Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (2024)

· by Kaleigh · This post may contain affiliate links, including Amazon links.

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This super veggie pasta sauce for babies and toddlers is delicious on top of all kinds of pasta! With over 7 different oven roasted vegetables in one easy sauce, it's a great way to get so much vegetable goodness into your little one's diet!

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (1)

It's no secret that most kids love pasta. As parents, we can embrace this reality by making pasta a vehicle for all kinds of nutrient-rich sauces and add-ins. (And by choosing the most nutritious pasta for our little ones!) When you need an easy lunch or dinner win, and you also want to get some more veggie goodness into your child, try this super veggie pasta sauce that has over 7 different veggies hidden inside! Your kids will love it, and will be none the wiser about what's really in it.

Jump to:
  • Why You'll Love This Sauce
  • Should I Be Hiding Vegetables In My Kid's Food?
  • What You'll Need
  • How to Make The Sauce
  • Tips and Recipe Variations
  • Storage and Reheating
  • How To Use It
  • How To Serve It for Baby Led Weaning
  • Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Kids

Why You'll Love This Sauce

While there is nothing wrong with traditional tomato sauce, sometimes you want to get a few more veggies into your child's diet. I get it! Or maybe you just have extra veggies lurking in your refrigerator. Either way, this super veggie pasta sauce is a great solution! It combines 7 different veggies, all roasted in the oven for hands-off cooking and a natural sweetness that both you and your little ones will love. This pasta sauce is loaded with both nutrition and flavor! Unlike most store-bought sauces, this one has no added sugar or other questionable ingredients, so it's perfectly appropriate for the the youngest of eaters, all the way up to your teen (and even adults!).

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (2)

Should I Be Hiding Vegetables In My Kid's Food?

My approach is not to hide veggies from my kids. They learn to enjoy, or at least tolerate, the vegetables that the rest of the family is eating through methods like baby led weaning, the division of responsibility, and parental modeling. I don't like to deceive my kids about what they are eating. However, I realize that all families take different approaches, and sometimes you just need an easy win. And sometimes you really do just want to change things up or add a little more nutrition into your child's diet. I don't really look at this sauce as 'hidden' veggies, since most pasta sauce is made up of different veggies in some sort of mixture. You just can't really tell what each individual vegetable is here, which you can use to your advantage if you choose!

What You'll Need

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (3)
  • Garlic - A whole head. Yum!
  • Onion
  • Tomatoes - I used Roma tomatoes, but you can use any. You can also use canned if fresh aren't in season.
  • Red Bell Pepper
  • Yellow Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Mushrooms
  • Olive oil
  • Spices - Dried basil, oregano, salt and pepper.

Helpful equipment: Large rimmed baking sheet with parchment, Sharp knife, High speed blender (I love this KitchenAid one!).

How to Make The Sauce

Here is a quick rundown. Head to the recipe card at the bottom of the page for detailed amounts and instructions.

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (4)
  1. Cut about ¼ inch from the top of the head of garlic. Drizzle with a tiny bit of olive oil, then tightly wrap the whole thing in foil.
  2. Cut the carrots, squash and zucchini into similar-sized large sticks (I typically quarter the squash lengthwise and then cut those in half cross wise. No need to peel the carrots. You can leave the onion half, tomatoes, and mushrooms as they are.
  3. Add everything to a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment and drizzle with oil. Sprinkle with the spices and toss to give everything a good even coating. If it doesn't all fit on one sheet pan, you may need to use two.
  4. Roast in the oven at 425°F for 35-45 minutes, giving everything a stir halfway through. Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (5)
  5. Add the veggie to a high speed blender. Unwrap the garlic and squeeze the cloves into the blender with the veggies.
  6. Blend until everything is smooth. If the sauce is too thick for your liking, add a splash of water or broth. If needed, gently reheat sauce on the stove in a saucepan before serving.

Tips and Recipe Variations

  • Don't crowd the veggies too much. You may have to use two regular-sized sheet pans to fit all of the veggies and get a nice roast (as opposed to steaming - which can happen if the veggies are too crowded). If you use sheet pans for meals often, I recommend investing in a really big sheet pan to make your life easier (I have this one and LOVE it for sheet pan meals!)
  • Canned tomatoes - If it's not tomato season feel free to use canned tomatoes instead of fresh. Add 1-2 (15 oz) cans of whole peeled, diced, or crushed tomatoes into the blender when blending the roasted veggies. I use two cans when I want the sauce to have a more tomato-y flavor and a redder color. But If you only have one can, that works, too!
  • A note on sauce color - If you have a particularly picky eater and are worried about the sauce having more of an orange or brown-ish color that your little one is used to, you may choose to leave out the zucchini or swap it for another yellow squash. You can also reduce the amount of mushrooms. The green in the zucchini and brown in the mushrooms cause the color to lean more brown than red.
  • Herbs - You can use Italian seasoning in place of the oregano and basil if you'd like. You can also use fresh herbs in place of the dried. Use 1 tablespoon of each and add them in when you're blending the sauce.
  • Salt - If you're making this sauce for young BLW babies (6-12 months) feel free to omit the salt if you'd like.

