquisition costsStocks .................................................... ¥ 93,769 ¥ 320,628 ¥ 226,859 ¥ 91,865 ¥250,014 ¥158,148Bonds .................................................... — — — — — —Others .................................................... 249,238 263,329 14,090 175,441 181,767 6,325Sub-Total ¥343,008 ¥ 583,957 ¥ 240,949 ¥267,307 ¥431,782 ¥164,474

Securities for which the carrying amount does not exceed the acquisition costsStocks .................................................... ¥ 1,549 ¥ 1,191 ¥ (358) ¥ 1,928 ¥ 1,567 ¥ (361)Bonds .................................................... — — — 5,000 5,000 —Others .................................................... 422,198 422,198 — 425,164 425,164 —Sub-Total ¥423,748 ¥ 423,389 ¥ (358) ¥432,093 ¥431,732 ¥ (361)Total ¥766,756 ¥1,007,347 ¥ 240,591 ¥699,401 ¥863,514 ¥164,113

Thousands of US dollars

2015 Acquisition

costCarrying Amount Difference

Securities for which the carrying amount exceeds the acquisition costsStocks .................................................... $ 780,304 $ 2,668,124 $1,887,819Bonds .................................................... — — —Others .................................................... 2,074,052 2,191,308 117,255Sub-Total $ 2,854,357 $ 4,859,432 $2,005,075

Securities for which the carrying amount does not exceed the acquisition costsStocks .................................................... $ 12,898 $ 9,913 $ (2,984)Bonds .................................................... — — —Others .................................................... 3,513,341 3,513,341 —Sub-Total $ 3,526,239 $3,523,254 $ (2,984)Total $ 6,380,596 $ 8,382,687 $2,002,090

b. Available-for-sale securities sold during 2015 and 2014

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Amounts sold ..................................................................... ¥206,255 ¥165,779 $1,716,364Gains on sales of available-for-sale securities ................. — 17 —Loss on sales of available-for-sale securities .................. — 0 —

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Consolidated Financial Statements

(d) Derivative transactionsThe contract/notional amounts of derivatives which are shown in the below table do not represent The Group’s exposure to market risk. As to fair values of derivatives which are shown in the below tables, commodity transactions are valued based on market price. Other transactions are valued based on the price offered by financial institutions.

a. Derivative transactions to which hedge accounting is not applied as of 31 March 2015 and 2014

Currency related transactions (non-market transactions) Millions of yen


2015 2014Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Foreign currency forward contracts

BuyingUSD ¥ 3,746 — ¥394 ¥394 ¥17,687 — ¥(142) ¥(142)EUR 1,694 — (16) (16) — — — —JPY 14,550 — (43) (43) 11,405 — (262) (262)Total ¥19,990 — ¥333 ¥333 ¥29,093 — ¥(404) ¥(404)

Thousands of US dollars


2015Contract/notional amount

Amount due after one year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Foreign currency forward contracts

BuyingUSD $31,175 — $3,279 $3,279EUR 14,098 — (138) (138)JPY 121,079 — (362) (362)Total $166,352 — $2,778 $2,778

Interest and currency related transactions (non-market transactions) Millions of yen


2015 2014Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Interest rate swapPay fixed receive floatingPay PHPreceive USD ¥ — ¥ — ¥ — ¥ — ¥1,200 ¥ — ¥ 84 ¥ 84Cross currency interest rate swapPay floating receive floatingPay INRreceive USD 5,568 2,784 1,323 1,323 7,153 4,769 1,536 1,536Pay fixed receive floatingPay IDRreceive USD 12,017 12,017 0 0 — — — —Pay fixed receive floatingPay IDRreceive JPY 10,000 10,000 (0) (0) — — — —

Total ¥27,585 ¥24,801 ¥1,323 ¥1,323 ¥8,353 ¥4,769 ¥1,620 ¥1,620

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Consolidated Financial Statements


Thousands of US dollars


2015Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Cross currency interest rate swapPay floating receive floatingPay INRreceive USD $ 46,340 $ 23,170 $11,012 $11,012Pay fixed receive floatingPay IDRreceive USD 100,000 100,000 0 0Pay fixed receive floatingPay IDRreceive JPY 83,215 83,215 (0) (0)

Total $229,555 $206,385 $11,012 $11,012

Commodity-related transactions (market transactions) Millions of yen


2015 2014Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Commodity Futures contract

Buying ¥1,304 — ¥(54) ¥(54) ¥4,545 — ¥(55) ¥(55)Total ¥1,304 — ¥(54) ¥(54) ¥4,545 — ¥(55) ¥(55)

Thousands of US dollars


2015Contract/notional amount

Amountdue afterone year

Fair value Gain (loss)

Commodity Futures contract

Buying $10,854 — $(450) $(450)Total $10,854 — $(450) $(450)

Earthquake-related transactionsFair values for derivative contract relating to earthquakes were not measured due to characteristic of instruments. So they are not accounted for at fair values.

