Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge (2024)

Darshan Deshpande1,  Zhivar Sourati1,  Filip Ilievski2,   Fred Morstatter1
1Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California
2Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
{darshang, souratih, fredmors},


Automatic assessment of the quality of arguments has been recognized as a challenging task with significant implications for misinformation and targeted speech.While real-world arguments are tightly anchored in context, existing computational methods analyze their quality in isolation, which affects their accuracy and generalizability. We propose SPARK: a novel method for scoring argument quality based on contextualization via relevant knowledge.We devise four augmentations that leverage large language models to provide feedback, infer hidden assumptions, supply a similar-quality argument, or give a counter-argument.SPARKuses a dual-encoder Transformer architecture to enable the original argument and its augmentation to be considered jointly.Our experiments in both in-domain and zero-shot setups show that SPARKconsistently outperforms existing techniques across multiple metrics.

1 Introduction

Reliable analysis of arguments in natural language holds the promise to support applications such as automated grading Ludwig etal. (2021), and tackling misinformation and targeted speech Alhindi, Tariq (2023).Computational argument analysis has been relatively popular through tasks likeargument extractionChakrabarty etal. (2019),evidence miningRinott etal. (2015), relation assignment Trautmann etal. (2020), writing support Stab and Gurevych (2014b) and claim generation Bilu and Slonim (2016).A particularly challenging task is argument quality assessment Fromm etal. (2022), which addresses the cogency, effectiveness, and reasonableness of an argumentWachsmuth etal. (2017b) pertaining to a topic.Assessing the quality of the argument involves analyzing the objective evidence, relevant assumptions, and structural soundness, making the overall task difficult.

Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge (1)

Research on argument quality assessment has focused on extracting textual patterns using various learning frameworks and content featuresLauscher etal. (2022). It has been widely recognized that contextualizing arguments with implicit knowledge, such as extracting claim revisionsSkitalinskaya etal. (2021) and generating explicit conclusionsGurcke etal. (2021) can be informative for reasoning models. However, we note that: 1) these methods fail to generalize to novel arguments where this information is not available, and 2) no prior work has considered jointly a comprehensive set of such contextualization strategies.

To bridge these gaps, we propose a novel framework called SPARK(Scoring the Pragmatics of Arguments via Relevant Knowledge), whichincorporates augmentation strategies based on a large language model(LLM), GPT 3.5 OpenAI (2022), and elements from argumentation literatureNickerson (2020); Mulyati etal. (2023); Harvey (2009), specifically, feedback, assumptions, arguments with similar quality, and counter-arguments. SPARK processes the original argument and topic and its augmentations separately using a dual-encoder Transformer architecture with a multi-head cross-attention layer.We demonstrate the effectiveness of SPARK’s augmentations and architecture using both in-domain and out-of-domain datasets.We make our entire code available at

2 Background

Task formulation.Inspired by prior work Gretz etal. (2020); Lauscher etal. (2020), we formalize argumentation quality assessment as a regression task of predicting the quality of a natural language argument. Given a topic and an argument, we consider three quality indicatorsLauscher etal. (2020): 1) cogency, which evaluates the relevance and sufficiency of the argument’s premise in relation to the conclusion, 2) effectiveness, which measures the argument’s persuasive power based on factors like arrangement, clarity, and appropriateness, and 3) reasonableness, which determines the argument’s ability to resolve the debate’s issueWachsmuth etal. (2017a). The overall quality of an argument can be estimated by averaging these three metricsGretz etal. (2020).

Connection to prior studies.The introduction of benchmarks for argument qualityStab and Gurevych (2014a); Gretz etal. (2020) has inspired various methods based on logistic regressionGhosh etal. (2016), fully connected and recurrent neural networksHabernal and Gurevych (2016), and fine-tuned TransformersToledo etal. (2019).Hulpus etal. (2019) explained that contextualizing an argument with implicit knowledge is essential to understanding its quality.Lauscher etal. (2022) categorized knowledge used by current argument assessment research so far under linguistic, task-specific, and argument-specific sections.To mimic human reasoning over arguments, prior work has incorporated users’ prior beliefs as predictors of argument persuasivenessDurmus and Cardie (2018), trained classifiers for different audience groups ElBaff etal. (2020), utilized user history to predict persuasion AlKhatib etal. (2020), augmented arguments with supporting or refuting documentsMarro etal. (2022), and augmented arguments with visual featuresHasan etal. (2021). Most similar to SPARK, Skitalinskaya etal. (2021) leverage comparison between revisions of the same claims, while Gurcke etal. (2021) generate conclusions to assess argument sufficiency. However, revisions are rarely provided for novel arguments, whereas generated conclusions are argument-specific and may not generalize wellGurcke etal. (2021).Addressing prior work limitations, SPARKimplements four well-motivated augmentation strategies to enhance novel arguments and utilizes an attention-based dual encoder model for effective reasoning.