Storage and Reheating

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (6)

Store this sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days (a mason jar works well). You can also freeze it in silicone cube trays for easy portioning. Pour the sauce into the trays and freeze until solid. Then pop the frozen cubes out of the trays and store in a freezer bag for up to 6 months.

If frozen, thaw the sauce in the refrigerator overnight or place on the counter in a warm place for up to 2 hours. To reheat it from the refrigerator, add the sauce to cooked pasta while it is still hot and stir. If needed, reheat gently on the stove.

Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (7)

How To Use It

You can use this sauce on your favorite pasta, of course! Stir into cooked pasta while it is still hot. You can also use it as a dipping sauce with meatballs, or as a veggie-rich pizza sauce. I like to make pita pizzas with whole grain pitas for my kids for lunch!

How To Serve It for Baby Led Weaning

For serve this sauce for baby led weaning, be sure to check out the best pastas for baby led weaning that you can put it on. Add some BLW friendly meatballs for extra protein and iron! You can also spread it onto lightly toasted bread fingers.


Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (8)

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This super veggie pasta sauce for babies and toddlers is delicious on top of all kinds of pasta! With over 7 different oven roasted vegetables in one easy sauce, it's a great way to get so much vegetable goodness into your little one's diet!

  • Author: Kaleigh
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 40 minutes
  • Total Time: 50 minutes
  • Yield: about 6 cups or 1.5 L 1x
  • Category: sauce
  • Method: roasted
  • Cuisine: American



  • 1 head garlic, unpeeled
  • 2 large carrots
  • 1 small yellow squash
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 1 medium red bell pepper
  • 6-8 fresh Roma tomatoes
  • ½ medium onion
  • 4-6 oz white mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp olive oil, plus more for the garlic
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp pepper


  1. Heat the oven to 425°F. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment. If your sheet pan is on the smaller side, you may need two pans.
  2. Cut about ¼ inch from the top of the garlic. Drizzle lightly with oil and wrap tightly in foil. Set aside.
  3. Cut the carrots, squash and zucchini into even-sized sticks. I usually cut the squash into quarters length-wise, and then cut in half crosswise. Cut the bell pepper in half and discard the seeds. Cut the tomatoes in half from top to bottom, and cut any large mushrooms in half. You can leave the onion half intact.
  4. Add all of the veggies to the sheet pan. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with oregano, basil, salt and pepper. Toss to coat everything evenly.
  5. Place the foil-wrapped garlic on the sheet pan with the veggies and roast in the oven for about 35-45 minutes, or until all of the veggies are softened. Stir once halfway through. If you're using two sheet pans, rotate them halfway through, as well.
  6. Add all of the roasted veggies to a high speed blender. Unwrap the garlic and squeeze the cloves from the peels into the blender. Blend everything until smooth. If the sauce is too thick, add a little water or broth.
  7. Serve sauce with your favorite cooked pasta.


  • Store sauce in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 5 days, or freeze in silicone cubes trays and transfer to a freezer bag in the freezer for up to 6 months.
  • Don't crowd the veggies too much.You may have to use two regular-sized sheet pans to fit all of the veggies and get a nice roast (as opposed to steaming - which can happen if the veggies are too crowded). If you use sheet pans for meals often, I recommend investing in a really big sheet pan to make your life easier (I havethis oneand LOVE it for sheet pan meals!)
  • Canned tomatoes - If it's not tomato season feel free to use canned tomatoes instead of fresh. Add 1-2 (15 oz) cans of whole peeled, diced, or crushed tomatoes into the blender when blending the roasted veggies. I use two cans when I want the sauce to have a more tomato-y flavor and a redder color. But If you only have one can, that works, too!
  • A note on sauce color - If you have a particularly picky eater and are worried about the sauce having more of an orange or brown-ish color that your little one is used to, you may choose to leave out the zucchini or swap it for another yellow squash. You can also reduce the amount of mushrooms. The green in the zucchini and brown in the mushrooms cause the color to lean more brown than red.
  • Herbs - You can use Italian seasoning in place of the oregano and basil if you'd like. You can also use fresh herbs in place of the dried. Use 1 tablespoon of each and add them in when you're blending the sauce.
  • Salt - If you're making this sauce for young BLW babies (6-12 months) feel free to omit the salt if you'd like.

    More Veggies and Sides

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    • Roasted Pumpkin For Baby Led Weaning

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    Hidden Veggie Pasta Sauce for Babies and Kids - Baby Led Bliss (2024)


    Is hidden veggie pasta good for you? ›

    Hidden Veggie Pasta is an easy, healthy, and delicious recipe! Made with tons of colorful roasted vegetables, flavorful seasonings, and rigatoni pasta … this sauce is super customizable, creamy, nutritious, and freezer friendly. It is a perfect way to sneak in some extra veggies to your kids' and your own meals!