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Consolidated Financial Statements

b. Derivative transactions to which hedge accounting is applied as of 31 March 2015 and 2014

Currency related transactions Millions of yen

Type2015 2014

Contract/notional amount

Amount due after one year Fair value Contract/

notional amountAmount due

after one year Fair value

Foreign currency forward contracts (Principle hedge accounting)Selling (Principal hedged item: Account receivable-trade)

USD ¥ 8,034 — ¥ 42 ¥ 3,847 — ¥ (35)EUR 21,695 — 1,012 1,367 — (7)CAD 414 — 11 80 — 0AUD 4,528 — 141 3,265 — (95)NZD 1,236 — 3 1,256 — (40)GBP 40 — 1 221 — (1)MXN 1,518 — 14 827 — (6)

Buying (Principal hedged item: Account payable-trade)USD — — — 70 — 2EUR 11,083 — (88) 7,225 — (3)

Foreign currency forward contracts (Exceptional hedge accounting)Selling (Principal hedged item: Account receivable-trade)

USD — — * 616 — *EUR 19,354 — * 8,947 — *CAD 51 — * 15 — *AUD 2,883 — * 2,039 — *NZD 375 — * 350 — *GBP 40 — * 301 — *MXN 492 — * 691 — *CNY 720 — * 56 — *

Buying (Principal hedged item: Account payable-trade)USD 3,649 — * — — *EUR 2,726 — * 679 — *JPY 895 — * — — *Total ¥79,742 — ¥1,139 ¥31,862 — ¥(188)

Thousands of US dollars


Contract/notional amount

Amount due after one year Fair value

Foreign currency forward contracts (Principle hedge accounting)Selling (Principal hedged item: Account receivable-trade)

USD $ 66,856 — $ 354EUR 180,537 — 8,424CAD 3,447 — 95AUD 37,687 — 1,180NZD 10,292 — 25GBP 334 — 10MXN 12,635 — 124

Buying (Principal hedged item: Account payable-trade)EUR 92,235 — (734)

Foreign currency forward contracts (Exceptional hedge accounting)Selling (Principal hedged item: Account receivable-trade)

EUR 161,061 — *CAD 426 — *AUD 23,995 — *NZD 3,126 — *

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Consolidated Financial Statements


GBP 336 — *MXN 4,101 — *CNY 5,993 — *

Buying (Principal hedged item: Account payable-trade)USD 30,370 — *EUR 22,688 — *JPY 7,454 — *Total $663,581 — $9,481

* Because these foreign currency forward contracts are handled together with hedged items, their fair values are included in that of hedged items.

Interest and currency related transactions Millions of yen

Type Principal hedged item

2015 2014Contract/

notional amountAmount due

after one year Fair value Contract/notional amount

Amount due after one year Fair value

Interest rate swap (Principle hedge accounting)Pay fixed receive floating

Long-termdebt ¥ 63,500 ¥ 63,500 ¥(32) ¥ — ¥ — ¥ —

Cross currency interest rate swap (Principle hedge accounting)Pay fixed receive floatingPay JPYreceive USD


— — — 121,243 121,243 (73)Pay fixed receive floatingPay IDRreceive USD 8,919 4,026 (18) 3,782 2,319 2Pay fixed receive floatingPay THBreceive USD 14,962 14,962 (16) 12,940 12,940 311Cross currency interest rate swap (Integration hedge accounting)Pay fixed receive floatingPay JPYreceive USD


98,000 98,000 * — — —Pay fixed receive floatingPay CNYreceive JPY Long-term

debt receivable

243 243 * — — —Pay fixed receive floatingPay INRreceive USD 2,913 2,913 * — — —

Total ¥188,538 ¥183,645 ¥(67) ¥137,965 ¥136,502 ¥240

Thousands of US dollars

Type Principal hedged item


notional amountAmount due

after one year Fair value

Interest rate swap (Principle hedge accounting)Pay fixed receive floating

Long-termdebt $528,418 $528,418 $ (274)

Cross currency interest rate swap (Principle hedge accounting)Pay fixed receive floatingPay IDRreceive USD

Long-termdebt 74,225 33,506 (149)

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Consolidated Financial Statements

NOTE 5: Short-term debt and long-term debtShort-term debt as of 31 March 2015 and 2014 were as follows. The annual interest rates of short-term debt as of 31 March 2015 were from 0.15 percent to 10.5 percent.

As is customary in Japan, both short-term and long-term bank loans are subject to general agreements which provide that the banks may, under certain circ*mstances, request additional security for those loans, and may treat any security furnished to the banks, as well as cash deposited with them, as security for all present and future indebtedness.