Augmentation strategies.

We devise four augmentation techniques to contextualize arguments. We generate the augmentations by promptingGPT-3.5 OpenAI (2022) (see appendix for details).

Feedback.Constructive feedback in the form of comments and suggestions helps comprehension and domain knowledge acquisitionMulyati etal. (2023). We hypothesize that assessing argument strengths and weaknesses helps argument ranking, as in Figure1, where feedback identifies emotional appeal, insufficient evidence, and generalization. We prompt the LLM to generate writing feedback for a topic-argument pair in a zero-shot setting.

Assumptions.Unstated assumptions frequently introduce bias in argumentsNickerson (2020). Making assumptions explicit can reveal these hidden biases, which may aid in assessing argument persuasiveness and relevance. One such assumption in Figure1 is that people do not take driving seriously. We employ an LLM to extract the argument’s underlying assumptions in a zero-shot setting.

Similar-quality instance.Inspired by prior work on claim revisionsSkitalinskaya etal. (2021),we hypothesize that retrieving arguments with similar quality at training time leads to generalizable model learning.For this purpose, we derive a synthetic argument with similar reasonableness, cogency, and effectiveness to the original one (Figure1).We generate this synthetic argumentin a few-shot setting, where the LLM has access to example arguments alongside their quality scores covering the full 1-5 range. Since this augmentation uses ground-truth information that is not available during inference, we randomly replace synthetic arguments with None at training time with a probability of P=0.5𝑃0.5P=0.5italic_P = 0.5, thus familiarizing the model with the absence of similar arguments during testing where it only sees None.This technique is similar to distillationHinton etal. (2015), where the encoder’s (student) goal is to utilize the LLM’s (teacher) ranking-based argument generations (soft labels) to learn the argument quality ranking task.

Counter-arguments.Counter-arguments provide objections, alternatives, and doubts of a skeptical reader Harvey (2009).We expect that contrasting the strengths and weaknesses of two opposite arguments will aid quality assessment.The example counter-argument inFigure1 makes a firm claim that alternative activities (e.g., eating) lead to distractions, and solely blaming phones is unfair.We ask the LLM to provide a counter-argument for a topic and an argument in a zero-shot setting.

Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge (2)
Dual-encoder architecture.

To consider the argument together with the augmentations, we employ a dual BERT encoder (Figure2) as an improvement to the architecture by Gillick etal. (2018).The first encoder embeds the topic and argument, whereas the second embeds the augmentations.The second encoder can store individual augmentations or their concatenation, arbitrarily fixed toSimilar quality argument [SEP] Feedback [SEP] Assumptions [SEP] Counter-argument.Notably, the dual encoder can effectively store all of the augmentation data without truncating information in practically all cases (see subsectionA.4 for the augmentation lengths). We use a multi-head cross-attention layer Vaswani etal. (2017) to enable the model to weigh each augmentation according to the argument-topic pair. We pass the attention outputs to a mean pooler, whose output is fed into three separate regressor heads, one per quality metric.

