How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (2024)

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If you’re on a low-carb diet or simply trying to eat healthier, replacing regular pasta with zoodles (zucchini noodles) is a delicious better-for-you option. In this post, I’ll show you how to make zoodles, as well as how to cook zucchini noodles.

You won’t believe how quick and easy it is to make healthy zoodles today! In fact, making zoodles can be faster than boiling a pot of water with regular noodles.

When you top your zoodles with your favorite pasta sauce, you will hardly taste the difference and this zoodles recipe is SO much better for you than regular noodles!

this idea now...

What Are Zoodles?

Simply put, zoodles are a fun way to say zucchini noodles, which are long thin pieces of zucchini vegetable noodles that have been peeled or ‘spiralized’ (more on that below). Zucchini pasta or zoodles are perfect for low carb, Paleo, gluten-free eating, or just eating a little better.

Zoodles are a great way to almost effortlessly add more veggies into your family’s diet and they sure do make spaghetti pasta night a lot more healthy!

Video: What are Zoodles? + How to Cook Zucchini Noodles

If this sounds like something super complicated, I’m happy to ensure you that it’s quite simple! In fact, I put together a quick video showing you how to cook zucchini noodles. Plus, I’ll share my tips for avoiding watery noodles.

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (2)

How to make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles)

You may have heard of making zucchini noodles with a spiralizerHow to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (3). But you can also make them with a basic everyday peelerHow to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (4)– the one you probably already have in your kitchen.

Both zoodle-making methods are easy.

I personally prefer my spiralizer because it’s easy and fun to use. But if you don’t have one and don’t feel like adding another gadget to your kitchen, try a good ol’ peeler to make your own veggie noodles; it really does work!

What You’ll Need for 2-4 servings:

How To Make Zucchini Noodles Without A Spiralizer Using A Peeler

Step 1: Make long peels down the length of the zucchini…

Yes, you can use the skin of the zucchini too; just be sure to wash well before peeling.

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (9)

Step 2. Keep peeling…

…until you’ve used up as much of the zucchini as you can and you have a nice pile of zoodles!

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (10)

How to Prepare Zoodles with a Spiralizer…

Making zucchini noodles with a spiralizer is what I mean when I say “spiralized zoodles.” For this easy zoodles recipe method, you’ll want to simply follow the directions for your spiralizer.

My spiralizer instructions involve putting the gadget together, placing the zucchini on the spikey spot, then turning away as the pretty zoodle noodles are cut.

Update: This is now my favorite spiralizer because it’s incredibly easy to use and clean, plus it’s inexpensive!

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (11)

You can see how the spiralizer makes a finer zucchini noodle than the peeled version, but both will taste the same.

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (12)

How to Cook Zoodles

There are so many ways you can cook these zucchini noodles, and I have several recipes below to share with you. However, this is my go-to method for cooking basic zoodles.

Saute your zoodles in a saucepan until tender. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve.

Check out the full instructions, plus how to avoid watery zoodles below.

Done. It can be even faster to cook zoodles than it is to cook regular pasta!

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (13)

Serve your zoodles with your favorite pasta or meat sauce. Tip: my easy homemade pasta sauce recipe goes perfectly with this zoodles recipe!

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (14)

Tips for How to Make Zoodles

If you’re using a peeler to make your veg noodles, a larger zucchini will be easier to hold. Smaller-medium-sized zucchinis are easier to make into zoodles with a spiralizer than giant zucchinis.

How to make zoodles not watery

One complaint I’ve heard is that people say their zoodles are too watery after cooking. Here is how to avoid watery zucchini noodles:

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (15)

1. After spiralizing or peeling, pat your zoodles between paper towels. If you made a big batch, you can layer a few paper towels on a baking sheet, spread your zoodles on top, then press paper towels on top.

2. Sprinkle with salt and allow to rest for 10-20 minutes.

3. Press into the paper towels one more time then you’re ready to cook your zoodles.

4. Saute your zoodles for the best non-watery results. Do not cover with a lid as this will make them more watery. Also do not overcook.

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (16)

I’ve heard that baking zoodles in the oven works well for avoiding watery zucchini noodles, however, I personally prefer a few minutes of sauteing on the stove compared to heating up my oven during the hot summer months.

Zoodle Recipes to Try

Now that you know how to cook zucchini noodles to enjoy with pasta sauce, let’s dive into some other recipes. Here are seven zoodle dishes I found online that looked fantastic.

I hope this post has encouraged you to give these yummy zucchini noodles a try! You won’t regret it.

For more zoodles recipes and tips, check out my Zoodles / Zucchini Noodles Pinterest board here.

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (17)


How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles)

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (18)

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★★★★★5 from 4 reviews

The best recipe for making and cooking delicious healthy zucchini zoodles using a peeler or a spiralizer!

  • Author: Erika Bragdon
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 15 mins
  • Yield: 2-4 servings 1x
  • Category: vegetable
  • Method: cook
  • Cuisine: American




Making Zoodles with a Peeler:

Make long peels down the length of the zucchini.

Making Zoodles with a Spiralizer:

Follow the spiralizer directions.

Cooking Instructions:

For the best, less-watery results, sprinkle with a little salt, then press your zucchini noodles between paper towels and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Pat with a paper towel one more time before cooking. You can skip the waiting step if you’re in a rush and still have tasty zoodles however they may be more watery.

Saute your zoodles in a pan with a little avocado oil or olive oil over medium heat. Cook for 4-6 minutes or until the zoodles become tender. Sprinkle salt and pepper over your zoodles, stir once more, and serve with your favorite sauce.

Keywords: zoodles, zucchini, paleo, gluten-free, grain-free, pasta

Pin the image below to save the zucchini noodles recipe for later!

How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (23)

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How to Make Zoodles (Zucchini Noodles) (2024)
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