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Short-term loans payable and current portion of Long-term loans payable

Unsecured ......................................................................... ¥281,950 ¥236,161 $2,346,265Lease obligations due within one year ................................. 43 46 365

¥281,994 ¥236,207 $2,346,631

Long-term debt as of 31 March 2015 and 2014 were as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Long-term loans payable maturing through 2020

Secured .............................................................................. ¥ — ¥ 236 $ —Unsecured ......................................................................... 272,717 208,930 2,269,426

Lease obligations due more than one year .......................... 49 72 408Other interest-bearing debts (Long-term guarantee deposited) 13,731 13,655 114,270

¥286,497 ¥222,894 $2,384,104

Pay fixed receive floatingPay THBreceive USD

Long-termdebt 124,507 124,507 (135)

Cross currency interest rate swap (Integration hedge accounting)Pay fixed receive floatingPay JPYreceive USD

Long-termdebt 815,511 815,511 *

Pay fixed receive floatingPay CNYreceive JPY Long-term

debt receivable

2,022 2,022 *

Pay fixed receive floatingPay INRreceive USD

24,248 24,248 *

Total $1,568,932 $1,528,214 $(559)* Because these cross currency interest rate swap transactions are handled together with hedged items, their fair values are included in that of

hedged items.

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Consolidated Financial Statements


The aggregate annual maturities of long-term debt, excluding other interest-bearing debt, outstanding as of 31 March 2015 were as follows:

NOTE 6: Loan commitmentThe Company has the commitment line contract with five banks for effective financing. The outstanding balance of this contract as of 31 March 2015 and 2014 were as follows:

Year ending 31 March Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2017 ....................................................................................... ¥ 46,879 $ 390,1082018 ....................................................................................... 90,725 754,9752019 ....................................................................................... 50,160 417,4132020 ....................................................................................... 8,000 66,577Thereafter ............................................................................... 77,000 640,758

¥272,766 $2,269,834

Assets pledged as collateral as of 31 March 2015:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Buildings and structures ....................................................... ¥643 $5,352Land ....................................................................................... 97 807

¥740 $6,160

Secured liabilities as of 31 March 2015:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Others (noncurrent liabilities) ................................................ ¥448 $3,734

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Commitment line contract total ............................................. ¥200,000 ¥200,000 $1,664,308Actual loan balance ............................................................... — — —Variance ¥200,000 ¥200,000 $1,664,308

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Consolidated Financial Statements

NOTE 7:Retirementandseverancebenefit(Year ended 31 March 2014)1 Outlineofadoptedretirementbenefitsystems

As for The Company, cash balance corporate pension plan and lump-sum retirement benefit plan are established. And as for some of consolidated subsidiaries, defined benefit corporate pension plan and lump-sum retirement benefit plan are established. As for some foreign consolidated subsidiaries, defined contribution plan are established. Some consolidated subsidiaries adopt simplified methods for the calculation of retirement benefits.

2 Definedbenefitplan(a)Reconciliationofretirementbenefitobligationfromtheopeningbalancetotheclosingbalance

Millions of yen

Opening balance of retirement benefit obligation ¥108,739Service cost 6,024Interest cost 2,199Actuarial differences arised in current fiscal year (611)Retirement allowance paid (4,940)Past service cost arised in current fiscal year 159Others (475)

Closing balance of retirement benefit obligation ¥111,096

(b) Reconciliation of pension assets from the opening balance to the closing balance

Millions of yen

Opening balance of pension assets ¥83,842Expected return on pension assets 825Actuarial differences arised in current fiscal year 808Contribution from employers 8,028Retirement allowance paid (3,512)Others 48

Closing balance of pension assets ¥90,040

(c) Reconciliationbetweenclosingbalanceofretirementbenefitobligationandpensionassetsandnetamountofliability/assetforretirementbenefitsrecognizedinconsolidatedbalancesheet

Millions of yen

Defined benefit obligation of funded severance plan ¥82,668Plan asset (90,040)

(7,371)Defined benefit obligation of unfunded severance plan 28,427Net amount of liability and asset for retirement benefits recognized in consolidated balance sheet ¥21,056

Liability for retirement benefits ¥36,918Asset for retirement benefits (15,862)Net amount of liability and asset for retirement benefits recognized in consolidated balance sheet



Millions of yen

Service cost ¥6,024Interest cost 2,199Expected return on plan assets (825)Recognition of actuarial gains and losses 527Amortization of past service cost (636)Others (656)Total amount of retirement benefit expenses for defined benefit plans ¥6,633

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Consolidated Financial Statements


(Year ended 31 March 2015)1.Outlineofadoptedretirementbenefitsystems

As for The Company, cash balance corporate pension plan and lump-sum retirement benefit plan are established. And as for some of consolidated subsidiaries, defined benefit corporate pension plan and lump-sum retirement benefit plan are estab-lished. As for some foreign consolidated subsidiaries, defined contribution plan are established. Some consolidated subsidiaries adopt simplified methods for the calculation of retirement benefits.