GAQ Corpus (in-domain)IBM-30K (ZS)
Dual BERT-0.36850.36190.30820.31430.36940.38480.17660.1588
Dual BERTDPR0.35360.35250.32270.32240.33960.34970.15710.1408
Dual BERTFlan T5 XL (all)0.32620.32680.28500.29200.34450.35640.10340.1241
Dual BERTLlama-2 (7B) (all)0.34680.35160.32960.35160.32690.35290.16730.1398
BERTGPT-3.5 (all)0.34180.33400.28630.30470.34590.36640.15100.1374
XLNetGPT-3.5 (all)0.26750.19300.24500.20600.21420.20460.13180.1352
GPT-3.5GPT-3.5 (all)0.34910.34550.36600.40500.35960.39740.27100.2804
Dual BERTGPT-3.5 (feedback)0.41840.41870.39250.40370.41740.43180.27420.2854
Dual BERTGPT-3.5 (assumptions)0.36990.37040.38810.39460.36810.38060.17280.1769
Dual BERTGPT-3.5 (similar quality)0.40590.40380.41500.42520.35450.37750.26290.2037
Dual BERTGPT-3.5 (counter)0.40300.40920.40480.41430.39890.41710.20860.2044
Dual BERTGPT-3.5 (all)0.42420.43710.45130.47620.41350.43620.22380.2293
Aug. / MetricValidityInform.Relevance
Similar quality4.404.404.62

4 Experiments

4.1 Baselines

Scoring models.

We compare our dual BERT with a standard BERT model Devlin etal. (2019) to contrast the effect of disjoint embeddings against a concatenated input similar to the one used for dual BERT.We compare dual BERT to XLNet Yang etal. (2019), as they can both handle more than 512 tokens.Finally, we utilize GPT-3.5 in a zero-shot settingto gauge the model’s ability to accomplish the task directly, without a dual encoder. We provide GPT-3.5 with the definitions of each metric and prompt it to individually rate each argument by a float between 1 and 5with respect to the topic.

Alternative augmentation strategies.

We evaluate the impact of using all augmentations together or one at a time, against ablated baselines without augmentations. We include two alternative augmentation methods:Wikipedia paragraphs extracted using dense passage retrieval (DPR)Karpukhin etal. (2020), and augmentations generated using smaller models, namely, Flan-T5-XLChung etal. (2022) and Llama-2 (7B)Touvron etal. (2023).

4.2 Datasets and Evaluation

We use GAQCorpus Lauscher etal. (2020) as our training dataset for its diversity of domains (reviews, QA, and debates) and quality metrics (cogency, effectiveness, and reasonableness).We also use IBM-30K Gretz etal. (2020) to test SPARK’s generalization on out-of-domain data. For IBM-30K, we perform weighted averaging (WA) of the three metric scores, which is supported by the high correlation between IBM-30K’s WA and the GAQCorpus metrics Lauscher etal. (2020).We report the Pearson (ρ𝜌\rhoitalic_ρ) and Spearman (σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ) correlation coefficients between the predictions and ground truth.

4.3 Results

We investigate whether augmentations help language models assess the quality of arguments more effectively (Q1); how augmentation strategies compare to each other (Q2); whether human quality judgments align with their model utility (Q3) and how augmentations affect quality scores (Q4).

Effect of augmentation on in-domain performance (Q1).

Table1 shows that the overall best-performing combination uses Dual BERT with all four augmentations combined, which improves the Spearman correlation over the baseline BERT by 0.08-0.17 across the three metrics. The improvement is the largest for effectiveness, where the Spearman correlation increases by 61%. While both single BERT, XLNet, and GPT-3.5 benefit from SPARK’s augmentations as well, their performance is consistently lower than using the dual encoder. GPT-3 alone often performs better than the other baselines but lags significantly behind SPARK, showing the importance of the dual encoder.Among the augmentations, the benefit of our four augmentations declines when using a smaller generative model (Flan T5 and Llama-2), augmenting via DPR, or using the dual BERT with a masked second encoder. Thus, merely adding text to the second encoder does not by itself bring higher performance.The gap between SPARKand the baselines increases in the zero-shot setting on the IBM-Rank-30K dataset. Here, augmentation with DPR, Flan-T5, and Llama-2 is consistently inferior, as is the SPARKaugmentation of the single-encoder methods.In summary, SPARKeffectively combines dual encoding and data augmentation for strong task accuracy and generalization.

Comparison of augmentation variants (Q2).