    How long does veggie sauce last in the fridge? ›

    How to I store this veggie sauce? I keep it in an air-tight container (like a mason jar) for about a week in the fridge. Or I portion it out into freezer safe containers and freeze it to use for up to 2 months!

    Can my baby have pasta sauce? ›

    Many of the sauces that you find in the supermarket can often be quite high in salt and sugar, and might not be ideal for young babies. As with everything, they can be useful for convenience and it's fine to use them every now and then.

    Can you freeze pasta sauce? ›

    Once opened, jarred pasta can be frozen for longer storage. "You can freeze any unused sauce in an airtight container. Use it within six months for the best quality experience," says Birmingham. Homemade pasta sauce can also be frozen as long as it doesn't contain cream or cheese.

    Is veggie pasta really healthy? ›

    Beans, lentils, edamame, and chickpeas can be counted as either vegetables or protein sources. So it's no surprise that pastas made with any one of these are packed with protein. “They really do pack a nice nutritional punch when compared with other pasta varietals,” Romano says.

    What is the unhealthiest pasta dish? ›

    7 Unhealthy Pasta Dishes To Avoid
    • Spaghetti Bolognese with Meatballs. "Bolognese" usually denotes meat sauce, but a few more meatballs added in can really start to ratchet up the calories, saturated fat, and sodium. ...
    • Lasagna. ...
    • Ravioli. ...
    • Pasta Alfredo. ...
    • Seafood Linguine. ...
    • Pesto Pasta. ...
    • Pasta Primavera.
    Nov 16, 2011

    What does veggie pasta taste like? ›

    It tastes and cooks like regular pasta, but with veggies as part of the pasta. Love it! Good pasta, smaller size. My favorite brand of grocery store pasta is De Cecco, but Barilla runs a close second, if not equal in some categories.

    Why can't you freeze cooked pasta? ›

    While it won't be as good as it was freshly made, you can freeze cooked pasta. As explained by the Kitchn, cooked pasta that's not yet tossed in sauce will generally freeze better than already-sauced pasta, maintaining its texture more nicely once thawed.

    Is sauce still good if left out overnight? ›

    Leftover Jarred Sauce and Homemade Varieties:

    Opened jars of store-bought sauce and all homemade pasta sauce creations, regardless of ingredients, fall under the umbrella of perishable foods. Here's the golden rulefrom food safety experts: never leave perishable foods out at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

    What is the healthiest pasta for babies? ›

    Generally pasta made from legume flour (black bean pasta, chickpea pasta, lentil pasta) is more nutrient-dense than pasta made from rice and wheat flours. Enriched pasta will also offer even more nutrients like iron and some B vitamins.

    Which pasta sauce is good for kids? ›

    I love veggie-loading pasta sauces (hello sweet potato sauce, beetroot pesto, hidden veggie sauce, and butternut squash sauce) because it's such an easy and delicious way to get more veggies into my children's diets that they may not otherwise eat.

    When can babies have cheese? ›

    Cheese can form part of a healthy, balanced diet for babies and young children, and provides calcium, protein and vitamins. Babies can eat pasteurised full-fat cheese from 6 months old. This includes hard cheeses, such as mild cheddar cheese, cottage cheese and cream cheese.

    Is it better to freeze pasta with or without sauce? ›

    Our favorite way to freeze pasta dishes is to freeze the sauce and the noodles separately. Not only does this keep the consistency in a good place, but your noodles won't absorb the sauce in your freezer AND it looks cool so wins all around!

    What is the best container to freeze sauce in? ›

    Souper Cubes 1/2-Cup Freezing Tray with Lid

    That means your sauces won't suffer from being repeatedly thawed and refrozen in larger containers—a process that can ruin them.

    Does pasta sauce go bad? ›

    Homemade pasta sauce can be kept in the fridge for three to four days and store-bought sauce can last for up to four days. Homemade pasta should last in the fridge for one to two days and cooked pasta should keep in the fridge for three to five days.

    What is the healthiest type of pasta to buy? ›

    6 Healthy Noodles You Should Be Eating, According to a Dietitian
    • Whole-Wheat Pasta.
    • Chickpea Pasta.
    • Veggie Noodles.
    • Red Lentil Pasta.
    • Soba Noodles.
    • White Pasta.
    Jul 13, 2023

    Is boxed veggie pasta healthy? ›

    Vegetable and legume-based pasta may contain other additives. Just because it contains a small quantity of vegetables doesn't mean it's healthful for you. Vegetable-based pasta with only a little vegetable powder to give it color is still high in carbs and not the waistline-friendly.

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    From a nutritional standpoint, both processed and ultra-processed food products can provide key nutrients that are retained during processing.

    Is veggie pasta still a carb? ›

    Veggie pasta contains wheat and powder from a variety of vegetables such as carrots and sweet corn. Depending on the brand, 2 ounces can contain one-fourth to a half serving of vegetables. Typically, a 2-ounce serving contains 200 calories, 41g of carbs, 8g of protein, and 4g of fiber.

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