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Opening balance of retirement benefit obligation ¥111,096 $ 924,494Cumulative effects of changes in accounting 12,243 101,882

Opening balance reflected changes in accounting ¥123,339 $1,026,377Service cost 6,638 55,245Interest cost 1,681 13,994Actuarial differences arised in current fiscal year 886 7,378Retirement allowance paid (4,751) (39,542)Past service cost arised in current fiscal year 5,322 44,294Others 301 2,505

Closing balance of retirement benefit obligation ¥133,418 $1,110,251

(e)Accumulatedadjustmentforretirementbenefit Breakdown of accumulated adjustment for retirement benefit recognized were as follows:

Millions of yen

Unrecognized past service cost ¥3,276Unrecognized actuarial gains and losses 2,742Total ¥6,018

(f) Plan assetsa. Major breakdown of pension assets

Portion of major components to total pension assets were as follows:

Debt securities 51.1%General account of life insurance companies 38.0%Others 10.9%Total 100.0%

b. Method to determine long-term expected return on plan assets Expected return on pension assets were determined by considering the current and anticipated future portfolio of pension assets and current and anticipated future long-term performance of various asset classes that comprise pension assets.

(g) Actuarial assumptions

Discount rate 2.00%Expected long-term return on pension assets 0.82%

3 DefinedcontributionplanContribution to defined contribution plan by The Company and consolidated subsidiaries was 216 million yen.

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Consolidated Financial Statements


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Service cost ¥6,638 $55,245Interest cost 1,681 13,994Expected return on plan assets (1,000) (8,322)Recognition of actuarial gain and losses 992 8,262Amortization of past service cost 117 981Others 46 384Total amount of retirement benefit expenses for defined benefit plans ¥8,477 $70,546

(e)AdjustmentforretirementbenefitBreakdown of adjustment for retirement benefit recognized were as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Past service cost ¥(5,140) $(42,780)Actuarial gains and losses 616 5,129Total ¥(4,524) $(37,650)

(f)AccumulatedadjustmentforretirementbenefitBreakdown of accumulated adjustment for retirement benefit recognized were as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Unrecognized past service cost ¥(1,864) $(15,513)Unrecognized actuarial gains and losses 3,344 27,828Total ¥1,479 $12,314


Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Defined benefit obligation of funded severance plan ¥95,065 $791,090Plan asset (94,487) (786,285)

577 4,804Defined benefit obligation of unfunded severance plan 38,353 319,161Net amount of liability and asset for retirement benefits recognized in consolidated balance sheet ¥38,930 $323,965

Liability for retirement benefits ¥40,791 $339,450Asset for retirement benefits (1,860) (15,484)Net amount of liability and asset for retirement benefitsrecognized in consolidated balance sheet ¥38,930 $323,965

(b) Reconciliation of pension assets from the opening balance to the closing balance

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

Opening balance of pension assets ¥90,040 $749,273Expected return on pension assets 1,000 8,322Actuarial differences arised in current fiscal year 454 3,785Contribution from employers 5,905 49,142Retirement allowance paid (3,364) (27,993)Others 451 3,755

Closing balance of pension assets ¥94,487 $786,285

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Consolidated Financial Statements


NOTE 8: Income taxesBreakdown of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities by their main occurrence causes were as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Deferred tax assets

Impairment loss and Excess-depreciation ....................... ¥ 57,418 ¥ 59,105 $ 477,811Various reserves ................................................................. 37,254 39,548 310,017Unrealized profits elimination ............................................ 24,197 20,876 201,359Loss on valuation of securities .......................................... 14,265 12,254 118,713Deferred assets ................................................................. 3,579 3,367 29,787Others ................................................................................. 75,362 82,757 627,134

Deferred tax assets sub-total .......................................... 212,078 217,910 1,764,824Valuation allowance ........................................................... (39,996) (54,930) (332,832)

Deferred tax assets total ................................................. ¥172,082 ¥162,980 $1,431,991

Deferred tax liabilitiesValuation difference on available-for-sale securities ........ ¥(76,700) ¥ (56,219) $(638,265)Variance from the complete market value method of consolidated subsidiaries ................................................. (5,811) (5,243) (48,357)Reserve for advanced depreciation of noncurrent assets ... (3,450) (3,603) (28,713)Others ................................................................................. (1,076) (2,071) (8,959)

Deferred tax liabilities total .............................................. (87,038) (67,138) (724,296)Net amounts of deferred tax assets .................................. ¥ 85,043 ¥ 95,841 $ 707,695

The differences between the statutory tax rate and the effective tax rate were summarized as follows:

2015 2014Statutory tax rate .................................................................... — 37.2%

Effect of change of tax rate ............................................... — 3.1%Tax credit ............................................................................ — (3.3%)Tax rate difference (consolidated overseas subsidiaries) — (2.0%)Others ................................................................................. — 0.3%

Effective tax rate .................................................................... — 35.3%* For the year ended 31 March 2015, notes have been omitted as the difference between the statutory tax rate and the effective tax rate after adoption of tax effect accounting was less than 5% of the statutory tax rate.