On the in-domain task, the dual encoder performs the best when it has access to the information from the four SPARK augmentations simultaneously. Among them, feedback is most effective for predicting argument cogency and reasonableness as it exposes flaws that directly relate to these metrics. Meanwhile, contextualizing through similar-quality arguments is optimal for predicting effectiveness, which we attribute to illustrating the connection between quality scores and the argument structure, format, and wording.On out-of-domain data, the best performance is obtained by the feedback-augmented dual BERT, which even outperforms using all augmentations.This is illustrated in Table4, where the first two arguments receive positive feedback, with space for improvement by further elaboration or addressing of alternatives, directing SPARK to increase its score. The third argument receives more critical feedback, causing SPARK to decrease its score. While GPT-3.5 is generally able to highlight the salient points of an argument and provide valid criticism, we also note an occasional bias of the model towards maintaining a neutral or positive argument stance (as in the case of the libertarianism argument).

Human judgment of augmentations (Q3).

To validate the alignment of the augmentations with human utility, we performed a human study where we asked participants to score the validity, informativeness, and relevance of each augmentation strategy.The participants were asked to score 50 randomly sampled in-domain data points on these three metrics using a Likert scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).The results in Table2 show that the augmentations are perceived by people as highly valid, informative, and relevant. Assumptions and counter-arguments were found to be consistently more valid, informative, and relevant than the other augmentations. Curiously, the participants judged the feedback informativeness to be lower, explaining that it often summarizes the argument instead of giving writing suggestions.This finding provides a cue that highly effective augmentations for models may not be perceived as informative by people.SPARKalleviates this issue by effectively combining the complementary augmentations and delegating the weighting of their utility to the model.

Topic + ArgumentGround truth scoreFeedbackAssumptions
Topic: The use of public defenders should be mandatory

Argument: A centralized system of criminal defense would mean that all people would have access to the same standard of legal counsel, meaning that wealth and power can’t be used to avoid justice.

0.628- Clear and concise argument presented- Supports the idea of a centralized system of defense- Advocates equal access to legal counsel- Addresses the issue of wealth and power influencing justice- Could benefit from further elaboration or evidence to strengthen the argument. (0.6020.6750.6020.6750.602\rightarrow 0.6750.602 → 0.675)- Assumes that a centralized system of criminal defense would provide the same standard of legal counsel to all individuals.- Assumes that wealth and power currently enable some individuals to avoid justice.- Assumes that making public defenders mandatory would address disparities in legal representation. (0.6020.6450.6020.6450.602\rightarrow 0.6450.602 → 0.645)
Topic: We should ban algorithmic trading

Argument: algorithmic trading has been responsible for several mini market collapses, since computer systems lack the human sensitivity to look outside the stream of meaningless numbers to a wider context.

0.948- Clear and concise argument- Provides specific examples to support argument- Could benefit from further elaboration on the potential consequences of mini market collapses- Could also benefit from addressing potential counterarguments or alternative solutions to the issue. (0.5380.6880.5380.6880.538\rightarrow 0.6880.538 → 0.688)- Algorithmic trading has been responsible for several mini market collapses.- Computer systems lack human sensitivity to look outside the stream of meaningless numbers.- Banning algorithmic trading will prevent or reduce mini market collapses. (0.5380.56140.5380.56140.538\rightarrow 0.56140.538 → 0.5614)
Topic: We should adopt libertarianism

Argument: libertarianism is a justification for greed and exploitation

0.666The argument is not specific enough about what adopting libertarianism entails- It assumes that libertarianism automatically leads to working together for a greater good and favoring the less well off, which is not necessarily true- The argument could benefit from providing concrete examples of how libertarianism would benefit society- It is unclear how freedom of choice would lead to greater societal benefits. (0.5130.5850.5130.5850.513\rightarrow 0.5850.513 → 0.585)- Assumes that libertarianism is solely about justifying greed and exploitation- Assumes that there are no other principles or values within libertarianism- Assumes that all proponents of libertarianism advocate for greed and exploitation. (0.5130.5180.5130.5180.513\rightarrow 0.5180.513 → 0.518)
How augmentations affect quality scores (Q4)

Table3 shows the impact on quality scores before and after augmentation generated by SPARK. Here, we contrast augmentation with feedback against assumptions (best-performing variants in the model and human evaluation) to study the reason for the low human informativeness scores for feedback augmentation. The generated assumptions are mostly understandable and accurate but not always exhaustive. We also note that while the model scores improve, it still cannot utilize assumptions as well as feedback for the ranking task. Meanwhile, feedback generation could identify weaknesses accurately; however, in some cases, as illustrated by the final example, the LLM misidentifies the stance of the argument for libertarianism and recommends that the participant justify how society can benefit from it. Such behavior occurs for sensitive socio-political topics and likely stems from the debiasing and safety measures adopted by OpenAI. Despite incorrect stances, the model produced better scores with augmentation, suggesting it recognizes patterns for ranking that differ from human reasoning for argument quality analysis.

5 Conclusions

This paper enhances argument quality estimation models by providing contextualized feedback, inferred assumptions, similar quality arguments, and counter-arguments. We employ a dual-encoder Transformer to compare the argument and additional evidence effectively. Experimental results demonstrate that the best performance is achievedwith the combination of all augmentations,indicating their complementary insights. Our method, SPARK, outperforms single BERT, XLNet, and GPT-3.5, surpassing baselines and alternative augmentations in both in- and out-of-domain scenarios. Feedback augmentation is the most effective augmentation strategy for models, despite being scored the least informative by humans, because the model pattern matching differs from human reasoning.

6 Limitations

The limitations in this paper primarily stem from the generative capabilities and hallucination tendencies of the LLM used for augmentation. For example, despite constraining the output format for the assumption augmentation task, the LLM still generates "No assumptions" as output after listing a set of valid assumptions. As future work, further augmentation studies must be performed to analyze and improve the prompts to minimize the misunderstanding and biases of the LLM. LLMs should also be combined with other, possibly symbolic, components that can mitigate challenges with bias and hallucinations.

Moreover, evaluating in a larger set of domains, languages besides English, and other argumentative tasks such as logical fallacy detection is an important next step in investigating the generalizability of SPARK. While in theory, SPARKcan be directly applied to such tasks, it remains to be seen to which extent the current architecture and augmentation strategies will generalize to other tasks.

Finally, our analysis in this paper focuses on the comparison of methods and strategies, yet, we do not dive deep into the specific differences in performance across the three quality metrics, which serves as an important future direction.

7 Ethics Statement

Using LLMs like GPT-3.5, with large and inaccessible pretraining corpora, can potentially lead to the amplification of biases in downstream argument quality ranking models. While we believe that these biases are sometimes necessary to successfully judge the quality of the argument, sampling assumptions from such models can lead to biased and unethical information being fed to (and amplified by) the model.A possible way to minimize this harmful knowledge for scenarios that involve sampling assumptions is by providing a fallback instruction in the prompt for the model to output "No assumptions"; in the present paper, we did not conduct specific studies to measure the impact of this fallback strategy because we did not see a significant impact on a small number of samples. Furthermore, to be able to compare with pre-existing baselines, we did not de-bias or anonymize the datasets provided but we strongly suggest that this should be considered wherever theSPARK method is deployed.


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Appendix A Appendix

Feedback- The argument takes a clear position that cell phones cause distraction while driving.
- The writer expresses strong emotions regarding the topic, which may influence the persuasiveness of the argument.
- The argument does not provide any evidence or supporting details beyond the writer’s personal experience and emotions.
- The argument does not address whether cell phones cause distractions in other contexts beyond driving.
Assumptions- Cell phones cause a distraction when driving.
- Bluetooth or speaker use of cell phones can also be a distraction while driving.
- People don’t take driving as seriously as they should.
Similar quality argumentYes, cell phones can be a major distraction to people. People are constantly checking their phones for notifications, messages, and other tasks that can take away from what they should be focusing on. This can lead to people not paying attention in class, not being productive at work, and not being present in conversations. Cell phones are an amazing invention, but they can also be a major distraction.
Counter-ArgumentWhile it is true that distracted driving can be a major problem, it is unfair to blame cell phones as the sole cause of distraction. Many other factors can also contribute to distracted driving, such as eating, applying makeup, or even talking with passengers. Furthermore, cell phones can also be used in a responsible manner while driving, such as with the use of hands-free devices or by pulling over to take a call. Therefore, instead of demonizing cell phones, we should focus on educating drivers on safe driving practices and the dangers of distracted driving in general.
Effectiveness ScoreGenerated similar quality argument to: Do you equate legality with morality?
1.0Yes, I think that if the law says something is wrong, then it is wrong. People should follow the law and not do anything illegal.
2.0No, I do not think that legality necessarily equates to morality. Laws can often be outdated, biased, or simply not reflective of what is right and wrong. For example, slavery used to be legal in many countries, yet it was obviously immoral. So legality and morality do not always align.
3.0No, I do not equate legality with morality. Just because something is legal does not make it moral, and just because something is illegal does not make it immoral. Laws are made by people and can be changed, while morality is often determined by an individual’s personal values and beliefs. Therefore, legality should not be used as a measure of morality.
4.0No, I do not equate legality with morality. I believe that there are laws that should be followed in order to maintain the peace and order of a society, but there are also moral standards that must be adhered to for the same purpose. For example, it may be legal in some places to drive over the speed limit, but it is still morally wrong to do so.
5.0I do not necessarily equate legality with morality. Legality is based on laws, which can be changed to reflect the morality of a society. Morality, in contrast, is based on principles and values that don’t necessarily have to be enforced by law. For example, while it may be legal to drive over the speed limit, it is not necessarily moral to do so.