(g) Plan assetsa. Major breakdown of pension assets

Portion of major components to total pension assets were as follows:

Debt securities 49.0%General account of life insurance companies 37.9%Others 13.1%Total 100.0%

b. Method to determine long-term expected return on plan assetsExpected return on pension assets were determined by considering the current and anticipated future portfolio of pension assets and current and anticipated future long-term performance of various asset classes that comprise pension assets.

(h) Actuarial assumptions

Discount rate 1.12%Expected long-term return on pension assets 0.88%

3.DefinedcontributionplanContribution to defined contribution plan by The Company and consolidated subsidiaries was 231 million yen (1,926 thousand US dollars).

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Consolidated Financial Statements

NOTE 10: Cash and cash equivalentsCash and cash equivalents as of 31 March 2015 and 2014 were as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Cash and deposits ............................................................ ¥457,513 ¥358,851 $3,807,223Short-term investment securities ....................................... 685,647 612,489 5,705,647Time deposits with maturities of over three months ......... (18,012) (73,370) (149,888)Bonds etc. with redemption period of over three months (192,888) (187,359) (1,605,126)

¥932,261 ¥710,611 $7,757,854

NOTE 11: Net assetsThe Companies Act of Japan requires that at least 50% of the contribution of new shares be included in capital stock. The portion to be recorded as capital stock is determined by resolution of the meeting of the Board of Directors. Proceeds in excess of the capital stock should be credited to “legal capital surplus”.The Companies Act provides that an amount equivalent to 10% of cash dividends should be appropriated as a legal capital surplus or legal retained earnings until total amount of them reaches a certain limit, defined as 25% of the capital stock.The Companies Act allows both legal capital surplus and legal retained earnings to be transferred to the capital stock following the approval at an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.The legal retained earnings of The Company and its subsidiaries are included in “retained earnings” on the consolidated balance sheet and are not shown separately.According to the Companies Act, the articles of incorporation allow to repurchase treasury stock and dispose of such treasury stock by resolution of meeting of the Board of Directors.

NOTE 9: Research and development costsResearch and development costs included in selling, general and administrative expenses, for the years ended 31 March 2015 and 2014 were as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Research and development costs ........................................ ¥125,896 ¥127,090 $1,047,655

NOTE 12: Other comprehensive incomeOther comprehensive income as of 31 March 2015 and 2014 were as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities

Unrealized loss (gain) arising during the period .............. ¥77,327 ¥73,280 $ 643,480Reclassification adjustment of unrealized gain (loss) through profit or loss .......................................................... — 40 —Before tax effect ................................................................. 77,327 73,320 643,480Tax effect ............................................................................ (19,592) (25,724) (163,043)Balance at the end of the period ....................................... ¥57,734 ¥47,596 $ 480,437

Deferred gains or losses on hedgesUnrealized loss (gain) arising during the period .............. ¥ 965 ¥ (4,119) $ 8,034Reclassification adjustment of unrealized gain (loss) through profit or loss .......................................................... 75 1,785 628Before tax effect ................................................................. 1,041 (2,333) 8,662Tax effect ............................................................................ (453) 1,136 (3,777)

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Consolidated Financial Statements


Dividends which record date was in the current consolidated fiscal year and effective date was in the next fiscal year:

NOTE 13: Cash dividends

ResolutionOrdinary General

Meeting of Shareholdersheld on 27 June 2014

Meeting of theBoard of Directors

held on 6 November 2014

Total amount of cash dividends ¥7,854 million $65,362 thousand ¥5,610 million $46,687 thousand

Cash dividends per share ¥14.00 $0.12 ¥10.00 $0.08

Record date 31 March 2014 30 September 2014

Effective date 30 June 2014 28 November 2014

ResolutionOrdinary General

Meeting of Shareholdersheld on 26 June 2015

Total amount of cash dividends ¥9,537 million $79,368 thousand

Cash dividends per share ¥17.00 $0.14

Record date 31 March 2015

Effective date 29 June 2015

Balance at the end of the period ....................................... ¥ 587 ¥ (1,196) $ 4,884Foreign currency translation adjustment

Unrealized loss (gain) arising during the period .............. ¥ 46,774 ¥27,748 $389,233Reclassification adjustment of unrealized gain (loss) through profit or loss .......................................................... — (192) —Balance at the end of the period ¥ 46,774 ¥27,555 $ 389,233

Adjustment for retirement benefit Unrealized loss (gain) arising during the period .............. ¥ (5,176) ¥ — $ (43,072)Reclassification adjustment of unrealized gain (loss) through profit or loss .......................................................... 651 — 5,422