A.1 GPT 3.5 prompt templates

The feedback on writing is sampled by considering both the topic and the argument related to the topic. To ensure brevity, we output the feedback in bullet point format. We follow the format below for sampling the feedback from the LLM:

Give concise writing feedback for the following argument in context with the topic, preferably in bullet points:
Topic: topic
Argument: argument.

Similar to feedback, assumptions are sampled in bullet point format to ensure brevity. Additionally, to constrain the hallucinations of the LLM, we restrict it to output "No assumptions" for the cases where it does not find assumptions or biases. We use the below prompt to sample this assumptions list:

Summarize the assumptions, if any, in the following argument in a bullet format otherwise return "No assumptions"
Topic: topic
Argument: argument

Similar quality argument
To sample a similar quality argument, we use the following template:

Cogency Score: cogency score
Effectiveness Score:
effectiveness score
Reasonableness Score: reasonableness score
Topic: topic

We use ten samples in the few shot setting with two each from every integer ranking from 1-5 on the ranking scale for each metric.Finally, we prompt the LLM to generate the argument with respect to the cogency, effectiveness and robustness scores.

The counter-argument is generated using the given argument and topic, and the following template:

Give a counter-argument for the following argument with respect to the Topic: topic
Argument: argument

Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge (3)

Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge (4)

Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge (5)

Dataset splitDataset sizeMinimum lengthMaximum lengthMean lengthVariance

A.2 Augmentation examples

Table4 shows augmentation examples for one topic-argument pair. The topic questions if cell phones distract people and the argument agrees with it in context to distracted driving due to cell phones.

Feedback: The feedback discusses how the argument takes a clear position but appears overly emotional while answering, which may influence the persuasiveness of the argument. Additionally, the feedback regarding lack of evidence other than personal experience and the lack of discussion on phones causing a distraction beyond driving aim to help improve understanding while ensuring that the model pays careful attention to the topic in context.

Assumptions:The LLM lists several important assumptions in the proposed argument with respect to the topic. The first is the base assumption of the author’s perspective, which is that cell phones cause distraction during driving. The LLM extracts the sentence " people don’t take driving as seriously as they should" and labels it as an assumption because this is a faulty generalization to apply a general rule to all people, which is, in this case, people not taking driving seriously.

Similar quality argument: The generated similar quality argument tries to replicate the structural pattern of the given argument. The similar quality instance contains open-ended, long-winded sentences such as "Cell phones are anamazing invention, but they can also be a major distraction" which reduce the score of the argument, similar to the original argument. We also see that the LLM understands the ranking progression in a few shot setting and similar to the original argument, the similar quality argument also focuses solely on driving based cell phone distractions.

Counter argument:We notice that the LLM recognizes that the original argument only discusses distracted driving and so it only produces a counter argument of the stance that distracted driving is not the only cause for distraction. The response discusses the safe use of cell phones such as hands free, etc and advocates educating drivers on the effects of cell phone based distracted driving.