Before tax effect ................................................................. (4,524) — (37,650)Tax effect ............................................................................ 1,518 — 12,637Balance at the end of the period ....................................... ¥ (3,005) ¥ — $ (25,012)

Share of other comprehensive income of associatesaccounted for using equity method

Unrealized loss (gain) arising during the period ¥ 3,489 ¥ 7,504 $ 29,038Total other comprehensive income ............................... ¥105,579 ¥81,459 $ 878,581

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Consolidated Financial Statements

NOTE 14: Stock option planThe Company adopts stock option plan by using subscription rights to shares. The plan was adopted at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and meeting of the Board of Directors held on 28 June 2012, 27 June 2013 and 27 June 2014 based on The Company Act of Japan.The details of the plan were as follows:

1. Resolution date28 June 2012

2. Category and number of people to whom stock options are granted10 Directors of The Company (excluding Outside Directors)6 Managing Officers who do not concurrently serve as Directors

3. Class of shares that are the subject of subscription rights to sharesCommon stock of The Company

4. Number of shares67,000 shares

5. Amount to be paid for subscription rights to shares1 yen per 1 share

6. Period during which subscription rights to shares can be exercisedFrom 21 July 2012 to 20 July 2042

7. Terms of exercise of subscription rights to shares(1) A person who is allocated subscription rights to shares shall be able to exercise share subscription rights only up until

10th day (the next business day if the 10th day falls on a non-business day) from the day immediately following the date of resignation as The Company’s Director as well as the Senior Managing Officer or Managing Officer without the role of Director being served concurrently.

(2) If a person who is allocated subscription rights to shares was dead, heir may exercise the rights.

8. Matters relating to assignment of subscription rights to sharesThe acquisition of subscription rights to shares by assignment shall require the approval of the Board of Directors of The Company.

9. Matters relating to subrogation paymentNone

1. Resolution date27 June 2013

2. Category and number of people to whom stock options are granted7 Directors of The Company (excluding Outside Director)10 Senior Managing Officers and Managing Officers who do not concurrently serve as Directors

3. Class of shares that are the subject of subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

4. Number of shares42,000 shares

5. Amount to be paid for subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

6. Period during which subscription rights to shares can be exercisedFrom 20 July 2013 to 19 July 2043

7. Terms of exercise of subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

8. Matters relating to assignment of subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

9. Matters relating to subrogation paymentSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

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Consolidated Financial Statements


1. Resolution date27 June 2014

2. Category and number of people to whom stock options are granted6 Directors of The Company (excluding Outside Director)6 Managing Officers who do not concurrently serve as Directors

3. Class of shares that are the subject of subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

4. Number of shares32,400 shares

5. Amount to be paid for subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

6. Period during which subscription rights to shares can be exercisedFrom 23 July 2014 to 22 July 2044

7. Terms of exercise of subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

8. Matters relating to assignment of subscription rights to sharesSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

9. Matters relating to subrogation paymentSame to the plan adopted at 28 June 2012

NOTE 15: Contingent liabilitiesAs of 31 March 2015 and 2014, The Company and some of consolidated subsidiaries had the contingent liabilities as follows:

Millions of yenThousands of

US dollars

2015 2014 2015Guarantee of indebtedness of affiliates and others ......... ¥10,425 ¥8,277 $86,756

NOTE 16: Segment Information1. Outline of reportable segments

The reportable segments of The Company are the components of The Company business for which discrete financial informa-tion is available, and whose operating results are regularly reviewed by our decision-making body such as Board of Directors to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and to assess its performance.The Group has three reportable segments of “Motorcycle”, “Automobile” and “Marine and Power products, etc.” based on the form of management organization and nature of products and services.Main products and services of each segment are as follows:

Segment Main products and services

Motorcycle Motorcycles, All-terrain vehicles

Automobile Minivehicles, Sub-compact vehicles, Standard-sized vehicles

Marine and Power products, etc. Outboard motors, Engines for snowmobiles, etc., Electro senior vehicles, Houses

2.Methodsofmeasurementfortheamountsofnetsales,profitorloss,assetsandotheritemsforeachreportablesegmentThe accounting policies of the reportable segments are consistent to the description of the “Summary of significant accounting policies” (Note2).

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Consolidated Financial Statements


Millions of yen


Motorcycle AutomobileMarine & Power products, etc. Adjustment Consolidated

Net Sales:Net sales to external customers ... ¥250,485 ¥2,701,942 ¥63,033 ¥ — ¥3,015,461

Segment profit (loss) ............. (675) 171,827 8,272 — 179,424Segment assets ..................... 203,256 1,893,036 45,159 1,111,348 3,252,800

Other content:Depreciation .............................. 8,504 124,686 1,186 — 134,377Amortization of goodwill ............ 639 1,757 122 — 2,519Impairment loss ......................... — 969 — — 969Investment in associates accounted for by equity method... 15,089 45,346 82 — 60,519Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets ... 8,356 184,785 1,314 — 194,457

Millions of yen


Motorcycle AutomobileMarine & Power products, etc. Adjustment Consolidated

Net Sales:Net sales to external customers ... ¥266,602 ¥2,615,664 ¥56,046 ¥ — ¥2,938,314

Segment profit ....................... 105 179,296 8,346 — 187,747Segment assets ..................... 222,413 1,649,071 42,668 959,921 2,874,074

Other content:Depreciation .............................. 7,268 109,024 896 — 117,188Amortization of goodwill ............ 453 1,609 101 — 2,164Impairment loss ......................... 128 900 0 — 1,029Investment in associates accounted for by equity method... 15,335 40,276 87 — 55,699Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets ... 22,847 189,604 1,167 — 213,619

Thousands of US dollars


Motorcycle AutomobileMarine & Power products, etc. Adjustment Consolidated

Net Sales:Net sales to external customers ... $2,084,427 $22,484,333 $ 524,537 $ — $25,093,298

Segment profit (loss) ............. (5,621) 1,429,874 68,839 — 1,493,091Segment assets ..................... 1,691,409 15,752,987 375,796 9,248,132 27,068,326

Other content:Depreciation .............................. 70,771 1,037,582 9,874 — 1,118,228Amortization of goodwill ............ 5,324 14,625 1,017 — 20,968Impairment loss ......................... — 8,067 — — 8,067Investment in associates accounted for by equity method... 125,569 377,356 686 — 503,612Increase in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets ... 69,540 1,537,702 10,942 — 1,618,185

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Consolidated Financial Statements


(Reference information)As reference information, operating results by geographical areas were as follows:

(a) The amount of net sales, operating income or loss based on location of The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries (Years ended 31 March)

Millions of yen


Japan Europe AsiaOther areas Eliminations Consolidated

Net Sales:Net sales to external customers ... ¥1,317,659 ¥306,156 ¥1,233,494 ¥158,151 ¥ — ¥3,015,461Internal net sales or transfer among geographical areas .......... 447,311 129,982 72,736 1,029 (651,059) —

Total 1,764,970 436,139 1,306,230 159,181 (651,059) 3,015,461Operating income ............................. 90,718 5,116 81,607 2,620 (637) 179,424

Millions of yen


Japan Europe AsiaOther areas Eliminations Consolidated

Net Sales:Net sales to external customers ... ¥1,309,383 ¥ 360,465 ¥1,118,169 ¥ 150,296 ¥ — ¥2,938,314Internal net sales or transfer among geographical areas .......... 392,284 16,000 57,185 679 (466,149) —

Total 1,701,667 376,466 1,175,355 150,975 (466,149) 2,938,314Operating income ............................. 134,513 4,154 59,419 241 (10,582 ) 187,747

Thousands of US dollars


Japan Europe AsiaOther areas Eliminations Consolidated

Net sales:Net sales to external customers ... $10,964,960 $2,547,693 $10,264,578 $1,316,066 $ — $25,093,298Internal net sales or transfer among geographical areas .......... 3,722,322

1,081,657 605,276 8,566 (5,417,822) —

Total 14,687,283 3,629,350 10,869,854 1,324,632 (5,417,822) 25,093,298Operating income ............................. 754,915 42,573 679,102 21,802 (5,302) 1,493,091

* “Other areas” consists principally of North America, Oceania and South America.

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Consolidated Financial Statements

(b) The amount of net sales based on external customers (Years ended 31 March)

Millions of yen

2015 Japan India Others Consolidated

Net sales ....................................... ¥1,094,611 ¥787,560 ¥1,133,289 ¥3,015,461

Millions of yen

2014 Japan India Others Consolidated

Net sales ....................................... ¥1,132,732 ¥638,720 ¥1,166,861 ¥2,938,314

Thousands of US dollars

2015 Japan India Others Consolidated

Net sales ....................................... $9,108,860 $6,553,717 $9,430,720 $25,093,298

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Consolidated Financial Statements


To the Board of Directors of Suzuki Motor Corporation

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Suzuki Motor Corporation and its sub-sidiaries, which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as at 31 March 2015, and the consolidated statement of income, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in net assets and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, all expressed in Japanese Yen, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial StatementsManagement is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Japan, and for such internal control as man-agement determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in Japan. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s prepara-tion and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presenta-tion of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

OpinionIn our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Suzuki Motor Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries as at 31 March 2015, and the consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for the year then ended in accor-dance with accounting principles generally accepted in Japan.