A.3 Impact of effectiveness score on GPT 3.5 outputs for similar quality arguments

Table 5 discusses the impact of effectiveness score on the generated similar quality argument. As can be seen in Table 5, the generated argument with an effectiveness score of 1.0 oversimplifies the relationship between legality and morality and treats related laws as fixed. Comparatively, the argument with an effectiveness score of 2.0 provides an example of slavery which enhances the effectiveness of the argument. Despite the addition of this example, the second argument lacks elaboration on why the example is immoral and fails to provide relevant evidence. The argument generated, given an effectiveness score of 3.0, recognizes that the law is not the sole arbiter of morality and that laws are subject to change. It does not only highlight the potential flaws in legal systems but also addresses the distinction between personal values and the law. However, this argument oversimplifies morality by implying that personal values and beliefs solely determine morality and lacks supporting evidence for the statement: just because something is legal does not make it moral, and just because something is illegal does not make it immoral.. The argument generated with an effectiveness score of 4.0 considers the coexistence of legal and moral standards. The addition of a specific example in this argument adds concreteness and strengthens its persuasiveness. However, the argument can be further strengthened by acknowledging a broader range of situations where legality and morality may diverge.Finally, the argument ranked with the highest effectiveness score emphasizes the independence of morality from legal enforcement, which makes it even more persuasive. The contrasting comparison adds clarity to the flow of the argument and hence makes it better than all previously generated arguments.

A.4 Distribution analysis of augmentation lengths across splits

In this subsection, we conduct a distribution analysis on the augmentation input sizes to justify the use of the dual BERT architecture. Based on the findings presented in Table6, the training split exhibits a minimum tokenized sequence length of 133 tokens, a maximum length of 652 tokens, and an average length of 320.27. The distribution of the training set, as presented by Figure3, shows that only 0.5% (15 examples) of the training data exceeds BERT’s token limit of 512 tokens.

The validation split has a minimum tokenized length of 144 tokens, a maximum length of 703 tokens, and an average length of 318.55 tokens. The testing split, on the other hand, has a minimum length of 136 tokens, a maximum length of 613 tokens, and an average length of 324.60 tokens. The percentage of data points in the validation and testing splits as seen in Figure3 that exceed BERT’s token limit are only 1.1% (13 examples) and 1.31% (15 examples), respectively.

Hence, we can conclude that the second BERT encoder tasked with embedding the augmentations is able to capture all the information in the augmentations without truncating the augmentations.

A.5 Implementation and Human Evaluation Specifications

A.5.1 Training setup

We used the Hugging Face libraryWolf etal. (2020) for the training and inference of our models. The training of the dual BERT architecture was performed using 6xA5000 GPUs; each training run for five epochs with a batch size of 32 on each device and a learning rate of 5×1035superscript1035\times 10^{-3}5 × 10 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT takes approximately 30 minutes to converge. We found that the convergence was sensitive to the learning rate and smaller learning rate within the range of 1×1041superscript1041\times 10^{-4}1 × 10 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 4 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT to 5×1035superscript1035\times 10^{-3}5 × 10 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT was preferable for optimal results. The cosine scheduler provided the fastest convergence out of the possible linear, cosine, and polynomial scheduler options, and the best model was picked according to the highest F1 score on the validation split of the GAQCorpus. The inference for Llama-2 (7B) and Flan T5-XL (2.85B) was performed on 6xA5000 GPUs and took approximately 7 hours to complete.The GPT-3.5 experiments were repeated three times, and the average of the three runs is reported inTable1. We maintained a temperature and top_p of 0.01 and 0.9, respectively, for all LLM experiments.

A.5.2 Human Evaluation

Our human study poses the following three targeted questions to the participants:

  1. 1.

    How valid is the information provided by the augmentation with respect to the background of the argument?

  2. 2.

    How informative is the augmentation for the task of argument quality analysis?

  3. 3.

    How relevant is the augmentation to help with the task of assessing the quality of the argument?

Our study was done with a sample of five computer science graduate students at the University of Southern California, and the results were averaged and reported in Table2. To mitigate potential issues arising from sensitive arguments, we ensured that the questions were clearly understood and terms were explained, after which we obtained oral consent from each participant. The study was exempted from review by IRB (application UP-21-00443).

Contextualizing Argument Quality Assessment with Relevant Knowledge (2024)
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