The amounts expressed in US dollars, which are provided solely for the convenience of the reader, have been translated on the basis set forth in Note 1 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

Seimei Audit CorporationTokyo, Japan26 June 2015

Independent Auditor’s Report

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Company Outline

1. Company Name


4. Main Products

7. Capital and Shareholders

<Ten Major Shareholders>

6. Public Accounting Firm5. Fiscal Year-End

2. Date of IncorporationSUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION

300 Takatsuka-cho, Minami-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka 432-8611 JapanMailing Address : Hamamatsu-Nishi, P.O.Box 1 Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, JapanWebsite Address :http://www.globalsuzuki.com

Motorcycles, Automobiles, Outboard Motors, Motorized Wheelchairs,Electro Senior Vehicles, Industrial Equipment


Name of Shareholder

¥138,014 million

Number of Shares Held(Thousands of Shares)

Shareholding Ratio(%)

(as of 31 March, 2015)

Total number of authorized shares

Volkswagen AG

1,500 million

111,610 19.9

7,759 1.4

7,761 1.4

9,429 1.7

13,000 2.3

14,500 2.6

16,000 2.9

16,485 2.9

17,961 3.2

22,869 4.1

Total number of shares issued

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account)


Number of shareholders

Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.


Stock Listing

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account)

Tokyo Stock Exchange

Securities Code

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.


Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

The Shizuoka Bank, Ltd.


Record Dates

Resona Bank, Ltd.

• Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 31 March• Year-End Dividend 31 March• Interim Dividend 30 September

Shareholders’ Register Manager

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation

JP Morgan Chase Bank 380055

Sumitomo Mitsui Trsut Bank, Limited1-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Seimei Audit Corporation

31 March

March 1920 Incorporated as Suzuki Loom Manufacturing Co.June 1954 Name changed to Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.October 1990 Name changed to Suzuki Motor Corporation

(Note) *1.Numberofsharesdisregardsandroundsofffiguresoflessthan1,000shares. *2. Our Company holds 7,248 of treasury stocks. *3. Shareholding ratio is calculated eliminating treasury stocks held by our Company.

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Company Outline






[AFRICA]South Africa

Suzuki Deutschland GmbHSuzuki Motor Iberica, S.A.U.Suzuki Italia S.p.A.Suzuki France S.A.S.Magyar Suzuki Corporation Ltd.Suzuki GB PLCSuzuki Austria Automobil Handels G.m.b.HSuzuki Motor Poland SP.Z.O.O.

Suzuki Motor of America, Inc.Suzuki Manufacturing of America CorporationSuzuki Canada Inc.Suzuki Motor de Mexico S.A. DE C.V.Suzuki Motor de Colombia S.A.

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.Suzuki Motorcycle India Private LimitedPak Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.PT. Suzuki Indomobil MotorThai Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.Suzuki Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Suzuki Motorcycle Malaysia SDN.BHD.Suzuki Philippines Inc.Cambodia Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.Suzuki Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd.Vietnam Suzuki CorporationTaiwan Suzuki Automobile CorporationSuzuki (Myanmar) Motor Co., Ltd.

Suzuki Australia Pty. Ltd.Suzuki New Zealand Ltd.

Suzuki Auto South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.

Suzuki GroupSubsidiaries:133companies(68indomestic,65inoverseas)Affiliates:35companies

(1) Major Domestic Subsidiaries[Manufacturing Subsidiaries]Suzuki Auto Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd.Suzuki Akita Auto Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd.Snic Co., Ltd.Suzuki Toyama Auto Parts Mfg. Co., Ltd.

(2) Major Overseas Subsidiaries[Marketing Subsidiaries]30 directly managed overseas marketing companies

[Non-Manufacturing Subsidiaries]Suzuki Transportation & Packing Co., Ltd.Suzuki Business Co., Ltd.Suzuki Engineering Co., Ltd.

[Marketing Subsidiaries]54 directly managed domestic marketing companies

(215 + 4 + 215) 2015 REPORT 2015 Printed in Japan 300 Takatsuka-Cho, Minami-Ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, Japan 432-8611 434 (215 + 4 + 215) x 280 mm ... Contents Mission ... - [PDF Document] (70)



(215 + 4 + 215) 2015 REPORT 2015 Printed in Japan 300 Takatsuka-Cho, Minami-Ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, Japan 432-8611 434 (215 + 4 + 215) x 280 mm ... Contents Mission ... - [PDF Document] (71)

(215 + 4 + 215) 2015 REPORT 2015 Printed in Japan 300 Takatsuka-Cho, Minami-Ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, Japan 432-8611 434 (215 + 4 + 215) x 280 mm ... Contents Mission ... - [PDF Document] (72)

ANNUAL REPORT 2015Printed in Japan

300 Takatsuka-Cho,Minami-Ku, Hamamatsu-shi,Shizuoka, Japan 432-8611http://www.globalsuzuki.com

434 (215 + 4 + 215) x 280 mm


(215 + 4 + 215) 2015 REPORT 2015 Printed in Japan 300 Takatsuka-Cho, Minami-Ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, Japan 432-8611  434 (215 + 4 + 215) x 280 mm ... Contents Mission ... - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.